Este documento presenta una interpretación de la escultura de Jorge Oteiza. En la primera sección, analiza cómo las primeras obras de Oteiza enfatizan la materia de una manera masiva y oscura, usando materiales como el cemento. Esto muestra su "desprecio" por la materia que luego trasladarÃa a la escultura misma. La segunda sección explora cómo Oteiza veÃa la geometrÃa y el vacÃo como elementos centrales de su obra. La tercera sección discute la noción de "elogio del fracaso" en la obra
The document discusses prairies, including that they have cold winters and hot summers, can be windy, and have tall grasses but no trees. It lists various animals that live on prairies such as elephants, lions, kangaroos, and snakes. It notes that wolves have camouflage to sneak up on prey, plants have long roots, and prairie dogs have flat teeth for eating. The document also states that prairie soil has multiple layers, most of the world's food grows on prairies, America's prairies are called grasslands, and approximately 1/4 of the earth's land is grassland.
SAP 2012 - Programma 11 - CITTÀ DELLA CONOSCENZA E PER I GIOVANIComune Udine
Lo Stato di Attuazione dei programmi verifica il grado di avanzamento dei programmi dell'anno in corso, definiti nella Relazione Previsionale e programmatica 2012/2014.
A short report on how brands make use of "customers identities" for marketing and engagement in social media. I wrote this report when I was running Younomy, a management consulting company.
Our UK offices have been in disarray for far too long while we’ve made adjustments, changes, and improvements to compliment our growing company! Our refurbishment is finally complete and we’re loving the improved space. We hope you love it, too!
This document is a curriculum vitae for Khandoker Muhammad Abul Fajal applying for an electrical draughtsman position. It summarizes his over 10 years of experience as an electrical draughtsman in Abu Dhabi and Bangladesh. It also lists his educational qualifications including a diploma in CAD and degrees in physics. His responsibilities included preparing electrical drawings, schematics, and taking quantities for projects.
Este documento presenta una interpretación de la escultura de Jorge Oteiza. En la primera sección, analiza cómo las primeras obras de Oteiza enfatizan la materia de una manera masiva y oscura, usando materiales como el cemento. Esto muestra su "desprecio" por la materia que luego trasladarÃa a la escultura misma. La segunda sección explora cómo Oteiza veÃa la geometrÃa y el vacÃo como elementos centrales de su obra. La tercera sección discute la noción de "elogio del fracaso" en la obra
The document discusses prairies, including that they have cold winters and hot summers, can be windy, and have tall grasses but no trees. It lists various animals that live on prairies such as elephants, lions, kangaroos, and snakes. It notes that wolves have camouflage to sneak up on prey, plants have long roots, and prairie dogs have flat teeth for eating. The document also states that prairie soil has multiple layers, most of the world's food grows on prairies, America's prairies are called grasslands, and approximately 1/4 of the earth's land is grassland.
SAP 2012 - Programma 11 - CITTÀ DELLA CONOSCENZA E PER I GIOVANIComune Udine
Lo Stato di Attuazione dei programmi verifica il grado di avanzamento dei programmi dell'anno in corso, definiti nella Relazione Previsionale e programmatica 2012/2014.
A short report on how brands make use of "customers identities" for marketing and engagement in social media. I wrote this report when I was running Younomy, a management consulting company.
Our UK offices have been in disarray for far too long while we’ve made adjustments, changes, and improvements to compliment our growing company! Our refurbishment is finally complete and we’re loving the improved space. We hope you love it, too!
This document is a curriculum vitae for Khandoker Muhammad Abul Fajal applying for an electrical draughtsman position. It summarizes his over 10 years of experience as an electrical draughtsman in Abu Dhabi and Bangladesh. It also lists his educational qualifications including a diploma in CAD and degrees in physics. His responsibilities included preparing electrical drawings, schematics, and taking quantities for projects.
The document discusses different fashion trends through the decades from the 1960s to the 1990s, including bell bottom jeans, punk rock styles, shoulder pads, leggings, ripped and bleached denim, and fluorescent colors. It also covers classroom activities about fashion, including watching a video, discussing compliments, and debating topics such as whether fashion designers prioritize money or creativity. Students are assigned worksheets to complete a word square, role play a clothing purchase, and write an argumentative essay on a controversial fashion issue.
This document provides contact information for Empire Marquee, a company that rents out tents and event equipment. It lists the company's address, phone numbers, emails, and social media links. It then summarizes the types of tents and equipment available, including party tents, wedding tents, pagoda tents, gazebo tents, car parking shades, and event design and management services. The document emphasizes that Empire Marquee can provide the right size tent or equipment for events of any size.
