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JCornford Portfolio
James Cornford
Age: 30 (Date of Birth; 23.02.83)
Email: james@jcornford.com
Phone: 07791097150
Web: www.jcornford.com
Twitter: @jcornford
LinkedIn: http://uk.linkedin.com/in/jcornford

I sell words and ideas to fund my adventures on and off the bike.

To define things in the more traditional sense, I am a sports journalist and marketer
in both B2B and B2C sectors with experience at Olympic and World Championship
level, handling roles such as Brand Manager and Olympic Test Event Media
Manager, through to Copy Writer, Project Manager and Producer.

In my personal time I am a cyclist, no matter the wheel size, where I have
raced downhill to a national level, but my biggest achievement was qualifying
for the 2012 BMX World Championships and finishing 17th. In 2013 it's all
change as I look to take on the challenge of triathlon.
PR & Copy Writing
My pr and copywriting skills have featured in regional, national and international campaigns, with a wide variety of subject matters from
guttering and trunking, through to independant art movements and Olympic sports, across both B2B and B2C markets. I believe this variety has
added depth to my work and allows me to jump into any industry and subject matter very quickly.

?     B2B & B2C
?     Catered to target audience and publications
?     Niche & mainstream
?     Digital & traditional media
?     Established network of contacts
Case Study
B2B Advertising
Time costs money!

Company: Marshall-Tufflex

Aim: Promote and increase sales for key product lines.

Explanation: Undertaking the tasks of brief creation, design
concept, copy writing and media buying, I produced a 6 advert
multinational advertising campaign aimed at mechanical & electri-
cal contractors, architects and key specifiers/influencers.

The main concept revolved around the ability for these products
to speed up instalation and thus reduce time/labour costs, the
most expense element of a job!

Result: Improved media buying resulted in lower advertising
space costs.

Highest response rate in the companies history based on the
number of reader reply cards received.
Case Study
B2B Copy Writing
Horses for Courses
“Meating The Media” Head On

Company: Don’t Believe The Hype (DBTH)

Aim: The promotion of DBTH as a leading figure
in Maraketing & PR within the Brighton area.

Explanation: Promotion/education of marketing
concepts to the business community in Brighton,
through features for the DBTH website, which will
then be pitched at industry and city publications.

Result: The Brighton & Hove Chamber of
Commerce published the article on responsive
marketing and have requested the production of
regular content.


Case Study
B2C Copy Writing
Our Best Tasting Jersey!

Company: Tenn-Outdoors

Aim: Increase sales by playing to the products strengths.

Explanation: Formerly known as the Trail Jersey, this range of short and long
sleeve jerseys had nothing to really make them stand out from the crowd, unless
you looked really carefully!

Rather than standard polyester, these jerseys were made from coffee, yes the
same stuff you have probably drunk too much of today! With that in mind I went
about rebranding them to make the most out of their unique construction and thus
the Espresso Jersey was born.

Result: This grabbed the attention ofthe magazines during product reviews and
saw sales triple within the first week!

                      “Thanks to it’s magic bean material......

                      No word on whether it’ll magically transform your sweat
                      into delicious espresso juice, but we can dream.”

                       “Out of all the new kit vying for our attention at Eurobike,
                       some less desirable than others, Tenn Outdoors made
                       us really perk up.”
Sports Journalism
With my pen (well keyboard actually), I have worked in-house and on a
freelance basis for some of the leading publications and websites in the
cycling industry and for the Olympic sport of table tennis.

The roles held at these various publications include:
?     Publisher
?     Editor
?     Features Writer
?     Editorial Columnist
?     Race Editor
?     Event Reporter
?     News Reporter
?     Product Tester
Case Study
B2B Sports Journalism
The Direct Approach

Company: BikeBiz

Aim: To highlight the growing trend for manufacturers to change
their route to market, bypassing wholesale distributors and dealing
directly with the retailers.

