The document provides information about different martial arts including karate, taekwondo, kung fu, and krav maga. It describes the origins and key principles of karate, which began in Okinawa and focuses on self-improvement. Karate practice involves kihon (basics), kata (forms against imaginary opponents), and kumite (sparring). The founder of modern karate was Gichin Funakoshi. Taekwondo originated in Korea and is an Olympic sport, while kung fu began over 4000 years ago in China. Krav maga was developed from techniques in boxing, judo, and wrestling for realistic self-defense on the street.
This document provides an overview of Shotokan Karate-do, including its history and key components. It originated in Okinawa and was developed into a distinct style called Shotokan by Gichin Funakoshi in the early 20th century. Shotokan Karate-do focuses on three areas: kihon (basic techniques), kata (pre-arranged forms), and kumite (sparring). Students progress through ranked belts from white to black based on their mastery of techniques, forms, and sparring over several years of regular practice and testing. Both physical training and philosophical aspects like those of Zen are incorporated into the study of Shotokan Karate-do.
Karate-do is a Japanese martial art that originated in Okinawa involving techniques like blocks, strikes, throws, and joint manipulations. The name translates to "empty hand" and there are over 40 million practitioners worldwide. It was founded in mainland Japan by Gichin Funakoshi in the 1920s. There are three main aspects - kihon focuses on basic drills, kata involves preset forms against imaginary opponents, and kumite is sparring. Belts indicate rank and progress from white to black belt. An important element is the kiAi yell which is a powerful vibration used to startle opponents and harness one's energy and spirit during techniques. Protective equipment like gis, gloves, and
1. Karate is a Japanese martial art that involves techniques like blocks, strikes, and throws.
2. It was founded in Okinawa by Gichin Funakoshi and emphasizes self-defense over competition.
3. There are over 45 million karate practitioners worldwide who progress through levels of basic training drills, forms, and sparring represented by a belt hierarchy.
Karate originated on the island of Okinawa as a hybrid of local fighting styles and Chinese martial arts brought over by immigrants. Early forms included Te, Tomari-te, Naha-te and Shuri-te. Over time, through trade and cultural exchange, Karate incorporated influences from Southeast Asia and Chinese martial arts like Five Ancestors. Notable early masters included Sakukawa Kanga, who studied in China, and his student Matsumura Sokon, who incorporated Shaolin styles and helped develop the Shorin-ryu style. Another student, Itosu Anko, is considered the "Grandfather of Karate" for creating easy kata that made Karate more accessible.
Shotokan karate is a style of karate originating in Japan that focuses on punching, kicking, blocking and striking techniques. It emphasizes lifelong training to develop both physical and mental strength and discipline. Gichin Funakoshi introduced Shotokan karate to Japan in the early 1900s after demonstrating it for the emperor. He spent the rest of his life promoting and teaching the style. Shotokan karate aims to develop character and defend truth through focused practice and observance of etiquette.
The document discusses various martial arts from around the world, including their origins and characteristics. It describes Chinese martial arts like kung fu and tai chi, the Japanese arts of karate and jujutsu, the Brazilian art of capoeira, and internal martial arts from China. Famous martial artists like Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris, and Jean-Claude Van Damme are also mentioned.
The document discusses various martial arts including ju-jitsu, akido, judo, kung-fu, gatka, kalaripayattu, taekwondo, and muay-thai. It notes that most martial arts originated as physical fitness regimes from various warrior traditions and cultures, and were originally invented by Gautam Buddha as a means of self-defense. The document also discusses some of the benefits of martial arts beyond self-defense, including mental, physical and spiritual benefits. It notes that martial arts teach discipline, respect, self-control and help people overcome challenges and take control of their own destiny. The last part focuses on taekwondo, discussing its history and origins, color
This document discusses the Korean martial art of Taekwondo. It describes Taekwondo as Korea's national sport and one of the most popular martial arts in the world, combining combat techniques, self-defense, sport, exercise, and philosophy. The document outlines the origins and meaning of Taekwondo, its growing popularity and use by the South Korean military, and provides brief details on the founding of the International Taekwondo Federation and the belt ranking system used in the sport.
Taekwondo is a Korean martial art developed in the 1940s from a combination of karate and kung fu. It involves both fighting techniques and sport/exercise. Taekwondo emphasizes striking with hands and feet and became an official Olympic sport in 2000. South Korea has dominated taekwondo in the Olympics, winning over half of the gold medals awarded since 2000.
