1. This document contains the standings and scores for Week 5 of the IV Liga de Invierno bowling league in Jerez, Spain.
2. Fernando Laffore had the highest scratch game of 235 and the highest scratch series of 611. Gustavo Blanco won all of his games.
3. Jose Acosta won all of his games and Jose Jimenez lost all of his games. The league is led by Adalberto Mari?o, Jorge Madrigal, and Jose Acosta based on their won-lost records.
1. The document contains the standings and results for Week 3 of the IV LIGA DE INVIERNO bowling league.
2. Jose M. Antequera and Janet Caroca had strong performances in Week 3, each winning 3 of their 4 games.
3. Adalberto Mari?o went undefeated in Week 3, winning all 4 of his games and scoring 540 pins.
This document summarizes the results of Week 4 of the IV LIGA DE INVIERNO bowling league. It lists the league president and officers, as well as the current standings and game results of the 14 bowling teams that participated in Week 4. The top performers for high game, high series, and high handicap game and series are also indicated.
The document summarizes the results of week 8 of the IV Liga de Invierno bowling league. It lists the league name and officers, as well as the current standings and game results of week 8 for each of the 14 teams. Gerson Padron, Jose M. Antequera, and Patxi Rodriguez won their matches in week 8. The highest scores of the week were a 210 game by Patxi Rodriguez and a 588 series by Beatriz Stefan.
1. This document contains the league standings and scores for Week 7 of the IV LIGA DE INVIERNO bowling league in Jerez, Spain.
2. Gerson Padron went undefeated in Week 7, scoring a 505 series to maintain first place in the overall season standings.
3. Fernando Laffore also had a strong performance, rolling a 525 series to defeat Jose M. Antequera and remain in third place overall.
The document contains the standings and scores from week 3 of League IV LIGA DE INVIERNO. Patxi Rodriguez is in first place with 4 wins and 0 losses. The league is run by President GERSON PADRON and Vice President JOSE M. ANTEQUERA at the JEREZ BOWLING CLUB. It provides the scores and results for each bowler in the league.
1. The document provides the league standings and scores for Week 2 of the IV LIGA DE INVIERNO bowling league.
2. Fernando Laffore is currently ranked first overall with 3 wins and 1 loss, having scored the highest scratch game (221) and series (592) without handicap.
3. The league is organized by the Jerez Bowling Club and led by President Gerson Padron and Vice President Jose M. Antequera.
This document provides race results from Rancho Alegre racetrack on Monday. The first race was 350 meters for 4-year-old horses, which was won by Chainita Baby. The second race was 300 meters and also for 4-year-olds, with Mr. Shadow winning. The third race was over 1100 meters for fillies and mares aged 4 and up, and was won by Sempre Pi┫.
The document summarizes the results of a Glock pistol shooting match held on March 11, 2011 in Lincoln, NE. It lists 57 competitors by place, name, Glock model used, and individual and total scores on two targets. The top scorer hit both targets for a total score of 500. It also lists the results of an open division, with the top scorer in that division also hitting both targets for a total score of 500.
Measuring Software: From Data to Actionable KnowledgeRadu Marinescu
Presented at SAM 2015 (2nd International Workshop on Software Architecture and Metrics): http://www.sei.cmu.edu/community/sam2015/speakers/
Nowadays we have tools that compute a myriad of metrics and throw at us thousands of warnings. Managers are gazing ecstatically at complex dashboards full of complex and vividly colored charts and trend lines. Sophisticated "technical debt calculators" are converting, with great boldness, internal quality issues to scary financial figures. With such an impressive arsenal of methodologies, techniques, and tools, software projects should be under full control. Except they are not! Often, metrics leave us clueless on how to improve the quality of our software; even worse, following blindly the goal of fixing some metric values usually leads to a degradation of a system's quality. In this talk, I will share some of the practical lessons learned on how to use software metrics to actually improve a system's design. I will also discuss the need to find new ways of correlating the various sources of information about a project, in order to move from raw data to insightful knowledge that can lead to real improvement actions.
The document summarizes a group's visit to Mithradham Renewable Energy Centre to learn about renewable energy sources. It discusses how the Centre uses solar, wind, and biomass systems as models for sustainable development. The group learned about energy security and the need for renewables due to increasing population. Global warming occurs due to increased greenhouse gases, and can be mitigated by reducing fossil fuel use and promoting renewable alternatives like solar, wind, and hydro power. The excursion highlighted how social, physical and environmental topics are interrelated, and motivated the students to reduce pollution and energy consumption.