Explanation: Combining my years of industry knowledge, I also
spoke to two key industry figures, an early adopter of the direct
approach, Alex Coventry from Mavic, and Charles Russell from
Rocky Mountain, who have used both models in different markets
around the world and whose current UK operation was due to be

Result:The article was published in the the main B2B cycling
industry publication and was well recieved by the editorial team at
BikeBiz and those within the Cycling industry.

"A well researched article on an emerging industry trend, top
Mark Sutton - Deputy Editor, Bikebiz
Case Study
B2C Sports Journalism
The Direct Approach

Company: Englsih Table Tennis Association

Aim: To manage, source, edit and create all content for the
monthly magazine of the NGB of the Olympic sport of table tennis.

Explanation: Upon taking charge of Table Tennis News I
instigated a face lift of the title to bring it up to date and inject a
more features based bias.

Regular coaching features, along with an editorial coloumn and life
style pieces were written and edited by myself, with regular
contributors in the form of Times Columnist Matthew Syed and
Jeremy Wilson of The Telegraph.

Result: Increase in younger readership figures in line with the
organisations goals, plus a more valid membership benefit and
improved feedback from the readers and contributors.

From project managing a companies exhibtion presence and visual representation, through to marketing and media management for
international sports events, I have worked across a broad spectrum of events and handled many roles within them.

? Brief Creation     ? Design Concept   ? Media Management
? Event Reporting    ? PR               ? Supplier Selection/Buying
? Event Literature   ? Publicity
Case Study
B2B Exhibtion
See Through Walls!

Company: Marshall-Tufflex

Aim: Display products at a trade

Exhibtion: M&E Building Services
Event - Earls Court

Explanation: Many of the
companies electrical products
performed their tasks in new
innovative ways, but were often
items that could never be seen in
their working environments as they
were inside walls or under floors.
This meant that most companies
would display a portfolio of items in
cabinets or wall mounted. I came up
with the concept of showing them in
situ by cutting out sections of the
wall and floor and replace them with
perspex (allowing people to walk
over them).

Result: The complete cable
management range was displayed
as it was intended to be used, this
made selling and demonstrating it a
lot easier for the sales force.

The stand was flooded with
customers and competitors!
Case Study
B2C Event
Olympic Test Event

Company: English Table Tennis Assocition/LOCOG

Aim: Promote the sport of table tennis to the masses
and gain media exposure.

Pre event
Project managing the promotions, website creation,
media accreditation, publicity and pr.

Media Manager for the large press contingent made
up of 148 accredited journalists covering, print, web,
radio, photography and TV from the UK and abroad.
Running a team of staff producing in depth coverage
across all digital mediums, as well as LOCOG staff
acting as mixed zone and photography managers.

Result: Large ticket take up from the public and
international coverage from a field of 148 accredited
journalists, below is a smaple of where some of the
coverage appeared.

?   Guardian               ?   BBC
?   CNN                    ?   Today
?   Sky Sports             ?   Eurosport
?   The Metro              ?   The Evening Standard
?   More Than The Games    ?   Channel News Asia
?   Telegraph              ?   The Score
?   Around The Rings       ?   Sporting Life
?    Inside The Games
Digital Marketing
One term that covers so many project types!

For today’s marketer it is very rare that digital marketing doesn’t play a big,
if not the dominant role within a project, I have created, developed and
maintained a wide range of digital marketing plans and projects including:

?      Project managment
?      Web audits
?      Wordpress site creation/management
?      Website development
?      Video editing
?      Video story board creation
?      SEO
?      Email marketing
?      Content creation
?      Pay Per Click
?      Analysis
Case Study
B2B Digital Marketing
Viral Marketing

Company: Marshall-Tufflex

Aim: To grow awareness of a new product/brand.

Explanation: In a very saturated market
alternative avenues of promotion needed to be
used to make an impact! I came up with the
concept of a vrial space invaders game to run
along side the similarly themed advertising

After entering your high score there was the
option to challenge a friend and also to request a
brochure, as well as having key information in the
games side bars.

This was initially emailed to a targetted list of
architects and specifiers and then left to go viral!

