24symbols at Bahrain's SLA-AGC24Symbols1. The document discusses the "Book as a Service" approach which provides content through APIs on the cloud using social and freemium models.
2. It argues that content alone is not enough and that businesses need to adopt models like freemium that provide both free and paid content/access.
3. The "Book as a Service" approach aims to generate additional revenue through products, marketing, control, and income while addressing concerns around cannibalization through a low risk model.
Caber bok trans jogja diubah jadi rp 5bogasiPemerintah Daerah DIY mengubah perjanjian kerja sama pengoperasian bus Trans Jogja dengan PT JTT. Perubahan mencakup peningkatan tarif BOK menjadi Rp5.145 per km dan pemenuhan SPM oleh PT JTT. Pansus menyarankan audit BOK 2008-2012 dan kajian ulang sistem buy the service.
The Crowded Boardroom WSSF 2013Thom KearneyThese are the slides that accompanied my panel talk at the World Social Science Forum in Montreal, October 2013.
Setting the stage for PS Engage 2012Thom KearneyThe document discusses the need for public service renewal and innovation to better serve Canadians. It notes that the status quo is not an option and new approaches are needed. The document suggests that by coming together, learning from each other, and challenging conventions, progress can be made on building a renewed public service through open dialogue and collaborative leadership across organizational boundaries.
Enhancing Color Representation for the Color Vision Impaired (CVAVI 2008)Jia-Bin HuangThis document proposes a fast re-coloring algorithm to improve image accessibility for those with color vision deficiencies. It discusses how color vision impairment affects one's ability to distinguish colors and reviews previous methods for enhancing color representation. The proposed method remaps hue values in the HSV color space based on local image statistics and enhances color contrast through histogram equalization, allowing users to specify the degree of enhancement.
Knowledge Translation and Social TechnologiesThom KearneySocial technologies and a collaborative culture can help with knowledge translation in the health sector.
Mind the gap between the new portfolio and the so-called old systemsBiblioteca de Ciências Jurídicas - UFPREnsaio escrito pelo Prof. Luiz Edson Fachin em Londres, professor titular da Faculdade de Direito da UFPR, como trabalho de conclusão de suas atividades na Dickson Poon Law School do King's College.
Estimating Human Pose from Occluded Images (ACCV 2009)Jia-Bin HuangWe address the problem of recovering 3D human pose from single 2D images, in which the pose estimation problem is formulated as a direct nonlinear regression from image observation to 3D joint positions. One key issue that has not been addressed in the literature is how to estimate 3D pose when humans in the scenes are partially or heavily occluded. When occlusions occur, features extracted from image observations (e.g., silhouettes-based shape features, histogram of oriented gradient, etc.) are seriously corrupted, and consequently the regressor (trained on un-occluded images) is unable to estimate pose states correctly. In this paper, we present a method that is capable of handling occlusions using sparse signal representations, in which each test sample is represented as a compact linear combination of training samples. The sparsest solution can then be efficiently obtained by solving a convex optimization problem with certain norms (such as l1-norm). The corrupted test image can be recovered with a sparse linear combination of un-occluded training images which can then be used for estimating human pose correctly (as if no occlusions exist). We also show that the proposed approach implicitly performs relevant feature selection with un-occluded test images. Experimental results on synthetic and real data sets bear out our theory that with sparse representation 3D human pose can be robustly estimated when humans are partially or heavily occluded in the scenes.
Paper price increasesamsonofficeThe document discusses the cut sheet paper market and factors affecting supply and pricing. It notes a significant year-over-year decline in paper volumes across Europe due to the economic downturn. Several paper mills have closed machines or ceased production altogether, removing over 2 million tons of supply. Exchange rate fluctuations and high raw material prices also impact mill profitability. Consolidation in the industry has led to fewer manufacturers controlling most supply. Unless mill pricing increases to sustainable levels, paper supply to the UK is expected to remain restricted.