This slideshow provides information about the Waikato River in New Zealand. It is 425 km long, starting at Lake Taupo and flowing to Port Waikato, becoming increasingly polluted along its path through farms and cities. The river is owned by the Tainui iwi, requiring their permission for any construction. It is home to various fish species and used for hydro power, swimming, canoeing, kayaking and fishing.
This document provides instructions for using the 際際滷Share presentation sharing website, including how to upload and format presentations, embed slideshows on other sites, and customize privacy and licensing settings. The key steps are to 1) upload the presentation file, 2) choose privacy and license settings, and 3) copy the embed code to include the slideshow on other pages while adjusting dimensions as needed. Users can also download, bookmark, flag inappropriate content, and change existing slideshows using their 際際滷Share account.
Ponny Igj Putaran Doha Dan Fta Jakarta 11 Des 2007lodzi
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang perkembangan WTO dan perundingan perdagangan internasional, termasuk Putaran Doha dan peran Indonesia. WTO berdiri pada 1995 untuk mengatur perdagangan multilateral antar negara anggota. Perundingan Putaran Doha berfokus pada isu-isu pertanian seperti akses pasar, subsidi, dan dukungan domestik. Indonesia berupaya memperjuangkan kepentingannya dalam perundingan tersebut, seperti perlindungan petani
Teoria gneratora energii z czasu - Time energy generator theoryveryfikator
Oto schemat dzialania generatora energii z czasu, o kt┏rym jest mowa na filmie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4ZP7uxhz1A
oraz w opracowaniu
Holt, donna at cross purposes with a developmental mathematics course focus v...William Kritsonis
Founded 1982
NATIONAL FORUM JOURNALS are a group of national refereed, juried, peer-reviewed, blind-reviewed professional periodicals. Any article published shall earned five affirmative votes from members of our National Board of Invited Distinguished Jurors and must be recommended for national publication by members of the National Policy Board representing all National FORUM Journals. Journal issues are distributed both nationally and world-wide.
Our website features national refereed articles that are published daily within our National FORUM Journals Online Journal Division. Over 1,000 articles are available to scholars and practitioners world-wide. Over 250,000 guests visit our website yearly. About 56,000 articles are downloaded for academic purposes at no charge. We have about an 88% rejection rate. See: www.nationalforum.com
Founded in 1982, National FORUM Journals has published the scholarly contributions of over 5,200 professors with over 2,000 articles indexed. Our journals are indexed with many global agencies including Cabell¨s Directories, ERIC, EBSCO, SWETS International, Library of Congress National Serials Data Program, and the Copyright Clearance Center, Danvers, Massachusetts.
Global Website: www.nationalforum.com
Digital profiles in 2012. 10 tips for AITD presentation in AdelaideRhys Moult
This document provides 10 tips for developing an online profile in 2012. It recommends businesses create a web presence, use their own devices and technology of their own, get their business visible online, embrace technological changes, and seek endorsements from others to strengthen their online profile. The document is authored by Rhys Moult, an eBusiness Strategic Advisor for the City of Salisbury.
This article summarizes research on the effects of labeling students as learning disabled. The author reviewed 34 studies from 1970 to 2000 that addressed the impact of the learning disabled label. Four key themes emerged from the literature: 1) Labels can influence the expectations, stereotypes and attitudes of teachers and peers towards students; 2) Labels may lead to stigmatization, rejection and social distance from others; 3) There is a disconnect between expressed attitudes towards labeled students and actual treatment of them; 4) The influence of a label depends on other salient information provided about the student. The author aims to synthesize both qualitative and quantitative research on this topic.
This document discusses open data and creative commons licensing initiatives in South Australia. It provides background on creative commons licenses and explains their benefits, such as cost savings and increased transparency. Open data is defined as data that is freely available for anyone to use without restrictions. The document lists government agencies in Australia that are making data openly available and notes current open data uses by the City of Salisbury, such as sharing water data. It also discusses opportunities to supply additional local data sets and consider adopting open data and creative commons policies and practices more broadly.
