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• Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) is a major 
nutritional concern in poor societies, 
especially in lower income countries like 
• Vitamin A is an essential nutrient needed 
in small amounts for the normal 
functioning of the visual system, and 
maintenance of cell function for growth, 
epithelial integrity, red blood cell 
production, immunity and reproduction.
• Exits in 3 forms: 
• all trans-retinol 
• long chain fatty acyl ester of retinol (main 
storage form) 
• retinal (the active form in the retina) 
• Retinoic acid is also considered to be 
physiologically active 
• Pro vitamin A or carotene can be 
converted to retinol in vivo
• Retinoids 
• Retinyl esters broken down to free retinol in small 
intestine - requires bile, digestive enzymes, 
integration into micelles 
• Once absorbed, retinyl esters reformed in 
intestinal cells 
• 90% of retinoids can be absorbed 
• Carotenoids 
• Absorbed intact, absorption rate much lower 
• Intestinal cells can convert carotenoids to retinoids
• Approximately 80% is absorbed. 
• It is passed along with fat through the 
lymphatic system into blood stream. 
• Absorption is poor in case of diarrhea, 
jaundice and abdominal disorder. 
• Absorption increases if taken with fat. 
• Vitamin A which is not absorbed is 
excreted within 1 or 2 days in feces .
• Transported via chylomicrons from 
intestinal cells to the liver 
• Transported from the liver to target 
tissue as retinol via retinol-binding 
protein, which is bound to transthyretin
• The liver has enormous capacity to 
store in the form of retinolpalmitate. 
• under normal conditions a well-fed 
person has sufficient Vitamin A 
reserves to meet his need for 6 to 
9months or more.
Excretion of Vitamin A 
• Not readily excreted 
• Some lost in urine 
• Kidney disease and aging increase risk 
of toxicity because excretion is impaired
Functions of vitamin A 
• Vision (night, day, colour) 
• Epithelial cell integrity against 
• Immune response 
• Haematopoiesis 
• Skeletal growth 
• Fertility (male and female) 
• Embryogenesis
Functions of Vitamin A: 
Growth and Differentiation of 
• Retinoic acid is necessary for cellular 
• Important for embryo development, 
gene expression 
• Retinoic acid influences production, 
structure, and function of epithelial 
cells that line the outside (skin) and 
external passages (mucus forming cells) 
within the body
Functions of Vitamin A: 
• Deficiency leads to decreased resistance 
to infections 
• Supplementation may decrease severity 
of infections in deficient person
Functions of Vitamin A: 
• Retinal is a necessary structural 
component of rhodopsin or visual 
purple, the light sensitive pigment 
within rod and cone cells of the retina. 
• If inadequate quantities of vitamin A 
are present, vision is impaired.
Vision Cycle
The Visual Cycle 
• Role in Prevention of cardiovascular disease 
• Antioxidant capabilities 
• ≥5 servings/day of fruits and vegetables 
• Role in Cancer prevention 
• Antioxidant capabilities 
• Lung, oral, and prostate cancers 
• Studies indicate that vitamin A-containing foods are 
more protective than supplements 
• Other Roles in 
• Age-related macular degeneration 
• Cataracts 
• Acne 
Recommended daily allowances 
(RDAs) for Vitamin A
Units of measuring vitamin A 
Each μg RAE corresponds to 
• 1 μg retinol, 
• 2 μg of β-carotene in oil, 
• 12 μg of "dietary" beta-carotene, 
One International Unit (I.U.) 
