This document discusses how various school subjects can incorporate mathematical concepts and skills. It provides examples of how history, English, citizenship, geography, science, music, art, ICT, and PE can all handle and interpret data, use formulas, graphs, charts, and other mathematical representations. This cross-curricular approach aims to make pupils better informed citizens by discussing topics like populations, time, fractions, percentages, and data analysis in different subject contexts.
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Julie house
1. ‘Mathematics educators favour the cluster of rationalism
while science educators emphasise empiricism.’
Prof. Alan J. Bishop. Monash University Australia, 2008.
2. History/ English / S.M.E. /Citizenship and R.E. - - Handling data cycle –
state problem, identify and collect data, analyse and represent data,
interpret results • Graphs and charts labelling.
Discussing numbers (for example, in populations), time differences,
fractions, percentages and proportions, handling and interpreting data as
a means of enabling pupils to become better informed citizens.
Geography – Handling data – collect data, present, analyse, interpret.
Map Scales, tables, plotting graphs, charts, scatter graphs, mean averages,
using formulas.
Science – Tables, graphs, scatter graphs, mean averages, using formulas,
conversion of units, large numbers, fractions and decimals, indices, ratios
and proportions, and the relationships between different metric units.
3. Music – Bars in music writing, equivalent fractions, , time
signatures and use of symbols. Rhythm patterns represented either
symbolically or numerically, study of pattern in musical forms such
as ABA, AABA, ABAB (leading to fugue, sonata and symphonic
form) enhanced by pupils’ understanding of repeating patterns in
Art – Ratio, enlargement scale factor, reflection, symmetry,
congruence, similarity, construction of shape, patterns and
repeating shapes.
ICT - Logo, graph plotting and dynamic geometric shaping,
computer programming, spreadsheet programming.
P.E. –Cardiac output, BPM, Body Mass Index formulas.
Tournament sheets and results tables, Speed distance time
4. As you enter the classroom, these were the starter activities
presented to the students…..
Science Maths
Rearrange the formulae to
make A or a the subject
of the formula;-
1. at = v - u
2. P = F
3. F = ma
What would you rather stand on your
foot? An elephant or a stiletto heel?
Explain your answer.