Result: The sales force noticed a significant
increase in brand awareness and perception of
the company was evolving into one of being
modern and forward thinking, having previously
had a reputation of being safe and reliable, but a
little stale!
Case Study
B2C Digital Marketing
Selling a Lifestyle

Company: Tenn-Outdoors

Aim: Move away from promoting purely on a
price point.

Explanation: If you want to grow brand
loyalty, generate a feeling of empathy with
your customers and potential customers and
create an aspirational brand, then you need to
be selling a lifestyle.

The use of cold sales heavy imagery was
removed and replaced with lifestyle imagery
and phrases.

Result: Public perception of the brand
changed, comments were no longer purely
price driven, customers were responding as if
they had found a secret gem of a company,
rather than a cheap one off purchase.
Social Media
Why be known by your customers when you can be “friends” with them?
Being closer to your customers makes your customers closer to you!

There are more social media platforms out there than there are acronyms
in a marketers toolkit, but there are six main outlets that I have used to
give the organisations I work for a public face and to bring them closer to
their target audience, as well as acting as valuable multimedia outlets.

?     Facebook
?     Twitter
?     Flickr
?     You Tube
?     LinkedIn
?     Pinterest
Case Study
B2B Social Media

Group: Sports Creative

Aim: To create a network of creative professionals
working in the sports industry

Explanation: I have set up the members only
LinkedIn group Sports Creative to act as a central
location for those working in creative jobs within the
sports industry to share ideas, contacts and ask
advice. From marketing and pr through to social
media and graphic design, this group serves them all,
we all have areas of expertise and like wise we all
have questions, Sports Creative provides a place to
work together and pool our knowledge.

Result: This closed group with vetted membership
currently stands at over 290 members, which
includes individuals from some very influential
companies/organisations from all around the world.

Members include journalists, photographers, creative
directors and marketing managers from companies
such as:.

?   Red Bull               ?   BBC
?   PUMA                   ?   Telegraph
?   Sky Sports             ?   NBC
?   ESPN                   ?   FIFA
?   Adidas                 ?   Fox Sports
Case Study
B2C Social Media

Company: English Table Tennis Association (ETTA)

Aim: To work with Facebook and Sport England to
grow particpants through social Media, rather than
the traditional club structure.

Explanation: The ETTA were 1 of 6 National
Governing Bodies (NGB’s) to be involved in a
partnership with Sport England and Facebook to use
the social media platform to get more students to
participate in sport through special “social events”.

The other 5 sports used traditional game scenarios
with social media leagues, where as the ETTA
embraced the social aspect, placing tables in student
union bars and encouraging informal games and
party nights with dj’s and a few drinks.

Result: The ETTA were able to get individuals that
ordinarily wouldn’t think about playing to get involved
due to the informal and social nature of the project,
where as the other sports only really attracted people
that would have played anyway!

The target of 2,000 people playing and interacting
with the table tennis Sports Hub facebook apps and
page was achieved within 2 months.

Facebook became a big part of the ETTA’s pr and
news delivery system, taking particular prominence
for event reporting. During the English Open
impressions reached 13,000 a day!
I have managed and created local, regional and
international advertising campaigns in both B2B
and B2C scenarios, for a variety of business

As with the majority of projects I undertake, I
handle every aspect apart from the actual design
work, the roles that I have handled include:

?     Project management
?     Brief creation
?     Design concept
?     Media buying.
?     Analysis
Direct Marketing
Allthough potentially seen as unfashionable in the
digital marketing age, I have found that within the
right environment a traditional direct mail campaign
can still be a very effective approach and is one I
have used to great results particulalrly within the
B2B sector.

?     B2B & B2C
?     Catered to target audience
?     Brief Creation
?     Design Concept
?     Supplier sourcing/buying
?     Mailing list creation/sourcing
Case Study
B2B Direct Mail
Golf Mailer

Company: Marshall-Tufflex

Aim: Secure sales appointments using a targeted mailing list.

Explanation: After purchasing a mailing list of key contacts that the sale
force wanted to secure meetings with, the job in hand was to entice those
contacts via the method of targeted direct mails.

