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Game Board Two
$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Trustworthiness Respect Responsibility Fairness Caring Citizenship
1-100 You were born on January 1 st , but you write down that you were born on December 31 st , so you can enroll in 4-H earlier Is this Honest?
1-100A 1 - 100 NO! This is not an honest action, you are deceiving others so you can get what you want earlier. $100
1-200 Your 4-H Leader tells you to fake being ill so you can get out of school to attend  a stock show. Is This Honest?
1-200A 1 - 100 NO! This is not an honest action, you are deceiving the school administrators and your competitors. $200
1-300 You are a 4-H member entering your swine into the county fair.  At weigh-in time, you force your animal to drink a lot more water to increase the swines weight. Is This Honest?
1-300A 1 - 100 NO! You have forced the animal to take in more water than it needed, you are deceiving the judge and could possibly hurt the animal. $300
1-400 You are an older 4-H member.  You give some of your secrets to younger kids in another club.  You know that with this information they may beat you.  Are you doing the right thing?
1-400A 1 - 100 YES! Competition is about going against others when they are at their best.  It will be more of an incentive for you to try harder and you are showing kindness by helping others learn. $400
1-500 You have made brownies for the Fair.  You cut the brownies out of the middle for judging because the edges are crusty.  Are you cheating?
1-500A 1 - 100 NO! You are simply showing the best that you have to offer. $500
2-100 1 - 100 Your teammate is known for talking trash to other players after he makes a basket.  Is that disrespectful?
2-100A 1 - 100 YES! Talking trash is not a part of the game.  If it was theyd include it in the rule book.  Tell him that he makes the team look bad when he does that.  What he does affects the entire team. $100
2-200 You loose showmanship while competing against a long time rival in the show ring.  Should you congratulate the showmanship winner after competition?
2-200A 1 - 100 Of course you should congratulate him.  Just because you are competing against him doesnt mean that you cant be a good sport and a good person.  Show class in the show ring and, remember-everyones watching! $200
2-300 A classmate really wants to go out with you on a date, but you know that hes not your type and his reputation is not the greatest. Are you being disrespectful for turning him down?
2-300A 1 - 100 Respect for others doesnt mean that you have to go along with what everybody wants you to do.  Yes, you can turn him down and still be respectful. $300
2-400 Your Livestock Judging team just beat the district rival.  Your teammates are celebrating by taunting your opponents.  You decide not to join them.  Are you being a poor teammate?
2-400A 1 - 100 NO! Respect your opponents. A team with character wouldnt tarnish their victory with a lack of class after the contest. $400
2-500 Your girlfriend was caught flirting with another boy.  You decide to get even by flirting with a girl who likes you, but you dont like her. Is this disrespectful?
2-500A 1 - 100 YES! Two wrongs do not make a right.  You are raising the hopes of another person for the sake of revenge. $500
3-100 1 - 100 You have agreed to help your brother after school hook up his new car stereo.  But, later in the day your best friend pressures you to go to the movies with him instead. Whats the responsible thing to do?
3-100A 1 - 100 Keep you Commitments, Nothing is more important than keeping your word. $100
3-200 A convenience store clerk give you change for a ten dollar bill when you only gave her a five. Whats the responsible thing to do?
3-200A 1 - 100 Give the money back!  It doesnt belong to you, and you integrity is much more important than a few extra bucks. $200
3-300 Your best friend wants to break up with your sister so he can date another girl, but he wants you to tell her because he doesnt have the guts.  What should you do?
3-300A 1 - 100 Tell him to do it himself.  Everybody has choices in their life and they have consequences. $300
3-400 Your basketball coach tells you that every time the star player gets close to you, flop to the ground to make it look like a foul. What should you do?
3-400A 1 - 100 Dont do it! You are responsible for being a good sportsman.  How fun would the game be if everybody did flop fouls? $400
3-500 Right before you show your lamb for fair, another kid tells you to hit the lamb over and over again because the swelling will make it look more firm. What should you do?
3-500A 1 - 100 You are responsible for your animals well-being.  Hitting it to make it look better is dishonest and criminal. $500
4-100 1 - 100 Your friend has been named the starting quarterback over you.  Hes a better player, but you really wanted it and tried hard. Is it fair?
4-100A 1 - 100 Yes, sometimes not getting what you want isnt fun, but its fair. $100
4-200 Your studied hard for an upcoming math exam and think youll do well.  Your classmate wants to copy your exam.  What should you do?