LinkedIn for teams is designed to help small teams use LinkedIn more effectively. See polariscentre.com.au for more information about these workshops in Adelaide.
Harnessing Connected and Creative Consumers and CitizensRhys Moult
A presentation for the Australian Institute of Building Surveyors at McLaren Vale South Australia.
Where can you harness the data in your own business and workplace?
If you are in local government - Supply data sets for use in Unleashed/LocalData.net.au
How can you be more creative?
National FORUM Journals - www.nationalforum.com
Dr. William Allan Kritsonis
(Founded 1983)
Over 5,000 professors published. A group of national refereed periodicals.
This document provides a personal timeline of Andrew Shelley's experiences with educational technology from kindergarten through college and into his current career as a teacher. It outlines the various technologies he was exposed to at different stages of his education, including listening to music and stories on records and cassettes in kindergarten. In high school he learned word processing on Word 97 and programming formulas while playing math games. In college, he relied heavily on Microsoft Office and the internet for research and staying connected. Currently, he hopes to incorporate more assistive technologies into his special education classroom to help students with limited communication abilities.
This presentation was construction using information found in the public domain. It is not an up-to-date, accurate account and should not be used as official information.
This document discusses two countries, Japan and New Zealand. It mentions Hokkaido and the Japan flag for Japan. It also mentions New Zealand and Japan's national animal as well as New Zealand's native bird.
1. The document shows the league standings for Week 22 of a 43-week bowling league called Club de Bolos Postal 2010 - Bolera Paradise. Team 10 Los Come Tapas is in first place with 16 wins and no losses.
2. It provides statistics for each team such as wins, losses, total pins, average game score, and average game handicap. It also lists the top individual scores for men, women, and teams.
3. Additional details include the schedule for the next two weeks of games, season-long high scores, and individual player statistics for total pins, games, average, and handicap.
1. Team 13 Paris leads the league standings with 44 wins and 12 losses and has the highest scratch and handicap totals and averages.
2. Sons of the Beach is in second place with 42 wins and 14 losses.
3. Sin WiWi is in third with 36 wins and 20 losses.
Measuring Software: From Data to Actionable KnowledgeRadu Marinescu
Presented at SAM 2015 (2nd International Workshop on Software Architecture and Metrics): http://www.sei.cmu.edu/community/sam2015/speakers/
Nowadays we have tools that compute a myriad of metrics and throw at us thousands of warnings. Managers are gazing ecstatically at complex dashboards full of complex and vividly colored charts and trend lines. Sophisticated "technical debt calculators" are converting, with great boldness, internal quality issues to scary financial figures. With such an impressive arsenal of methodologies, techniques, and tools, software projects should be under full control. Except they are not! Often, metrics leave us clueless on how to improve the quality of our software; even worse, following blindly the goal of fixing some metric values usually leads to a degradation of a system's quality. In this talk, I will share some of the practical lessons learned on how to use software metrics to actually improve a system's design. I will also discuss the need to find new ways of correlating the various sources of information about a project, in order to move from raw data to insightful knowledge that can lead to real improvement actions.
The document summarizes a group's visit to Mithradham Renewable Energy Centre to learn about renewable energy sources. It discusses how the Centre uses solar, wind, and biomass systems as models for sustainable development. The group learned about energy security and the need for renewables due to increasing population. Global warming occurs due to increased greenhouse gases, and can be mitigated by reducing fossil fuel use and promoting renewable alternatives like solar, wind, and hydro power. The excursion highlighted how social, physical and environmental topics are interrelated, and motivated the students to reduce pollution and energy consumption.
This slideshow provides information about the Waikato River in New Zealand. It is 425 km long, starting at Lake Taupo and flowing to Port Waikato, becoming increasingly polluted along its path through farms and cities. The river is owned by the Tainui iwi, requiring their permission for any construction. It is home to various fish species and used for hydro power, swimming, canoeing, kayaking and fishing.
This document provides instructions for using the 際際滷Share presentation sharing website, including how to upload and format presentations, embed slideshows on other sites, and customize privacy and licensing settings. The key steps are to 1) upload the presentation file, 2) choose privacy and license settings, and 3) copy the embed code to include the slideshow on other pages while adjusting dimensions as needed. Users can also download, bookmark, flag inappropriate content, and change existing slideshows using their 際際滷Share account.