Instead of a normal direct mail, I came up with the idea of a die cut
incentivised mailing, themed around the companies product and golf, due to
the high popularity of the sport within the industry. All of those that returned
the prepaid reply slip would receive some product literature and a set of
(Marshall-Tufflex branded) golf balls and tees, these would then be hand
delivered by the sales rep, thus gifting them an appointment.

Result: A 22.5% reply rate based against the industry standard of 0.5-1.5%.
“James has three important things working in his favour, he know's what he's talking about, the quality of his work is excellent, infact he delivered
well beyond our expectation and he's a really easy guy to work with too! So he comes thoroughly recommended as far as we are concerned.”
Nick York, Director, 2UpFront Design

“James delivers creative copy with punch. He crafts words to great effect and has proved highly valuable in our press-centric campaigns.”
Chris Garrett - Director, Abstraktion

“Great writer and all those in depth interviews is what I love about James. Research, knowledge and passion are second to none. A great guy
who always has a smile on his face...”

Jonathan Beckett - Owner/Editor Descent-World

“James is an exceptionally talented marketing and communications practitioner. He possesses the ability to think strategically and practically and
can deliver high quality work, independently or as part of a team. What impressed me most about the three years I worked with James was his
?exible approach and ability to learn and implement new skills. He continually strives to improve. James’ implementation of a clear and uni?ed
Social Media Strategy enabled the ETTA to move into new markets, opening up a host of additional opportunities and revenue streams that were
previously untapped. I highly recommend James.”

Richard Pettit, National Communications Manager, English Table Tennis Association

“Not only is James a really nice guy that you warm to immediately, but he is also a very strong PR and Marketing Comms professional. I have
seen the evidence of James work ethic and ability both up close and from afar and must admit to being a big fan of what I have seen. Creative,
driven and passionate to deliver results I would recommend James wholeheartedly.”
 Mark Almond, Owner, Red Cloud Marketing & Communications

“James is clearly passionate about his field, and developing a positive working relationship to create results. His insight into the ever adapting
marketing opportunities to promote his brand is refreshing.”
Philip Everett-Lyons, Senior Sales Executive, Future Publishing
Tel: 07791097150
     Email: james@jcornford.com
         Twiiter: @jcornford
077910 97150   james@jcornford.com   @jcornford


