J?rjest?digi-kartoituksen tulokset 2019 julkaistiin Helsingiss? 13.12.2019. T?ss? esityksess? on kolmen tekij?tahon materiaalit julkaisutilaisuudesta:
- Tuomo Heikkil?, Avoine: J?rjest?t ja digitalisaatio
- Hanna Vuohelainen, TIEKE ry: Digiosaaminen
- Piritta Sepp?l? ja Susanna Koivistoinen, Viestint?-Piritta: J?rjest?viestint? ja j?rjest?some
Kartoitus toteutettiin kolmatta kertaa Avoinen, TIEKE ry:n ja Viestint?-Pirittan yhteisty?n?.
Tulosten 50-sivuisen yhteenveto-PDF:n voi ladata sivustolta www.jarjestodigi.fi.
Arjuna George has 16 years of experience in the fire service and a passion for technology. He discusses how tablets could benefit fire departments by being used for response mapping, pre-incident plans, hydrant mapping, rescue information, command, equipment checks, training, presenting, and public education. Tablets also allow access to social media and every 60 seconds around 81 iPads are sold, showing their growing popularity and potential usefulness for the fire service.
Within a few million light-years of the Milky Way are several dozen galaxies that make up the Local Group, including the Andromeda Galaxy. The Andromeda Galaxy is the largest galaxy in the Local Group and shares many similarities with the Milky Way, such as both being large spiral galaxies of roughly the same age. Other notable galaxies in the Local Group include the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, which orbit the Milky Way.
Salzburg ¨¦ conhecida como a cidade natal de Mozart, localizada nos Alpes austr¨ªacos, com atra??es como o cemit¨¦rio hist¨®rico e a fortaleza Hohensalzburg no topo de uma montanha. A sinfonia n¨²mero 39 de Mozart ¨¦ destacada no final do documento.
Presentatie Dap Hartmann (astronoom en universitair hoofddocent innovation management and entrepreneurship aan de TU Delft) tijdens het Skepsis congres 2013.
The document discusses microeconomics concepts related to consumers, producers, and market efficiency. It specifically examines the pizza market in Riyadh using supply and demand graphs. The graphs show the equilibrium price and quantity before and after a tax is implemented. They illustrate how the tax affects different metrics like total revenue, the tax paid by buyers and sellers, and the seller's profits. The concepts of consumer and producer surplus are also introduced.
The document summarizes the challenges in building a railway connecting China's remote Tibet province to the rest of the country. It discusses overcoming formidable mountain barriers, unstable permafrost, and protecting the fragile high-altitude ecosystem. Extensive engineering solutions such as tunnels, bridges, and environmental protections were required. The railway now connects Beijing to Lhasa, promoting economic development while safeguarding the region's environment and wildlife.
The document discusses identifying and preventing problems with log homes through proper design, construction, and maintenance. It recommends designing homes to allow water to drain away from logs, using self-draining notches, gutters, and coatings to protect logs from moisture. It also discusses inspecting homes annually for issues like insect infestation, cracks and rot, and treating problems promptly to prevent further damage. Maintaining a quality finish on logs and sealing cracks and joints can help limit moisture, heat loss and pest entry.
This document discusses the history and development of the oil industry and how it led to modern innovations. It traces the early use of whale oil for lighting and how demand outpaced supply, driving the search for alternatives. The development of the petroleum industry is covered, from early distillations of crude oil in the 1840s, to drilling for oil in 1859 and the founding of Standard Oil in 1870. It also discusses how innovations in electricity, the internal combustion engine, and jet engines were enabled by access to oil and its refined products. Overall it shows how the combination of different types of capital, including financial, physical, human, and intellectual capital, along with cultural and entrepreneurial influences, led to wealth creation through new innovations over
The document contains spelling lists from 6 years of a spelling curriculum. Each year contains 10 words to learn how to spell. The lists progress from basic words in year 1 like "chair" and "window" to more advanced words in later years like "rhinoceros", "government", and "cooperation".
