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How to Perfect Social Media (Free Version) February 2, 2010 Joe Chernov Director of Content Marketing Eloqua
Joe chernov
Google Search: Perfect 珂温稼
Turns Out
Google Search: Perfect 安看馨温稼
Turns Out
No Perfect People; No Perfect Formula
Social Media Has A Packaging Problem
Everything Has Been Aestheticized
Joe chernov
Joe chernov
Social Media Aesthetics #Fail
What We Need Amplification Apple fication
Perfect by Repackaging Simplify: Layer a lightweight skin on top of all networks to simplify/universalize experience Empower: Let members determine feeds, taxonomy, terminology, groups/networks to pull content from Expedite: Create 80/20 privacy controls:  80%: Offer privacy bundles for different member personas (Open Kimono, Secret Boomer, etc.) 20%: Let members fine-tune
What About Brands?
Two Needs  Learning data Objective-based Packages
 Learning: iPhoto Faces, But For Data
Translation: Were Trying to Boil the Ocean  CMOs have trouble tying social to conversion  and sales metrics, determining the right metrics  and how to track them, getting CEO buy-in on metrics,  finding the resources to focus on measurement,  and implementing such measurements globally. Bazaarvoice 2011 CMO Survey
Objective-based Social Analytics Awareness Package Objectives: Launching a product/category/market Metrics: Views, fans, clicks, tweets, etc. Affinity Package Objectives: Overcoming a crisis, models for which retention more valuable than acquisition Metrics: NPS, sentiment, Likes, referrals Product Development Package Objective: Collect feedback for future product/service Metrics: Reviews, suggestions, QA value, etc. Revenue Package Objectives: Satisfy CEO Metrics: Attribution, influence, margin, etc.
Stay in Touch Joe Chernov Eloqua @jchernov about.me/jchernov

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Joe chernov

  • 1. How to Perfect Social Media (Free Version) February 2, 2010 Joe Chernov Director of Content Marketing Eloqua
  • 5. Google Search: Perfect 安看馨温稼
  • 7. No Perfect People; No Perfect Formula
  • 8. Social Media Has A Packaging Problem
  • 9. Everything Has Been Aestheticized
  • 13. What We Need Amplification Apple fication
  • 14. Perfect by Repackaging Simplify: Layer a lightweight skin on top of all networks to simplify/universalize experience Empower: Let members determine feeds, taxonomy, terminology, groups/networks to pull content from Expedite: Create 80/20 privacy controls: 80%: Offer privacy bundles for different member personas (Open Kimono, Secret Boomer, etc.) 20%: Let members fine-tune
  • 16. Two Needs Learning data Objective-based Packages
  • 17. Learning: iPhoto Faces, But For Data
  • 18. Translation: Were Trying to Boil the Ocean CMOs have trouble tying social to conversion and sales metrics, determining the right metrics and how to track them, getting CEO buy-in on metrics, finding the resources to focus on measurement, and implementing such measurements globally. Bazaarvoice 2011 CMO Survey
  • 19. Objective-based Social Analytics Awareness Package Objectives: Launching a product/category/market Metrics: Views, fans, clicks, tweets, etc. Affinity Package Objectives: Overcoming a crisis, models for which retention more valuable than acquisition Metrics: NPS, sentiment, Likes, referrals Product Development Package Objective: Collect feedback for future product/service Metrics: Reviews, suggestions, QA value, etc. Revenue Package Objectives: Satisfy CEO Metrics: Attribution, influence, margin, etc.
  • 20. Stay in Touch Joe Chernov Eloqua @jchernov about.me/jchernov

