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John Hoffner, P.E. 
8908 Marybank Drive Austin, TX 78750 
(Cell) 512-923-3474 Email: john@johnhoffner.com 
Accomplished engineer and manager with expertise in designing, installing and operating renewable 
energy systems. Acknowledged in the industry for leading design teams related to utility-scale 
photovoltaic (PV) power plants and PV on commercial buildings. Recognized in the renewable 
industry for technical understanding of leading edge PV systems and working with clients to develop 
high quality and competitively priced installations in the U.S., Middle East and Canada. Conducted 
financial due diligence for clients planning to invest in utility-scale PV plants. Held leadership roles in 
local, state and national organizations to develop renewable energy codes and standards, and 
policies. John Hoffner has 20 years of experience with electric utilities regarding interconnection, 
building energy efficiency and renewable energy project development and operation. 
CH2M HILL, Austin, Texas 2007 - 2014 
Solar PV Program Manager 
Built a talented team to deliver quality engineering for U.S. and international clients. Led solar team 
of five with support from 100 power engineers to implement distributed and large-scale solar PV 
designs. Developed new business with clients to implement solar, energy efficiency and biomass 
programs. Here are representive projects: 
UTILITY-SCALE PV PLANTS, Recurrent Energy, Ontario, Canada, 2010 - 2014 
Led team to write technical specifications and support plant commissioning for 19 solar PV 
projects each up to 10 MW. Enabled Recurrent Energy to sell the 19 projects worth $600M by 
March 2014 to investors. 
1 MW PV SYSTEM DESIGN, Silver Peak Mine, Nevada, 2014 
Directed development of cutting edge design and construction plan for 1 MW PV plant with a 
battery storage system to shift solar production. 
200 MW SOLAR PV PLANT, Laughlin, Nevada, 2013 
Drove development of preliminary designs, layouts, electrical one-line diagrams, PVsyst 
modeling, cost estimates for 200 MW solar PV plant near Mojave Substation. Client bid into San 
Diego market for between 5 and 6 cents/kWh; a record low price for utility-scale PV. 
2 MW SOLAR PV PLANTS, PacifiCorp, Oregon and Utah, 2010 - 2014 
The team wrote technical specifications for the client to hire an EPC contractor to build and 
commission the PV plants. Reviewed drawings and construction submitttals. PacifiCorp was 
able to procure and build the PV plants on time and under budget. 
MASDAR CITY DEVELOPMENT, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 2008 - 2010 
Managed team providing technical design, procurement, installation and commissioning for the 
10 MW PV system. The plant was completed and commissioned in 2009, the first large-scale 
plant in the Middle East. The project included energy efficiency measures and biomass analyses. 
DUE DILIGENCE, Marubeni, 150 MW PV Plant, Australia 2011, and TransCanada for a 
$400M investment in a PV in Ontario, Canada 2010 - 2011 
Led team to conduct technical due diligence: Marubeni, was considering investing in the 
Australian Queensland project, and our team worked with TransCanada for a full year 
evaluating an opportunity that allowed them to invest in PV plants worth $400 Million.
John Hoffner 
(Cell) 512-923-3474 Email: john@johnhoffner.com 
Conservation Services Group (CSG), formerly Planergy, Austin, Texas. 1996 - 2007 
Director of Technical Services 
Managed technical delivery for renewable energy services and programs countrywide. The services 
included PV design support, quality assurance procedures for PV programs, training programs for 
staff, contractors and allies, technical aspects of public and consumer education activities for State of 
New Jersey incentive program (CORE). Designed and installed 2 MW+ of distributed renewable 
electric power plants for CSG and other clients. Oversaw implementation of renewable energy 
education and outreach programs, training, and policy development in Texas and New Jersey. 
Directed the program Infinite Power of Texas, an education campaign for the state of Texas, 
including a video featuring Dan Rather. Helped build Texas renewable market and drove renewable 
portfolio standard (1999) for the state of Texas. 
Austin Energy, Austin, Texas 1983 - 1996 
Manager, Renewable Energy Division 
Directed implementation of solar PV, wind, and biomass plants as part of Austin Energys overall 
generation plan. Worked with key stakeholders to develop utility specifications and standards for 
renewable plants including large-scale and distributed generation. Led installation of two 300 kW 
photovoltaic plants and several small systems on city buildings. Negotiated purchase power 
agreement for 10 MW landfill gas power plant and 10 MW share of Culberson County wind plant 
built in partnership with Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA); the first utility-scale wind farm in 
Texas. Worked on committees for Texas Public Utility Commission to write state interconnection 
standards for state. 
Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas 1981 - 1983 
Graduate Research Fellowship 
Attended and completed graduate school program (1981-1983) in engineering and physics program 
with emphasis on solar energy. Thesis: The Application of Indirect Evaporative Cooling and High 
Efficiency Dehumidification for Energy Conservation in Commercial Buildings, 1983. 
RG Vanderweil Engineers  Boston, Massachusetts 1980  1981 
Energy Engineer 
Conducted energy audits of schools and hospitals, commercial, and industrial buildings in 
Massachusetts, Connecticut and New Jersey. Completed final reports and preliminary designs for 
energy conservation measures, including capital improvements at each site. 
Trinity University, M.S., Engineering Science, San Antonio, Texas 
Tufts University, B.S., Civil Engineering, Medford, Massachusetts 
Professional Credentials 
則 Registered Professional Engineer: Texas (1986, No. 56948) 
則 Technical Advisory Group  City of Austin Net-zero Carbon Emmissions Commission - present 
則 Instructor, Austin Community College, Solar Electricity (2004  2009) 
則 Board of Directors, Texas Renewable Energy Industries Association, present, and 2004  2012 
則 Board of Directors, Texas Solar Energy Industries Association, 2009 - present 
則 Board of Directors, Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC), 2013 - present 
則 Commissioner, City of Austin Resource Management Commission, appointed by City Council, 
2003  2005. Developed/implemented first PV rebate program in State of Texas by Austin Energy
John Hoffner 
(Cell) 512-923-3474 Email: john@johnhoffner.com 
則 Leadership Austin; graduated, 2003 
則 North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP), Emeritus: certified 2003-2012 
Other Distinguishing Qualifications and Community Involvement 
則 Teaching: Co-authored and implemented solar PV training program at Austin Community 
College (ACC) for North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP) 
certification. Received State funding, wrote and taught curriculum (2004  2009) for hands-on 
training and certification of solar PV installers and designers. Course prepares students to sit for 
nationally recognized NABCEP certification and is regularly offered at ACC and local IBEW in 
Austin. Member of advisory board for training center Imagine Solar. 
則 School photovoltaic (PV) systems: While at CSG I designed, installed and maintained PV systems 
on 50 schools throughout Texas ranging from 1 to 4 kW. Under 10-year power purchase 
agreement, 19 school PV systems were installed in American Electric Power (AEP) service 
則 Radio programmer: Programmer and producer for weekly green-talk program called Shades of 
Green at Austins FM station KOOP. Program also streams live at www.koop.org. Present.
John Hoffner 
(Cell) 512-923-3474 Email: john@johnhoffner.com 
Recent Publications with Co-authors (earlier papers not listed) 
1. Proposed Photovoltaic Module Form Factor to Reduce Levelized Cost of Energy, Proceedings 
of 40th IEEE PV Specialist Conference, Denver, CO, June 8-13, 2014 
2. Creating a Balance of Cost, Reliability, and Maintainability for Utility-Scale PV Power 
Plants, Proceedings of 39th IEEE PV Specialist Conference, Tampa, FL, June 19, 2013 
3. Solar PV Project Due Diligence for Ontario, Canada Climates, Proceedings of the World 
Renewable Energy Forum (WREF), Denver, CO, May 2012 
4. San Jose, California Identifies up to 40 MW of PV for Municipal Facilities through the Solar 
America Cities Program, Proceedings of the American Solar Energy Society, May 2010 
5. Watts-on-Schools, 10-years of Experience with an Innovative PV School Leasing Program, 
Proceedings of the American Solar Energy Society, May, 2010 
6. Sun Power For the Town of Westwood, Massachusetts, Proceedings of the American Solar 
Energy Society, July 2004 
7. Renewable Energy; The Infinite Power of Texas, Proceedings of the American Solar Energy 
Society, June, 2002 
8. The Texas Photovoltaic Coalition; Options for Rural Utilities, Proceedings of the American 
Solar Energy Society, June 2002 
9. Facilitating Solar Electric Plant Construction, an Innovative Model in Long Island, New York, 
Proceedings of the American Solar Energy Society, Austin, Texas June 2003 
10. PV Window Awning System on the University of Texas Houston Health Science Center Using 
AC-Modules, Proceedings of 28th IEEE PV Specialist Meeting, Anchorage, Alaska, September 
11. Stand-Alone PV as a Customer Service Option in Texas, USA, Proceedings of IEEE PV 
Specialist Conference, Vienna, Austria, July 1998 
12. Renewable Energy in Texas, Texas Business Review, U. of TX at Austin, June 1997 
13. PV-Friendly Pricing: The Commercialization of Grid-Tied PV Systems by Electric Utilities, 
Proceedings, IEEE PV Specialists Conference, Washington, DC, May 1996

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John Hoffner Resume Dec 2014

