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Kaleosolar festival
Within the Comenius Project
 Eco-citoyennet辿 et Developpement
      our school took part in the
    a social init iative dedicated to
    environmental education and
      sustainability for students.
         It was promoted by
     Kaleos Renewable Energy
        in collaboration with
   the Cooperative Life Project .
The event was
organized with the aim
  to give the students
 the opportunity to do
an ex citing ex perience
and approach them to
dealing with the issue
  of renewable energy
    and responsible
      consum ption.
Student s and teachers at t he railway station.
        Were going to Lecce by train.
Kaleosolar festival
Kaleosolar festival
Kaleosolar festival
Do you rem em ber this street in
   Lecce historical centre?
Kaleosolar festival
Participation has met the ex pectations of organizers:
hundreds of st udents from schools and Lecce province
  have enthusiastically joined in the various activit ies
                provided by the event.
9.00 : Opening of the event by

9.30 : A fantastic ecological team game

 11.00: Labs on renewable energy and
            SOLAR GAMES

12.30 : Award competition MY HOME,
          IN THE FUTURE.
The preparation of the ecological game
In The Green Goose Game, Saint Oronzo square has
t urned into a giant game board, with macro-cards and giant
    dice, in which students have become true living pieces
          along a path dedicat ed t o eco-sustainabilit y.
Everything is ready and we can start
playing. Our team is throwing the dice.
Kaleosolar festival
Kaleosolar festival
Kaleosolar festival
In the workshops on
             SOLAR GAMES
    ex perts involved students with
   interactive ex periments using
     prototypes of houses totally
   in which students were able to
ex perience the opportunity to live in
 a totally environmentally friendly.
Kaleosolar festival
Kaleosolar festival
Kaleosolar festival
It was a really interesting ex perience for all of us!!!

      By Giorgia, Ilaria, Asia, Adele, Elena, Elisa, Luca, Andrea and Alessandro

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Kaleosolar festival

  • 2. Within the Comenius Project Eco-citoyennet辿 et Developpement Durable, our school took part in the "KALEOSOLAR FESTIVAL" a social init iative dedicated to environmental education and sustainability for students. It was promoted by Kaleos Renewable Energy in collaboration with the Cooperative Life Project .
  • 3. The event was organized with the aim to give the students the opportunity to do an ex citing ex perience and approach them to dealing with the issue of renewable energy and responsible consum ption.
  • 4. Student s and teachers at t he railway station. Were going to Lecce by train.
  • 8. Do you rem em ber this street in Lecce historical centre?
  • 10. Participation has met the ex pectations of organizers: hundreds of st udents from schools and Lecce province have enthusiastically joined in the various activit ies provided by the event.
  • 11. 9.00 : Opening of the event by authorities 9.30 : A fantastic ecological team game THE GREEN GOOSE 11.00: Labs on renewable energy and SOLAR GAMES 12.30 : Award competition MY HOME, MY SCHOOL, MY TOWN TODAY AND IN THE FUTURE.
  • 12. The preparation of the ecological game THE GREEN GOOSE
  • 13. In The Green Goose Game, Saint Oronzo square has t urned into a giant game board, with macro-cards and giant dice, in which students have become true living pieces along a path dedicat ed t o eco-sustainabilit y.
  • 14. Everything is ready and we can start playing. Our team is throwing the dice.
  • 18. In the workshops on SOLAR GAMES ex perts involved students with interactive ex periments using prototypes of houses totally "organic" in which students were able to ex perience the opportunity to live in a totally environmentally friendly.
  • 22. It was a really interesting ex perience for all of us!!! By Giorgia, Ilaria, Asia, Adele, Elena, Elisa, Luca, Andrea and Alessandro