This document discusses the monetary system, including the functions and types of money, how banks and central banks work to influence the money supply through fractional-reserve banking and monetary policy tools like open market operations, discount rates, and reserve ratios. It provides context about Saudi Arabia's central bank SAMA and explains concepts such as leverage, capital requirements, and how fractional-reserve banking can expand the money supply through the money multiplier effect.
El documento describe varias innovaciones tecnol¨®gicas futuras como computadores con m¨²ltiples pantallas, pantallas curvas y plegables, tel¨¦fonos transparentes e inteligentes, l¨¢mparas y ropa inteligentes, cocinas y ba?os del futuro, puertas y controles luminosos, muebles plegables e inteligentes, y pantallas de TV flexibles.
Dr Paul Bowyer - Aspergillosis Study Day May 1st 2012Graham Atherton
Dr Paul Bowyer is the Principle Scientist at the National Aspergillosis Centre. This talk was given to a group of professionals allied to medicine who are attending an education & awareness day at the Centre.
Dr Bowyer summarises our current understanding of the pathogenic processes that lead to an aspergillus infection.
The document discusses marketing opportunities in mobile in Kenya. It notes that 54% of Kenyans access the internet on handsets, with feature phones being most common. Mobile usage is rising rapidly in Kenya, with smartphones outselling computers 4 to 1. Location-based advertising is seen as an area for growth. While mobile is central to lives in Kenya, commercial activity and mobile marketing on the platform remains limited compared to time spent on mobile devices.
This document provides an overview of an introductory microeconomics course. It discusses key concepts like scarcity, incentives, tradeoffs, economic models, and unintended consequences. It also lists the time commitment expected, learning objectives, and recommended resources for the course.
1) Whales were hunted for their oil, which was used for lighting, but as demand increased the whale populations declined. 2) Samuel Kier discovered oil could be extracted from salt mines as a byproduct, and George Bissell realized kerosene could be made from petroleum. 3) In 1859, Colonel Drake drilled the first successful oil well in Titusville, Pennsylvania, launching the petroleum industry and changing energy and transportation.
This document discusses different types of capital that contribute to economic growth and standards of living. It identifies five types of capital: cultural, human, physical, intellectual, and financial. For each type, it provides brief explanations of what they are and how they help increase productivity and wealth. The overall message is that continuous investment in and accumulation of different forms of capital drives long-term economic growth and improvements to living standards over time.
10 Tips & Tricks for Your next crowdsourcing campaign!Timo Savolainen
This document provides 10 tips and tricks for running a successful crowdsourcing campaign, including knowing your target audience, ensuring media coverage, involving people on a personal level, planning reachable goals, creating positive buzz, not selling but informing, updating Q&As, organizing a core team, thanking all contributors, and keeping promises.
Presentatie Dap Hartmann (astronoom en universitair hoofddocent innovation management and entrepreneurship aan de TU Delft) tijdens het Skepsis congres 2013.
The document discusses microeconomics concepts related to consumers, producers, and market efficiency. It specifically examines the pizza market in Riyadh using supply and demand graphs. The graphs show the equilibrium price and quantity before and after a tax is implemented. They illustrate how the tax affects different metrics like total revenue, the tax paid by buyers and sellers, and the seller's profits. The concepts of consumer and producer surplus are also introduced.
The document summarizes the challenges in building a railway connecting China's remote Tibet province to the rest of the country. It discusses overcoming formidable mountain barriers, unstable permafrost, and protecting the fragile high-altitude ecosystem. Extensive engineering solutions such as tunnels, bridges, and environmental protections were required. The railway now connects Beijing to Lhasa, promoting economic development while safeguarding the region's environment and wildlife.
The document discusses identifying and preventing problems with log homes through proper design, construction, and maintenance. It recommends designing homes to allow water to drain away from logs, using self-draining notches, gutters, and coatings to protect logs from moisture. It also discusses inspecting homes annually for issues like insect infestation, cracks and rot, and treating problems promptly to prevent further damage. Maintaining a quality finish on logs and sealing cracks and joints can help limit moisture, heat loss and pest entry.