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JCornford Portfolio

  • 2. James Cornford Age: 30 (Date of Birth; 23.02.83) Email: james@jcornford.com Phone: 07791097150 Web: www.jcornford.com Twitter: @jcornford LinkedIn: http://uk.linkedin.com/in/jcornford I sell words and ideas to fund my adventures on and off the bike. To define things in the more traditional sense, I am a sports journalist and marketer in both B2B and B2C sectors with experience at Olympic and World Championship level, handling roles such as Brand Manager and Olympic Test Event Media Manager, through to Copy Writer, Project Manager and Producer. In my personal time I am a cyclist, no matter the wheel size, where I have raced downhill to a national level, but my biggest achievement was qualifying for the 2012 BMX World Championships and finishing 17th. In 2013 it's all change as I look to take on the challenge of triathlon.
  • 3. PR & Copy Writing My pr and copywriting skills have featured in regional, national and international campaigns, with a wide variety of subject matters from guttering and trunking, through to independant art movements and Olympic sports, across both B2B and B2C markets. I believe this variety has added depth to my work and allows me to jump into any industry and subject matter very quickly. ? B2B & B2C ? Catered to target audience and publications ? Niche & mainstream ? Digital & traditional media ? Established network of contacts
  • 4. Case Study B2B Advertising Time costs money! Company: Marshall-Tufflex Aim: Promote and increase sales for key product lines. Explanation: Undertaking the tasks of brief creation, design concept, copy writing and media buying, I produced a 6 advert multinational advertising campaign aimed at mechanical & electri- cal contractors, architects and key specifiers/influencers. The main concept revolved around the ability for these products to speed up instalation and thus reduce time/labour costs, the most expense element of a job! Result: Improved media buying resulted in lower advertising space costs. Highest response rate in the companies history based on the number of reader reply cards received.
  • 5. Case Study B2B Copy Writing Horses for Courses “Meating The Media” Head On Company: Don’t Believe The Hype (DBTH) Aim: The promotion of DBTH as a leading figure in Maraketing & PR within the Brighton area. Explanation: Promotion/education of marketing concepts to the business community in Brighton, through features for the DBTH website, which will then be pitched at industry and city publications. Result: The Brighton & Hove Chamber of Commerce published the article on responsive marketing and have requested the production of regular content. http://www.businessinbrighton.org.uk/blog/horses -courses-meating-the-media-head-on www.dontbelievethehype.biz www.businessinbrighton.org.uk
  • 6. Case Study B2C Copy Writing Our Best Tasting Jersey! Company: Tenn-Outdoors Aim: Increase sales by playing to the products strengths. Explanation: Formerly known as the Trail Jersey, this range of short and long sleeve jerseys had nothing to really make them stand out from the crowd, unless you looked really carefully! Rather than standard polyester, these jerseys were made from coffee, yes the same stuff you have probably drunk too much of today! With that in mind I went about rebranding them to make the most out of their unique construction and thus the Espresso Jersey was born. Result: This grabbed the attention ofthe magazines during product reviews and saw sales triple within the first week! “Thanks to it’s magic bean material...... No word on whether it’ll magically transform your sweat into delicious espresso juice, but we can dream.” “Out of all the new kit vying for our attention at Eurobike, some less desirable than others, Tenn Outdoors made us really perk up.”
  • 7. Sports Journalism With my pen (well keyboard actually), I have worked in-house and on a freelance basis for some of the leading publications and websites in the cycling industry and for the Olympic sport of table tennis. The roles held at these various publications include: ? Publisher ? Editor ? Features Writer ? Editorial Columnist ? Race Editor ? Event Reporter ? News Reporter ? Product Tester
  • 8. Case Study B2B Sports Journalism The Direct Approach Company: BikeBiz Aim: To highlight the growing trend for manufacturers to change their route to market, bypassing wholesale distributors and dealing directly with the retailers. Explanation: Combining my years of industry knowledge, I also spoke to two key industry figures, an early adopter of the direct approach, Alex Coventry from Mavic, and Charles Russell from Rocky Mountain, who have used both models in different markets around the world and whose current UK operation was due to be changed. Result:The article was published in the the main B2B cycling industry publication and was well recieved by the editorial team at BikeBiz and those within the Cycling industry. "A well researched article on an emerging industry trend, top work." Mark Sutton - Deputy Editor, Bikebiz
  • 9. Case Study B2C Sports Journalism The Direct Approach Company: Englsih Table Tennis Association Aim: To manage, source, edit and create all content for the monthly magazine of the NGB of the Olympic sport of table tennis. Explanation: Upon taking charge of Table Tennis News I instigated a face lift of the title to bring it up to date and inject a more features based bias. Regular coaching features, along with an editorial coloumn and life style pieces were written and edited by myself, with regular contributors in the form of Times Columnist Matthew Syed and Jeremy Wilson of The Telegraph. Result: Increase in younger readership figures in line with the organisations goals, plus a more valid membership benefit and improved feedback from the readers and contributors.