Editor's Notes

  • #4: Social media is ostensibly about people, so to figure out how to perfect social media, I searched for the perfect man. This is Googles answer.
  • #5: But after a little deeper digging, I found out that Mr. Pitt isnt so perfect after all. In fact, he snores so badly he needs to sleep wearing one of these masks. Hashtag #notsohotnow. Then I figured maybe Perfect 安看馨温稼 would give me the answer I was looking for. I ran that search and Google retrieved .
  • #6: This.
  • #7: As luck would have it, Ms. Jolie isnt so perfect. She refuses to turn off her phone in movie theaters. (Kidding of course. This is parody.)
  • #8: The fact is, people arent perfect, so social media isnt perfect. Theres no perfect formula here.
  • #9: Or more simply, social media suffers from a packaging problem.
  • #10: But to me, the area in which social media lags the greatest is in design. We live in an aestheticized culture. THIS (laptop) has turned it THAT (MacBook Air). Heck even the trusty pine box, has now evolved into THIS - a designer coffin! But now lets take a look at social design
  • #11: These are all of the sites I access pretty much daily. My hub is Facebook I handle multiple twitter accounts, from as may as four clients I have a crush on 際際滷Share so I do a lot there Now Q&A sites like Focus and Quora have popped up, which command a lot of time We are a big salesforce partner, so I need to stay plugged into their social channel, called Chatter An even LinkedIn, once a home for my resume and professional contacts, has become a marketing hub, with Groups and Questions
  • #12: So on a daily basis, my brain is trying to process all of this. Its just too much. Each site has its own lexicon, its own architecture, its own social mores. Companies are starting to pop up like Rock Melt (social browser) and Nimble (social contact management) and Twezr (social content management). But on balance, when it comes to design, social media gets
  • #13: A Fail
  • #14: Just a white background isnt the same thing as white space. Social media is crowded and noisy, we all know that. Seriously, a report out of Nielsen said that time on social media is up 43% year over year. That many people spending that much time, its bound to get messy. But the networks themselves and the marketers they are trying to attract are so concerned with showhorning in every possible feed to maximize message amplification that usability is suffering. We need less amplification and more Apple-fication
  • #15: I think there are three steps to successfully repackage social media. The first step is to layer a high design, Apple like skin on top of each social channel. (Hey Cathy said to be forward-thinking!) The purpose of this is to not only improve the UX, but also to universalize it. The most important notion here is that design drives function, not the other way around. Then let the users create their own experience. They pick the feeds from whatever people or whatever platforms they want they decide the taxonomy, they decide the terminology. For those who dont want to do that work, there should be templated versions, like a people-centric format that prioritizes who creates content over what network its created on, or the recipriocal, a network-centric feed that gives prime real estate to preferred networks. Ultimately, the non-linear threat to social media is privacy. According to Forrester 50% of the fastest growing demo (boomers) have serious concerns about tehir online privacy. Facebook has made massive progress in this area, but there is still much more we could do. Again its a packaging problem: For the masses create branded privacy packages that help people self-select in. Make it simple, with names like Open Kimono for people who dont care much about their privacy, or Boomer Secret for, well, for my mom. Let the longtail fine-tune.
  • #16: Ok so as a user thats what Id like to see. But Cathy also asked us to answer this question from the perspective of a brand. I think there are two changes that need to be made.
  • #17: First
  • #18: I find social monitoring tools surprisingly manual. Every change to the data pulled has to be a manual process. Lucky for us, we have a very unusual name and so do our competitors. But what about if your brand is Tide? You dont want to pull every nautical report into your dashboards. Id like to see listening platforms develop some machine learning capabilities like the Faces feature in iPhoto, where the software recognizes facial features and recommends tags accordingly. Sure in my case it insists grandpa is a picnic basket (honest), so its imperfect. But its a start. Why cant listening platforms gradually prioritize content based not only on the rules you establish, but also the way you interact with the data and creators?
  • #19: Its no wonder why, according to Forrester, 41% of companies still arent engaged in social media: We are trying to solve every business challenge imaginable with a single channel!
  • #20: We need a theres a package for that mindset when it comes to data. Launching a new product? Theres a package for that. Embroiled in crisis communications? Theres a package for that. Looking to see the impact of social media on retention? You get the idea