• 0.3 mcg. of retinol 
• 0.6 mcg. of beta-carotene 
• 1.2 mcg. of other total mixed carotenoids
Deficiency of Vitamin A
High risk group 
• Infancy 
• Childhood 
• Pregnancy 
• Lactation 
• Urban poor 
• Older adults 
• Alcoholism 
• Liver disease (limits storage) 
• Fat malabsorption 
• Increased excretion as in cancer & UTI 
• Low protein intake resulting in deficient carriers
• Usually, Vitamin A Deficiency (VAD) 
develops in an environment of ecological 
social and economical deprivation 
• Synergism between deficient dietary intake of 
vitamin A coexists with severe infections, 
such as measles, and frequent infections 
causing diarrhoea and respiratory diseases 
that can lower intake through depressed 
appetite and absorption, and deplete body 
stores of vitamin A through excessive 
metabolism and excretion
Health consequences 
• Xerophthalmia is the most specific VAD, 
and is the leading preventable cause of 
blindness in children throughout the 
• Night blindness 
• Anaemia can result from VAD in children 
and women, likely due to multiple 
apparent roles of vitamin A in supporting 
iron mobilization and transport, and 
Classification of xerophthalmia 
• XN Night blindness 
• X1A Conjunctival Xerosis 
• X1B Bitot’s spot 
• X2 Corneal Xerosis 
• X3A Corneal 
ulceration/keratomalacia (< 1/3 
corneal surface) 
• X3B Corneal 
ulceration/keratomalacia (≥ 1/3 
corneal surface) 
• XS Corneal scar 
• XF Xerophthalmic fundus
Night Blindness 
• Lack of vitamin A causes 
night blindness or inability to 
see in dim light. 
• night blindness occurs as a 
result of inadequate pigment 
in the retina. 
• It also called tunnel vision. 
• Night blindness is also found 
in pregnant women in some 
instances, especially during 
the last trimester of 
pregnancy when the vitamin 
A needs are increased.
Night blindness
Bitot’s Spot 
• These are foamy and 
whitish cheese-like tissue 
spots that develop 
around the eye ball, 
causing severe dryness in 
the eyes. 
• These spots do not affect 
eye sight in the day light.
Conjunctival Xerosis 
• Conjunctiva becomes 
dry and non wettable. 
• Instead of looking 
smooth shiny it 
appears muddy 
• One of the major cause 
for blindness in India. 
• Cornea becomes soft 
and may burst 
• The process is rapid 
• If the eye collapses 
vision is lost.
Other Symptoms of VAD 
• Alteration of skin and mucous membrane 
• Hepatic dysfunction 
• Headache 
• Drowsiness 
• Peeling of skin about the mouth and 
Follicular hyperkeratosis
Assessing vitamin A status and 
• Two sets of indicators of VAD are commonly 
used for population surveys: 
1. clinically assessed eye signs. 
Term xerophthalmia encompasses the 
clinical spectrum of ocular manifestations of 
VAD, from milder stages of night blindness 
and Bitot’s spots, to potentially blinding 
stages of corneal xerosis, ulceration and 
necrosis (keratomalacia) 
1. biochemically determined concentrations of 
retinol in plasma or serum
Serum retinol concentrations 
• Serum retinol concentrations in a 
population constitutes the second major 
approach to assessing vitamin 
• A status in a population, with values 
below a cut-off of 0.70 μmol/l representing 
VAD , and below 0.35 μmol/l representing 
severe VAD. 
• A serum retinol concentration below a 
cutoff of 1.05 μmol/l has been proposed to 
reflect low vitamin.
Criteria for assessing the public 
health significance of 
Xerophthalmia Clinical (primary) 
• Night blindness (XN)* 1.0% 
• Bitot’s spot (X1B) 0.5% 
• Corneal xerosis and/or 
ulceration/keratomalacia (X2 + X3A + X3B) 
• Xerophthalmia-related corneal scars (XS) 
Biochemical (supportive) 
• Serum retinol (vitaminA) < 0.35 μmol/L (10 
μg/dL) 5.0%
Universal vitamin A distribution 
schedule for preschool and 
lactating mothers 
• Children 1–6 years 
200,000 IU of vitamin A orally every 3–6 months. 
• Infants 6–11 months 
100,000 IU of vitamin A orally every 3–6 months. 