YLS BrochureSummer GillUnited Way Young Leaders Society empowers young professionals in their 20s and 30s to become leaders in their community through networking, volunteering, and social and professional development opportunities. As members, they are committed to making a positive impact through community service projects, leadership workshops, and networking events. The Young Leaders have the power to create real change in Marion County and membership is open to individuals under 40 who donate at least $250 annually to United Way.
ʰԳٲó1ilsa aguilarLa empresa "Boutique Andrea" ofrece ropa elegante y casual para damas y jóvenes, así como accesorios de diferentes marcas. Con más de 25 años en el negocio, la tienda se dedica a la compra y venta de productos de calidad para mujeres, ubicada en Colombia, Guajira.
Youth United Way ApplicationSummer GillThe document describes the United Way's Youth United Way program, which aims to develop leadership skills in local youth and involve them in community change efforts. As part of the program, juniors and seniors in high school can serve as volunteers and leaders, participating in meetings, fundraisers, volunteer projects, and helping to allocate funds. The deadline to apply for the 2010-2011 school year is May 7, 2010. Applicants must be entering their junior year with a GPA of at least 2.5 and demonstrate responsibility and motivation to make a difference in their community.
Pl150 expert reviewelectroviewThe Samsung PL150 is a cheaper version of the ST550 dual-screen compact camera. It has a 3-inch rear LCD with lower resolution than the ST550 and a 1.5-inch front screen also with lower resolution. It uses micro SD cards instead of standard SD cards. Image quality is not as good as the ST550 due to a cheaper lens, and noise becomes a problem at ISO speeds above 400. Battery life is also not impressive. However, it is a decent budget option for those who want the dual-screen functionality but can't afford the ST550.
Chapter 10guestb6a8ebThis document discusses persuasive speaking in a democratic society. It explains that persuasion is rooted in controversy and involves questions of fact, value, and policy. It also outlines the concepts of ethos, pathos, and logos in persuasive appeals. Ethos refers to the speaker's credibility, pathos to emotional appeals, and logos to the use of evidence. The document provides tips for strengthening ethos, such as sharing experiences with the audience, citing experts, and considering different viewpoints. It also notes the importance of appealing to audience emotions through techniques like affective language and vivid details.
Virtual Government Network at PS Engage 2011Thom Kearneyݺߣs to support my talk at this public service renewal conference I produced with some friends. The video is here https://vimeo.com/32839611
Orange_2_Presentacion_V2FUNDACIÓN UNIVERSIDAD EMPRESAThe document discusses the principle of using objective criteria in negotiations when interests are directly opposed. It recommends framing issues as a joint search for criteria independent of will, using reasoning and being open to reason. Criteria should be standards all parties agree are fair, such as market rates. The goal is reaching agreements easier while preserving relationships.
Trai annual-report-(english)=01042015bsmihdThe document is the annual report of the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) for the year 2013-14. It provides an overview of key developments in the telecom and broadcasting sectors in India during that year. In the telecom sector, subscriber numbers grew significantly and TRAI made recommendations on issues like spectrum pricing, availability, and trading. In broadcasting, TRAI recommended guidelines for rating agencies and regulations around monopoly and foreign investment. The report also discusses the progress of cable TV digitization across major cities and towns in India.
Learning Moving Cast Shadows for Foreground Detection (VS 2008)Jia-Bin HuangThis document summarizes a research paper that presents a new algorithm for detecting foreground objects and moving shadows in surveillance videos. The algorithm uses Gaussian mixture models to learn pixel-based models of cast shadows on background surfaces over time. However, learning pixel-based models can be slow if motion is infrequent. To address this, the algorithm also builds a global shadow model that uses global-level information to help update the local shadow models more quickly. Foreground objects are modeled using nonparametric density estimation of spatial and color information. Finally, background, shadow, and foreground models are combined in a Markov random field energy function that can be efficiently optimized using graph cuts to perform foreground-shadow segmentation. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed
Thom Kearney culture of collaboration PHAC KE Forum Nov 2010Thom KearneyThis document discusses creating a culture of collaboration. It outlines that collaboration requires common goals, sharing knowledge, learning, and building consensus. It notes that the ideal health care ecosystem involves these collaborative elements but the reality is more fragmented. The document identifies some challenges to collaboration like risk aversion and issues with policies. It provides the federal mandate to foster innovation and offers some tools and resources to support collaboration.
