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    Corporate & Brand Identity  Brochures & Literature  Design Guidelines
Packaging Design  Point Of Sale  Retail Design  Visual Merchandising Guidelines
          Website Design  Project Management  Creative Consultancy
Brand Identity & Website Design

         D E S I G N C O N S U LT A N T S

 garden design
Rowena Lane Garden Design - Branding & Website Design
There is far more to garden design than people think and Rowena Lane is an
expert in that field. Visually strong and interesting, the new website features
case histories along with advice on all the stages that creating a new garden
may need. As well as the website design we created the branding and
contributed a lot of the photography.

The brief was design a brand logo which conveyed the personality of the
garden designer along with a range of marketing material culminating in
a multi-layered website, showing off her skills and knowledge of garden
design, planting and project management.

Project Contribution
 Brand Identity Design
 Website Design & Layout

Juice Factory Ltd.

Langleys Gore 1 Norton Bavant, Warminster, Wiltshire. BA12 7BA

 01985 840780        info@juice-factory.co.uk    www.juice-factory.co.uk                               息 Juice Factory 2011
Brochure Design

         D E S I G N C O N S U LT A N T S


Maidenhead Aquatics - Brochure Design
Maidenhead Aquatics are the UK's largest Specialist Aquatic Retailer with over
95 stores throughout England and Wales.

Juice Factory were briefed to create a showcase brochure, containing all of
the items and instructions required for developing a water garden including
Liners, Pumps, Filters and Fish. The content also includes Store details
and livestock availability.

After producing five versions of the Water Garden Brochure, the 2010
edition has been extented to include Indoor Aquatic information
including: Hints & Tips for choosing an Aquarium, setting up, water
testing and general maintenance.

Project Contribution
        Design concept
        Page planning & layout
        Design development
        Artwork and production

Juice Factory Ltd.

Langleys Gore 1 Norton Bavant, Warminster, Wiltshire. BA12 7BA

 01985 840780          info@juice-factory.co.uk    www.juice-factory.co.uk            息 Juice Factory 2011
Visual Merchandising Guidelines

         D E S I G N C O N S U LT A N T S

Mothercare - Visual Merchandising Guidelines
Mothercare is one of the UK's specialist retailers with in excess of 250 stores.
In all retail environments Visual Merchandising is key to the success of all
products from Personal Products and Clothing to Car Seats and Pushchairs.

Working with the Store Operations Team, Juice Factory produce 12 sets
of Visual Merchandising Guidelines for Clothing and a further 8 for
Home & Travel every quarter.

The finished documents are then posted on the Mothercare Intranet
for all store merchandisers to view whilst building their displays.
This ensures a consistent format for each department across all stores.

Project Contribution
 Design & Layout
 Product photography
 Wall & Gondola imagery

Juice Factory Ltd.

Langleys Gore 1 Norton Bavant, Warminster, Wiltshire. BA12 7BA

 01985 840780        info@juice-factory.co.uk    www.juice-factory.co.uk                                息 Juice Factory 2011
Product Catalogues

         D E S I G N C O N S U LT A N T S

Mothercare - Pushchair & Car Seat Catalogue
Mothercare is one of the UK's specialist retailers with in excess of 250 stores.
With the advent of the Internet more and more purchases are made online. This
also gives retailers the opportunity to extend their ranges, and give customers
more choice of colours and models.

The Mothercare range of Pushchairs and Car Seats extends to well over
500 products. Because of the numbers a special instore reference cata-
logue was created. This also enables online purchases to be made

Project Contribution
 Design & Layout

Juice Factory Ltd.

Langleys Gore 1 Norton Bavant, Warminster, Wiltshire. BA12 7BA

 01985 840780        info@juice-factory.co.uk    www.juice-factory.co.uk                   息 Juice Factory 2011
Point of Sale - Window Posters

         D E S I G N C O N S U LT A N T S

Mothercare - Sale
Mothercare is one of the UK's specialist retailers with in excess of 250 stores.
Sale time is one of the most important times of the year for any retailer. it drive
footfall into the stores and is normally based around removing old stock in
readiness for a new seasons lines.

As well as instore point of sale, window design and window posters are
key to getting the message across to the passing public.