• Lactating mothers 
200,000 IU of vitamin A orally once at delivery or 
during the first 8 weeks postpartum if 
breastfeeding or during the first 6 weeks if not 
Recommended Xerophthalmia 
treatment schedule 
6 -12 months > 1 yr 
• Immediately 100,000 IU 200,000 IU 
• Next day 100,000 IU 200,000 lU 
• 2–4 weeks later 100,000 IU 200,000 IU 
• Severe Protein-Energy Malnutrition (PEM) 
Monthly until PEM resolves 
100,000 IU 200,000 IU 
Upper Level for Vitamin A 
• 3000 μg retinol 
• Hypervitaminosis A results from long-term 
supplement use (2 – 4 x RDA) 
• Toxicity 
• Fatal dose (12 g) 
Hypervitaminosis A 
Acute Intoxication: 
• Results when excessively large single 
doses >300,000 IU ingested 
• Infants: n/v, drowsiness or irritability 
w/signs of increased ICP 
• Adults: drowsiness, irritability, 
headache & vomiting 
• Serum vitamin A values = 200-1000 
IU/dl (N: 50-100 IU/dl) 
Toxicity of Vitamin A 
Acute toxicity 
short-term megadose (100 x RDA); 
symptoms disappear when intake 
•GI effects 
•Blurred vision 
•Poor muscle coordination 
Chronic Intoxication 
• Results when >50,000 IU/day ingested for several 
wks or more 
• Signs & symptoms in infants: 
• Early are anorexia, pruritus, irritability, tender 
swollen bones w/motion limitation 
• Alopecia, seborrhea, cheilosis & peeling of 
palms & soles 
• Hepatomegaly & hypercalcemia observed 
• Craniotabes & hyperostosis of long bones 
• Elevated serum vit A levels confirms diagnosis 
• Reversible manifestations when vitamin A 
Chronic Toxicity of Vitamin A 
• long-term megadose; possible 
permanent damage 
•Bone and muscle pain 
•Loss of appetite 
•Skin disorders 
•Dry skin 
•Hair loss 
•Increased liver size 
Toxicity of Vitamin A 
• Teratogenic (may occur with as little as 
3 x RDA of preformed vitamin A) 
• Tends to produce physical defect on 
developing fetus as a result of excess 
vitamin A intake 
• Spontaneous abortion 
• Birth defects 
Thanking You

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  • 2. Introduction • Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) is a major nutritional concern in poor societies, especially in lower income countries like INDIA. • Vitamin A is an essential nutrient needed in small amounts for the normal functioning of the visual system, and maintenance of cell function for growth, epithelial integrity, red blood cell production, immunity and reproduction.
  • 3. VITAMIN A • Exits in 3 forms: • all trans-retinol • long chain fatty acyl ester of retinol (main storage form) • retinal (the active form in the retina) • Retinoic acid is also considered to be physiologically active • Pro vitamin A or carotene can be converted to retinol in vivo
  • 6. Absorption • Retinoids • Retinyl esters broken down to free retinol in small intestine - requires bile, digestive enzymes, integration into micelles • Once absorbed, retinyl esters reformed in intestinal cells • 90% of retinoids can be absorbed • Carotenoids • Absorbed intact, absorption rate much lower • Intestinal cells can convert carotenoids to retinoids
  • 7. • Approximately 80% is absorbed. • It is passed along with fat through the lymphatic system into blood stream. • Absorption is poor in case of diarrhea, jaundice and abdominal disorder. • Absorption increases if taken with fat. • Vitamin A which is not absorbed is excreted within 1 or 2 days in feces .
  • 8. Transport • Transported via chylomicrons from intestinal cells to the liver • Transported from the liver to target tissue as retinol via retinol-binding protein, which is bound to transthyretin
  • 9. STORAGE • The liver has enormous capacity to store in the form of retinolpalmitate. • under normal conditions a well-fed person has sufficient Vitamin A reserves to meet his need for 6 to 9months or more.