This document discusses the history and development of the oil industry and how it led to modern innovations. It traces the early use of whale oil for lighting and how demand outpaced supply, driving the search for alternatives. The development of the petroleum industry is covered, from early distillations of crude oil in the 1840s, to drilling for oil in 1859 and the founding of Standard Oil in 1870. It also discusses how innovations in electricity, the internal combustion engine, and jet engines were enabled by access to oil and its refined products. Overall it shows how the combination of different types of capital, including financial, physical, human, and intellectual capital, along with cultural and entrepreneurial influences, led to wealth creation through new innovations over
The document contains spelling lists from 6 years of a spelling curriculum. Each year contains 10 words to learn how to spell. The lists progress from basic words in year 1 like "chair" and "window" to more advanced words in later years like "rhinoceros", "government", and "cooperation".
This document discusses the monetary system, including the functions and types of money, how banks and central banks work to influence the money supply through fractional-reserve banking and monetary policy tools like open market operations, discount rates, and reserve ratios. It provides context about Saudi Arabia's central bank SAMA and explains concepts such as leverage, capital requirements, and how fractional-reserve banking can expand the money supply through the money multiplier effect.
El documento describe varias innovaciones tecnol¨®gicas futuras como computadores con m¨²ltiples pantallas, pantallas curvas y plegables, tel¨¦fonos transparentes e inteligentes, l¨¢mparas y ropa inteligentes, cocinas y ba?os del futuro, puertas y controles luminosos, muebles plegables e inteligentes, y pantallas de TV flexibles.
Dr Paul Bowyer - Aspergillosis Study Day May 1st 2012Graham Atherton
Dr Paul Bowyer is the Principle Scientist at the National Aspergillosis Centre. This talk was given to a group of professionals allied to medicine who are attending an education & awareness day at the Centre.
Dr Bowyer summarises our current understanding of the pathogenic processes that lead to an aspergillus infection.
The document discusses marketing opportunities in mobile in Kenya. It notes that 54% of Kenyans access the internet on handsets, with feature phones being most common. Mobile usage is rising rapidly in Kenya, with smartphones outselling computers 4 to 1. Location-based advertising is seen as an area for growth. While mobile is central to lives in Kenya, commercial activity and mobile marketing on the platform remains limited compared to time spent on mobile devices.
This document provides an overview of an introductory microeconomics course. It discusses key concepts like scarcity, incentives, tradeoffs, economic models, and unintended consequences. It also lists the time commitment expected, learning objectives, and recommended resources for the course.
1) Whales were hunted for their oil, which was used for lighting, but as demand increased the whale populations declined. 2) Samuel Kier discovered oil could be extracted from salt mines as a byproduct, and George Bissell realized kerosene could be made from petroleum. 3) In 1859, Colonel Drake drilled the first successful oil well in Titusville, Pennsylvania, launching the petroleum industry and changing energy and transportation.
This document discusses different types of capital that contribute to economic growth and standards of living. It identifies five types of capital: cultural, human, physical, intellectual, and financial. For each type, it provides brief explanations of what they are and how they help increase productivity and wealth. The overall message is that continuous investment in and accumulation of different forms of capital drives long-term economic growth and improvements to living standards over time.
10 Tips & Tricks for Your next crowdsourcing campaign!Timo Savolainen
This document provides 10 tips and tricks for running a successful crowdsourcing campaign, including knowing your target audience, ensuring media coverage, involving people on a personal level, planning reachable goals, creating positive buzz, not selling but informing, updating Q&As, organizing a core team, thanking all contributors, and keeping promises.
J?rjest?digi-kartoitus selvitt?? suomalaisten j?rjest?jen tilaa digitalisaatioon, digiosaamiseen, viestint??n ja sosiaalisen median k?ytt??n liittyen. Kartoitus tehtiin syksyn 2019 aikana kolmatta kertaa Avoine Oy:n, TIEKE Tietoyhteiskunnan kehitt?miskeskus ry:n ja Viestint?-Piritta Oy:n yhteisty?n?. Kartoituksen 479 vastaajaa olivat j?rjest?jen ty?ntekij?it?, johtajia, kehitt?ji?, viestij?it? ja luottamushenkil?it? l?hes kaikilta j?rjest?sektoreilta. Esitys on 13.12.2019 pidetyst? tulosten julkaisutilaisuudesta.
