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Personal details:
Name: Jolyan Jameel Matti Adhmat
Address: Qasra St. No: 02. Near to Sahara market-Ankawa
Erbil / KRG-IRAQ
Telephone: (066)2250868
Mobile phone: 07504981654 Email: Julyan.azamat@gmail.com
Date of birth: 17 November 1989
Place of birth: Iraq-kurdistan region-Erbil
Bachelor of Science (medium degree), Dams and Water Resources Engineering,
University of Salahaddin, Erbil, 2011(first attempt)
Personal Skills and Abilities:
件Quick learning, Determination and Patience.
件Commercial awareness.
件Excellent Verbal Communication.
件Ability to work under pressure.
 English: fluent in reading and writing,
good in speaking
 Arabic: fluent in writing and speaking,
good in reading
 Kurdish : fluent in reading and speaking,
good in writing
 Sryanic: native language.
Training courses:
Course name establishment Place& date
DT&R Field
engineer level 1
Schlumberger Houston,TX,2014
DT&R Field
engineer level 2
Schlumberger Houston,TX,2015
Polymers and
Fadox company Amman,2012
Computer skills
software Proficiency rating
MS Visual basic
AutoCAD 2011
3Ds-Max 2011
iDEAS (Schlumberger)
GEMS (Schlumberger)
Work experiences:
 Schlumberger (DT&R segment),Erbil, from July 2013 to present
Schlumberger is world number one company in oilfield service , DT&R drilling tools &
remedial  is a segment which established after the merge of Schlumberger with Smith
international at 2010 , this segment deals with down-hole drilling and remedial service (e.g.
fishing(CH &OH) , sidetracking(CH & OH) , well abandonment , casing drilling ,turbo drilling
and borehole enlargement)
Field engineer
Responsible of doing pre-job planning under the technical expert supervision and operating the tools in the rig
site as well as preparing them in the workshop , through the period of work I had acquire many experience
about the assemble of tools, there engineering specification , operating of tools, and general experience about
the oilfield drilling operations
 Executes successful jobs as per the design provided and approved by the Client. Recognizes risks associated
with the operation, and reduces these risks to as low as reasonably possible. Identifies any potential
unplanned changes to the job program at the well site, and initiates the district's Management of Change
procedure(s). Ensures that all SLB employees and contractors at the work site are in compliance with
Company Safety Standards and other, relevant standards. Ensures that all personnel assigned are
competent to drive and/or operate their assigned equipment. Is accountable for the complete Service
Delivery to the client
 Designs and Evaluates Technically advanced jobs and assists other peer reviews. Executes Critical and New
Technology Jobs in addition to the standard job
 Mentors and coaches less experienced people at location. - Leads Service Quality Meetings with Clients and
works on action plans to improve performance
 Prepares Job Descriptions and SOPs for assigned people
 Collecting specific information(e.g. well trajectory , mud report, casing details, formation logs )to prepare
the BHA assembly and hydraulics for running the tools
 Assemble ,disassemble and test of : jars , under-reamer , circulation sub
 Lead many successful fishing job in south and north of Iraq
 Contribution in HSE events and plans
 Design many specific tools that assets in assemble and repairing DT&R equipment
 Making excel application that assets in the tools tracking and storing (shipping tickets and inventory )
 Working on the many software (e.g. runner(jar placement torque drag and buckle simulation program),
HART(hydraulic analysis of remedial tools), Whipsim (side tracking simulation), IDEAS(dynamic toque and
vibration simulation of BHA while drilling )
 Analyse SQ Event (Failure or any other non-conformance) related to DT&R service delivery in the location
present same to management
 Meet the customer to present the job sequences and risks prior of job
 Working on time sheet of tools and service that have been delivery to customer
 Technical Proposal Preparation and Support Sales Personnel
 Under-Reaming Only and first HEWD in Kurdistan at ALQOSH-1 (ExxonMobil)
i) 17 x 20 section (Rhino series:16000 XS, type: under-reaming only ,formation : shale , Challenges:
balling .sticky formation, string stall and losses)
ii) 14.75x17 section (Rhino series: 14250XS , Type: HEWD , Formation: interbedded Limestone ,
