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James T Waisbrot                                              waisbrt.james@gmail.com
(715) 544-0583                                                jimwaisbrot@yahoo.com
1531 College Ave apt B                                        www.linkedin.com/in/jameswaisbrot
Stevens Point, Wisconsin 54481                                www.plaxo.com/directory/profile/163210378904/.../James/Waisbrot

Work in a Campaign or Issued Based Campaigns with training and a Salaried Position utilizing as many of my skills as possible
Also see http://www.democratsarebetter.blogspot.com for an example of a blog I can create – earlier on this blog you will also find my
entire profile where you can also download my job history resume.

(9/2003 to 5/2007) UW-Stevens Point
Bachelor's of Science in Web and Digital Media Design
Chancellor’s Leadership Award 2007 before graduation.
(9/1984 to 5/1989) Ripon College and Bonn University for 1988-89 Academic Year
Bachelor of arts in Business Management and German with one semester study abroad at Bonn University
Mile Kimball Leadership Scholar of 5 Years

Windows 95-XP/NT, Microsoft Office 97-03 (MS Word, Excel, Power Point, Outlook set-up and use), Dream Weaver MX, HTML/XHTML, Cascading
Style Sheets (CSS), MySQL, Adobe Photoshop CS and CS2, Flash MX 2004 and FLASH 8 (mainly for video), Public
Presentation Skills, Customer Client Service, Video Vegas (video rendering program), Blogging in Blogger by Google, Web designing in Joomla
templates for sites on servers usually using my preferred provider: Bluehost.

Chronological List of Political Campaign and Issue Participation and Experience

While helping with the Obama Campaign to get Obama Elected, I became a member of the Democratic Party, the Portage County Democrats and
the Portage County Obama Volunteer Group.

November 2008 – 2009 election period ( 9 months)
Executive Board Member-At-Large at Democratic Party of Wisconsin
- participated in monthly board member meetings.
- assisted on Michelle Bjella and other elected Board members of and the Progressive Action Network (PAN) group’s campaign to create
  awareness and reduce the use of Plastic Bags in Stevens Point. Eric Olson was instrumental in setting up a comprehensive action plan.
- assisted during the beginning stages of the election leadership and campaigning training and encouragement plan for Portage County
   Democrats, whose other members were Eric Olson and Chandra Ley and did the majority of work since I was more involved in original input
  and brain storming meetings.
- attended the 7th CD Convention on April 18, 2009 in Wausau, Wisconsin, as well as the Democratic Leadership Institute 2009 and the
  DPW June 12 and 13th, 2009.

7th CD Convention on April 18, 2009 in Wausau, Wisconsin
-voted the narrowing down of the issues to be forwarded to Wisconsin political candidates and gave input the wording of the issues that had
been first selected back all local offices by member voting.
- At the meetings, the voting delegates, like me, come together with the condensed Resolutions List from the area districts. This is done by
voting on which resolutions and their amended forms will then to be forwarded to the Democratic Party of Wisconsin (DPW).

Democratic Leadership Institute (DLI) April 25th and 26th, 2009 held at Devil's Head Resort Convention Center in Merimac, Wisconsin.
Attended Seminars:
- Tammy Baldwin Wisconsin and Pat Kreitlow of Eau Claire, -Wisconsin as Speakers
- Workshop with Obama for America Wisconsin Head
- Workshop on Using and getting out the vote with the VAN - Voter Activist
- Main Workshop on of Wisconsin Fund Raising and Engaging People

Obama Campaign (Winter Semester 2008)
-Participated in making phone calls and canvassing during the winter.

Obama Campaign (Summer Semester 2009)
-Participated in phone calling and canvassing this summer almost every day of week. I was a Blue team leader for the Blue team during the
 Campaign with Dan Deitrich.
-Helped Sam with writing of some phone scripts, and did data entry into VAN, sam also gave me an opportunity to assist in the running
 of several canvases held on weekend to train those who went out and to tabulate the results as they came back in from canvases.

Russ Feingold Steering Committee member (Summer, Fall 2010 - current)

Russ Feingold Campaign (Summer, Fall 2010 - current)
-involved in most canvases as volunteer.

Julie Lassa Campaign for Dave Obey’s Vacant Seat (Summer, Fall 2010 - current)
- involved in making phone calls and canvassing most days of week as volunteer.