Ponny Igj Putaran Doha Dan Fta Jakarta 11 Des 2007lodzi
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang perkembangan WTO dan perundingan perdagangan internasional, termasuk Putaran Doha dan peran Indonesia. WTO berdiri pada 1995 untuk mengatur perdagangan multilateral antar negara anggota. Perundingan Putaran Doha berfokus pada isu-isu pertanian seperti akses pasar, subsidi, dan dukungan domestik. Indonesia berupaya memperjuangkan kepentingannya dalam perundingan tersebut, seperti perlindungan petani
Teoria gneratora energii z czasu - Time energy generator theoryveryfikator
Oto schemat dzialania generatora energii z czasu, o kt┏rym jest mowa na filmie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4ZP7uxhz1A
oraz w opracowaniu
Holt, donna at cross purposes with a developmental mathematics course focus v...William Kritsonis
Founded 1982
NATIONAL FORUM JOURNALS are a group of national refereed, juried, peer-reviewed, blind-reviewed professional periodicals. Any article published shall earned five affirmative votes from members of our National Board of Invited Distinguished Jurors and must be recommended for national publication by members of the National Policy Board representing all National FORUM Journals. Journal issues are distributed both nationally and world-wide.
Our website features national refereed articles that are published daily within our National FORUM Journals Online Journal Division. Over 1,000 articles are available to scholars and practitioners world-wide. Over 250,000 guests visit our website yearly. About 56,000 articles are downloaded for academic purposes at no charge. We have about an 88% rejection rate. See: www.nationalforum.com
Founded in 1982, National FORUM Journals has published the scholarly contributions of over 5,200 professors with over 2,000 articles indexed. Our journals are indexed with many global agencies including Cabell¨s Directories, ERIC, EBSCO, SWETS International, Library of Congress National Serials Data Program, and the Copyright Clearance Center, Danvers, Massachusetts.
Global Website: www.nationalforum.com
Digital profiles in 2012. 10 tips for AITD presentation in AdelaideRhys Moult
This document provides 10 tips for developing an online profile in 2012. It recommends businesses create a web presence, use their own devices and technology of their own, get their business visible online, embrace technological changes, and seek endorsements from others to strengthen their online profile. The document is authored by Rhys Moult, an eBusiness Strategic Advisor for the City of Salisbury.
This article summarizes research on the effects of labeling students as learning disabled. The author reviewed 34 studies from 1970 to 2000 that addressed the impact of the learning disabled label. Four key themes emerged from the literature: 1) Labels can influence the expectations, stereotypes and attitudes of teachers and peers towards students; 2) Labels may lead to stigmatization, rejection and social distance from others; 3) There is a disconnect between expressed attitudes towards labeled students and actual treatment of them; 4) The influence of a label depends on other salient information provided about the student. The author aims to synthesize both qualitative and quantitative research on this topic.
This document discusses open data and creative commons licensing initiatives in South Australia. It provides background on creative commons licenses and explains their benefits, such as cost savings and increased transparency. Open data is defined as data that is freely available for anyone to use without restrictions. The document lists government agencies in Australia that are making data openly available and notes current open data uses by the City of Salisbury, such as sharing water data. It also discusses opportunities to supply additional local data sets and consider adopting open data and creative commons policies and practices more broadly.
LinkedIn for teams is designed to help small teams use LinkedIn more effectively. See polariscentre.com.au for more information about these workshops in Adelaide.
Harnessing Connected and Creative Consumers and CitizensRhys Moult
A presentation for the Australian Institute of Building Surveyors at McLaren Vale South Australia.
Where can you harness the data in your own business and workplace?
If you are in local government - Supply data sets for use in Unleashed/LocalData.net.au
How can you be more creative?
National FORUM Journals - www.nationalforum.com
Dr. William Allan Kritsonis
(Founded 1983)
Over 5,000 professors published. A group of national refereed periodicals.
This document provides a personal timeline of Andrew Shelley's experiences with educational technology from kindergarten through college and into his current career as a teacher. It outlines the various technologies he was exposed to at different stages of his education, including listening to music and stories on records and cassettes in kindergarten. In high school he learned word processing on Word 97 and programming formulas while playing math games. In college, he relied heavily on Microsoft Office and the internet for research and staying connected. Currently, he hopes to incorporate more assistive technologies into his special education classroom to help students with limited communication abilities.
