This presentation shows the pro's and con's for appearing for an interview.
Some reference videos which might help you understand better.
Attitude is everything
It is very important to have a correct and positive attitude and approach while giving an interview
There are two kinds of people
Street smart people and book smart people
The requirement for such kinds of people varies from job to job
This video has emphasized on the street smart people and people who can think spontaneously and has a solution to every problem thrown at him
This video is very important to know how should one behave during an interview and how to be dressed
Presented by The students of BA Degree in Jewellery Design & Manufacturing Techniques batch 13
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1. Job Interviews are like first
Good impressions Count.
Awkwardness can occur.
Outcomes are
2. Do’s
There are certain points that one needs to remember before giving an
interview. They are as follows:
1. Body language and posture : Sit up right with your shoulders back and do not
2. Make the right impression.
? Arrive at the interview about 10 to 15 minutes early. A late arrival at the interview
is never excusable.
? Turn off or mute your cell phone and put it out of sight.
? Make sure that you greet the interviewer, shake hands firmly, make eye contact
and smile when you are introduced to someone.
3. Avoid using poor grammar ,bad language and slangs.
3. Do’s
4. While giving the interview focus on what you can do not the company and not what
the company can do for you. Stress on your achievements and accomplishments ,
particularly on the ones related to the requirements of the job and mention what
you learnt from it.
5. Before going for an interview make sure you study about the company and its
position in the industry , the history of the company and the owners.
6. Have a copy of your resume with you when you go to every interview. If the
interviewer has misplaced his or her copy, you'll save a lot of time.
7. Make sure you are very well prepared with all the questions the interviewer will ask.
Be ready for questions such as , "Why should we hire you?“
8. Be truthful while giving your interview and do not hide any facts because honesty is
one of the most important quality that every employer is in search of.
4. Do’s
9. Prepare to go into every interview with three to five key selling points in mind, such
as what makes you the best candidate for the position. Have an example of each
selling point prepared ("I have good communication skills. For example, I
persuaded an entire group to ...").
10. Be prepared to tell the interviewer why you want that job – including what
interests you about it, what rewards it offers that you find valuable, and what
abilities it requires that you possess. If an interviewer doesn't think you're really,
really interested in the job, he or she won't give you an offer – no matter how
good you are!
11.Dress appropriately. Extremes in fashion or very casual clothes should generally be
avoided. Look neat and clean.
12.Express yourself and your views clearly.
13.Listen carefully to the questions and answer clearly and thoughtfully.
5. Do’s
14.Make sure you fully understand the question and query any point which you maybe
doubtful about.
15.Be aware of what your needs are ,so you can assess how well the company can
fulfil them.
16.Be confident. Remember you applied for the position because you thought you
could do it.
17.Make sure you always present your skills in a positive way. Even when describing
your weakness you should always show then what you are doing to rectify it.
18.Make sure you have an idea of where you want to be in the future and relate your
future goals to your application for the present position.
6. Dont’s
There are certain points that we should avoid in an interview.
? Don't dress too casually or look untidy.
? Don't make derogatory remarks about past or present employers.
? Don't fidget or twitch, try to control other nervous mannerisms.
? Conversely, don't sit there like a statue. If you feel more comfortable talking with
the aid of your hands for emphasis, then use them, but try not to be too excessive
in your gestures.
? Don't interrupt the interviewer before they have finished asking you a question
and never finish their sentences for them.
7. Dont’s
? Don't Lie. If you have to lie about what you are like or your abilities in order to
obtain the job, you are likely to find yourself in a position that you don't really like
and probably one in which you will have problems fulfilling successfully.
? Don't worry if you answer one question badly. Treat each question individually.
Remember that if you mess up the second question but answer the next 15
brilliantly they won't place much emphasis on the second question putting your
poor answer down to nerves.
? Don't talk about salary, holidays or bonuses unless they bring them up.
? Don't answer questions with a simple "yes" or "no". Make sure that you explain
your reasoning fully.
? Don't wear too much perfume or aftershave.