This document summarizes the sanitation situation and community composition in Jogeshwari, Mumbai. There were two toilets located a few meters apart, one maintained by a wealthy Marwari trader community and in better condition, while the other was newer but more run down. The location provides an opportunity to study which toilet residents use and why, as the community has a heterogeneous population of Marwaris, Maharashtrians, and Muslims.
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1. Jogeshwari,
Community Composition: Marwaris, Maharashtrians and Muslims . Extremely heterogenous
Sanitation Situation: There were 2 toilets almost a few meters across each other. One was a toilet built
by SPARC 5 years ago but maintained by a very rich Marwari trader community, and the other one which
is recently built (by another local councilor) but looks much older and worn out than the merchant toilet
adjacent to it.
Top Reasons to Choose This Location/Unique Aspects:
1. The merchant toilet is well maintained and much better equipped as compared to the new toilet as they
mandal that takes care of it pumps in extra money for its betterment.
2. It will be interesting to see which toilets the resident use and what their motivations are behind using it.