wat is de rol van de tablet als device in het online shopping proces. Media adviesbureau Stroom deed onderzoek onder bijna 1.000 tabletgebruikers naar het orientatie en aankoopgedrag op de tablet.
This document summarizes a journey through the solar system, beginning with a blast off from Earth and first stopping at the Sun before moving on to observe the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Key details are provided about each planet's rotation, orbit, and notable features. The journey ends with a return to Earth.
The document provides information about Google Custom Search Engines. It describes how to create a customized search engine for a website or blog that can be tailored to prioritize specific sites and results. Key features include customizing the look and feel, results, refinements, allowing community collaboration, and monetizing the search traffic through Google AdSense. The steps to set up a custom search engine are also outlined.
The document discusses various aspects of animation in PowerPoint, including the three types of animation (entrance, emphasis, exit), when to use animation, how to create basic animation by selecting objects and choosing animations, and advanced animation techniques using effect options, timing, and timelines. Advanced animation involves fully customizing effect options and understanding the concepts of timing of animations and objects as well as the speed of animations. Timelines allow combining multiple animations similarly to overlaying multiple movie reels.
An invisible narrator introduces themselves and wants to teach new words, but a volcano begins erupting with loud blasts of lava and smoke while causing an immense erupting wave, destroying a village and leaving only remnants behind.
1) A boy with a bad temper is given nails by his father to hammer into a fence each time he loses his temper. Over time, the boy loses his temper less as it is easier to hold his temper than create holes in the fence that will never be repaired.
2) A guy with a terminal illness falls in love at first sight with a girl at a music store. Each time he visits, he leaves his number for her but dies before they can meet. His mother finds many unopened CDs from the store, each containing a love note from the girl.
3) Two ill men share a hospital room, one by the window who describes the outside scene. When he passes, the other man
El documento describe una sesi坦n de aprendizaje de matem叩ticas sobre el c叩lculo del 叩rea de figuras poligonales irregulares. Los estudiantes aprender叩n a descomponer figuras irregulares en figuras regulares para determinar su 叩rea total mediante la suma de las 叩reas de las figuras regulares. La sesi坦n incluye ejercicios pr叩cticos de descomposici坦n y c叩lculo del 叩rea trabajando en equipos.
Delpher - presentatie voor Digitale Bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse Letteren ...Olaf Janssen
Presentatie over Delpher (delpher.nl) voor de medewerkers van De Digitale Bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse Letteren. De DBNL vanaf 2015 ondergebracht bij de Koninklijke Bibliotheek (KB) in Den Haag (http://www.den.nl/nieuws/bericht/3697). De twee organisaties maken op dit moment kennis met elkaar en elkaars diensten, waaronder Delpher.
Bing Shopping program - Merchant Integration GuideJuan Pittau
This document provides guidance for merchants to list products on the Bing Shopping program. It outlines the onboarding workflow and account setup process, which involves registering for an AdCenter account, creating a Bing Shopping account, configuring settings like categories and tax, and submitting a product data feed. The document also specifies the required and recommended fields for the data feed, including identifiers like MerchantProductID, product details like title and description, pricing, and images. Additional topics covered are deals, crawling and robots.txt files, migrating existing accounts, and troubleshooting.
The Big Dutch 20 Year 730 Million Page Digitisation ChallengeOlaf Janssen
The National Library of the Netherlands (KB) is mass-digitizing all Dutch publications since 1470. This article outlines KB's strategy for making this output publicly available.
In the next 20 years, the Dutch national library (KB) will mass-digitize all Dutch printed books, newspapers and magazines since 1470, a total of 730 million pages. Until recently, this was done by public funding alone. To speed up things in a climate of ongoing budget cuts, KB entered into public-private partnerships with both Google and Proquest to digitize 42 million pages by 2013. Besides the availability of funding, digitization priority is determined by a mix of client and institutional needs such as copyright status, uniqueness, institutional capability and user demand.
At the same time, KB is answering user demand for centralized access and content distribution by streamlining its scattered online services portfolio. For this, KB develops two strategic lines of action.
* The first is on metadata (searching FOR publications): in 2013, KB will unify metadata searching across all its paper and digital collections via OCLC's WorldCat Local.
* The second is on full-text (searching IN publications): for searching in full-text historic publications (i.e. mass digitization output) KB is currently developing its Platform for Digital Publications. Besides a search engine, it is also a:
* Presentation environment, associating each full-text object with a standardized webpage and persistent URL, offering a uniform look and feel, and unique reference for all KB's full-texts. This landing page enables third-party services (e.g. WorldCat Local, Europeana, Google) to refer to objects in a persistent way.
* Delivery platform, enabling KB to deliver content in the workflows of users via APIs and expose it to research communities.
* Aggregator, enabling KB to set up a network of partners to bring together all Dutch digital books, newspapers and magazines, at the same time supporting Europeana's content aggregation strategy.