This presentation was construction using information found in the public domain. It is not an up-to-date, accurate account and should not be used as official information.
This document discusses two countries, Japan and New Zealand. It mentions Hokkaido and the Japan flag for Japan. It also mentions New Zealand and Japan's national animal as well as New Zealand's native bird.
1. The document shows the league standings for Week 22 of a 43-week bowling league called Club de Bolos Postal 2010 - Bolera Paradise. Team 10 Los Come Tapas is in first place with 16 wins and no losses.
2. It provides statistics for each team such as wins, losses, total pins, average game score, and average game handicap. It also lists the top individual scores for men, women, and teams.
3. Additional details include the schedule for the next two weeks of games, season-long high scores, and individual player statistics for total pins, games, average, and handicap.
1. Team 13 Paris leads the league standings with 44 wins and 12 losses and has the highest scratch and handicap totals and averages.
2. Sons of the Beach is in second place with 42 wins and 14 losses.
3. Sin WiWi is in third with 36 wins and 20 losses.
The document provides league standings for Week 26 of a 43-week bowling league. It lists the team names and positions, as well as won-loss records, total pins, averages, and handicap scores. It also provides individual high scores for men, women, and teams for the season so far.
1. The document provides league standings for Week 28 of a 43-week bowling league season. It lists the team names, number of games won and lost, total pins, averages, and handicap scores for each team.
2. It also provides individual high scores for games and series for both men and women players. The team in first place for scratch and handicap scores is identified.
3. The document concludes by listing individual player statistics, including total pins, games, averages, and handicaps, organized by their respective teams.
The document is a league standing sheet for a bowling league that provides team and individual player stats through week 21 of 43. It lists the league officers and the top 18 team standings based on wins, total pins, and averages in both scratch and handicap scoring. It also provides year-to-date high scores for teams and individuals in both men's and women's categories. Finally, it lists the total pins, games, averages, and handicaps for selected players on each of the 18 teams.
This document is the league standing sheet for Week 35 of a 43-week bowling league called Club de Bolos Postal 2010. It provides the team standings, individual scores, and year-to-date high scores. The Sons of the Beach team is in first place overall, with Team 13 Paris in second and Team 7 Jonathan in third. It lists the scores and averages for each team and player in the league.
1. The document provides league standings and results for Week 16 of a 43-week bowling league called Club de Bolos Postal 2010 - Bolera Paradise.
2. Team 1 Sons of the Beach is ranked first in the scratch and handicap categories. Team 13 Paris is ranked second in both categories.
3. The document also provides individual high scores for games and series in both the scratch and handicap categories for men, women, and teams.
This document is the league standing sheet for Week 37 of a 43-week bowling league season. It provides the team standings, individual scores, and season highlights. The top team is Sons of the Beach with a total pin count of 39,581. Jorge Pizarro of Team 1 has the high scratch game of 222 and the high scratch series of 769. The document also lists cumulative individual and team statistics for the season to date.
Intangibles in Sports Betting: How Pro Bettors WinJoe Duffy
From OffshoreInsiders.com Description: Successful sports bettors know that stats and analytics are only part of the equation. The best handicappers also consider intangibles!unquantifiable factors like motivation, revenge games, travel fatigue, weather, coaching strategies, team chemistry, and referee tendencies. This 際際滷Share breaks down how these hidden factors impact game outcomes and how you can leverage them for smarter bets. Learn how to spot betting edges that sportsbooks and casual bettors often overlook! ?? #SportsBetting #Handicapping #BettingStrategy
Hockey India: A Story of Pride, Passion, and Perseverance"Gayatri Patel
Get ready to be inspired by the story of Indian hockey! This presentation takes you through the highs and lows, the victories and setbacks, and the unwavering commitment of our hockey heroes."
Witness the Carabao Cup Final Tickets live at Wembley Stadium on March 16, 2025, as Liverpool and Newcastle fight for glory! Experience the roar of the crowd, the high-stakes drama, and the thrill of a Wembley Cup final. This is more than just a match it¨s a moment in football history. Secure your tickets now on eticketing.co and be part of the action!
