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    MC 2013 - 2014 application package
    Job Description: MC VP Finance and FK

    Position Role
The role of the VP F is to ensure financial stability and transparency of all entities in AIESEC Norway. The MCVPF is
responsible for planning and managing the finances in AIESEC Norway sustainably together with the MCP. MVCPF
also has a key role in ensuring strategic investments of AIESEC Norways financial resources and in ensuring
sustainable revenue generation through funds and grants applications.
In the Fredskorpset project the role of VP F is to assure the overall realization of the FK project, as project manager
and final responsible of the project. The VP F have to assure that all the grant requirement are meat and the overall
goals of the project are achieved. In this process she/ he will work with the MC VP OGX, VP ICX GCDP, MCP of
AIESEC Norway, project managers and MCPs of the partners countries.

Financial administration and management
   MC budgeting, tracking and revision
   Implement financial rules and principles within MC and towards LCs
   Execute internal accounting
   Update book keeping on a monthly basis
   Calculation of monthly LC-MC balance
   Ensure transparency to all members of current finance situation by monthly updates
   Coordinating with auditor to ensure that the external audit is done on time
   Handling MC bank account and cash
   Invoicing all relevant stakeholders of AIESEC Norway and ensure payment
   Income tracking and invoicing follow up
   Prepare quarterly financial reports and forecasts to Board of Directors meetings
   Financial controlling of all MC projects 
    Legal administration
 Manage all contracts of AIESEC Norway
 Manage legal status of organization together with MCP towards Norwegian government 
    Strategic development of Finance in AIESEC Norway
 Ensure proper financial management is implemented in all LCs and ensure LCs have the tools available for this
 Analysis and evaluation of the financial model of AIESEC Norway
 Strategic management of reserves and investment of financial resources
    Coach LCVPFs

Funds and grants
   Conduct research for different funds and grants relevant for AIESEC Norway
   Application and follow up of funds and grants through the year
   Maintain relations with the funding organizations
   Ensure all LCs have updated membership lists and paying members. Collect documentation for the same
   Continue and follow up the grants from 2012-2013 (EVS reporting, FK phase 3 of the project and reporting, LNU

    Conference managemant (Finance)
 Constant communication with OCP/VPF before conference
 Ensure conference budget is well prepared and followed
    Project Managemant of Fk project 13-14
 Ensure proper financial management of projects run in cooperation with externals, if any
 Conduct and manage the follow-up activities of the Fk project, including: communication with partner
    countries, communication with exchange participants both incoming and outgoing, assure that the reports are
    sent by participants and partner countries.
 Manage the Fk new project, starting from application form, communication with partner countries and
    participants, till the evaluation phase
 Constant communication with VP OGX and VP ICX GCDP to assure that the project goals are met
 Constant communication with participants, partners and Fk representatives
 Overall responsible for the project implementation
 Final responsible for the financial management of the project
 Responsible for creation of ongoing documentation of project
 Will attend partner meetings in Norway/or abroad potentially two times a year 

    Project Managemant of Fk project 12-13
 Ensure proper financial management of projects run in cooperation with externals, if any
 Conduct and manage the follow-up activities of the Fk project, including: communication with partner
    countries, communication with exchange participants both incoming and outgoing, assure that the reports are
    sent by participants and partner countries.
 Constant communication with participants, partners and Fk representatives
 Overall responsible for the project implementation
 Final responsible for the financial management of the project
 Responsible for creation of ongoing documentation of project
 Final responsible for submitting the narrative, financial and audit report for FK projec
Exchange and Finance Synergies
    Weekly communication with MCVP OGX, MCVP GCDP ICX and MCVP iGIP to ensure immediate invoicing of
     exchange income Involvement in goal setting for exchange with MCVP OGX, MCVP ICX GCDP and MCVP iGIP to
     ensure crucial input for budget creation and revision

     Measures of successs of Success
   Achievement of budget revenues while staying on track on expenses
   Prudent and austere financial management including financial control of MCP and MC
   Number of funds applied and granted and amounts received
   Financial stability and transparency on all levels in AIESEC Norway
   Number of funds applied and granted at LC level
   Achievement of Fk 13-14 project goals
   Successful evaluation on Fk old project 12