  • 10. Events From project managing a companies exhibtion presence and visual representation, through to marketing and media management for international sports events, I have worked across a broad spectrum of events and handled many roles within them. ? Brief Creation ? Design Concept ? Media Management ? Event Reporting ? PR ? Supplier Selection/Buying ? Event Literature ? Publicity
  • 11. Case Study B2B Exhibtion See Through Walls! Company: Marshall-Tufflex Aim: Display products at a trade exhibition. Exhibtion: M&E Building Services Event - Earls Court Explanation: Many of the companies electrical products performed their tasks in new innovative ways, but were often items that could never be seen in their working environments as they were inside walls or under floors. This meant that most companies would display a portfolio of items in cabinets or wall mounted. I came up with the concept of showing them in situ by cutting out sections of the wall and floor and replace them with perspex (allowing people to walk over them). Result: The complete cable management range was displayed as it was intended to be used, this made selling and demonstrating it a lot easier for the sales force. The stand was flooded with customers and competitors!
  • 12. Case Study B2C Event Olympic Test Event Company: English Table Tennis Assocition/LOCOG Aim: Promote the sport of table tennis to the masses and gain media exposure. Explanation: Pre event Project managing the promotions, website creation, media accreditation, publicity and pr. Event Media Manager for the large press contingent made up of 148 accredited journalists covering, print, web, radio, photography and TV from the UK and abroad. . Running a team of staff producing in depth coverage across all digital mediums, as well as LOCOG staff acting as mixed zone and photography managers. Result: Large ticket take up from the public and international coverage from a field of 148 accredited journalists, below is a smaple of where some of the coverage appeared. ? Guardian ? BBC ? CNN ? Today ? Sky Sports ? Eurosport ? The Metro ? The Evening Standard ? More Than The Games ? Channel News Asia ? Telegraph ? The Score ? Around The Rings ? Sporting Life ? Inside The Games
  • 13. Digital Marketing One term that covers so many project types! For today’s marketer it is very rare that digital marketing doesn’t play a big, if not the dominant role within a project, I have created, developed and maintained a wide range of digital marketing plans and projects including: ? Project managment ? Web audits ? Wordpress site creation/management ? Website development ? Video editing ? Video story board creation ? SEO ? Email marketing ? Content creation ? Pay Per Click ? Analysis
  • 14. Case Study B2B Digital Marketing Viral Marketing Company: Marshall-Tufflex Aim: To grow awareness of a new product/brand. Explanation: In a very saturated market alternative avenues of promotion needed to be used to make an impact! I came up with the concept of a vrial space invaders game to run along side the similarly themed advertising campaign. After entering your high score there was the option to challenge a friend and also to request a brochure, as well as having key information in the games side bars. This was initially emailed to a targetted list of architects and specifiers and then left to go viral! Result: The sales force noticed a significant increase in brand awareness and perception of the company was evolving into one of being modern and forward thinking, having previously had a reputation of being safe and reliable, but a little stale!
  • 15. Case Study B2C Digital Marketing Selling a Lifestyle Company: Tenn-Outdoors Aim: Move away from promoting purely on a price point. Explanation: If you want to grow brand loyalty, generate a feeling of empathy with your customers and potential customers and create an aspirational brand, then you need to be selling a lifestyle. The use of cold sales heavy imagery was removed and replaced with lifestyle imagery and phrases. Result: Public perception of the brand changed, comments were no longer purely price driven, customers were responding as if they had found a secret gem of a company, rather than a cheap one off purchase.
  • 16. Social Media Why be known by your customers when you can be “friends” with them? Being closer to your customers makes your customers closer to you! There are more social media platforms out there than there are acronyms in a marketers toolkit, but there are six main outlets that I have used to give the organisations I work for a public face and to bring them closer to their target audience, as well as acting as valuable multimedia outlets. ? Facebook ? Twitter ? Flickr ? You Tube ? LinkedIn ? Pinterest
  • 17. Case Study B2B Social Media LinkedIn Group: Sports Creative Aim: To create a network of creative professionals working in the sports industry Explanation: I have set up the members only LinkedIn group Sports Creative to act as a central location for those working in creative jobs within the sports industry to share ideas, contacts and ask advice. From marketing and pr through to social media and graphic design, this group serves them all, we all have areas of expertise and like wise we all have questions, Sports Creative provides a place to work together and pool our knowledge. Result: This closed group with vetted membership currently stands at over 290 members, which includes individuals from some very influential companies/organisations from all around the world. Members include journalists, photographers, creative directors and marketing managers from companies such as:. ? Red Bull ? BBC ? PUMA ? Telegraph ? Sky Sports ? NBC ? ESPN ? FIFA ? Adidas ? Fox Sports