The document provides an overview of Tae Kwon Do including its history and origins from Korea, key terms and their meanings, uniforms, belt levels, commands, and competitive aspects like sparring and patterns. It also details various techniques of Tae Kwon Do such as hand attacks, kicking, blocking, and their Korean names.
Taekwondo is the national sport of South Korea and one of the most popular martial arts globally in terms of practitioners. It has a belt ranking system of 9 kup (gup) levels and 1-10 dan levels, and its history has been debated as originating from native Korean martial arts with some influences from karate and neighboring countries. Taekwondo competitions involve poomse (forms) judged by referees on technique and sparring under rules where black belts fight full-contact 2-minute rounds.
Physical Education project presentation of combative sports. General Mariano Alvarez Technical High School
General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite, Philippines
Grade 11 - F. Baltazar (S.Y. 2016 - 2017)
Kyokushinkai is a style of karate founded in 1964 by Masutatsu Oyama, combining techniques from Shotokan karate, Goju Ryu karate, judo, boxing, and Muay Thai. It has a philosophy of self-improvement through mind and body control and effectiveness in combat. In addition to point sparring, Kyokushinkai also includes kata forms and competition where opponents aim to knock each other out within 3 minutes using kicks, punches, and knee or elbow strikes while wearing only light protective gear. Some of the most famous practitioners of this martial art include Bas Rutten, Georges St. Pierre, and Dolph Lundgren.
Muay Thai, also known as Thai boxing, is the national sport of Thailand with a long history evolving from ancient battlefield techniques. It involves striking with fists, elbows, shins, knees and feet. Teamcoban in New York City offers high level Muay Thai training without requiring travel to Thailand. Training requires commitment and includes techniques like various kicks, elbow strikes and shadow boxing to build physical skills and self-confidence for competition.
This document provides brief descriptions of various individual and combat sports. It discusses running, gymnastics, swimming, badminton, table tennis, tennis, martial arts including arnis, taekwondo, karate and the FITT principle for monitoring exercise programs. The sports described can be played individually or with one or more partners and involve activities like running, swimming, hitting balls with rackets, combat and self-defense.
Taekwondo is a Korean martial art that evolved in Korea since 37 BC under different names like Subak, Taekkyon, and taeyon. It was introduced to Indonesia in 1975 by Mauritsz Dominggus. Taekwondo incorporates techniques from punching, kicking, and blocking which are practiced through forms, sparring, and breaking. The philosophy and techniques target three main areas of the body - the head (eolgol), central body (momtong), and lower body (arae).
Shotokan Karate - History and TechniqueEric Rossini
Shotokan karate is a martial arts style that draws from ancient Egyptian and Chinese fighting techniques. Karate was first developed on the island of Okinawa after hundreds of years of Chinese and Japanese rule. During this period weapons were banned, and locals often had to engage in hand-to-hand combat.
In 1922, an Okinawan karate fighter, Gichin Funakoshi, introduced his new fighting style, Shotokan, to the Japanese mainland. While teaching karate at Japanese universities, Funakoshi formed a friendship with Kano, the founder of modern judo. Kano's influence is thought to have shaped the development of Shotokan. Funakoshis son, Yoshitaka, further refined the style. He incorporated budo, a philosophy grounded in self-improvement, and other elements from Japanese free-style fighting. These additions solidified Shotokan into its own distinctive style.
At the end of World War II, Funakoshi traveled to U.S. military bases across Japan and taught Shotokan to American soldiers. By the 1950s, Shotokan was the most widely practiced fighting form in Japan. Soldiers returning to the US also helped spread interest in the sport. Over the following decades, the Shotokan school spread around the world and became one of the most popular karate styles.
Like other forms of karate, Shotokan combines philosophy, self-development, and physical fitness. Shotokan stances add more weight to the lower half of the body. Hip rotations power punches and strikes. Fighters may also use their elbows, knees, and palms to attack their opponents.
The document discusses the history and origins of various martial arts from around the world. It explains that modern martial arts are variations of older fighting styles and traces the development of arts like pankration (Greek wrestling and boxing), kung fu (originating from Shaolin monks), karate (combining Chinese and Okinawan influences), Muay Thai (Thai boxing), and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (adapted from Japanese jujutsu and judo). It also highlights Bruce Lee's influence in popularizing mixed martial arts training through his cross-training approach.