Confirmation 24 & 25 doneAmazing Grace Lutheran Church, Panama CityThe document provides a summary of the Seventh and Eighth Commandments from the perspective of a Christian religious education lesson. It discusses how God wants us to respect others' possessions and not steal from our neighbors. It also explains the importance of protecting others' good reputation and not spreading lies or gossip about people, as this can seriously harm them. The lesson emphasizes that while possessions are gifts from God, they are meant to be used to support our families, help those in need, pay taxes, and support the church, rather than for selfish enjoyment alone.
Acesso remotoBiblioteca de Ciências Jurídicas - UFPRComo acessar as fontes de informação eletrônicas disponbilizadas pelo SiBi/UFPR e pelo Portal de Periódicos da CAPES de casa.
Lyoness SunumZAFER YILMAZLutfen bu slayttan etkilendiyseniz ve kendi işinizi kurmak istiyorsanız yilmazza16@hotmail.com , zaferyilmaz16@gmail.com yada 0905415203971 irtibata geçiniz.Size hemen ulaşalım birlikte ne kadar güçlü olduğumuzu kanıtlayalım
Estimating Human Pose from Occluded Images (ACCV 2009)Jia-Bin HuangWe address the problem of recovering 3D human pose from single 2D images, in which the pose estimation problem is formulated as a direct nonlinear regression from image observation to 3D joint positions. One key issue that has not been addressed in the literature is how to estimate 3D pose when humans in the scenes are partially or heavily occluded. When occlusions occur, features extracted from image observations (e.g., silhouettes-based shape features, histogram of oriented gradient, etc.) are seriously corrupted, and consequently the regressor (trained on un-occluded images) is unable to estimate pose states correctly. In this paper, we present a method that is capable of handling occlusions using sparse signal representations, in which each test sample is represented as a compact linear combination of training samples. The sparsest solution can then be efficiently obtained by solving a convex optimization problem with certain norms (such as l1-norm). The corrupted test image can be recovered with a sparse linear combination of un-occluded training images which can then be used for estimating human pose correctly (as if no occlusions exist). We also show that the proposed approach implicitly performs relevant feature selection with un-occluded test images. Experimental results on synthetic and real data sets bear out our theory that with sparse representation 3D human pose can be robustly estimated when humans are partially or heavily occluded in the scenes.
Paper price increasesamsonofficeThe document discusses the cut sheet paper market and factors affecting supply and pricing. It notes a significant year-over-year decline in paper volumes across Europe due to the economic downturn. Several paper mills have closed machines or ceased production altogether, removing over 2 million tons of supply. Exchange rate fluctuations and high raw material prices also impact mill profitability. Consolidation in the industry has led to fewer manufacturers controlling most supply. Unless mill pricing increases to sustainable levels, paper supply to the UK is expected to remain restricted.
YLS BrochureSummer GillUnited Way Young Leaders Society empowers young professionals in their 20s and 30s to become leaders in their community through networking, volunteering, and social and professional development opportunities. As members, they are committed to making a positive impact through community service projects, leadership workshops, and networking events. The Young Leaders have the power to create real change in Marion County and membership is open to individuals under 40 who donate at least $250 annually to United Way.
ʰԳٲó1ilsa aguilarLa empresa "Boutique Andrea" ofrece ropa elegante y casual para damas y jóvenes, así como accesorios de diferentes marcas. Con más de 25 años en el negocio, la tienda se dedica a la compra y venta de productos de calidad para mujeres, ubicada en Colombia, Guajira.
Youth United Way ApplicationSummer GillThe document describes the United Way's Youth United Way program, which aims to develop leadership skills in local youth and involve them in community change efforts. As part of the program, juniors and seniors in high school can serve as volunteers and leaders, participating in meetings, fundraisers, volunteer projects, and helping to allocate funds. The deadline to apply for the 2010-2011 school year is May 7, 2010. Applicants must be entering their junior year with a GPA of at least 2.5 and demonstrate responsibility and motivation to make a difference in their community.