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Jd mcvp finance and fk

  • 1. AIESEC Norway MC 2013 - 2014 application package Job Description: MC VP Finance and FK Position Role The role of the VP F is to ensure financial stability and transparency of all entities in AIESEC Norway. The MCVPF is responsible for planning and managing the finances in AIESEC Norway sustainably together with the MCP. MVCPF also has a key role in ensuring strategic investments of AIESEC Norways financial resources and in ensuring sustainable revenue generation through funds and grants applications. In the Fredskorpset project the role of VP F is to assure the overall realization of the FK project, as project manager and final responsible of the project. The VP F have to assure that all the grant requirement are meat and the overall goals of the project are achieved. In this process she/ he will work with the MC VP OGX, VP ICX GCDP, MCP of AIESEC Norway, project managers and MCPs of the partners countries. Responsibilities Financial administration and management MC budgeting, tracking and revision Implement financial rules and principles within MC and towards LCs Execute internal accounting Update book keeping on a monthly basis Calculation of monthly LC-MC balance Ensure transparency to all members of current finance situation by monthly updates Coordinating with auditor to ensure that the external audit is done on time Handling MC bank account and cash Invoicing all relevant stakeholders of AIESEC Norway and ensure payment Income tracking and invoicing follow up Prepare quarterly financial reports and forecasts to Board of Directors meetings Financial controlling of all MC projects Legal administration Manage all contracts of AIESEC Norway Manage legal status of organization together with MCP towards Norwegian government Strategic development of Finance in AIESEC Norway Ensure proper financial management is implemented in all LCs and ensure LCs have the tools available for this Analysis and evaluation of the financial model of AIESEC Norway Strategic management of reserves and investment of financial resources
  • 2. Coaching Coach LCVPFs Funds and grants Conduct research for different funds and grants relevant for AIESEC Norway Application and follow up of funds and grants through the year Maintain relations with the funding organizations Ensure all LCs have updated membership lists and paying members. Collect documentation for the same Continue and follow up the grants from 2012-2013 (EVS reporting, FK phase 3 of the project and reporting, LNU reporting) Conference managemant (Finance) Constant communication with OCP/VPF before conference Ensure conference budget is well prepared and followed Project Managemant of Fk project 13-14 Ensure proper financial management of projects run in cooperation with externals, if any Conduct and manage the follow-up activities of the Fk project, including: communication with partner countries, communication with exchange participants both incoming and outgoing, assure that the reports are sent by participants and partner countries. Manage the Fk new project, starting from application form, communication with partner countries and participants, till the evaluation phase Constant communication with VP OGX and VP ICX GCDP to assure that the project goals are met Constant communication with participants, partners and Fk representatives Overall responsible for the project implementation Final responsible for the financial management of the project Responsible for creation of ongoing documentation of project Will attend partner meetings in Norway/or abroad potentially two times a year Project Managemant of Fk project 12-13 Ensure proper financial management of projects run in cooperation with externals, if any Conduct and manage the follow-up activities of the Fk project, including: communication with partner countries, communication with exchange participants both incoming and outgoing, assure that the reports are sent by participants and partner countries. Constant communication with participants, partners and Fk representatives Overall responsible for the project implementation Final responsible for the financial management of the project Responsible for creation of ongoing documentation of project Final responsible for submitting the narrative, financial and audit report for FK projec
  • 3. Exchange and Finance Synergies Weekly communication with MCVP OGX, MCVP GCDP ICX and MCVP iGIP to ensure immediate invoicing of exchange income Involvement in goal setting for exchange with MCVP OGX, MCVP ICX GCDP and MCVP iGIP to ensure crucial input for budget creation and revision Measures of successs of Success Achievement of budget revenues while staying on track on expenses Prudent and austere financial management including financial control of MCP and MC Number of funds applied and granted and amounts received Financial stability and transparency on all levels in AIESEC Norway Number of funds applied and granted at LC level Achievement of Fk 13-14 project goals Successful evaluation on Fk old project 12