The term kickboxing is a somewhat generic one used to cover the combination of several different striking or stand up fighting styles that fall within the classification of sport martial arts. Though the term kickboxing was specifically initiated in Japan and evolved from full contact karate, its history and roots are in many ways tied to the Thailand martial art of Muay Thai Boxing as well. The sport of kickboxing often takes place in a ring where combatants, depending on the style of kickboxing being practiced, may utilize kicks, punches, elbow strikes, headbutts, knee strikes, and or throws against one another. In 1920, the term Muay Thai began to be used, separating itself from the older art of Muay Boran Along with this, in 1966 he pitted three karate fighters against three Muay Thai practitioners in a full contact style competition. The Japanese won this competition 2-1. Noguchi and Kenji Kurosaki, one of the fighters that took on the Muay Thai opposition back in 1966, then studied Muay Thai and blended it with full contact karate and boxing to form a martial art style that would eventually come to be known as kickboxing. Along with this, the Kickboxing Association, the first kickboxing organization, was founded a few years later in Japan. Today there are several unique styles of kickboxing being practiced around the world.
This document provides information about various martial arts styles, components of fitness, benefits of studying martial arts, and key aspects of the Modern Aikido style. It discusses hard and soft martial arts styles like karate, tae kwon do, and aikido. It also outlines the cognitive, associative, and autonomic stages of psychomotor learning. Additionally, it provides the formula for calculating target heart rate during exercise and lists characteristics and requirements for studying Modern Aikido at Trojan Martial Arts Academy.
The document discusses a Taekwondo club at a school and provides background information about Taekwondo. It is a Korean martial art and the national sport of South Korea, involving kicking and punching techniques. Taekwondo has evolved for combat, self-defense, sport, exercise, and philosophy. There are two main international governing organizations that promote and regulate Taekwondo competitions and training worldwide.
The document summarizes the history and origins of judo, including that it was founded in 1532 as a martial art called Takenouchi-ryu and was derived from jujitsu. It describes how Dr. Jigoro Kano studied ancient self-defense forms and integrated them into a sport called Kodokan Judo. Kano is considered the "Father of Judo" and helped develop Japanese athletics and sports.
Judo originated in late 19th century Japan when its founder Dr. Jigoro Kano devised it after studying ancient martial arts. Judo involves throwing opponents onto their backs or pinning them down to force submission through joint locks or control holds. It emphasizes mental and physical discipline as well as contest skills. Judo became an international sport endorsed by the Olympics starting in 1964 and has appeared in most Summer Olympics since.
The Roman army was organized into legions of 5,000 men commanded by a legate. Each legion was divided into 10 cohorts made up of centuries of around 100 men each, commanded by centurions. Centurions were important leaders responsible for training soldiers. Each century had its own standard carried by an experienced standard bearer. Roman citizens between 18-20 years old who were at least 1.6 meters tall could join the legion for 25 years of service. Training included long marches while carrying heavy equipment and drilling maneuvers. Auxiliaries from conquered lands also fought for Rome, including cavalry and archers who were considered second-class soldiers.
NCC Obstacle Training : Lt. Cdr. M. ArokiasamyMark Arokiasamy
- Obstacle training is conducted during NCC camps to develop cadets' physical strength, confidence, patience, and courage in facing challenges.
- The standard obstacle course consists of 10 obstacles of varying difficulty that cadets must navigate, including a straight balance, clear jump, gate vault, zig-zag balance, high wall, double ditch, and ramp.
- Safety measures like suitable candidate selection, instructor supervision, and first aid availability are important to ensure during obstacle training.
This document discusses three unusual ways of keeping fit: korfball, tai chi, and gaming for fitness. Korfball is a 100-year-old team sport from the Netherlands that is fast-paced and social. Tai chi is a gentle Chinese practice thousands of years old that reduces stress anywhere and anytime. New gaming technologies incorporate physical movement so that playing video games can now be a way to exercise at home for some.
Grandmaster Kim Bok Man is considered the "Grandfather of modern Taekwondo". He was head of the Korean Taekwondo show team from 1955 to 1966, during which he established the first Taekwondo Associations in 11 countries, leading to the formation of the Taekwondo International Association. After retiring from the army in 1962 where he taught combat techniques, Kim Bok Man devoted his life to spreading Taekwondo in Asia and Europe by establishing numerous national associations. However, he later left the Taekwondo International Association due to conflicts and formed his own style called World Practical Taekwondo Federation, which he later renamed World Chunkuhndo Federation.