Pl150 expert reviewelectroviewThe Samsung PL150 is a cheaper version of the ST550 dual-screen compact camera. It has a 3-inch rear LCD with lower resolution than the ST550 and a 1.5-inch front screen also with lower resolution. It uses micro SD cards instead of standard SD cards. Image quality is not as good as the ST550 due to a cheaper lens, and noise becomes a problem at ISO speeds above 400. Battery life is also not impressive. However, it is a decent budget option for those who want the dual-screen functionality but can't afford the ST550.
Chapter 10guestb6a8ebThis document discusses persuasive speaking in a democratic society. It explains that persuasion is rooted in controversy and involves questions of fact, value, and policy. It also outlines the concepts of ethos, pathos, and logos in persuasive appeals. Ethos refers to the speaker's credibility, pathos to emotional appeals, and logos to the use of evidence. The document provides tips for strengthening ethos, such as sharing experiences with the audience, citing experts, and considering different viewpoints. It also notes the importance of appealing to audience emotions through techniques like affective language and vivid details.
Virtual Government Network at PS Engage 2011Thom Kearneyݺߣs to support my talk at this public service renewal conference I produced with some friends. The video is here https://vimeo.com/32839611
Orange_2_Presentacion_V2FUNDACIÓN UNIVERSIDAD EMPRESAThe document discusses the principle of using objective criteria in negotiations when interests are directly opposed. It recommends framing issues as a joint search for criteria independent of will, using reasoning and being open to reason. Criteria should be standards all parties agree are fair, such as market rates. The goal is reaching agreements easier while preserving relationships.
Trai annual-report-(english)=01042015bsmihdThe document is the annual report of the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) for the year 2013-14. It provides an overview of key developments in the telecom and broadcasting sectors in India during that year. In the telecom sector, subscriber numbers grew significantly and TRAI made recommendations on issues like spectrum pricing, availability, and trading. In broadcasting, TRAI recommended guidelines for rating agencies and regulations around monopoly and foreign investment. The report also discusses the progress of cable TV digitization across major cities and towns in India.
Learning Moving Cast Shadows for Foreground Detection (VS 2008)Jia-Bin HuangThis document summarizes a research paper that presents a new algorithm for detecting foreground objects and moving shadows in surveillance videos. The algorithm uses Gaussian mixture models to learn pixel-based models of cast shadows on background surfaces over time. However, learning pixel-based models can be slow if motion is infrequent. To address this, the algorithm also builds a global shadow model that uses global-level information to help update the local shadow models more quickly. Foreground objects are modeled using nonparametric density estimation of spatial and color information. Finally, background, shadow, and foreground models are combined in a Markov random field energy function that can be efficiently optimized using graph cuts to perform foreground-shadow segmentation. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed
Thom Kearney culture of collaboration PHAC KE Forum Nov 2010Thom KearneyThis document discusses creating a culture of collaboration. It outlines that collaboration requires common goals, sharing knowledge, learning, and building consensus. It notes that the ideal health care ecosystem involves these collaborative elements but the reality is more fragmented. The document identifies some challenges to collaboration like risk aversion and issues with policies. It provides the federal mandate to foster innovation and offers some tools and resources to support collaboration.
Confirmation 24 & 25 doneAmazing Grace Lutheran Church, Panama CityThe document provides a summary of the Seventh and Eighth Commandments from the perspective of a Christian religious education lesson. It discusses how God wants us to respect others' possessions and not steal from our neighbors. It also explains the importance of protecting others' good reputation and not spreading lies or gossip about people, as this can seriously harm them. The lesson emphasizes that while possessions are gifts from God, they are meant to be used to support our families, help those in need, pay taxes, and support the church, rather than for selfish enjoyment alone.
Acesso remotoBiblioteca de Ciências Jurídicas - UFPRComo acessar as fontes de informação eletrônicas disponbilizadas pelo SiBi/UFPR e pelo Portal de Periódicos da CAPES de casa.