  • 10. Excretion of Vitamin A • Not readily excreted • Some lost in urine • Kidney disease and aging increase risk of toxicity because excretion is impaired
  • 11. Functions of vitamin A • Vision (night, day, colour) • Epithelial cell integrity against infections • Immune response • Haematopoiesis • Skeletal growth • Fertility (male and female) • Embryogenesis
  • 12. Functions of Vitamin A: Growth and Differentiation of Cells • Retinoic acid is necessary for cellular differentiation • Important for embryo development, gene expression • Retinoic acid influences production, structure, and function of epithelial cells that line the outside (skin) and external passages (mucus forming cells) within the body
  • 15. Functions of Vitamin A: Immunity • Deficiency leads to decreased resistance to infections • Supplementation may decrease severity of infections in deficient person
  • 16. Functions of Vitamin A: Vision • Retinal is a necessary structural component of rhodopsin or visual purple, the light sensitive pigment within rod and cone cells of the retina. • If inadequate quantities of vitamin A are present, vision is impaired.
  • 18. The Visual Cycle drpankajyadav05@gmail.com
  • 19. • Role in Prevention of cardiovascular disease • Antioxidant capabilities • ≥5 servings/day of fruits and vegetables • Role in Cancer prevention • Antioxidant capabilities • Lung, oral, and prostate cancers • Studies indicate that vitamin A-containing foods are more protective than supplements • Other Roles in • Age-related macular degeneration • Cataracts • Acne • AML
  • 21. Recommended daily allowances (RDAs) for Vitamin A
  • 22. Units of measuring vitamin A Each μg RAE corresponds to • 1 μg retinol, • 2 μg of β-carotene in oil, • 12 μg of "dietary" beta-carotene, One International Unit (I.U.) • 0.3 mcg. of retinol • 0.6 mcg. of beta-carotene • 1.2 mcg. of other total mixed carotenoids
  • 24. High risk group • Infancy • Childhood • Pregnancy • Lactation • Urban poor • Older adults • Alcoholism • Liver disease (limits storage) • Fat malabsorption • Increased excretion as in cancer & UTI • Low protein intake resulting in deficient carriers
  • 25. • Usually, Vitamin A Deficiency (VAD) develops in an environment of ecological social and economical deprivation • Synergism between deficient dietary intake of vitamin A coexists with severe infections, such as measles, and frequent infections causing diarrhoea and respiratory diseases that can lower intake through depressed appetite and absorption, and deplete body stores of vitamin A through excessive metabolism and excretion
  • 26. Health consequences • Xerophthalmia is the most specific VAD, and is the leading preventable cause of blindness in children throughout the world • Night blindness • Anaemia can result from VAD in children and women, likely due to multiple apparent roles of vitamin A in supporting iron mobilization and transport, and hematopoiesis
  • 27. Classification of xerophthalmia • XN Night blindness • X1A Conjunctival Xerosis • X1B Bitot’s spot • X2 Corneal Xerosis • X3A Corneal ulceration/keratomalacia (< 1/3 corneal surface) • X3B Corneal ulceration/keratomalacia (≥ 1/3 corneal surface) • XS Corneal scar • XF Xerophthalmic fundus
  • 28. Night Blindness • Lack of vitamin A causes night blindness or inability to see in dim light. • night blindness occurs as a result of inadequate pigment in the retina. • It also called tunnel vision. • Night blindness is also found in pregnant women in some instances, especially during the last trimester of pregnancy when the vitamin A needs are increased.
  • 30. Bitot’s Spot • These are foamy and whitish cheese-like tissue spots that develop around the eye ball, causing severe dryness in the eyes. • These spots do not affect eye sight in the day light.
  • 31. Conjunctival Xerosis • Conjunctiva becomes dry and non wettable. • Instead of looking smooth shiny it appears muddy &wrinkled.
  • 32. Keratomalacia • One of the major cause for blindness in India. • Cornea becomes soft and may burst • The process is rapid • If the eye collapses vision is lost.