4-200A 1 - 100 Dont do it! Everybody had a chance to study for the test.  Dont  taint your hard work studying by cheating! $200
4-300 You are a coach of the local basketball team.  You suspend your star player for breaking the rules, even though the big game is coming up.  Are you being fair to the team?
4-300A 1 - 100 As a coach, you are a role model.  Rules and consequences must apply to everyone equally regardless if you hurt your chances of winning. $300
4-400 Your brother and you get caught ditching school.  The principal gives your brother 5 days detention, but you only get one because you are on student council.  Is it fair?
4-400A 1 - 100 NO! You broke the same rules, you should get the same consequence. $400
4-500 Your pal Frank and you are both failing history.  Frank's parents have hired a tutor to help him get his grade up.  Is it fair?
4-500A 1 - 100 YES! Tutoring is a great way to get your grades up. $500
5-100 1 - 100 You buy two tickets for the circus and promise youll take your sister.  At the last minute, your boyfriend decides that he wants to go with you instead.  What should you do?
5-100A 1 - 100 You made a promise. Keep It! $100
5-200 Your Grandma needs you to drive her to the grocery store.  You planned on playing your new video game.  What should you do?
5-200A 1 - 100 Take your Grandma.  Caring for others sometimes involves sacrificing what you want. $200
5-300 Your coach wants you to take out the quarterbacks knee so he wont score any more touchdowns.  Should you do it?
5-300A 1 - 100 Dont even think abut it!  Think and care about your opponents, even when they are beating you. $300
5-400 Your pet pit bull is you most beloved thing in the world.  The Police want you to get rid of it because it has bitten 12 kids in the neighborhood.  What should you do?
5-400A 1 - 100 Your dog has to go.  Your love for an animal does not outweigh other peoples safety. $400
5-500 Your 4-H animal is sick.  You know the vet bill is going to wipe out the allowance money that youve been saving for a date.  What should you do?
5-500A 1 - 100 Your animal is depending on you to take care of it.  Take it to the Vet. $500
6-100 1 - 100 Your friend wants to throw their candy wrapper out the car window. What should you do?
6-100A 1 - 100 Stop them! What would the road look like if everybody threw their garbage out the window? $100
6-200 Your best friend is running for student council and wants you to help his campaign by spreading gossip about the candidates. What should you do?
6-200A 1 - 100 Dont do it! Gossip can damage more than a persons chance to get elected. $200
6-300 Your classmates religious beliefs wont allow her to pledge allegiance to the flag.  Is she doing the right thing?
6-300A 1 - 100 YES! This country is built on the freedom of choice and expression.  A person of character respects others beliefs. $300
6-400 The school board wants your class to help set up a fundraiser to support the library.  You have to read.  Should you help?
6-400A 1 - 100 Yes, being a good citizen involves doing things for  everyones  good. $400
6-500 Your classmate is running for student council and is promising that if hes elected, school will be over at 10:30 everyday.  You know its a lie.  What should you do?
6-500A 1 - 100 Get the truth out.  People need the truth in order to make a wise vote. $500
Final  category The category is Stakeholders Write down how much you want to wager
Right before the fair, you decide to inject your steer with a drug that will make him more tame.  You win grand champion, but later everyone finds that you cheated.  List at least 3 people that will be hurt by your bad choice.
All family members, other exhibitors, the people who bought your animal, the 4-H agent, the Fair manager, 4-H adult volunteers, YOU (Many correct answers)
Daily Double Round 1 Double Question How much do you want to wager?

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Jepordy Style Game board two

  • 8. $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Trustworthiness Respect Responsibility Fairness Caring Citizenship
  • 9. 1-100 You were born on January 1 st , but you write down that you were born on December 31 st , so you can enroll in 4-H earlier Is this Honest?
  • 10. 1-100A 1 - 100 NO! This is not an honest action, you are deceiving others so you can get what you want earlier. $100
  • 11. 1-200 Your 4-H Leader tells you to fake being ill so you can get out of school to attend a stock show. Is This Honest?
  • 12. 1-200A 1 - 100 NO! This is not an honest action, you are deceiving the school administrators and your competitors. $200
  • 13. 1-300 You are a 4-H member entering your swine into the county fair. At weigh-in time, you force your animal to drink a lot more water to increase the swines weight. Is This Honest?