  • 18. Case Study B2C Social Media Facebook Company: English Table Tennis Association (ETTA) Aim: To work with Facebook and Sport England to grow particpants through social Media, rather than the traditional club structure. Explanation: The ETTA were 1 of 6 National Governing Bodies (NGB’s) to be involved in a partnership with Sport England and Facebook to use the social media platform to get more students to participate in sport through special “social events”. The other 5 sports used traditional game scenarios with social media leagues, where as the ETTA embraced the social aspect, placing tables in student union bars and encouraging informal games and party nights with dj’s and a few drinks. Result: The ETTA were able to get individuals that ordinarily wouldn’t think about playing to get involved due to the informal and social nature of the project, where as the other sports only really attracted people that would have played anyway! The target of 2,000 people playing and interacting with the table tennis Sports Hub facebook apps and page was achieved within 2 months. Facebook became a big part of the ETTA’s pr and news delivery system, taking particular prominence for event reporting. During the English Open impressions reached 13,000 a day!
  • 19. Advertising I have managed and created local, regional and international advertising campaigns in both B2B and B2C scenarios, for a variety of business sectors. As with the majority of projects I undertake, I handle every aspect apart from the actual design work, the roles that I have handled include: ? Project management ? Brief creation ? Design concept ? Media buying. ? Analysis
  • 20. Direct Marketing Allthough potentially seen as unfashionable in the digital marketing age, I have found that within the right environment a traditional direct mail campaign can still be a very effective approach and is one I have used to great results particulalrly within the B2B sector. ? B2B & B2C ? Catered to target audience ? Brief Creation ? Design Concept ? Supplier sourcing/buying ? Mailing list creation/sourcing
  • 21. Case Study B2B Direct Mail Golf Mailer Company: Marshall-Tufflex Aim: Secure sales appointments using a targeted mailing list. Explanation: After purchasing a mailing list of key contacts that the sale force wanted to secure meetings with, the job in hand was to entice those contacts via the method of targeted direct mails. Instead of a normal direct mail, I came up with the idea of a die cut incentivised mailing, themed around the companies product and golf, due to the high popularity of the sport within the industry. All of those that returned the prepaid reply slip would receive some product literature and a set of (Marshall-Tufflex branded) golf balls and tees, these would then be hand delivered by the sales rep, thus gifting them an appointment. Result: A 22.5% reply rate based against the industry standard of 0.5-1.5%.
  • 22. Recommendations “James has three important things working in his favour, he know's what he's talking about, the quality of his work is excellent, infact he delivered well beyond our expectation and he's a really easy guy to work with too! So he comes thoroughly recommended as far as we are concerned.” Nick York, Director, 2UpFront Design “James delivers creative copy with punch. He crafts words to great effect and has proved highly valuable in our press-centric campaigns.” Chris Garrett - Director, Abstraktion “Great writer and all those in depth interviews is what I love about James. Research, knowledge and passion are second to none. A great guy who always has a smile on his face...” Jonathan Beckett - Owner/Editor Descent-World “James is an exceptionally talented marketing and communications practitioner. He possesses the ability to think strategically and practically and can deliver high quality work, independently or as part of a team. What impressed me most about the three years I worked with James was his ?exible approach and ability to learn and implement new skills. He continually strives to improve. James’ implementation of a clear and uni?ed Social Media Strategy enabled the ETTA to move into new markets, opening up a host of additional opportunities and revenue streams that were previously untapped. I highly recommend James.” Richard Pettit, National Communications Manager, English Table Tennis Association “Not only is James a really nice guy that you warm to immediately, but he is also a very strong PR and Marketing Comms professional. I have seen the evidence of James work ethic and ability both up close and from afar and must admit to being a big fan of what I have seen. Creative, driven and passionate to deliver results I would recommend James wholeheartedly.” Mark Almond, Owner, Red Cloud Marketing & Communications “James is clearly passionate about his field, and developing a positive working relationship to create results. His insight into the ever adapting marketing opportunities to promote his brand is refreshing.” Philip Everett-Lyons, Senior Sales Executive, Future Publishing
  • 23. Tel: 07791097150 Email: james@jcornford.com Twiiter: @jcornford 077910 97150 james@jcornford.com @jcornford www.jcornford.com