Lyoness SunumZAFER YILMAZLutfen bu slayttan etkilendiyseniz ve kendi işinizi kurmak istiyorsanız yilmazza16@hotmail.com , zaferyilmaz16@gmail.com yada 0905415203971 irtibata geçiniz.Size hemen ulaşalım birlikte ne kadar güçlü olduğumuzu kanıtlayalım
www.lyonessnet.tr.gg lyoness türkiye Detaylı bilgi ve ücretsiz üyelik için ...Lyoness Cashbackcardhttp://lyonessnet.tr.gg
lyoness,liyones,cashback,nakit kart, lyoness türkiye,www.lyonessnet.tr.gg,lyoness şikayet,lyoness kazançları,lyoness nedir.lyoness üye sayısı
Himalaya Tuzu Bayilik FirsatiEyüp DerdiyokHimalaya Tuzu Bayiliği ile kendi işinizi kurup yüksek gelirler elde edebilirsiniz! #himalayatuzu #bayilikfirsati
Internetten parakazanmak istermisinEnver ÇobanMerhaba arkadaşlar sizlere bu yazımda benimde internetten yaptığım satış ortaklığı ile bir web site ve ücretsiz acacağımız bloglar ile ürün satarak nasıl parakazanacağınızı anlatacağım
Qnet promosyon ödeme_planıQNET PromosyonQNET Promosyon; Network Marketing sektöründe Türkiye' nin tartışmasız en avantajlı Ödeme Planı ile, 8 farklı kazanç yöntemi ve satışların %50’sine kadar yapılan komisyon ödemeleriyle, son derece tatmin edici, ÇABA İLE DOĞRU ORANTILI olarak sınırsız bir fırsattır.
1. Biz Kimiz ?
% 100 Türk sermayeli bir Anonim Şirketi,
Organik, Doğal, Sağlıklı, Kaliteli ve Ekonomik ürün grupları
% 30’a varan iskontolar ile ürün alışı ve % 43’e varan satış kârı
Tüm Türkiye’de organizasyon kurma hakkı ve organizasyon primleri
Promosyonlar (Araba Planı, Kâr Paylaşımı, Tatil ve Eğitim Programı)
Jenerasyon ile nasıl çalışabilirsiniz?
18 yaş ve üzerinde iseniz sizi Jenerasyon ile tanıştıran kişi aracılığı ile Distribütörlük alabilirsiniz ve Avantajlarınız;
İhtiyaç duyduğunuz ürünleri % 30 ’a varan indirimlerle alırsınız.
Bu ürünlerden etrafınızdaki kişi ve/veya kuruluşlara satış yapmak isterseniz % 43 ’e kadar kâr elde edersiniz.
Tüm Türkiye’de Organizasyon kurabilir ve Organizasyonunuzun toplam üretiminden (Puan cinsinden) % 50 ’ye
kadar prim elde edersiniz.
Ürünleri iskontolu almak isteyen kişiler
Satış yapmak isteyen kişiler
Organizasyon kurmak isteyen kişiler ile oluşturabilirsiniz…
Ürünler 3 (üç) farklı grupta hazırlanmıştır.
Her ürüne ait bir Satış Fiyatı ve Alış fiyatı olduğu gibi bir de PUAN bulunmaktadır. Ürünlerin bu PUAN değerleri kariyer
yapmak ve kariyerler karşılığındaki yüzde oranında prim kazanmak için hesaplanır.
Örneğin; A Grubunda bir ürün olan BİOECO PROPOLİS krem için
Satış Fiyatı: 43,00 TL
Alış fiyatı: 30,00 TL
PUAN: 30,00
Siz ve sizin sponsorluğunuzda olan ekibinizin ürün alımları ile edilen Puanlar sizin kariyerinizi belirleyecektir. Kariyerler,
birbirini takip eden iki takvim ayında elde edilen toplam Puanlar ile hesaplanmaktadır.