Project Contribution
 Design & Layout

Juice Factory Ltd.

Langleys Gore 1 Norton Bavant, Warminster, Wiltshire. BA12 7BA

 01985 840780        info@juice-factory.co.uk    www.juice-factory.co.uk                                 息 Juice Factory 2011
Brand Marketing Guidelines

         D E S I G N C O N S U LT A N T S

Roche - Marketing Toolbox
The brief was to develop a Marketing Toolbox for the Global Brand Redoxon and              Double Action
the purpose of the Manual is to provide the different markets with a complete
range of presentation & promotional material to enable the brand to be
uniformly presented to Consumers, Doctors & Healthcare Professionals.

                                                                                                               d ox i t o

The 120 page document and toolkit CD was distributed to the 50 or so
international Roche offices.

                                                                                                               D rops
Project Contribution
        Design concept

                                                                                                               h e w bl e
        Page planning & layout                                                               Chewables

        Design development

                                                                                                               H i gh C
        Artwork and Production
                                                                                                 High C

Juice Factory Ltd.

Langleys Gore 1 Norton Bavant, Warminster, Wiltshire. BA12 7BA

 01985 840780        info@juice-factory.co.uk    www.juice-factory.co.uk                            息 Juice Factory 2011
Brochures & Literature

         D E S I G N C O N S U LT A N T S

Orchard Street Partnership - Literature
The Orchard STREET Partnership is a group of affiliated companies, that
collectively provide the complete spectrum of basic services that virtually every
business needs.

As a new company Orchard STREET required the development of a
brand identity as well as a suite of marketing material from the brochures
and literature to an initial website.

Project Contribution
        Design concept
        Identity & Literature Development
        Page planning & layout
        Artwork and Production

Juice Factory Ltd.

Langleys Gore 1 Norton Bavant, Warminster, Wiltshire. BA12 7BA

 01985 840780        info@juice-factory.co.uk    www.juice-factory.co.uk                       息 Juice Factory 2011
Member Guides

         D E S I G N C O N S U LT A N T S


MHRA - Member Guides
The MHRA is responsible for the regulation of medicines and medical devices
and equipment used in healthcare and the investigation of harmful incidents.

Working with MHRAs copywriter Juice Factory were briefed to create a set
of 5 Member Guides for the Government Agency. Each was in excess of
60 pages with some commonality. Images and illustrations were added to
break up the amount of text and improve read-ability.

Project Contribution
       Page planning & layout
       Design development
       Artwork and production

Juice Factory Ltd.

Langleys Gore 1 Norton Bavant, Warminster, Wiltshire. BA12 7BA

 01985 840780        info@juice-factory.co.uk    www.juice-factory.co.uk          息 Juice Factory 2011
Literature & Direct Mail

         D E S I G N C O N S U LT A N T S

Key Talent Partners - Flyers & Direct Mail
The company runs a series of executive coaching and training and development
programmes for SME businesses within the UK & Europe.

To target new clients, Juice Factory developed the existing flyers into a very
professional set of information sheets highlighting the structure along with
the features and benefits of each course. The design was then also rolled
out onto Direct Mail.

Project Contribution
 Design Development
 Artwork & Production

Juice Factory Ltd.

Langleys Gore 1 Norton Bavant, Warminster, Wiltshire. BA12 7BA

 01985 840780        info@juice-factory.co.uk    www.juice-factory.co.uk                      息 Juice Factory 2011
Brand Identity & Website Design

          D E S I G N C O N S U LT A N T S


M&P Decorating Solutions - Branding & Website Design
There is far more to decorating than people think and Phil Michaelson is an expert
in that field. Visually strong and interesting, the new website features case
histories along with advice on all the stages of painting, rolling and cutting-in.
As well as the website design we created the branding and contributed a lot
of the photography.

The brief was design a brand logo which conveyed the personality of the
painter along with a range of marketing material culminating in a
multi-layered website, showing off his skills and knowledge of painting
and decorating

Project Contribution
 Brand Identity Design
 Website Design & Layout

Juice Factory Ltd.