Digitalisaatio on aikakautemme suurin muutosvoima. Se luo suomalaisille yrityksille paljon mahdollisuuksia kasvaa, tehostaa ja uudistua. Kirja auttaa yritysjohtajia ymm?rt?m??n digitalisaation mahdollisuudet, l?yt?m??n omaan liiketoimintaan sopivat keinot ja toteuttamaan mahdollisuudet.
J?rjest?digi kartoitti toistamiseen suomalaisten j?rjest?jen ja yhdistysten tilaa digitalisaatioon, viestint??n ja sosiaalisen median k?ytt??n liittyen.
T?m? esitys on yhteenveto kartoituksen tuloksista, joka julkaistiin Helsingiss? julkaisutilaisuudessa 13.12.2018. J?rjest?digi-kartoitus selvitt?? suomalaisten j?rjest?jen tilaa digitalisaatioon, digiosaamiseen, viestint??n ja sosiaalisen median k?ytt??n liittyen.
Kartoitus tehtiin toista kertaa ja se toteutettiin Avoine Oy:n, TIEKE Tietoyhteiskunnan kehitt?miskeskus ry:n ja Viestint?-Piritta Oy:n yhteisty?n?. Tekij?t Tuomo Heikkil?, Avoine Oy, Hanna Vuohelainen TIEKE ry ja Piritta Sepp?l?, Viestint?-Piritta Oy esiintyiv?t julkaisutilaisuudessa esitellen kartoituksen eri osiot. Tulosten analysoinnissa ja white paper -yhteenvedon kirjoittamisessa ovat olleet mukana my?s Susanna Koivisto, Viestint?-Piritta Oy ja Annika Salmi, Avoine Oy.
Kartoituksen osiot t?ss?kin esityksess? ovat:
J?rjest?t ja digitalisaatio
J?rjest?t ja digiosaaminen
J?rjest?t ja sosiaalinen media.
Vuosittain toteutettavan kartoituksen tarkoituksena on
tarjota j?rjest?ille tietoa digitalisaation, digiosaamisen, viestinn?n ja somen tilasta Suomessa, antaa j?rjest?ille mahdollisuus peilata omaa tilannettaan tuloksiin, nostaa esiin sosiaalisen median k?yt?n ja viestinn?n kehityst? j?rjest?jen parissa
esitell? konkreettisia esimerkkej? j?rjest?jen tavoista toimia aihepiirin saralla, oivalluttaa kehitt?m??n oman j?rjest?n toimintaa digin ja somen osalta sek? pit?? yll? keskustelua digiosaamisen ja digitalisaation merkityksest? j?rjest?kent?ll?.
Lataa kartoituksen laaja white paper osoitteesta: http://bit.ly/jarjestodigi-yhteenveto2018
#j?rjest?digi #j?rjest?some #viestint? #sosiaalinenmedia #somefi
Miten digitaalinen johtajuusviestint? tukee strategiaa?Jukka Saksi
Miten digitaalinen johtajuusviestint? voi tukea yksityisen tai julkisen sektorin organisaation strategisia tavoitteita?
Johdon ammattimainen toiminta sosiaalisissa medioissa voi edist?? merkitt?v?sti johtajuutta, br?ndimielikuvaa, markkinointia, myynti?, tunnettuutta sek? edell?k?vijyyden imagoa.
Lis?tietoja: www.spindoctor.fi
NetSuiten potentiaali puhuttelee Suomen br?ndikuvaa rakentavia yrityksi?, kuten j?tehuoltoalan uberia Enevoa, hyperkasvun puhelinkoppitehdasta Framery? ja maailman parhaasta ginist? tunnettua Kyr? Distillery?. NetSuiten k?ytt?jin? on kaikkien tuntemia disruptoreita, mm. Hyperloop, Snapchat, Spotify ja Airbnb.
