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K12 License
Erika Klose
WVDE and Winfield Middle School
USGS Geologist / GIS user turned teacher
Manage WV K12 statewide license and train
 WV teachers
NGSS Standards Connections
Science and Engineering Practices
  1. Asking Questions and Defining Problems
  2. Developing and Using Models
  3. Planning and Carrying Out Investigations
  4. Analyzing and Interpreting Data
  5. Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking
  6. Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions
  7. Engaging in Argument from Evidence
  8. Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information
K12 Statewide License Status
 Current license:
    Just renewed through 2017
    Covers both academic and administrative use

 Current teachers trained:
    257 teachers trained and receiving regular updates
    Current focus is ArcGIS.com
    First level trainings solely ArcGIS.com

 Scheduling Spring trainings now

 Career and tech update
Encouraging the use of ArcGIS as a
 comprehensive teaching tool
Encouraging the use of ArcGIS as a
 comprehensive teaching tool
Encouraging the use of ArcGIS as a
 comprehensive teaching tool
Make it spatial if its not!
Make it spatial if its not!
Use all the capabilities!
Use all the capabilities!
Bringing varied content to teachers
 would be impossible without our
           GIS Partners!
Bringing varied content to teachers
 would be impossible without our
           GIS Partners!

                 Ongoing GLOBE
                training (GPS, GIS,
               and data collection)
               which incorporates
                 ArcGIS products.
Bringing varied content to teachers
  would be impossible without our
                        GIS Partners!
GIS Technical Center applied
for broadband grant ; working
     to create specific data
    services for educational
  needs. GISTC also creating a
  1-day course in ArcGIS.com
 and adapting to K12 teachers
      and administrators.
Bringing varied content to teachers
 would be impossible without our
           GIS Partners!
                   TMI received a grant
                 award from NOAA/NGS 
                    will provide teacher
                 training in data collection
                 using ArcGIS (Online and
Bringing varied content to teachers
 would be impossible without our
           GIS Partners!
How can you help?

   Connect with one of our partners 
   Share expertise and data
   Make a map!  Send it along to me!
   Share data, news, etc.


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K-12 GIS Education

  • 2. Erika Klose WVDE and Winfield Middle School USGS Geologist / GIS user turned teacher Manage WV K12 statewide license and train WV teachers
  • 3. NGSS Standards Connections Science and Engineering Practices 1. Asking Questions and Defining Problems 2. Developing and Using Models 3. Planning and Carrying Out Investigations 4. Analyzing and Interpreting Data 5. Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking 6. Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions 7. Engaging in Argument from Evidence 8. Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information
  • 4. K12 Statewide License Status Current license: Just renewed through 2017 Covers both academic and administrative use Current teachers trained: 257 teachers trained and receiving regular updates Current focus is ArcGIS.com First level trainings solely ArcGIS.com Scheduling Spring trainings now Career and tech update
  • 5. Encouraging the use of ArcGIS as a comprehensive teaching tool
  • 6. Encouraging the use of ArcGIS as a comprehensive teaching tool
  • 7. Encouraging the use of ArcGIS as a comprehensive teaching tool
  • 8. Make it spatial if its not!
  • 9. Make it spatial if its not!
  • 10. Use all the capabilities!
  • 11. Use all the capabilities!
  • 12. Bringing varied content to teachers would be impossible without our GIS Partners!
  • 13. Bringing varied content to teachers would be impossible without our GIS Partners! Ongoing GLOBE training (GPS, GIS, and data collection) which incorporates ArcGIS products.
  • 14. Bringing varied content to teachers would be impossible without our GIS Partners! GIS Technical Center applied for broadband grant ; working to create specific data services for educational needs. GISTC also creating a 1-day course in ArcGIS.com and adapting to K12 teachers and administrators.
  • 15. Bringing varied content to teachers would be impossible without our GIS Partners! TMI received a grant award from NOAA/NGS will provide teacher training in data collection using ArcGIS (Online and Desktop).
  • 16. Bringing varied content to teachers would be impossible without our GIS Partners!
  • 17. How can you help? http://wvde.maps.arcgis.com/home/ Connect with one of our partners Share expertise and data Make a map! Send it along to me! Share data, news, etc. Thanks! eklose@acces.k12.wv.us

Editor's Notes

  • #2: Introduction: Statewide K12 license, managed through WVDE, I manage license, training.