shale and Marl , Challenges: BHA whirl , Stick and Slip and losses )
iii) 8.5x9.5 section (Rhino series: 8000 XS , Type : HEWD , formation: interbedded  Dolomite and
Limestone ,challenges : stick and slip , High torque)
 Under-Reaming Only in Basra at BADRA Field (GAZPROM )
i) 9 x 9 section P04 (Rhino Series 7250 XS , Type: Under-reaming Only , formation : interbedded
Limestone , ARGILLACEOUS LIMESTONE, Marl and shale , challenges: High torque string stall ,
oversized well , caving and lateral vibration)
ii) 7 7/8 x 9 section P05 (Rhino Series 7250 XS , Type: Under-reaming Only , formation : interbedded
Limestone , ARGILLACEOUS LIMESTONE, Marl and shale , challenges : High torque string stall , poor
hole cleaning , caving , well flowing , un stable SPP)
 Fishing job in Erbil at Sirmirit4 (Hunt Oil )
Milling and fishing 3 遜 Tubing (DST BHA with packer ) (tools used : Wash-over shoe , wash-over Pipe ,
Junk Mill , 8 1/8 Over-shot )
 Fishing Job in Basra , Gharraf field (PETRONAS)
Fishing RSS drilling BHA (with MWD and LWD tools) (tools used: over size guide, 11 他 overshot ,
bumper sub , fishing jar and accelerator )
 Fishing Job in Basra , HALFAYA Field ( PETROCHINA)
Fishing Wireline calliper tool (tools used: 8 1/8 Over shot , SFT-651 3 3/8 over-shot w/ oversize guide
7", Bumper sub and drilling jar )
HSE contribution:
Member of LPT (Loss prevention team) in SLB Erbil-Gazna Base
Work as a volunteer in a team to improve the HSE in base by:
a) Attend and actively participate in monthly LPT meetings
b) Review RIRs for my areas
c) Participate in HSE inspections as required
d) Participate in Emergency Response Drills (either as a Sector Coordinator or alternate)
e) Participate in getting required assessments done, including :
i) PPE
ii) HARC/ pre-start up risk analysis
DTR Field engineer level 1, Houston, TX, 2014
DTR Field engineer level 2, Houston, TX, 2015
PBS (Performed by Schlumberger) bronze medal for performing the First Hole enlargement whilst drilling in
Kurdistan that had been done in Alqosh-1 ExxonMobil
References are available upon request

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Jolyan Adhmat CV

  • 1. Personal details: Name: Jolyan Jameel Matti Adhmat Address: Qasra St. No: 02. Near to Sahara market-Ankawa Erbil / KRG-IRAQ Telephone: (066)2250868 Mobile phone: 07504981654 Email: Julyan.azamat@gmail.com Date of birth: 17 November 1989 Place of birth: Iraq-kurdistan region-Erbil Education: Bachelor of Science (medium degree), Dams and Water Resources Engineering, University of Salahaddin, Erbil, 2011(first attempt) Personal Skills and Abilities: 件Quick learning, Determination and Patience. 件Self-motivated. 件Commercial awareness. 件Excellent Verbal Communication. 件Teamwork. 件Creativity. 件Ability to work under pressure. 件Leadership. Languages: English: fluent in reading and writing, good in speaking Arabic: fluent in writing and speaking, good in reading Kurdish : fluent in reading and speaking, good in writing Sryanic: native language. Training courses: Course name establishment Place& date DT&R Field engineer level 1 Schlumberger Houston,TX,2014 DT&R Field engineer level 2 Schlumberger Houston,TX,2015 Polymers and their application Fadox company Amman,2012 Skills: Computer skills software Proficiency rating MS EXCEL MS WORD MS POWER POINT MS Visual basic EPANET 2.0 AutoCAD 2011 3Ds-Max 2011 Surfer HART(Schlumberger) iDEAS (Schlumberger) Runner(Schlumberger) Whipsim(Schlumberger) GEMS (Schlumberger)
  • 2. Work experiences: Schlumberger (DT&R segment),Erbil, from July 2013 to present Schlumberger is world number one company in oilfield service , DT&R drilling tools & remedial is a segment which established after the merge of Schlumberger with Smith international at 2010 , this segment deals with down-hole drilling and remedial service (e.g. fishing(CH &OH) , sidetracking(CH & OH) , well abandonment , casing drilling ,turbo drilling and borehole enlargement) Field engineer Responsible of doing pre-job planning under the technical expert supervision and operating the tools in the rig site as well as preparing them in the workshop , through the period of work I had acquire many experience about the assemble of tools, there engineering specification , operating of tools, and general experience about the oilfield drilling operations Duties: Executes successful jobs as per the design provided and approved by the Client. Recognizes risks associated with the operation, and