This document discusses feedback in language learning. It provides examples of feedback on various aspects of learning like vocabulary, behavior, effort, ideas, organization, progress, strengths and weaknesses. Feedback can be linked to autonomous assessment, formal/informal assessment and peer assessment. The purposes of feedback are to motivate learners, encourage autonomy, help identify problems and develop language understanding. Feedback can be given by teachers, through peer/self-assessment, orally and in writing.
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Jeopardy unit 33 - giving feedback
2. Ch叩vez Sierras Alberto Aar坦n
Quiroz P辿rez Mara Patricia
Universidad Aut坦noma de Baja California
Facultad de Idiomas
4. Is giving information to someone about their learning
and/or showing them that you have understood (or
not) what they have said:
a) Motivation
b) Achievment
c) Feedback
7. Feedback to learners can be linked to:
a) Autonomous assesment
b) Formal and informal assessment
c) Peer assessment
8. The purposes of feedback are to:
a) Motivate, encourage learner autonomy and to help
learners understand what their problems are.
b) Develop understanding of language use by
using a visual representation.
c) Focus students on features of connected
9. When learners give feedback to each other on aspects of
their learning this is called:
a) Methodology
b) Autonomous assessment
c) Peer feedback
10. The teacher noticed all the learners were having problems
with some target vocabulary. She noted the problems down
and did a revision exercise the next day.
a) Delayed feedback
b) Peer feedback
c) 1:1 feedback
11. A teacher, talking to a group of primary children at the end
of a group work activity, said:
you talked a lot today and worked well together.
a) Feedback on pronunciation
b) Feedback on behaviour
c) Feedback on learning styles
12. A young learner had just finished talking to the class
about his hobby. The teacher said:
Thanks, Juan. You tried hard. Well done.
a) Feedback on language
b) Feedback on effort
c) Feedback on ideas
13. A group of students gave oral presentations to the class.
Afterwards, the teacher said:
You didn卒t mention your reasons for choosing this topic. You need
a) Feedback on organisation of ideas
b) Feedback on range of language
c) Feedback on content
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The teacher wrote on the first draft of a learner卒s composition:
Look at this website for more ideas
a) Feedback on grammatical
b) Instructions on planning
c) Help with finding references resources
15. A teenage learner had written a story for homework. The
teacher marked the work and wrote this comment:
this is so much better than the last week卒s homework. Well
a) Feedback attitude
b) Feedback on progress
c) Feedback on strengths and weaknesses
16. A student wrote in his learner diary:
You always ask the same students to anwer. It takes me longer
a) Feedback to the teacher on classroom procedure
b) Feedback to the teacher on materials and activities
c) Feedback to the teacher on a specific language problem
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The teacher wants to give written feedback to a
young learner on the ideas in story he has written.
a) You used all the adjectives and adverbs in the list.
Well done.
b) This was a great story. I love reading it. Thank you.
c) The characters really came to life. Maybe you卒ll be
a writer one day.
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The teacher wants to give some general feedback to a
strong class on their oral presentations.
a) Most of you used the structure I suggested and, in general,
the presentations were very successful.
b) Most of the presentations were interesting, though yours,
Paola, and yours, Sylvio, were rather weak.
c) These went well, don卒t you think? I thought they were
all very professional and well organised.
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The teacher wants to give written feedback to an individual
student on his behaviour. He writes a comment in his portfolio.
a) Your mark of 86% is very good.
b) I am quite pleased with you this term. You have really
tried hard.
c) This was a good term for you. You have calmed down a
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The teacher wants to give feedback to an intermediate student. In
a 1:1 and small-group situation the student speaks quite well but
in a class situation he lacks confidence.
a) Your speaking is good! Think how well you did that role-
play the other day.
b) It卒s important you get over your lack of confidence. I卒d like
you to give a short oral presentation tomorrow.
c) I know you feel worried about talking in front of the class.
But they卒re worried too when they speak out. Have a go!