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Jim waisbrot new political resume 2010

  • 1. James T Waisbrot waisbrt.james@gmail.com (715) 544-0583 jimwaisbrot@yahoo.com 1531 College Ave apt B www.linkedin.com/in/jameswaisbrot Stevens Point, Wisconsin 54481 www.plaxo.com/directory/profile/163210378904/.../James/Waisbrot OBJECTIVE Work in a Campaign or Issued Based Campaigns with training and a Salaried Position utilizing as many of my skills as possible Also see http://www.democratsarebetter.blogspot.com for an example of a blog I can create – earlier on this blog you will also find my entire profile where you can also download my job history resume. EDUCATION (9/2003 to 5/2007) UW-Stevens Point Bachelor's of Science in Web and Digital Media Design Chancellor’s Leadership Award 2007 before graduation. (9/1984 to 5/1989) Ripon College and Bonn University for 1988-89 Academic Year Bachelor of arts in Business Management and German with one semester study abroad at Bonn University Mile Kimball Leadership Scholar of 5 Years COMPUTER SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE WITH: Windows 95-XP/NT, Microsoft Office 97-03 (MS Word, Excel, Power Point, Outlook set-up and use), Dream Weaver MX, HTML/XHTML, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), MySQL, Adobe Photoshop CS and CS2, Flash MX 2004 and FLASH 8 (mainly for video), Public Presentation Skills, Customer Client Service, Video Vegas (video rendering program), Blogging in Blogger by Google, Web designing in Joomla templates for sites on servers usually using my preferred provider: Bluehost. Chronological List of Political Campaign and Issue Participation and Experience While helping with the Obama Campaign to get Obama Elected, I became a member of the Democratic Party, the Portage County Democrats and the Portage County Obama Volunteer Group. November 2008 – 2009 election period ( 9 months) Executive Board Member-At-Large at Democratic Party of Wisconsin - participated in monthly board member meetings. - assisted on Michelle Bjella and other elected Board members of and the Progressive Action Network (PAN) group’s campaign to create awareness and reduce the use of Plastic Bags in Stevens Point. Eric Olson was instrumental in setting up a comprehensive action plan. - assisted during the beginning stages of the election leadership and campaigning training and encouragement plan for Portage County Democrats, whose other members were Eric Olson and Chandra Ley and did the majority of work since I was more involved in original input and brain storming meetings. - attended the 7th CD Convention on April 18, 2009 in Wausau, Wisconsin, as well as the Democratic Leadership Institute 2009 and the DPW June 12 and 13th, 2009. 7th CD Convention on April 18, 2009 in Wausau, Wisconsin -voted the narrowing down of the issues to be forwarded to Wisconsin political candidates and gave input the wording of the issues that had been first selected back all local offices by member voting. - At the meetings, the voting delegates, like me, come together with the condensed Resolutions List from the area districts. This is done by voting on which resolutions and their amended forms will then to be forwarded to the Democratic Party of Wisconsin (DPW). Democratic Leadership Institute (DLI) April 25th and 26th, 2009 held at Devil's Head Resort Convention Center in Merimac, Wisconsin. Attended Seminars: - Tammy Baldwin Wisconsin and Pat Kreitlow of Eau Claire, -Wisconsin as Speakers - Workshop with Obama for America Wisconsin Head - Workshop on Using and getting out the vote with the VAN - Voter Activist - Main Workshop on of Wisconsin Fund Raising and Engaging People Obama Campaign (Winter Semester 2008) -Participated in making phone calls and canvassing during the winter. Obama Campaign (Summer Semester 2009) -Participated in phone calling and canvassing this summer almost every day of week. I was a Blue team leader for the Blue team during the Campaign with Dan Deitrich. -Helped Sam with writing of some phone scripts, and did data entry into VAN, sam also gave me an opportunity to assist in the running of several canvases held on weekend to train those who went out and to tabulate the results as they came back in from canvases. Russ Feingold Steering Committee member (Summer, Fall 2010 - current) Russ Feingold Campaign (Summer, Fall 2010 - current) -involved in most canvases as volunteer. Julie Lassa Campaign for Dave Obey’s Vacant Seat (Summer, Fall 2010 - current) - involved in making phone calls and canvassing most days of week as volunteer.