reduces these risks to as low as reasonably possible. Identifies any potential unplanned changes to the job program at the well site, and initiates the district's Management of Change procedure(s). Ensures that all SLB employees and contractors at the work site are in compliance with Company Safety Standards and other, relevant standards. Ensures that all personnel assigned are competent to drive and/or operate their assigned equipment. Is accountable for the complete Service Delivery to the client Designs and Evaluates Technically advanced jobs and assists other peer reviews. Executes Critical and New Technology Jobs in addition to the standard job Mentors and coaches less experienced people at location. - Leads Service Quality Meetings with Clients and works on action plans to improve performance Prepares Job Descriptions and SOPs for assigned people Collecting specific information(e.g. well trajectory , mud report, casing details, formation logs )to prepare the BHA assembly and hydraulics for running the tools Assemble ,disassemble and test of : jars , under-reamer , circulation sub Lead many successful fishing job in south and north of Iraq Contribution in HSE events and plans Design many specific tools that assets in assemble and repairing DT&R equipment Making excel application that assets in the tools tracking and storing (shipping tickets and inventory ) Working on the many software (e.g. runner(jar placement torque drag and buckle simulation program), HART(hydraulic analysis of remedial tools), Whipsim (side tracking simulation), IDEAS(dynamic toque and vibration simulation of BHA while drilling ) Analyse SQ Event (Failure or any other non-conformance) related to DT&R service delivery in the location present same to management Meet the customer to present the job sequences and risks prior of job Working on time sheet of tools and service that have been delivery to customer Technical Proposal Preparation and Support Sales Personnel
  • 3. Projects: Under-Reaming Only and first HEWD in Kurdistan at ALQOSH-1 (ExxonMobil) i) 17 x 20 section (Rhino series:16000 XS, type: under-reaming only ,formation : shale , Challenges: Reamer balling .sticky formation, string stall and losses) ii) 14.75x17 section (Rhino series: 14250XS , Type: HEWD , Formation: interbedded Limestone , Anhydride, shale and Marl , Challenges: BHA whirl , Stick and Slip and losses ) iii) 8.5x9.5 section (Rhino series: 8000 XS , Type : HEWD , formation: interbedded Dolomite and Limestone ,challenges : stick and slip , High torque) Under-Reaming Only in Basra at BADRA Field (GAZPROM ) i) 9 x 9 section P04 (Rhino Series 7250 XS , Type: Under-reaming Only , formation : interbedded Limestone , ARGILLACEOUS LIMESTONE, Marl and shale , challenges: High torque string stall , oversized well , caving and lateral vibration) ii) 7 7/8 x 9 section P05 (Rhino Series 7250 XS , Type: Under-reaming Only , formation : interbedded Limestone , ARGILLACEOUS LIMESTONE, Marl and shale , challenges : High torque string stall , poor hole cleaning , caving , well flowing , un stable SPP) Fishing job in Erbil at Sirmirit4 (Hunt Oil ) Milling and fishing 3 遜 Tubing (DST BHA with packer ) (tools used : Wash-over shoe , wash-over Pipe , Junk Mill , 8 1/8 Over-shot ) Fishing Job in Basra , Gharraf field (PETRONAS) Fishing RSS drilling BHA (with MWD and LWD tools) (tools used: over size guide, 11 他 overshot , bumper sub , fishing jar and accelerator ) Fishing Job in Basra , HALFAYA Field ( PETROCHINA) Fishing Wireline calliper tool (tools used: 8 1/8 Over shot , SFT-651 3 3/8 over-shot w/ oversize guide 7", Bumper sub and drilling jar ) HSE contribution: Member of LPT (Loss prevention team) in SLB Erbil-Gazna Base Work as a volunteer in a team to improve the HSE in base by: a) Attend and actively participate in monthly LPT meetings b) Review RIRs for my areas c) Participate in HSE inspections as required d) Participate in Emergency Response Drills (either as a Sector Coordinator or alternate) e) Participate in getting required assessments done, including : i) PPE ii) HARC/ pre-start up risk analysis
  • 4. Certificates: DTR Field engineer level 1, Houston, TX, 2014
  • 5. DTR Field engineer level 2, Houston, TX, 2015
  • 6. Awards: PBS (Performed by Schlumberger) bronze medal for performing the First Hole enlargement whilst drilling in Kurdistan that had been done in Alqosh-1 ExxonMobil References are available upon request