This document provides an overview of technology transfer concepts. It defines technology transfer as the movement of technology and knowledge from a provider to a receiver in exchange for compensation. It discusses different types of technology transfer, including property rights, scientific knowledge, technical knowledge, capital goods, and information and communication technology. It also examines key concepts like research and development. The document aims to explain the different forms and processes of technology transfer.
A tribute to simon gillespie by dr. jeffrey lant master marketer and also col...howie martell
This document provides advice from Dr. Jeffrey Lant on how to participate in auctions as an art collector. It recommends getting catalogs from auction houses to familiarize yourself with their offerings. It also suggests meeting auction experts in your field of interest and creating your own team of advisors like conservators. Finally, it advises setting a budget limit and sticking to it when bidding to avoid overpaying. The overall message is that preparation, expertise, and discipline are key to successful auction participation.
If youre like most B2B marketers what you really care about most is cost effectively driving high-quality leads and growing your sales pipeline.
So which metrics actually prove that youre inbound efforts are doing exactly that? Which are important indicators of future success and which metrics are just noise? In this deck you will find the top metrics you need to track to ensure that your inbound programs are making the right impact.
With the right metrics to guide your journey youll know where to focus your resources and be able to prove which programs and campaigns are worthy of continued or increased funding.
The document summarizes key concepts about the transfer of heat through conduction, convection, and radiation. It provides examples of calculating the rate of heat transfer through various materials using their thermal conductivity and the temperature difference across them. It also discusses calculating heat transfer through composite walls and rates of thermal radiation from blackbody objects based on their temperature and emissivity.
1. The document discusses e-learning in Europe, noting there are differences between northern and Mediterranean countries in terms of political structures, e-readiness, and learning cultures. While education is managed nationally, there are EU initiatives and programs to promote e-learning and technology-enhanced learning.
2. The document outlines debates on how e-learning can enable lifelong learning and innovation in Europe. It differentiates e-learning models and notes e-learning should not be an end itself but promote learning innovation. E-learning must also be integrated into broader support services for small and medium enterprises.
3. The Learnovation Roundtable network aims to facilitate coordination between research, policy, and innovative practice in learning to
This document summarizes key concepts and formulas related to electric current, resistance, and Ohm's law from a physics textbook chapter. It includes:
- Formulas for calculating current, charge, resistance, voltage, power, and energy from given values.
- Examples of applying the formulas to calculate values in electric circuits.
- Concepts of resistivity and how resistance changes with temperature based on the material's temperature coefficient of resistance.
Social Media Fest 2011 is an annual event that brings people together to connect through content and conversation around emerging trends in social and mobile media. The event aims to provide a program and platform for participants to discuss details related to social and digital trends. Further information about speakers, schedule, and logistics are not specified in the brief document.
Going mobile in accounting education uploadYaneli Cruz
The document discusses going mobile in accounting education. It argues that mobile devices can increase student engagement by offering connectivity, situated learning, and individualized learning. Accounting is well-suited for mobile learning because it requires skills like critical thinking, problem solving, and communication/collaboration. The document provides examples of mobile learning apps like Google Docs for collaboration, Nearpod for interactive presentations, and We KWL for organizing knowledge. It also outlines a pedagogical pattern for mobile learning with activities done at home, in class, and collaboratively. Overall, the document makes the case that mobile learning is different because it allows learning anywhere and anytime through small, active activities.
Este documento presenta un resumen t辿cnico de la topograf鱈a plana de un proyecto de ingenier鱈a civil. Describe las medidas de pendientes, taludes y bordes de una secci坦n del terreno, incluyendo las coordenadas y elevaciones de puntos clave.
Delpher - presentatie voor Digitale Bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse Letteren ...Olaf Janssen
Presentatie over Delpher (delpher.nl) voor de medewerkers van De Digitale Bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse Letteren. De DBNL vanaf 2015 ondergebracht bij de Koninklijke Bibliotheek (KB) in Den Haag (http://www.den.nl/nieuws/bericht/3697). De twee organisaties maken op dit moment kennis met elkaar en elkaars diensten, waaronder Delpher.
Bing Shopping program - Merchant Integration GuideJuan Pittau
This document provides guidance for merchants to list products on the Bing Shopping program. It outlines the onboarding workflow and account setup process, which involves registering for an AdCenter account, creating a Bing Shopping account, configuring settings like categories and tax, and submitting a product data feed. The document also specifies the required and recommended fields for the data feed, including identifiers like MerchantProductID, product details like title and description, pricing, and images. Additional topics covered are deals, crawling and robots.txt files, migrating existing accounts, and troubleshooting.
The Big Dutch 20 Year 730 Million Page Digitisation ChallengeOlaf Janssen
The National Library of the Netherlands (KB) is mass-digitizing all Dutch publications since 1470. This article outlines KB's strategy for making this output publicly available.
