A summary discussion of the use of learning technologies in FE V04 (2)John Traxler
This document provides a summary of the use of learning technologies in further education in the UK. It discusses established technologies like VLEs as well as emerging technologies like tablets, e-book readers, and programming tools. It also covers trends like the flipped classroom, personal learning environments, MOOCs, and virtual schools. The document examines debates around the efficacy of online and blended learning. It also outlines UK government policy on educational technology since 2010 and the role of non-government agencies in supporting learning technology.
Phil thanked Mats for his efforts as project manager on the intense Punj Lloyd project over the past 5 months. He asks Mats to sign the project close out report and send it to him so he can finalize and issue it. Phil offers to provide a testimonial for Mats' work and hopes they have the opportunity to work together on future NorCE projects, but wishes Mats success in finding another company to use his experience and knowledge in the meantime.
Phil thanked Mats for his efforts as project manager on the intense Punj Lloyd project over the past 5 months. He asks Mats to sign the project close out report and send it to him so he can finalize and issue it. Phil offers to provide a testimonial for Mats' work and hopes they have opportunities to work together on future NorCE projects, but wishes Mats success in finding another company to use his experience and knowledge in the meantime.
The document summarizes an upcoming workshop on education technology hosted by the International Alliance of Research Universities. The two-day workshop will bring together educators from member institutions to share ideas and initiatives regarding education technologies. It will feature presentations from guest speakers on trends in edtech and how technology can transform learning. Members will also present their own edtech projects and discuss potential areas of collaboration. The goal is to create a collaborative network for advancing education technology among IARU members.
This document discusses family structures and women's situations in different parts of Asia. It mentions extended and nuclear families as well as aspects of religions and cultures in countries like India, Saudi Arabia, Japan, and Vietnam. Some topics covered include Hinduism and the caste system in India, Buddhism, Shintoism, flags, traditional clothing like the kimono, flower arranging, self-immolation protests, and religious practices affecting women's rights.
The document discusses the organizational life cycle that new ventures typically go through, including five stages: start-up, expansion, consolidation, revival, and decline. It describes the challenges entrepreneurs face at each stage, such as unpredictable growth and fighting fires at start-up, managing rapid growth during expansion, and making difficult decisions during consolidation to remain profitable. Successful ventures adapt to meet the changing needs at each stage through their leadership and strategic decisions around areas like products, markets, and organization.
The document discusses various financial resources available for new ventures, including:
1) Personal sources of funding such as personal assets that can be converted to cash like home equity or life insurance.
2) Informal risk capital from wealthy individual investors who enjoy investing in startups.
3) Venture capital which provides equity funding and managerial expertise to high-growth startups in exchange for a portion of equity.
4) Debt financing including short, intermediate, and long-term loans which are secured against collateral to assure repayment. Commercial bank loans, lines of credit, and credit cards are mentioned.
Krupa Patel is seeking a job in a professional organization with growth opportunities. She has over 3 years of experience in recruitment and human resources. Her most recent role was as a Technical Recruiter at SmartBrains Engineering and Technology, where her responsibilities included establishing recruiting requirements, determining applicant qualifications through interviews, and managing the new employee onboarding process. She has a Master's degree in Human Resource Management and skills in communication, leadership, Microsoft Office, and using job portals.
2. Polecana miejscowo 悪姻温一坦敬
Miasto na prawach powiatu poo甜one w
poudniowej Polsce nad Wis, drugie w kraju
pod wzgldem liczby mieszkac坦w i pod
wzgldem powierzchni, dawna stolica Polski i
miasto koronacyjne oraz nekropolia kr坦l坦w
Polski, od czasu odzyskania niepodlegoci w
1918 r. miasto wojew坦dzkie (od 1998 r. siedziba
wadz wojew坦dztwa maopolskiego). Le甜y na
obszarze Bramy krakowskiej, Niecki
Nidziaskiej i Podg坦rza Zachodniobeskidzkiego.
5. Zabytki Krakowa
Zamek Kr坦lewski na Wawelu
纏ydowski Kazimierz
Dworek Jana Matejki w Krzesawicach
Muzeum Starego Teatru
纏ydowskie Muzeum Galicja
7. 悪姻温一坦敬
Wawel - pomimo tego, 甜e prawie 400 lat temu
przesta by oficjaln rezydencj wadc坦w
Rzeczypospolitej, jest miejscem szczeg坦lnym,
czcym wszystkich Polak坦w. Wawel w
najgbszym znaczeniu to nie miejsce lecz
idea, to esencja polskoci.
8. 悪姻温一坦敬
Sukiennice podlegay przez wieki wielu
przemianom i ich obecny ksztat w niczym nie
przypomina dawnych sukiennic. Ju甜 w roku 1257
ksi甜 Bolesaw Wstydliwy przy lokacji Krakowa
zobowiza si postawi kramy sukienne.
Stanowiy one podw坦jny rzd kram坦w
kamiennych, tworzcych jakby uliczk porodku
Rynku. Sukiennice w tej postaci przetrway do
poowy XIV stulecia.
9. W kt坦rym roku Bolesaw Wstydliwy zobowiza
si postawi kramy sukienne?