Taekwondo is a Korean martial art that combines combat and self-defense techniques with sport, exercise, and in some cases philosophy. There are two main branches - traditional taekwondo focuses on techniques established in the 1950s-60s in the South Korean military, while sport taekwondo emphasizes speed and competition as seen in the Olympic sparring event. Taekwondo training generally includes blocks, kicks, punches, and strikes using both hands and feet, drawing from techniques of other martial arts. It originated from ancient Korean martial arts and was systematized in the 1950s under the name taekwondo.
This document discusses the Korean martial art of Taekwondo. It describes Taekwondo as Korea's national sport and one of the most popular martial arts in the world, combining combat techniques, self-defense, sport, exercise, and philosophy. The document outlines the origins and meaning of Taekwondo, its growing popularity and use by the South Korean military, and provides brief details on the founding of the International Taekwondo Federation and the belt ranking system used in the sport.
Taekwondo is a Korean martial art developed in the 1940s from a combination of karate and kung fu. It involves both fighting techniques and sport/exercise. Taekwondo emphasizes striking with hands and feet and became an official Olympic sport in 2000. South Korea has dominated taekwondo in the Olympics, winning over half of the gold medals awarded since 2000.
The document provides an overview of Tae Kwon Do including its history and origins from Korea, key terms and their meanings, uniforms, belt levels, commands, and competitive aspects like sparring and patterns. It also details various techniques of Tae Kwon Do such as hand attacks, kicking, blocking, and their Korean names.
Taekwondo is the national sport of South Korea and one of the most popular martial arts globally in terms of practitioners. It has a belt ranking system of 9 kup (gup) levels and 1-10 dan levels, and its history has been debated as originating from native Korean martial arts with some influences from karate and neighboring countries. Taekwondo competitions involve poomse (forms) judged by referees on technique and sparring under rules where black belts fight full-contact 2-minute rounds.
Physical Education project presentation of combative sports. General Mariano Alvarez Technical High School
General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite, Philippines
Grade 11 - F. Baltazar (S.Y. 2016 - 2017)
Kyokushinkai is a style of karate founded in 1964 by Masutatsu Oyama, combining techniques from Shotokan karate, Goju Ryu karate, judo, boxing, and Muay Thai. It has a philosophy of self-improvement through mind and body control and effectiveness in combat. In addition to point sparring, Kyokushinkai also includes kata forms and competition where opponents aim to knock each other out within 3 minutes using kicks, punches, and knee or elbow strikes while wearing only light protective gear. Some of the most famous practitioners of this martial art include Bas Rutten, Georges St. Pierre, and Dolph Lundgren.
Muay Thai, also known as Thai boxing, is the national sport of Thailand with a long history evolving from ancient battlefield techniques. It involves striking with fists, elbows, shins, knees and feet. Teamcoban in New York City offers high level Muay Thai training without requiring travel to Thailand. Training requires commitment and includes techniques like various kicks, elbow strikes and shadow boxing to build physical skills and self-confidence for competition.
This document provides brief descriptions of various individual and combat sports. It discusses running, gymnastics, swimming, badminton, table tennis, tennis, martial arts including arnis, taekwondo, karate and the FITT principle for monitoring exercise programs. The sports described can be played individually or with one or more partners and involve activities like running, swimming, hitting balls with rackets, combat and self-defense.
Taekwondo is a Korean martial art that evolved in Korea since 37 BC under different names like Subak, Taekkyon, and taeyon. It was introduced to Indonesia in 1975 by Mauritsz Dominggus. Taekwondo incorporates techniques from punching, kicking, and blocking which are practiced through forms, sparring, and breaking. The philosophy and techniques target three main areas of the body - the head (eolgol), central body (momtong), and lower body (arae).
Shotokan Karate - History and TechniqueEric Rossini
Shotokan karate is a martial arts style that draws from ancient Egyptian and Chinese fighting techniques. Karate was first developed on the island of Okinawa after hundreds of years of Chinese and Japanese rule. During this period weapons were banned, and locals often had to engage in hand-to-hand combat.
In 1922, an Okinawan karate fighter, Gichin Funakoshi, introduced his new fighting style, Shotokan, to the Japanese mainland. While teaching karate at Japanese universities, Funakoshi formed a friendship with Kano, the founder of modern judo. Kano's influence is thought to have shaped the development of Shotokan. Funakoshis son, Yoshitaka, further refined the style. He incorporated budo, a philosophy grounded in self-improvement, and other elements from Japanese free-style fighting. These additions solidified Shotokan into its own distinctive style.
At the end of World War II, Funakoshi traveled to U.S. military bases across Japan and taught Shotokan to American soldiers. By the 1950s, Shotokan was the most widely practiced fighting form in Japan. Soldiers returning to the US also helped spread interest in the sport. Over the following decades, the Shotokan school spread around the world and became one of the most popular karate styles.