In the next 20 years, the Dutch national library (KB) will mass-digitize all Dutch printed books, newspapers and magazines since 1470, a total of 730 million pages. Until recently, this was done by public funding alone. To speed up things in a climate of ongoing budget cuts, KB entered into public-private partnerships with both Google and Proquest to digitize 42 million pages by 2013. Besides the availability of funding, digitization priority is determined by a mix of client and institutional needs such as copyright status, uniqueness, institutional capability and user demand.
At the same time, KB is answering user demand for centralized access and content distribution by streamlining its scattered online services portfolio. For this, KB develops two strategic lines of action.
* The first is on metadata (searching FOR publications): in 2013, KB will unify metadata searching across all its paper and digital collections via OCLC's WorldCat Local.
* The second is on full-text (searching IN publications): for searching in full-text historic publications (i.e. mass digitization output) KB is currently developing its Platform for Digital Publications. Besides a search engine, it is also a:
* Presentation environment, associating each full-text object with a standardized webpage and persistent URL, offering a uniform look and feel, and unique reference for all KB's full-texts. This landing page enables third-party services (e.g. WorldCat Local, Europeana, Google) to refer to objects in a persistent way.
* Delivery platform, enabling KB to deliver content in the workflows of users via APIs and expose it to research communities.
* Aggregator, enabling KB to set up a network of partners to bring together all Dutch digital books, newspapers and magazines, at the same time supporting Europeana's content aggregation strategy.
This document provides an overview of technology transfer concepts. It defines technology transfer as the movement of technology and knowledge from a provider to a receiver in exchange for compensation. It discusses different types of technology transfer, including property rights, scientific knowledge, technical knowledge, capital goods, and information and communication technology. It also examines key concepts like research and development. The document aims to explain the different forms and processes of technology transfer.
A tribute to simon gillespie by dr. jeffrey lant master marketer and also col...howie martell
This document provides advice from Dr. Jeffrey Lant on how to participate in auctions as an art collector. It recommends getting catalogs from auction houses to familiarize yourself with their offerings. It also suggests meeting auction experts in your field of interest and creating your own team of advisors like conservators. Finally, it advises setting a budget limit and sticking to it when bidding to avoid overpaying. The overall message is that preparation, expertise, and discipline are key to successful auction participation.
If youre like most B2B marketers what you really care about most is cost effectively driving high-quality leads and growing your sales pipeline.
So which metrics actually prove that youre inbound efforts are doing exactly that? Which are important indicators of future success and which metrics are just noise? In this deck you will find the top metrics you need to track to ensure that your inbound programs are making the right impact.
With the right metrics to guide your journey youll know where to focus your resources and be able to prove which programs and campaigns are worthy of continued or increased funding.
The document summarizes key concepts about the transfer of heat through conduction, convection, and radiation. It provides examples of calculating the rate of heat transfer through various materials using their thermal conductivity and the temperature difference across them. It also discusses calculating heat transfer through composite walls and rates of thermal radiation from blackbody objects based on their temperature and emissivity.
1. The document discusses e-learning in Europe, noting there are differences between northern and Mediterranean countries in terms of political structures, e-readiness, and learning cultures. While education is managed nationally, there are EU initiatives and programs to promote e-learning and technology-enhanced learning.
2. The document outlines debates on how e-learning can enable lifelong learning and innovation in Europe. It differentiates e-learning models and notes e-learning should not be an end itself but promote learning innovation. E-learning must also be integrated into broader support services for small and medium enterprises.
3. The Learnovation Roundtable network aims to facilitate coordination between research, policy, and innovative practice in learning to
This document summarizes key concepts and formulas related to electric current, resistance, and Ohm's law from a physics textbook chapter. It includes:
- Formulas for calculating current, charge, resistance, voltage, power, and energy from given values.
- Examples of applying the formulas to calculate values in electric circuits.
- Concepts of resistivity and how resistance changes with temperature based on the material's temperature coefficient of resistance.
Social Media Fest 2011 is an annual event that brings people together to connect through content and conversation around emerging trends in social and mobile media. The event aims to provide a program and platform for participants to discuss details related to social and digital trends. Further information about speakers, schedule, and logistics are not specified in the brief document.
Going mobile in accounting education uploadYaneli Cruz
The document discusses going mobile in accounting education. It argues that mobile devices can increase student engagement by offering connectivity, situated learning, and individualized learning. Accounting is well-suited for mobile learning because it requires skills like critical thinking, problem solving, and communication/collaboration. The document provides examples of mobile learning apps like Google Docs for collaboration, Nearpod for interactive presentations, and We KWL for organizing knowledge. It also outlines a pedagogical pattern for mobile learning with activities done at home, in class, and collaboratively. Overall, the document makes the case that mobile learning is different because it allows learning anywhere and anytime through small, active activities.
Este documento presenta un resumen t辿cnico de la topograf鱈a plana de un proyecto de ingenier鱈a civil. Describe las medidas de pendientes, taludes y bordes de una secci坦n del terreno, incluyendo las coordenadas y elevaciones de puntos clave.