Elde edeceğiniz her yeni kariyer sizin almış olduğunuz ürünler için uygulanan iskonto avantajına ilave olarak prim
almanızı sağlar. Örneğin;
Perakende Satış Fiyatı 1.000,00 TL ve A Grubundan ürünler aldığınızı varsayalım.
Siz A grubunda olan (% 30) bu ürünler için Jenerasyon’a 700,00 TL ödersiniz ve 300,00 TL satış kârı elde edersiniz. Bu
ürünün PUAN’ı yaklaşık olarak 700,00’dür ve satış kârınıza ilave olarak Kariyeriniz;
Süpervizor Yardımcısı ise 700,00 PUAN’ın % 5’i : 35,00 TL
Süpervizor ise 700,00 PUAN’ın % 9’u : 63,00 TL
Müdür Yardımcısı ise 700,00 PUAN’ın % 14’ü : 98,00 TL
Müdür ise 700,00 PUAN’ın % 20’si : 140,00 TL kişisel prim hak edersiniz…
Organizasyonunuzdaki diğer kariyerlerin toplam PUAN üretimlerinden Grup Primi hak edersiniz. Grup primleri, kariyer
arasındaki yüzde farklarına göre hesaplanır. Örneğin;
Siz Müdür seviyesinde iseniz, ekibinizdeki;
Distribütör PUAN üretimlerinden % 20
Süpervizör Yardımcısı PUAN üretimlerinden % 15
Süpervizör PUAN üretimlerinden % 11
Müdür Yardımcısı PUAN üretimlerinden %6
Grup primi hak edersiniz…
Siz “Müdür” seviyesine ulaştıktan sonra, Organizasyonunuzda “Müdür” seviyesine ulaşan Distribütörlerinizin işlem
hacimlerinden Müdürlük primi hak edersiniz.
Üst Müdürlük Primleri, direk sponsorluğunu yaptığınız “Müdür” seviyelerinin en az 4 adet olması ile başlar.
Birbirini takip eden herhangi 3 takvim ayında yapılan Promosyon Puanlar ile elde edilen bu kazançlar 3 seviyeden
oluşmaktadır. Kazanılan promosyonlar 36 takvim ayında Distribütöre ödenmektedir.
Şirket, her yıl toplam cirosunun Puan değerinden % 2’sini dağıtmak üzere bir havuzda biriktirmektedir. Biriktirilen
toplam tutar, her yıl başlangıcında Jenerasyon tarafından belirlenerek Distribütörlere duyurulan bu teşvik programına
ait kriterleri yerine getiren Distribütörler arasında dağıtılmaktadır.
Şirket tarafından yılda 3 kez düzenlenen bu programlara tüm Distribütörler davetlidir.
Her program öncesi Şirket tarafından belirlenen kriterleri yerine getiren
Distribütörlerin ücretsiz de katılabileceği bu programların amacı;
Şirket, Ürünler ve Kazanç Planları hakkında detaylı eğitimler,
Kariyer törenleri ve Promosyon takdimleri,
Türkiye’nin farklı illerinde ikamet eden Distribütörlerin
bir araya gelerek tecrübelerini paylaşmaları,
ve TATİL...
5. İոİÜÖ鳢Ü
En az 70 PUAN ederinde ürün alımı yapmak gerekir.
Ürünleri iskotonlu alma ve satış hakkı
Tüm Türkiye’de organizasyon kurma hakkı
Kariyer ve Prim hakkı (ömür boyu prim garantisi)
Bonuslar ve Promsoyonlar
Miras Bırakabilme hakkı
Aktiflik 100,00 PUAN’dır.
Kargo bedeli kdv dâhil 6,00 TL’dir. (120 PUAN ve üzeri alımlarda kargo bedeli Jenerasyon tarafından karşılanmaktadır.)
Kariyerden düşmek yoktur ve bir kez kazanılan kariyere karşılık gelen yüzde oranından prim hak edilmektedir.
Jenerasyon, Distribütörlerinden Ek ödeme, yıllık aidat vb. ücretler kesinlikle talep etmemektedir.
Ürünler ve Detaylı Bilgi için web sitemizden “on-line katalog” bölümünü ziyaret edebilirsiniz;