Like other forms of karate, Shotokan combines philosophy, self-development, and physical fitness. Shotokan stances add more weight to the lower half of the body. Hip rotations power punches and strikes. Fighters may also use their elbows, knees, and palms to attack their opponents.
The document discusses the history and origins of various martial arts from around the world. It explains that modern martial arts are variations of older fighting styles and traces the development of arts like pankration (Greek wrestling and boxing), kung fu (originating from Shaolin monks), karate (combining Chinese and Okinawan influences), Muay Thai (Thai boxing), and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (adapted from Japanese jujutsu and judo). It also highlights Bruce Lee's influence in popularizing mixed martial arts training through his cross-training approach.
The term kickboxing is a somewhat generic one used to cover the combination of several different striking or stand up fighting styles that fall within the classification of sport martial arts. Though the term kickboxing was specifically initiated in Japan and evolved from full contact karate, its history and roots are in many ways tied to the Thailand martial art of Muay Thai Boxing as well. The sport of kickboxing often takes place in a ring where combatants, depending on the style of kickboxing being practiced, may utilize kicks, punches, elbow strikes, headbutts, knee strikes, and or throws against one another. In 1920, the term Muay Thai began to be used, separating itself from the older art of Muay Boran Along with this, in 1966 he pitted three karate fighters against three Muay Thai practitioners in a full contact style competition. The Japanese won this competition 2-1. Noguchi and Kenji Kurosaki, one of the fighters that took on the Muay Thai opposition back in 1966, then studied Muay Thai and blended it with full contact karate and boxing to form a martial art style that would eventually come to be known as kickboxing. Along with this, the Kickboxing Association, the first kickboxing organization, was founded a few years later in Japan. Today there are several unique styles of kickboxing being practiced around the world.
This document provides information about various martial arts styles, components of fitness, benefits of studying martial arts, and key aspects of the Modern Aikido style. It discusses hard and soft martial arts styles like karate, tae kwon do, and aikido. It also outlines the cognitive, associative, and autonomic stages of psychomotor learning. Additionally, it provides the formula for calculating target heart rate during exercise and lists characteristics and requirements for studying Modern Aikido at Trojan Martial Arts Academy.
The document discusses a Taekwondo club at a school and provides background information about Taekwondo. It is a Korean martial art and the national sport of South Korea, involving kicking and punching techniques. Taekwondo has evolved for combat, self-defense, sport, exercise, and philosophy. There are two main international governing organizations that promote and regulate Taekwondo competitions and training worldwide.
The document summarizes the history and origins of judo, including that it was founded in 1532 as a martial art called Takenouchi-ryu and was derived from jujitsu. It describes how Dr. Jigoro Kano studied ancient self-defense forms and integrated them into a sport called Kodokan Judo. Kano is considered the "Father of Judo" and helped develop Japanese athletics and sports.
Judo originated in late 19th century Japan when its founder Dr. Jigoro Kano devised it after studying ancient martial arts. Judo involves throwing opponents onto their backs or pinning them down to force submission through joint locks or control holds. It emphasizes mental and physical discipline as well as contest skills. Judo became an international sport endorsed by the Olympics starting in 1964 and has appeared in most Summer Olympics since.
The Roman army was organized into legions of 5,000 men commanded by a legate. Each legion was divided into 10 cohorts made up of centuries of around 100 men each, commanded by centurions. Centurions were important leaders responsible for training soldiers. Each century had its own standard carried by an experienced standard bearer. Roman citizens between 18-20 years old who were at least 1.6 meters tall could join the legion for 25 years of service. Training included long marches while carrying heavy equipment and drilling maneuvers. Auxiliaries from conquered lands also fought for Rome, including cavalry and archers who were considered second-class soldiers.
NCC Obstacle Training : Lt. Cdr. M. ArokiasamyMark Arokiasamy
- Obstacle training is conducted during NCC camps to develop cadets' physical strength, confidence, patience, and courage in facing challenges.
- The standard obstacle course consists of 10 obstacles of varying difficulty that cadets must navigate, including a straight balance, clear jump, gate vault, zig-zag balance, high wall, double ditch, and ramp.
- Safety measures like suitable candidate selection, instructor supervision, and first aid availability are important to ensure during obstacle training.
