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Jermaine Mcfarlane
4477 Waterside Pointe Circle
Orlando, FL 32829
Home (407) 203-4764
Cell Phone (321)512-6082
email address: jermaineimcfarlane@gmail.com
Objective: Professionalseeking a position to serve your organization while contributing the
best of my skills while developing professionally.
Technical Skills
* Skilled IT professional with over 11 years of leadership, data and voice networking, project and
system management.
* Successful performance in creating, designing; budgets, disaster recovery plans, proactive
security measures and troubleshooting procedures.
* Successfully led five major data, voice and wireless conversion / refresh projects in a single
calendar year with a 99% successful change control rate.
Experienced with server (Windows based), networks (route / switch) VoIP (Cisco Unified
Communications) systems, installation fire alarm systems, access control and business solutions.
Professional Experience
2015-current TEK Systems/CenturyLink Installation Technician
Installation of alarm systems, cable, internet and telephone services.
2015-2016 TEK Systems/ADT Technician Orlando, FL
Radio upgrade project, alarm systems products and services.
2012-2015 Bright House Networks Orlando, FL
Service Technician II
Utilize instruments such as Cable Locators/ Leakage Detector, Volt OHM Meters, Signal
Level Meters & Modem Analyzers and other system specific tools. Calculate RF losses
using available data as it pertains to CATV, HSD and Phone. Detect, repair and record
signal leakage when located. BHN coax plant, video voice and HSD data procedures.
Utilize online diagnostic tools and perform hold house certification checks. Identify plant
damage and submit proper paperwork for repair/ replacement. Complete all assigned in a
professional and accurate manner to avoid loss of equipment, ensure proper billing and
properly close out all work utilizing the correct completion or resolution codes. Retention
and sell service to new and existing customers.
2009-2012 Decorative Stones, LLC Manager St Croix, USVI
 Sales and established contracts for business and residential.
 Managed multiple contracts and accounts.
 Managed employees
Additional duties:
 Calling and surveying prospects and sales leads.
 Concrete coating and design and physical labor.
 Chemical control and designer.
2005-2009 Elec-Tech Solutions St Croix, USVI
Remote Computer Engineer
I had sound knowledge in networking protocols and device programming
which helped to develop modules as the projects developed for the
organization. I used my excellent analyzing ability for analyzing the
existing business requirements and proposing newsolutions for the
problem. I also involved in production support for maintaining the system
2005-2007 Guardian Security Systems VI St. Croix, USVI
Security Technician
Troubleshooting and installation of CCTV, access control, alarm system products.
1998-2005 Broadband VI St. Croix, USVI
Broadband Technician
 Business and Residential installation and troubleshooting
 Ran code diagnostics to ensure uninterrupted communication between radio towers
& signal distribution equipment.
 Responded to alerts and conducted problem analysis on broadcast equipment
including meters, receivers, repeaters, boosters, as well as on desktop computer
programs and software that integrated with broadcast equipment
 Restored services by walking customer through trouble shooting steps and made
service calls as necessary
ITT Technical Institute AAS Computer Engineering June 1998 Windows Network Admin
Bright House Network Installation Course FASA/BASA
Certification in Ladder Handling
Sales and Certified MS Office Certified Forklift Operator
Telecom Systems & Ethernet
CPR Certified/Safety Training Access Control /CCTV
CCTV Troubleshooting Business Sales

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Jermaine Mcfarlane resume

  • 1. Jermaine Mcfarlane 4477 Waterside Pointe Circle Orlando, FL 32829 Home (407) 203-4764 Cell Phone (321)512-6082 email address: jermaineimcfarlane@gmail.com Objective: Professionalseeking a position to serve your organization while contributing the best of my skills while developing professionally. Technical Skills * Skilled IT professional with over 11 years of leadership, data and voice networking, project and system management. * Successful performance in creating, designing; budgets, disaster recovery plans, proactive security measures and troubleshooting procedures. * Successfully led five major data, voice and wireless conversion / refresh projects in a single calendar year with a 99% successful change control rate. Experienced with server (Windows based), networks (route / switch) VoIP (Cisco Unified Communications) systems, installation fire alarm systems, access control and business solutions. Professional Experience 2015-current TEK Systems/CenturyLink Installation Technician Installation of alarm systems, cable, internet and telephone services. 2015-2016 TEK Systems/ADT Technician Orlando, FL Radio upgrade project, alarm systems products and services. 2012-2015 Bright House Networks Orlando, FL Service Technician II Utilize instruments such as Cable Locators/ Leakage Detector, Volt OHM Meters, Signal Level Meters & Modem Analyzers and other system specific tools. Calculate RF losses using available data as it pertains to CATV, HSD and Phone. Detect, repair and record signal leakage when located. BHN coax plant, video voice and HSD data procedures. Utilize online diagnostic tools and perform hold house certification checks. Identify plant damage and submit proper paperwork for repair/ replacement. Complete all assigned in a professional and accurate manner to avoid loss of equipment, ensure proper billing and properly close out all work utilizing the correct completion or resolution codes. Retention and sell service to new and existing customers.
  • 2. 2009-2012 Decorative Stones, LLC Manager St Croix, USVI Sales and established contracts for business and residential. Managed multiple contracts and accounts. Managed employees Additional duties: Calling and surveying prospects and sales leads. Concrete coating and design and physical labor. Chemical control and designer. 2005-2009 Elec-Tech Solutions St Croix, USVI Remote Computer Engineer I had sound knowledge in networking protocols and device programming which helped to develop modules as the projects developed for the organization. I used my excellent analyzing ability for analyzing the existing business requirements and proposing newsolutions for the problem. I also involved in production support for maintaining the system developed. 2005-2007 Guardian Security Systems VI St. Croix, USVI Security Technician Troubleshooting and installation of CCTV, access control, alarm system products. 1998-2005 Broadband VI St. Croix, USVI Broadband Technician Business and Residential installation and troubleshooting Ran code diagnostics to ensure uninterrupted communication between radio towers & signal distribution equipment. Responded to alerts and conducted problem analysis on broadcast equipment including meters, receivers, repeaters, boosters, as well as on desktop computer programs and software that integrated with broadcast equipment Restored services by walking customer through trouble shooting steps and made service calls as necessary Education ITT Technical Institute AAS Computer Engineering June 1998 Windows Network Admin Bright House Network Installation Course FASA/BASA Certification in Ladder Handling Sales and Certified MS Office Certified Forklift Operator Telecom Systems & Ethernet Engineering CPR Certified/Safety Training Access Control /CCTV CCTV Troubleshooting Business Sales