Langleys Gore 1 Norton Bavant, Warminster, Wiltshire. BA12 7BA

 01985 840780         info@juice-factory.co.uk    www.juice-factory.co.uk                                 息 Juice Factory 2011

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Juice Factory Design Consultants Presentation

  • 1. D E S I G N C O N S U LT A N T S Corporate & Brand Identity Brochures & Literature Design Guidelines Packaging Design Point Of Sale Retail Design Visual Merchandising Guidelines Website Design Project Management Creative Consultancy
  • 2. Brand Identity & Website Design D E S I G N C O N S U LT A N T S garden design Rowena Lane Garden Design - Branding & Website Design There is far more to garden design than people think and Rowena Lane is an expert in that field. Visually strong and interesting, the new website features case histories along with advice on all the stages that creating a new garden may need. As well as the website design we created the branding and contributed a lot of the photography. The brief was design a brand logo which conveyed the personality of the garden designer along with a range of marketing material culminating in a multi-layered website, showing off her skills and knowledge of garden design, planting and project management. Project Contribution Brand Identity Design Website Design & Layout Photography Juice Factory Ltd. Langleys Gore 1 Norton Bavant, Warminster, Wiltshire. BA12 7BA 01985 840780 info@juice-factory.co.uk www.juice-factory.co.uk 息 Juice Factory 2011
  • 3. Brochure Design D E S I G N C O N S U LT A N T S maidenhead aquatics www.fishkeeper.co.uk Maidenhead Aquatics - Brochure Design Maidenhead Aquatics are the UK's largest Specialist Aquatic Retailer with over 95 stores throughout England and Wales. Juice Factory were briefed to create a showcase brochure, containing all of the items and instructions required for developing a water garden including Liners, Pumps, Filters and Fish. The content also includes Store details and livestock availability. After producing five versions of the Water Garden Brochure, the 2010 edition has been extented to include Indoor Aquatic information including: Hints & Tips for choosing an Aquarium, setting up, water testing and general maintenance. Project Contribution Design concept Page planning & layout Design development Artwork and production Juice Factory Ltd. Langleys Gore 1 Norton Bavant, Warminster, Wiltshire. BA12 7BA 01985 840780 info@juice-factory.co.uk www.juice-factory.co.uk 息 Juice Factory 2011
  • 4. Visual Merchandising Guidelines D E S I G N C O N S U LT A N T S Mothercare - Visual Merchandising Guidelines Mothercare is one of the UK's specialist retailers with in excess of 250 stores. In all retail environments Visual Merchandising is key to the success of all products from Personal Products and Clothing to Car Seats and Pushchairs. Working with the Store Operations Team, Juice Factory produce 12 sets of Visual Merchandising Guidelines for Clothing and a further 8 for Home & Travel every quarter. The finished documents are then posted on the Mothercare Intranet for all store merchandisers to view whilst building their displays. This ensures a consistent format for each department across all stores. Project Contribution Design & Layout Product photography Wall & Gondola imagery Artwork Juice Factory Ltd. Langleys Gore 1 Norton Bavant, Warminster, Wiltshire. BA12 7BA 01985 840780 info@juice-factory.co.uk www.juice-factory.co.uk 息 Juice Factory 2011
  • 5. Product Catalogues D E S I G N C O N S U LT A N T S Mothercare - Pushchair & Car Seat Catalogue Mothercare is one of the UK's specialist retailers with in excess of 250 stores. With the advent of the Internet more and more purchases are made online. This also gives retailers the opportunity to extend their ranges, and give customers more choice of colours and models. The Mothercare range of Pushchairs and Car Seats extends to well over 500 products. Because of the numbers a special instore reference cata- logue was created. This also enables online purchases to be made Project Contribution Design & Layout Artwork Juice Factory Ltd. Langleys Gore 1 Norton Bavant, Warminster, Wiltshire. BA12 7BA 01985 840780 info@juice-factory.co.uk www.juice-factory.co.uk 息 Juice Factory 2011