This document discusses three unusual ways of keeping fit: korfball, tai chi, and gaming for fitness. Korfball is a 100-year-old team sport from the Netherlands that is fast-paced and social. Tai chi is a gentle Chinese practice thousands of years old that reduces stress anywhere and anytime. New gaming technologies incorporate physical movement so that playing video games can now be a way to exercise at home for some.
Grandmaster Kim Bok Man is considered the "Grandfather of modern Taekwondo". He was head of the Korean Taekwondo show team from 1955 to 1966, during which he established the first Taekwondo Associations in 11 countries, leading to the formation of the Taekwondo International Association. After retiring from the army in 1962 where he taught combat techniques, Kim Bok Man devoted his life to spreading Taekwondo in Asia and Europe by establishing numerous national associations. However, he later left the Taekwondo International Association due to conflicts and formed his own style called World Practical Taekwondo Federation, which he later renamed World Chunkuhndo Federation.
Taekwondo is a Korean martial art that combines combat and self-defense techniques with sport, exercise, and in some cases philosophy. There are two main branches - traditional taekwondo focuses on techniques established in the 1950s-60s in the South Korean military, while sport taekwondo emphasizes speed and competition as seen in the Olympic sparring event. Taekwondo training generally includes blocks, kicks, punches, and strikes using both hands and feet, drawing from techniques of other martial arts. It originated from ancient Korean martial arts and was systematized in the 1950s under the name taekwondo.
This document provides information about various combat sports including judo, karate, kata, kumite, sumo, taekwondo, and Muay Thai. It defines each sport and lists key aspects like the founder, techniques used, equipment, tournaments, and more. Judo was founded in 1882 by Jigoro Kano and focuses on throwing or pinning opponents. Karate uses kicking, striking, and blocks while kata and kumite refer to forms and sparring. Sumo is Japan's national sport involving pushing opponents out of a ring. Taekwondo originated in Korea and combines foot and fist techniques. Muay Thai is Thailand's national combat sport also known as Thai boxing, using
The document discusses various martial arts including Kung Fu, Tai Chi, Aikido, and the author's thoughts on martial arts. It provides background on the origins and techniques of different martial arts. Kung Fu originated over 3,000 years ago at the Shaolin Temple in China and involves techniques like tripping and sweeping. Tai Chi is a Chinese martial art associated with Taoism that focuses on balance and harmony. Aikido was created in Japan by Morihei Ueshiba by combining martial arts and religious ideologies to subdue rather than harm opponents. The author believes martial arts can be useful for self-defense, meditation, self-control, awareness, fitness, and physical and mental health.
Kun Lbokator believes in respect for nature and life and has 341 fighting styles. Just like we have David Cummings kickboxing, and David Cummings Muay Thai styles, Kun Lbokator has different fighting techniques. Some of these styles are named after animals, such as horse, crab, elephant, and duck fighting styles. Besides, all the fighting styles have their own fighting techniques. Then there are also fighting styles named after Hindu gods because many Cambodians practice the Hindu religion.
Martial arts are body movement techniques studied by people of all backgrounds. Some forms include Kung Fu, Karate, and Tae kwon do. Martial arts originated in Asia thousands of years ago as depicted on tomb walls, and were developed further in China by Bodhidharma to encourage monks to be more active. While sometimes associated with fighting, martial arts are actually about training, discipline, and building confidence. Some weapons used include nunchucks, knives, and katanas.
The History and Origin of the Martial Art: Wushueosinotphil
This document summarizes Wushu (Chinese martial arts) in China and the Philippines. It provides a brief history of how Wushu was standardized in China in 1949 and established as a competitive sport. It describes the two main disciplines of Taolu (forms/patterns) and Sanda (full contact sparring). It also outlines the governing body for Wushu in the Philippines and their medals at international competitions. Finally, it details the common barehanded and weapons forms practiced in Wushu competitions.
Our mission at Japan Karate Association is to make a positive difference in the lives of children, youth, men and women and our community in general, through the study of the martial arts, and in particular the JKA Karate system.
Martial arts have a long history and tradition across many cultures. They provide benefits not just to physical health but also mental and spiritual well-being. Martial arts quotes from famous practitioners emphasize focusing the mind and developing self-control in addition to physical skills. The document discusses the origins and varieties of different martial arts styles as well as how the industry has grown over time while some masters' quotes stress the importance of internal mastery over external techniques.
Lloyd Irvin | Martial Art Training For the Real WorldLloyd Irvin
Lloyd Irvin is the head mentor of the eponymous Team Lloyd Irvin, a Brazilian Jiu JJiu-Jitsumixed combative techniques organization working in the Mid-Atlantic States of the U.S.