  • 1. John Hoffner, P.E. 8908 Marybank Drive Austin, TX 78750 (Cell) 512-923-3474 Email: john@johnhoffner.com SUMMARY Accomplished engineer and manager with expertise in designing, installing and operating renewable energy systems. Acknowledged in the industry for leading design teams related to utility-scale photovoltaic (PV) power plants and PV on commercial buildings. Recognized in the renewable industry for technical understanding of leading edge PV systems and working with clients to develop high quality and competitively priced installations in the U.S., Middle East and Canada. Conducted financial due diligence for clients planning to invest in utility-scale PV plants. Held leadership roles in local, state and national organizations to develop renewable energy codes and standards, and policies. John Hoffner has 20 years of experience with electric utilities regarding interconnection, building energy efficiency and renewable energy project development and operation. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE CH2M HILL, Austin, Texas 2007 - 2014 Solar PV Program Manager Built a talented team to deliver quality engineering for U.S. and international clients. Led solar team of five with support from 100 power engineers to implement distributed and large-scale solar PV designs. Developed new business with clients to implement solar, energy efficiency and biomass programs. Here are representive projects: UTILITY-SCALE PV PLANTS, Recurrent Energy, Ontario, Canada, 2010 - 2014 Led team to write technical specifications and support plant commissioning for 19 solar PV projects each up to 10 MW. Enabled Recurrent Energy to sell the 19 projects worth $600M by March 2014 to investors. 1 MW PV SYSTEM DESIGN, Silver Peak Mine, Nevada, 2014 Directed development of cutting edge design and construction plan for 1 MW PV plant with a battery storage system to shift solar production. 200 MW SOLAR PV PLANT, Laughlin, Nevada, 2013 Drove development of preliminary designs, layouts, electrical one-line diagrams, PVsyst modeling, cost estimates for 200 MW solar PV plant near Mojave Substation. Client bid into San Diego market for between 5 and 6 cents/kWh; a record low price for utility-scale PV. 2 MW SOLAR PV PLANTS, PacifiCorp, Oregon and Utah, 2010 - 2014 The team wrote technical specifications for the client to hire an EPC contractor to build and commission the PV plants. Reviewed drawings and construction submitttals. PacifiCorp was able to procure and build the PV plants on time and under budget. MASDAR CITY DEVELOPMENT, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 2008 - 2010 Managed team providing technical design, procurement, installation and commissioning for the 10 MW PV system. The plant was completed and commissioned in 2009, the first large-scale plant in the Middle East. The project included energy efficiency measures and biomass analyses. DUE DILIGENCE, Marubeni, 150 MW PV Plant, Australia 2011, and TransCanada for a $400M investment in a PV in Ontario, Canada 2010 - 2011 Led team to conduct technical due diligence: Marubeni, was considering investing in the Australian Queensland project, and our team worked with TransCanada for a full year evaluating an opportunity that allowed them to invest in PV plants worth $400 Million.
  • 2. John Hoffner (Cell) 512-923-3474 Email: john@johnhoffner.com 2 Conservation Services Group (CSG), formerly Planergy, Austin, Texas. 1996 - 2007 Director of Technical Services Managed technical delivery for renewable energy services and programs countrywide. The services included PV design support, quality assurance procedures for PV programs, training programs for staff, contractors and allies, technical aspects of public and consumer education activities for State of New Jersey incentive program (CORE). Designed and installed 2 MW+ of distributed renewable electric power plants for CSG and other clients. Oversaw implementation of renewable energy education and outreach programs, training, and policy development in Texas and New Jersey. Directed the program Infinite Power of Texas, an education campaign for the state of Texas, including a video featuring Dan Rather. Helped build Texas renewable market and drove renewable portfolio standard (1999) for the state of Texas. Austin Energy, Austin, Texas 1983 - 1996 Manager, Renewable Energy Division Directed implementation of solar PV, wind, and biomass plants as part of Austin Energys overall generation plan. Worked with key stakeholders to develop utility specifications and standards for renewable plants including large-scale and distributed generation. Led installation of two 300 kW photovoltaic plants and several small systems on city buildings. Negotiated purchase power agreement for 10 MW landfill gas power plant and 10 MW share of Culberson County wind plant built in partnership with Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA); the first utility-scale wind farm in Texas. Worked on committees for Texas Public Utility Commission to write state interconnection standards for state. Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas 1981 - 1983 Graduate Research Fellowship Attended and completed graduate school program (1981-1983) in engineering and physics program with emphasis on solar energy. Thesis: The Application of Indirect Evaporative Cooling and High Efficiency Dehumidification for Energy Conservation in Commercial Buildings, 1983. RG Vanderweil Engineers Boston, Massachusetts 1980 1981 Energy Engineer Conducted energy audits of schools and hospitals, commercial, and industrial buildings in Massachusetts, Connecticut and New Jersey. Completed final reports and preliminary designs for energy conservation measures, including capital improvements at each site. Education Trinity University, M.S., Engineering Science, San Antonio, Texas Tufts University, B.S., Civil Engineering, Medford, Massachusetts Professional Credentials 則 Registered Professional Engineer: Texas (1986, No. 56948) 則 Technical Advisory Group City of Austin Net-zero Carbon Emmissions Commission - present 則 Instructor, Austin Community College, Solar Electricity (2004 2009) 則 Board of Directors, Texas Renewable Energy Industries Association, present, and 2004 2012 則 Board of Directors, Texas Solar Energy Industries Association, 2009 - present 則 Board of Directors, Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC), 2013 - present 則 Commissioner, City of Austin Resource Management Commission, appointed by City Council, 2003 2005. Developed/implemented first PV rebate program in State of Texas by Austin Energy
  • 3. John Hoffner (Cell) 512-923-3474 Email: john@johnhoffner.com 3 則 Leadership Austin; graduated, 2003 則 North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP), Emeritus: certified 2003-2012 Other Distinguishing Qualifications and Community Involvement 則 Teaching: Co-authored and implemented solar PV training program at Austin Community College (ACC) for North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP) certification. Received State funding, wrote and taught curriculum (2004 2009) for hands-on training and certification of solar PV installers and designers. Course prepares students to sit for nationally recognized NABCEP certification and is regularly offered at ACC and local IBEW in Austin. Member of advisory board for training center Imagine Solar. 則 School photovoltaic (PV) systems: While at CSG I designed, installed and maintained PV systems on 50 schools throughout Texas ranging from 1 to 4 kW. Under 10-year power purchase agreement, 19 school PV systems were installed in American Electric Power (AEP) service territory. 則 Radio programmer: Programmer and producer for weekly green-talk program called Shades of Green at Austins FM station KOOP. Program also streams live at www.koop.org. Present.
  • 4. John Hoffner (Cell) 512-923-3474 Email: john@johnhoffner.com 4 ADDENDUM Recent Publications with Co-authors (earlier papers not listed) 1. Proposed Photovoltaic Module Form Factor to Reduce Levelized Cost of Energy, Proceedings of 40th IEEE PV Specialist Conference, Denver, CO, June 8-13, 2014 2. Creating a Balance of Cost, Reliability, and Maintainability for Utility-Scale PV Power Plants, Proceedings of 39th IEEE PV Specialist Conference, Tampa, FL, June 19, 2013 3. Solar PV Project Due Diligence for Ontario, Canada Climates, Proceedings of the World Renewable Energy Forum (WREF), Denver, CO, May 2012 4. San Jose, California Identifies up to 40 MW of PV for Municipal Facilities through the Solar America Cities Program, Proceedings of the American Solar Energy Society, May 2010 5. Watts-on-Schools, 10-years of Experience with an Innovative PV School Leasing Program, Proceedings of the American Solar Energy Society, May, 2010 6. Sun Power For the Town of Westwood, Massachusetts, Proceedings of the American Solar Energy Society, July 2004 7. Renewable Energy; The Infinite Power of Texas, Proceedings of the American Solar Energy Society, June, 2002 8. The Texas Photovoltaic Coalition; Options for Rural Utilities, Proceedings of the American Solar Energy Society, June 2002 9. Facilitating Solar Electric Plant Construction, an Innovative Model in Long Island, New York, Proceedings of the American Solar Energy Society, Austin, Texas June 2003 10. PV Window Awning System on the University of Texas Houston Health Science Center Using AC-Modules, Proceedings of 28th IEEE PV Specialist Meeting, Anchorage, Alaska, September 2000 11. Stand-Alone PV as a Customer Service Option in Texas, USA, Proceedings of IEEE PV Specialist Conference, Vienna, Austria, July 1998 12. Renewable Energy in Texas, Texas Business Review, U. of TX at Austin, June 1997 13. PV-Friendly Pricing: The Commercialization of Grid-Tied PV Systems by Electric Utilities, Proceedings, IEEE PV Specialists Conference, Washington, DC, May 1996