The document discusses CESMA's mission to debate issues regarding security and air power through seminars and working groups on remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS). It notes the importance of civil-military cooperation given the military's experience operating RPAS and the growing civil interest. The document calls for a clear regulatory framework for RPAS and emphasizes that key technologies are not yet available, so research should focus on validation. It stresses the need for a flexible regulatory approach that allows for innovation while managing risk.
Dokumen ini memberikan panduan untuk tugasan projek yang berkaitan dengan isu-isu sains, teknologi dan masyarakat. Pelajar perlu mencipta alat tenaga, membuat persembahan powerpoint tentang topik berkaitan, dan menjalankan projek pemuliharaan atau pencemaran secara berkumpulan. Tugasan ini bertujuan menilai hasil pembelajaran pelajar dalam bidang berkenaan.
1. The document discusses several topics related to pregnancies resulting from rape and incest, including reliable estimates of such pregnancies, reasons why they result in lower rates of pregnancy, perspectives on allowing abortion in these cases, and testimony from victims.
2. Statistics on the percentage of abortions performed for rape and incest are provided, estimated to be 1.5% and 0.5% respectively. However, these numbers are disputed by some as not being based on reliable evidence.
3. Arguments presented against allowing abortion for rape and incest include that the unborn child is innocent and does not deserve to die for the crimes of the father, and that abortion can harm the emotional and psychological health of the woman. Vict
Wagner College Forum for Undergraduate Research, Vol 12 No 1Wagner College
The Fall 2013 issue contains 15 abstracts of papers and posters presented at the 67th Annual Eastern Colleges Science Conference held in Providence, R.I. on April 20, 2013. The student authors were Faiz Abed, Samar Alwani, Joseph Biggica, Daniel Cimilluca, Janna Denisenko, Leonid Denisenko, Corey Gaylets, Basil Hussain, Vincent Lombardo, Pakinam Mekki, Sandra Minchala, Alisa Ndokaj, Holly Santapaga, Juliana Schipani, Eden Stark, Lynn Tay and Elaina Tsimbikos. The remainder of the Fall 2013 issue consists of eight full-length research papers by James Alicea, Kiana Balacich, Michael Chicolo, Leobardo Dominguez, Michelle Greenough, Stephanie Lombardo, Caroline Mauduy, Carley Nicoletti, Adam Rizzuti and Carly Schmidt.
De nieuwe Aanbestedingswet en de Gids ProportionaliteitAKD
Maart 2013 vond het seminar nieuwe Aanbestedingswet plaats. Georganiseerd door AKD i.s.m. Appeldoorn Tendermanagement.
Deze leeswijzer biedt u een praktisch overzicht van de belangrijkste artikelen uit de Aanbestedingswet en de vindplaats van de bijbehorende informatie uit de Gids Proportionaliteit.
Heeft u vragen? Dan kunt u contact opnemen met Pieter Kuypers (advocaat mededingingsrecht bij AKD) via:
NB. Bezoek ook Een blog gevuld met artikelen omtrent diverse juridische thema’s.
Britain has several transportation options for travel within and to the country. British Airways is the national airline but many popular low-cost carriers like EasyJet and Ryanair also fly to Britain. The British rail network spans over 16,500 km and train travel is a good option as prices are reasonable. Bus travel is also good in Britain with fast and comfortable services provided by companies like Eurolines and National Express. You can take the Channel Tunnel by train between Paris and Brussels, putting your car on board, or travel by ferry from Spain, France or Ireland.
This document discusses various psychological concepts including nostalgia, anxiety, stress, sadness, and fatigue. It mentions feelings of loss, weakness, irritation, and difficulty remembering things. Overall it seems to be about the different emotional states people can experience.
1. BIOGRAFIA: Jorge Oteiza Orion,Gipuzkoan jaio zen 1908ko urriaren 21ean.1936an bere lehenengo erakusketa egin zuen Donostiako gkursaalean.1935an hegoamerikara abiatu zen eta han artelan ugari egin zituen.1950an euskadira bueltatu zen,bilbora eta hainbat sari irabazten ditu.1995an ederretako urrezko domina lortzen du et urte berean bere obrak nafarroari ematen dizkio eta ondoren nafarroan museo oteiza inauguratzen da.
2. OBRAK Arantzazuko apostuloak Aranatzazuko basilikan kokatuta dago Harriz egina 1953-an
8. Oteiza museoa 2003an maiatzaren 8an inauguratzen da.Francisco javier de oizaren lana da,arkitektu hau hormigoi gorriztaz egindako kubo handi bat proiektatu zuen.Museo hau Nafarroan egin zen, zeren eta oteiza bere obrak guztiak Nafarroari eman zion eta orain Bere obra guztiak museoan ikusi daitezke.