  • 14. 1-300A 1 - 100 NO! You have forced the animal to take in more water than it needed, you are deceiving the judge and could possibly hurt the animal. $300
  • 15. 1-400 You are an older 4-H member. You give some of your secrets to younger kids in another club. You know that with this information they may beat you. Are you doing the right thing?
  • 16. 1-400A 1 - 100 YES! Competition is about going against others when they are at their best. It will be more of an incentive for you to try harder and you are showing kindness by helping others learn. $400
  • 17. 1-500 You have made brownies for the Fair. You cut the brownies out of the middle for judging because the edges are crusty. Are you cheating?
  • 18. 1-500A 1 - 100 NO! You are simply showing the best that you have to offer. $500
  • 19. 2-100 1 - 100 Your teammate is known for talking trash to other players after he makes a basket. Is that disrespectful?
  • 20. 2-100A 1 - 100 YES! Talking trash is not a part of the game. If it was theyd include it in the rule book. Tell him that he makes the team look bad when he does that. What he does affects the entire team. $100
  • 21. 2-200 You loose showmanship while competing against a long time rival in the show ring. Should you congratulate the showmanship winner after competition?
  • 22. 2-200A 1 - 100 Of course you should congratulate him. Just because you are competing against him doesnt mean that you cant be a good sport and a good person. Show class in the show ring and, remember-everyones watching! $200
  • 23. 2-300 A classmate really wants to go out with you on a date, but you know that hes not your type and his reputation is not the greatest. Are you being disrespectful for turning him down?
  • 24. 2-300A 1 - 100 Respect for others doesnt mean that you have to go along with what everybody wants you to do. Yes, you can turn him down and still be respectful. $300
  • 25. 2-400 Your Livestock Judging team just beat the district rival. Your teammates are celebrating by taunting your opponents. You decide not to join them. Are you being a poor teammate?
  • 26. 2-400A 1 - 100 NO! Respect your opponents. A team with character wouldnt tarnish their victory with a lack of class after the contest. $400
  • 27. 2-500 Your girlfriend was caught flirting with another boy. You decide to get even by flirting with a girl who likes you, but you dont like her. Is this disrespectful?
  • 28. 2-500A 1 - 100 YES! Two wrongs do not make a right. You are raising the hopes of another person for the sake of revenge. $500
  • 29. 3-100 1 - 100 You have agreed to help your brother after school hook up his new car stereo. But, later in the day your best friend pressures you to go to the movies with him instead. Whats the responsible thing to do?
  • 30. 3-100A 1 - 100 Keep you Commitments, Nothing is more important than keeping your word. $100
  • 31. 3-200 A convenience store clerk give you change for a ten dollar bill when you only gave her a five. Whats the responsible thing to do?
  • 32. 3-200A 1 - 100 Give the money back! It doesnt belong to you, and you integrity is much more important than a few extra bucks. $200
  • 33. 3-300 Your best friend wants to break up with your sister so he can date another girl, but he wants you to tell her because he doesnt have the guts. What should you do?
  • 34. 3-300A 1 - 100 Tell him to do it himself. Everybody has choices in their life and they have consequences. $300
  • 35. 3-400 Your basketball coach tells you that every time the star player gets close to you, flop to the ground to make it look like a foul. What should you do?
  • 36. 3-400A 1 - 100 Dont do it! You are responsible for being a good sportsman. How fun would the game be if everybody did flop fouls? $400
  • 37. 3-500 Right before you show your lamb for fair, another kid tells you to hit the lamb over and over again because the swelling will make it look more firm. What should you do?
  • 38. 3-500A 1 - 100 You are responsible for your animals well-being. Hitting it to make it look better is dishonest and criminal. $500
  • 39. 4-100 1 - 100 Your friend has been named the starting quarterback over you. Hes a better player, but you really wanted it and tried hard. Is it fair?
  • 40. 4-100A 1 - 100 Yes, sometimes not getting what you want isnt fun, but its fair. $100
  • 41. 4-200 Your studied hard for an upcoming math exam and think youll do well. Your classmate wants to copy your exam. What should you do?
  • 42. 4-200A 1 - 100 Dont do it! Everybody had a chance to study for the test. Dont taint your hard work studying by cheating! $200
  • 43. 4-300 You are a coach of the local basketball team. You suspend your star player for breaking the rules, even though the big game is coming up. Are you being fair to the team?