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Unlocking Opportunities for Talented Athletes.pdfjinny kaur
LPU (Lovely Professional University) offers scholarships for sports persons to encourage and support their participation in various sports activities. These scholarships are designed to provide financial assistance to deserving athletes, helping them balance their academic and athletic pursuits. The benefits include:
Tuition Fee Waiver: Sports scholarships often provide a partial or full waiver on tuition fees based on the level of achievement and performance in sports.
Accommodation and Mess Charges: Some scholarships also cover accommodation and mess charges, reducing the overall cost of living on campus.
Priority in Admissions: Athletes may receive priority during the admission process, making it easier to secure a seat.
Training Facilities: LPU provides state-of-the-art training facilities for athletes, ensuring they have access to the best infrastructure.
Coaching Support: You may receive specialized coaching and mentoring from experienced trainers and coaches to enhance your performance.
Participation in Competitions: Scholarships may cover the cost of participation in national and international competitions, providing exposure and opportunities for further growth.
Career Opportunities: Apart from financial benefits, sports scholarships can open doors to future career opportunities in sports-related fields.
Vice President :JOSE M. ANTEQUERA
Secretary :MANOLO PINA
Association :JEREZ BOWLING CLUB Date Bowled: 09/11/2009
Lane assignment for week 6 Week 5
Lanes: 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-14 7-8 9-10 11-12
16/11:13-10 5-12 9-3 2-7 1-6 4-8 14-11
Current Season
Pos. No. Team Name Won Lost Won Lost PinsS PinsH Gms Avg HiGS HiSS HiGH HiSH
1 10 Adalberto Mari?o 3.0 1.0 15.0 5.0 2142 2592 15 172 213 499 243 589
2 7 Jorge Madrigal 3.0 1.0 14.0 6.0 2335 2608 15 173 192 503 215 569
3 4 Jose Acosta 4.0 0.0 12.5 7.5 2389 2578 15 171 201 505 210 532
4 11 Gonzalo Labrador 3.0 1.0 11.0 9.0 2270 2660 15 177 203 523 231 607
5 2 Beatriz Stefan 3.0 1.0 11.0 9.0 1910 2540 15 169 154 435 196 561
6 14 Fernando Laffore 2.0 2.0 10.0 10.0 2822 2822 15 188 235 611 235 611
7 6 Jose M. Antequera 0.0 4.0 10.0 10.0 2544 2694 15 179 232 553 248 601
8 5 Gerson Padron 1.0 3.0 10.0 10.0 2409 2622 15 174 224 543 241 594
9 1 Janet Caroca 2.0 2.0 9.0 11.0 2143 2635 15 175 190 500 225 605
10 12 Patxi Rodriguez 1.0 3.0 9.0 11.0 2493 2628 15 175 192 530 212 584
11 8 Gustavo Blanco 4.0 0.0 9.0 11.0 2046 2496 15 166 164 440 194 530
12 3 Fulvio Casanovas 1.0 3.0 8.5 11.5 2272 2551 15 170 201 545 223 611
13 13 Filo Thrunser 0.0 4.0 6.0 14.0 2160 2484 15 165 197 474 218 537
14 9 Jose Jimenez 1.0 3.0 5.0 15.0 2072 2522 15 168 174 440 204 530
High Scratch Game High Handicap Game High Scratch Series High Handicap Series
Fernando Laffore 235 Jose M. Antequera 248 Fernando Laffore 611 Fernando Laffore 611
Jose M. Antequera 232 Adalberto Mari?o 243 Jose M. Antequera 553 Fulvio Casanovas 611
Gerson Padron 224 Gerson Padron 241 Fulvio Casanovas 545 Gonzalo Labrador 607
Filo Thrunser 197 Janet Caroca 225 Janet Caroca 500 Janet Caroca 605