Lis?tietoja Accountor Enterprise Solutions: https://www.accountorenterprise.fi/netsuite/
Lapin Sote-Savotta: Huomisen SOTE - rajat ylitt?v? yhteisty? avainasemassaVille Koiste
Soteuttamon sek? ajankohtaisten muutostrendien esittely Lapin Sote-Savotta -tilaisuudessa. Sote-palvelutuotannon innovaatiot ja uudistaminen -hankkeen tavoitteena on luoda koko Lapin maakunnan alueelle verkostomainen osaamiskeskittym?: http://lapinsotesavotta.fi/tietoa-sote-savotasta/
Miten rakennetaan yhteis?llisyytt? tukeva digitaalinen ratkaisu organisaatiorajat ylitt?v?ss? projektissa? Ambientian asiakas kertoo, puhujana verkkoviestint?p??llikk? Heikki P?l?nen, OAJ
3. ¡±Tapahtuma kokoaa yhteen aiheesta
kiinnostuneet henkil?t ja yritykset¡±
¡±Ryhm?n tarkoituksena on jakaa
tietoa ja oppia toinen toisiltamme¡±
Tavoitteena yhteis?llinen oppiminen
ja verkoston aktiivinen kehitt?minen
Tavoitteena ei ole vain inspiroitua
vaan my?s keskustella ja verkostoitua
Timo Savolainen, Advisor, Sofigate (@TimoSavolainen)
Tero Valkiala, Project Director, Finnair (@Valkiala)
Santsikahvit ja verkostoitumistauko
Lassi Kurkij?rvi, Vice President, Solita (@lassi)
Sari Heinonen, Senior Vice President, OP (@sari_hoo)
5. Miksi luovaa tuhoa pit?? johtaa?
Katso 2 min video klikkaamalla iconia:
7. Monella yrityksell?h?n saattaa olla aika paska STRATEGIA,
vaan sen takia ettei yksinkertaisesti tied? paremmasta ja
pit?? omaa tapaa hyv?n? Ville Tolvanen
? Tuntuma liiketoimintaan on kadotettu? moni my?s tekee pitk?n uran yhdess?
organisaatiossa tai toimialalla
? uteliaisuuden kuolema
? n?k?alattomuus
? omavoimaisuus
? pelko ? rohkeuden puutte
? tavoitteettomuus
10. Suuryritysten on hyp?tt?v? ketter??n
kokeilun kulttuuriin
Startupeissa voi tapahtua p?iv?ss? suunnanmuutos,
jota suuryrityksess? valmistellaan vuosi
Suomalaisten pankkien kauhukuva uhkaa toteutua:
Apple saattaa kaapata pankkitoiminnankin Helsingin Sanomat
11. How to Transform a Traditional Giant into a
Digital One
1. Think like a large-scale entrepreneur
2. Recruit a digital leader from outside to spearhead the initiative
3. Focus where domain expertise and digital expertise intersect
4. Change the dialogue in the senior leadership team to focus on
the end-to-end customer experience.
5. Radically cut costs in the old business to fund the new game
6. Make the tough calls on people
7. Make the organization team-based and fluid
8. Communicate often so the board, investors and the media
understand the steps you are taking to become a new company
12. Olli Rehn, elinkeinoministeri
Digivalppaan johtajan tulee olla valmis
uudistamaan yrityksen tai yhteis?n ty?tapoja
ja omia ty?tapojaan nopeassakin tahdissa.
14. 2016 - The Year of Connected Customer
Vala Afshar, Chief Digital Evangelist, Salesforce
Timo Savolainen, Advisor, Sofigate (@TimoSavolainen)
Tero Valkiala, Project Director, Finnair (@Valkiala)
Santsikahvit ja verkostoitumistauko
Lassi Kurkij?rvi, Vice President, Solita (@lassi)
Sari Heinonen, Senior Vice President, OP (@sari_hoo)