  • 44. 4-300A 1 - 100 As a coach, you are a role model. Rules and consequences must apply to everyone equally regardless if you hurt your chances of winning. $300
  • 45. 4-400 Your brother and you get caught ditching school. The principal gives your brother 5 days detention, but you only get one because you are on student council. Is it fair?
  • 46. 4-400A 1 - 100 NO! You broke the same rules, you should get the same consequence. $400
  • 47. 4-500 Your pal Frank and you are both failing history. Frank's parents have hired a tutor to help him get his grade up. Is it fair?
  • 48. 4-500A 1 - 100 YES! Tutoring is a great way to get your grades up. $500
  • 49. 5-100 1 - 100 You buy two tickets for the circus and promise youll take your sister. At the last minute, your boyfriend decides that he wants to go with you instead. What should you do?
  • 50. 5-100A 1 - 100 You made a promise. Keep It! $100
  • 51. 5-200 Your Grandma needs you to drive her to the grocery store. You planned on playing your new video game. What should you do?
  • 52. 5-200A 1 - 100 Take your Grandma. Caring for others sometimes involves sacrificing what you want. $200
  • 53. 5-300 Your coach wants you to take out the quarterbacks knee so he wont score any more touchdowns. Should you do it?
  • 54. 5-300A 1 - 100 Dont even think abut it! Think and care about your opponents, even when they are beating you. $300
  • 55. 5-400 Your pet pit bull is you most beloved thing in the world. The Police want you to get rid of it because it has bitten 12 kids in the neighborhood. What should you do?
  • 56. 5-400A 1 - 100 Your dog has to go. Your love for an animal does not outweigh other peoples safety. $400
  • 57. 5-500 Your 4-H animal is sick. You know the vet bill is going to wipe out the allowance money that youve been saving for a date. What should you do?
  • 58. 5-500A 1 - 100 Your animal is depending on you to take care of it. Take it to the Vet. $500
  • 59. 6-100 1 - 100 Your friend wants to throw their candy wrapper out the car window. What should you do?
  • 60. 6-100A 1 - 100 Stop them! What would the road look like if everybody threw their garbage out the window? $100
  • 61. 6-200 Your best friend is running for student council and wants you to help his campaign by spreading gossip about the candidates. What should you do?
  • 62. 6-200A 1 - 100 Dont do it! Gossip can damage more than a persons chance to get elected. $200
  • 63. 6-300 Your classmates religious beliefs wont allow her to pledge allegiance to the flag. Is she doing the right thing?
  • 64. 6-300A 1 - 100 YES! This country is built on the freedom of choice and expression. A person of character respects others beliefs. $300
  • 65. 6-400 The school board wants your class to help set up a fundraiser to support the library. You have to read. Should you help?
  • 66. 6-400A 1 - 100 Yes, being a good citizen involves doing things for everyones good. $400
  • 67. 6-500 Your classmate is running for student council and is promising that if hes elected, school will be over at 10:30 everyday. You know its a lie. What should you do?
  • 68. 6-500A 1 - 100 Get the truth out. People need the truth in order to make a wise vote. $500
  • 69. Final category The category is Stakeholders Write down how much you want to wager
  • 70. Right before the fair, you decide to inject your steer with a drug that will make him more tame. You win grand champion, but later everyone finds that you cheated. List at least 3 people that will be hurt by your bad choice.
  • 71. All family members, other exhibitors, the people who bought your animal, the 4-H agent, the Fair manager, 4-H adult volunteers, YOU (Many correct answers)
  • 72. Daily Double Round 1 Double Question How much do you want to wager?

Editor's Notes

  • #9: Round One should contain one Daily Double question. To insert the Daily Double Screen, follow these steps: 1. Select the desired button on this slide by clicking on it. Click on SLIDE SHOW ACTION SETTINGS Make a note of which slide the HYPERLINK is currently set to. In the Action Settings dialogue box, change the HYPERLINK to Daily Double Round 1. Click OK 6. Now go to 際際滷 Daily Double Round 1 in this presentation, and follow the directions in the Notes section
  • #73: To Complete the Daily Double Sequence for Round One: Click on any blue area on the slide that is currently displayed Click on 際際滷 Show Action Settings The Action Settings Dialog Box will be displayed. You will see that the HYPERLINK is currently set to 際際滷 8 Change the HYPERLINK so that it is set to the slide number you made note of previously Click OK until the Action Settings Dialog Box disappears Save Return to 際際滷 8 and select View 際際滷 Show. Test your Daily Double button to make sure it works as you wish it to.