  • 6. Point of Sale - Window Posters D E S I G N C O N S U LT A N T S Mothercare - Sale Mothercare is one of the UK's specialist retailers with in excess of 250 stores. Sale time is one of the most important times of the year for any retailer. it drive footfall into the stores and is normally based around removing old stock in readiness for a new seasons lines. As well as instore point of sale, window design and window posters are key to getting the message across to the passing public. Project Contribution Design & Layout Artwork Juice Factory Ltd. Langleys Gore 1 Norton Bavant, Warminster, Wiltshire. BA12 7BA 01985 840780 info@juice-factory.co.uk www.juice-factory.co.uk 息 Juice Factory 2011
  • 7. Brand Marketing Guidelines D E S I G N C O N S U LT A N T S Roche - Marketing Toolbox The brief was to develop a Marketing Toolbox for the Global Brand Redoxon and Double Action the purpose of the Manual is to provide the different markets with a complete range of presentation & promotional material to enable the brand to be uniformly presented to Consumers, Doctors & Healthcare Professionals. s d ox i t o Redoxitos Re The 120 page document and toolkit CD was distributed to the 50 or so international Roche offices. D rops Drops Project Contribution s Design concept h e w bl e a Page planning & layout Chewables C Design development H i gh C Artwork and Production High C Juice Factory Ltd. Langleys Gore 1 Norton Bavant, Warminster, Wiltshire. BA12 7BA 01985 840780 info@juice-factory.co.uk www.juice-factory.co.uk 息 Juice Factory 2011
  • 8. Brochures & Literature D E S I G N C O N S U LT A N T S Orchard Street Partnership - Literature The Orchard STREET Partnership is a group of affiliated companies, that collectively provide the complete spectrum of basic services that virtually every business needs. As a new company Orchard STREET required the development of a brand identity as well as a suite of marketing material from the brochures and literature to an initial website. Project Contribution Design concept Identity & Literature Development Page planning & layout Artwork and Production Juice Factory Ltd. Langleys Gore 1 Norton Bavant, Warminster, Wiltshire. BA12 7BA 01985 840780 info@juice-factory.co.uk www.juice-factory.co.uk 息 Juice Factory 2011
  • 9. Member Guides D E S I G N C O N S U LT A N T S MHRA MHRA - Member Guides The MHRA is responsible for the regulation of medicines and medical devices and equipment used in healthcare and the investigation of harmful incidents. Working with MHRAs copywriter Juice Factory were briefed to create a set of 5 Member Guides for the Government Agency. Each was in excess of 60 pages with some commonality. Images and illustrations were added to break up the amount of text and improve read-ability. Project Contribution Page planning & layout Design development Artwork and production Juice Factory Ltd. Langleys Gore 1 Norton Bavant, Warminster, Wiltshire. BA12 7BA 01985 840780 info@juice-factory.co.uk www.juice-factory.co.uk 息 Juice Factory 2011
  • 10. Literature & Direct Mail D E S I G N C O N S U LT A N T S Key Talent Partners - Flyers & Direct Mail The company runs a series of executive coaching and training and development programmes for SME businesses within the UK & Europe. To target new clients, Juice Factory developed the existing flyers into a very professional set of information sheets highlighting the structure along with the features and benefits of each course. The design was then also rolled out onto Direct Mail. Project Contribution Design Development Artwork & Production Juice Factory Ltd. Langleys Gore 1 Norton Bavant, Warminster, Wiltshire. BA12 7BA 01985 840780 info@juice-factory.co.uk www.juice-factory.co.uk 息 Juice Factory 2011
  • 11. Brand Identity & Website Design D E S I G N C O N S U LT A N T S M&P Decorating Solutions M&P Decorating Solutions - Branding & Website Design There is far more to decorating than people think and Phil Michaelson is an expert in that field. Visually strong and interesting, the new website features case histories along with advice on all the stages of painting, rolling and cutting-in. As well as the website design we created the branding and contributed a lot of the photography. The brief was design a brand logo which conveyed the personality of the painter along with a range of marketing material culminating in a multi-layered website, showing off his skills and knowledge of painting and decorating Project Contribution Brand Identity Design Website Design & Layout Photography Juice Factory Ltd. Langleys Gore 1 Norton Bavant, Warminster, Wiltshire. BA12 7BA 01985 840780 info@juice-factory.co.uk www.juice-factory.co.uk 息 Juice Factory 2011