Janet Caroca 190 Filo Thrunser 218 Filo Thrunser 474 Beatriz Stefan 561
Beatriz Stefan 154 Beatriz Stefan 196 Beatriz Stefan 435 Filo Thrunser 537
Bowler's Name Handicap Pins Gms Avg Bowler's Name Handicap Pins Gms Avg
Filo Thrunser 28 2160 15 144 Adalberto Mari?o 30 2142 15 142
Gerson Padron 16 2409 15 160 Patxi Rodriguez 11 2493 15 166
Jose Jimenez 30 2072 15 138 Fulvio Casanovas 23 2272 15 151
Beatriz Stefan 42 1910 15 127 Jorge Madrigal 20 2335 15 155
Janet Caroca 30 2143 15 142 Jose M. Antequera 8 2544 15 169
Jose Acosta 16 2389 15 159 Gustavo Blanco 30 2046 15 136
Fernando Laffore 0 2822 15 188 Gonzalo Labrador 23 2270 15 151
2. IV LIGA DE INVIERNO Week [ 5 ] 09/11/2009
[2] Beatriz Stefan Lane No 7
Bowler Points Won Avg Hnd G1 G2 G3 Series
Beatriz Stefan 3 125 42 152 111 138 401
125 152 111 138 401
42 42 42 126
3 194 153 180 527
Won Lost Won Won
[9] Jose Jimenez Lane No 8
Bowler Points Won Avg Hnd G1 G2 G3 Series
Jose Jimenez 1 137 30 142 146 134 422
137 142 146 134 422
30 30 30 90
1 172 176 164 512
Lost Won Lost Lost
[1] Janet Caroca Lane No 9
Bowler Points Won Avg Hnd G1 G2 G3 Series
Janet Caroca 2 136 35 176 190 134 500
136 176 190 134 500
35 35 35 105
2 211 225 169 605
Won Won Lost Lost
[14] Fernando Laffore Lane No 10
Bowler Points Won Avg Hnd G1 G2 G3 Series
Fernando Laffore 2 184 0 185 191 235 611
184 185 191 235 611
0 0 0 0
2 185 191 235 611
Lost Lost Won Won
[8] Gustavo Blanco Lane No 11
Bowler Points Won Avg Hnd G1 G2 G3 Series
Gustavo Blanco 4 133 30 153 126 161 440
133 153 126 161 440
30 30 30 90
4 183 156 191 530
Won Won Won Won
[13] Filo Thrunser Lane No 12
Bowler Points Won Avg Hnd G1 G2 G3 Series
Filo Thrunser 0 149 24 141 115 112 368
149 141 115 112 368
24 24 24 72
0 165 139 136 440
Lost Lost Lost Lost
[10] Adalberto Mari?o Lane No 13
Bowler Points Won Avg Hnd G1 G2 G3 Series
Adalberto Mari?o 3 136 30 138 213 148 499
136 138 213 148 499
30 30 30 90
3 168 243 178 589
Won Won Lost Won
[5] Gerson Padron Lane No 14
Bowler Points Won Avg Hnd G1 G2 G3 Series
Gerson Padron 1 160 16 128 182 172 482
160 128 182 172 482
16 16 16 48
1 144 198 188 530
Lost Lost Won Lost
3. [12] Patxi Rodriguez Lane No 7
Bowler Points Won Avg Hnd G1 G2 G3 Series
Patxi Rodriguez 1 166 11 157 179 158 494
166 157 179 158 494
11 11 11 33
1 168 190 169 527
Won Lost Lost Lost
[7] Jorge Madrigal Lane No 8
Bowler Points Won Avg Hnd G1 G2 G3 Series
Jorge Madrigal 3 152 22 144 192 167 503
152 144 192 167 503
22 22 22 66
3 166 214 189 569
Lost Won Won Won
[3] Fulvio Casanovas Lane No 9
Bowler Points Won Avg Hnd G1 G2 G3 Series
Fulvio Casanovas 1 153 21 139 133 163 435
153 139 133 163 435
21 21 21 63
1 160 154 184 498
Lost Lost Won Lost
[11] Gonzalo Labrador Lane No 10
Bowler Points Won Avg Hnd G1 G2 G3 Series
Gonzalo Labrador 3 145 28 185 203 135 523
145 185 203 135 523
28 28 28 84
3 213 231 163 607
Won Won Lost Won
[4] Jose Acosta Lane No 11
Bowler Points Won Avg Hnd G1 G2 G3 Series
Jose Acosta 4 159 16 165 145 163 473
159 165 145 163 473
16 16 16 48
4 181 161 179 521
Won Won Won Won
[6] Jose M. Antequera Lane No 12
Bowler Points Won Avg Hnd G1 G2 G3 Series
Jose M. Antequera 0 171 7 160 150 171 481
171 160 150 171 481
7 7 7 21
0 167 157 178 502
Lost Lost Lost Lost