Karate is a Japanese martial art that involves techniques like blocks, strikes, and throws. It was founded in Okinawa by Master Gichin Funakoshi and emphasizes defense over victory. There are over 45 million practitioners worldwide. Karate training involves basic drills called kihon, forms called kata practiced alone or with others, and sparring called kumite. Belts of different colors denote a student's skill level. Karate teaches defense, discipline, confidence, flexibility, and strength. The document proposes opening a karate school that could earn a profit of Rs. 600,000 per year to fund non-Olympic sports tournaments.
The Evolution of Kickboxing A Journey Through Time.pptxKombat Hall
With a centuries-long history, kickboxing is a dynamic full-contact sport based on punches and kicks. Every age has influenced the development of this contemporary martial art, from the emergence of Karate in Okinawa to the antiquated combat sports like "Malla Yudh" in India and "Pankration" in Greece. Combining the disciplines of Karate and Muay Thai, Kickboxing officially emerged as a sport in Japan during the 1960s. Global tournaments and televised bouts carried this progression throughout the 1970s. Kickboxing is thriving globally these days, led by promotions like Glory and K-1. Take a look at this amazing voyage in our extensive PPT and PDF!
History of Physical Activity Exs101 presentation1MariayPepe
The history of martial arts began in 2600 BC in China, which became the center of martial arts. In 527 AD, an Indian monk taught 18 Buddhist fighting styles to Shaolin monks, which evolved into the 5 animal styles of Shaolin kung fu. Many different styles of martial arts developed over time, including judo from Japan which was formed in 1882 and focuses on grappling and throwing techniques without weapons. Karate originated in Okinawa and involves striking techniques, while mixed martial arts allows a variety of fighting styles and first emerged in ancient Greece in 648 BC.
The martial arts are codified systems of combat practices that are practiced for reasons like self-defense, competition, physical and mental development. Martial arts can be categorized as either traditional styles tied to a culture or founder-developed modern styles. They are generally divided into armed systems that train with weapons, and unarmed systems that focus on techniques like punching, kicking, and grappling without weapons. Practicing martial arts provides health benefits like improved fitness, stress relief, and toned muscles, especially in the legs, buttocks, and back. While competition can prove superiority, the true goals of martial arts are personal improvement, a perfect balance of body and mind, and looking inside oneself.
Unlocking Opportunities for Talented Athletes.pdfjinny kaur
LPU (Lovely Professional University) offers scholarships for sports persons to encourage and support their participation in various sports activities. These scholarships are designed to provide financial assistance to deserving athletes, helping them balance their academic and athletic pursuits. The benefits include:
Tuition Fee Waiver: Sports scholarships often provide a partial or full waiver on tuition fees based on the level of achievement and performance in sports.
Accommodation and Mess Charges: Some scholarships also cover accommodation and mess charges, reducing the overall cost of living on campus.
Priority in Admissions: Athletes may receive priority during the admission process, making it easier to secure a seat.
Training Facilities: LPU provides state-of-the-art training facilities for athletes, ensuring they have access to the best infrastructure.
Coaching Support: You may receive specialized coaching and mentoring from experienced trainers and coaches to enhance your performance.
Participation in Competitions: Scholarships may cover the cost of participation in national and international competitions, providing exposure and opportunities for further growth.
Career Opportunities: Apart from financial benefits, sports scholarships can open doors to future career opportunities in sports-related fields.
Intangibles in Sports Betting: How Pro Bettors WinJoe Duffy
From Description: Successful sports bettors know that stats and analytics are only part of the equation. The best handicappers also consider intangiblesunquantifiable factors like motivation, revenge games, travel fatigue, weather, coaching strategies, team chemistry, and referee tendencies. This 際際滷Share breaks down how these hidden factors impact game outcomes and how you can leverage them for smarter bets. Learn how to spot betting edges that sportsbooks and casual bettors often overlook! #SportsBetting #Handicapping #BettingStrategy
Witness the Carabao Cup Final Tickets live at Wembley Stadium on March 16, 2025, as Liverpool and Newcastle fight for glory! Experience the roar of the crowd, the high-stakes drama, and the thrill of a Wembley Cup final. This is more than just a match its a moment in football history. Secure your tickets now on and be part of the action!
Hockey India: A Story of Pride, Passion, and Perseverance"Gayatri Patel
Get ready to be inspired by the story of Indian hockey! This presentation takes you through the highs and lows, the victories and setbacks, and the unwavering commitment of our hockey heroes."