  • 33. Other Symptoms of VAD • Alteration of skin and mucous membrane • Hepatic dysfunction • Headache • Drowsiness • Peeling of skin about the mouth and elsewhere
  • 35. Assessing vitamin A status and deficiency • Two sets of indicators of VAD are commonly used for population surveys: 1. clinically assessed eye signs. Term xerophthalmia encompasses the clinical spectrum of ocular manifestations of VAD, from milder stages of night blindness and Bitot’s spots, to potentially blinding stages of corneal xerosis, ulceration and necrosis (keratomalacia) 1. biochemically determined concentrations of retinol in plasma or serum
  • 36. Serum retinol concentrations • Serum retinol concentrations in a population constitutes the second major approach to assessing vitamin • A status in a population, with values below a cut-off of 0.70 μmol/l representing VAD , and below 0.35 μmol/l representing severe VAD. • A serum retinol concentration below a cutoff of 1.05 μmol/l has been proposed to reflect low vitamin.
  • 37. Criteria for assessing the public health significance of Xerophthalmia Clinical (primary) • Night blindness (XN)* 1.0% • Bitot’s spot (X1B) 0.5% • Corneal xerosis and/or ulceration/keratomalacia (X2 + X3A + X3B) 0.01% • Xerophthalmia-related corneal scars (XS) 0.05% Biochemical (supportive) • Serum retinol (vitaminA) < 0.35 μmol/L (10 μg/dL) 5.0%
  • 38. Universal vitamin A distribution schedule for preschool and lactating mothers • Children 1–6 years 200,000 IU of vitamin A orally every 3–6 months. • Infants 6–11 months 100,000 IU of vitamin A orally every 3–6 months. • Lactating mothers 200,000 IU of vitamin A orally once at delivery or during the first 8 weeks postpartum if breastfeeding or during the first 6 weeks if not breast-feeding
  • 39. Recommended Xerophthalmia treatment schedule 6 -12 months > 1 yr • Immediately 100,000 IU 200,000 IU • Next day 100,000 IU 200,000 lU • 2–4 weeks later 100,000 IU 200,000 IU • Severe Protein-Energy Malnutrition (PEM) Monthly until PEM resolves 100,000 IU 200,000 IU drpankajyadav05@gmail.com
  • 40. Upper Level for Vitamin A • 3000 μg retinol • Hypervitaminosis A results from long-term supplement use (2 – 4 x RDA) • Toxicity • Fatal dose (12 g) drpankajyadav05@gmail.com
  • 41. Hypervitaminosis A Acute Intoxication: • Results when excessively large single doses >300,000 IU ingested • Infants: n/v, drowsiness or irritability w/signs of increased ICP • Adults: drowsiness, irritability, headache & vomiting • Serum vitamin A values = 200-1000 IU/dl (N: 50-100 IU/dl) drpankajyadav05@gmail.com
  • 42. Toxicity of Vitamin A Acute toxicity short-term megadose (100 x RDA); symptoms disappear when intake stops •GI effects •Headaches •Blurred vision •Poor muscle coordination drpankajyadav05@gmail.com
  • 43. Chronic Intoxication • Results when >50,000 IU/day ingested for several wks or more • Signs & symptoms in infants: • Early are anorexia, pruritus, irritability, tender swollen bones w/motion limitation • Alopecia, seborrhea, cheilosis & peeling of palms & soles • Hepatomegaly & hypercalcemia observed • Craniotabes & hyperostosis of long bones • Elevated serum vit A levels confirms diagnosis • Reversible manifestations when vitamin A discontinued drpankajyadav05@gmail.com
  • 44. Chronic Toxicity of Vitamin A • long-term megadose; possible permanent damage •Bone and muscle pain •Loss of appetite •Skin disorders •Headache •Dry skin •Hair loss •Increased liver size •Vomiting drpankajyadav05@gmail.com
  • 45. Toxicity of Vitamin A • Teratogenic (may occur with as little as 3 x RDA of preformed vitamin A) • Tends to produce physical defect on developing fetus as a result of excess vitamin A intake • Spontaneous abortion • Birth defects drpankajyadav05@gmail.com