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3. 3 Principles of Self-Defense
Principle #1
s people
s places.
Principle #2
Do not
Principle #3
ely and
Karate can be described as a
martial art, or fighting method,
involving a variety of techniques,
including blocks, strikes, evasions,
throws, and joint manipulations.
Karate practice is divided into three
Kihon(basics), kata(forms),and
5. Kata
In kata, student visualizes the attack. It is a fight with imaginary
opponents.The moves of the kata consists of throws, strikes,
bilcks, and control techniques.
6. Kumite
Person is trained against the opponent using the techniques
learned from kihon(basics) and kata(forms). The referee
and judges decides the winner.
8. Why karate is must?
Improvement of physical
and mental health.
Build self-esteem.
strengthen self-confidence.
Improvemnent of academic
Increase your level of
energy, focus and
9. "Let today be the day you say. "You know what? You only
live once-I'M GOING FOR IT."
Karate gives
100% of mental
n and
Exercise regularly
11. Gichin Funakoshi(1868-1957)
Founder of modern day karate
"I come to you with only karate,
empty hands. I have no
weapons but should I be
forced to defend myself,
my principals or my
honor, should it be a
matter of life or death, of
right or wrong, then here
are my weapons.
Karate, My empty hands."
13. Origin and there development
Kungfu, wushu ( shaoline martial art) :
Karate (jujustu, kenjustu & naginatajustu) :
Taekwondo : Korea
Krav maga ( kick boxing) : Amerika
14. kungfu
Originated during xia
dynasty 4000 years ago
Yellow emperor huangdi
It is an technique such as
strikes, throws, joint
manipulation & pressure
point attack
15. In traditional Chinese martial
arts alternative terminologies
for the training of 'sets or
lian quan tao 油 practicing sequence of
lian quan jiao practicing fists and
lian bing qi 油 practicing weapons.
16. well-known practitioners
throughout history:
Yue Fei油(11031142 CE)
Ten Tigers of Canton油(late 19th
Wong Fei Hung油(18471924)
Bruce Lee油(19401973)
Jet Li油(b. 1963)
Donnie Yen油(b. 1963)
Wu Jing油(b. 1974)
17. Karate
Karate油油literally means "empty hand". It is also
sometimes called "the way of the empty
hand"油Karate originated in油Okinawa, formerly
known as the油Ry ky Kingdom笛 笛 ,
a modern one, and historically the term meant a
way of life encompassing physical,spiritual,
and油moral油dimensions with a focus of self-
improvement, fulfillment, or油personal growth.
The historical origin of Japanese martial arts can
be found in the warrior traditions of
the油samurai油and the油caste system
19. The three attacks
Go no sen油- meaning late attack involves a
defensive or counter movement in response to
an attack.[19]
Sen no sen油- a defensive initiative launched
simultaneously with the attack of the opponent.
Sensen no sen油- an initiative launched in
anticipation of an attack where the opponent is
fully committed to their attack and thus
psychologically beyond the point of no return.
20. Taekwondo
In November 2011, Taekkyeon was recognized
by油UNESCO油and placed on its Intangible Cultural
Heritage of Humanity List.
is the oldest form of ground fighting in Korea,
while油subak/taekkyeon油was the upright martial
art of foot soldiers
Taekwondo is a synthesis from many different
martial arts (both Korean and foreign) and is
constantly evolving, taking the best of other arts
and adapting them.
It is an event in every major, multi-sports games,
including the油Olympic Games,
the油Commonwealth Games油and the油World
University Games
21. The油Buddhist油influence on the hwarang is most
notably seen around 600 AD, when the moral
code油Sae Sok O-Gye油written by油Won Kwang油
was documented. This code consisted of five
Loyalty to one's king.
Respect to one's parents.
Faithfulness to one's friends.
Courage in battle.
Justice in killing.
22. Krav maga
It is an mixing of Western Boxing, Aikido,
Wrestling, Judo,油KAPAP
wide combination of techniques sourced
with realistic fight training
It was derived from油street-fighting
23. Ideas in Krav Maga include:
Counterattacking as soon as possible (or attacking
Targeting attacks to the body's most vulnerable
points, such as: the eyes, neck or throat, face,油solar
plexus, groin, ribs, knee, foot, fingers, etc.
Maximum effectiveness and efficiency in order to
neutralize the opponent as quickly as possible.
Maintaining awareness of surroundings while
dealing with the threat in order to look for escape
routes, further attackers, objects that could be used
to defend or help attack, and so on.