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Karla MacLean
40 Menzies Rd
Norton NB
E5T 1X6
Home: (506)839-2328
E-mail: karla-joy@live.ca
Highlights of Qualifications
 Excellent communication, organization and interpersonal skills
 Leadership skills with ability to successfully manage a team of 7 employees
 Prepared weekly schedules and completed all paper work efficiently
 Exception problem solving skills with ability to think independently
 Self motivated with an eagerness to meet and exceed quota expectations
Courteous Accountable Dedicated
Skills and Relevant Experience
Hatfield Point Convenience and Take-Out
Hatfield Point, NB
Operations Manager; 2009-2015
 Managed and lead team of 7 and addressed employee issues when necessary
 Completed orders and performed inventory control to ensure stock was available
 Served customers in a courteous manner and handled complaints or concerns
 Followed proper hiring and dismissal protocol, hosted interviews with all employees
 Prepared daily floats for cashier and completed and posted schedules biweekly
 Processed cash, debit, and credit transactions and labeled items for sale
 Baked and packaged food items daily: bread, rolls, cookies, donuts, muffins
 Enforced safety regulations and promoted personal and team safety in the workplace
Private Families
Norton, NB
Child Care; 2007-Present
 Attended to the needs of children aged 4 to 6 years
 Prepared nutritious meals and snacks according to dietary needs
 Planned and organized recreational activities and supervised outdoor play
 Bathed children and ensured children were in bed at specified times
Amsterdam Inn and Suites
Quispamsis, NB
Housekeeper; January 2015-March 2015
 Able to give accurate room service to guests
 Proven record of performing cleaning duties such as; dust, vacuum, clean bathrooms, change
garbage, change beds, etc.
 Thorough understanding of maintaining rooms in a clean and presentable fashion
 Documented success in maintaining guest rooms
Kent Building Supplies
Sussex, NB
Customer Service; March 2015-February 2016
 Made customers feel welcomed
 Served customers in a courteous manner and handled complaints or concerns
 Understanding the customer's point of view
 Processed cash, debit, and credit transactions
 Checked items through the lumber yard
Belleisle Regional High School
Springfield, NB
High School Diploma  Honours; 2013
Canadian Restaurant & Food Service
Food Course
Took in March 2014, Expires in March 2019
Volunteer Work
Outreach Pentecostal Church
Hatfield Point, NB
Sunday School Teacher; 2012-Present
Jr's Salvage & Son Ltd.
Sussex, NB
Customer Service; 2012-Present
 Handled cash transactions
 Kept bookwork
 Weighed trucks through the scales
Swimming Friends Walking Baking
Tammy Beechin
Personal Reference
Heidi Hughes
Personal Reference
Heather Hughes
Personal Reference

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  • 1. Karla MacLean 40 Menzies Rd Norton NB E5T 1X6 Home: (506)839-2328 Cell:(506)567-0040 E-mail: karla-joy@live.ca Highlights of Qualifications Excellent communication, organization and interpersonal skills Leadership skills with ability to successfully manage a team of 7 employees Prepared weekly schedules and completed all paper work efficiently Exception problem solving skills with ability to think independently Self motivated with an eagerness to meet and exceed quota expectations Courteous Accountable Dedicated Skills and Relevant Experience Hatfield Point Convenience and Take-Out Hatfield Point, NB Operations Manager; 2009-2015 Managed and lead team of 7 and addressed employee issues when necessary Completed orders and performed inventory control to ensure stock was available Served customers in a courteous manner and handled complaints or concerns Followed proper hiring and dismissal protocol, hosted interviews with all employees Prepared daily floats for cashier and completed and posted schedules biweekly Processed cash, debit, and credit transactions and labeled items for sale Baked and packaged food items daily: bread, rolls, cookies, donuts, muffins Enforced safety regulations and promoted personal and team safety in the workplace Private Families Norton, NB Child Care; 2007-Present Attended to the needs of children aged 4 to 6 years Prepared nutritious meals and snacks according to dietary needs Planned and organized recreational activities and supervised outdoor play Bathed children and ensured children were in bed at specified times Amsterdam Inn and Suites Quispamsis, NB Housekeeper; January 2015-March 2015 Able to give accurate room service to guests
  • 2. Proven record of performing cleaning duties such as; dust, vacuum, clean bathrooms, change garbage, change beds, etc. Thorough understanding of maintaining rooms in a clean and presentable fashion Documented success in maintaining guest rooms Kent Building Supplies Sussex, NB Customer Service; March 2015-February 2016 Made customers feel welcomed Served customers in a courteous manner and handled complaints or concerns Understanding the customer's point of view Processed cash, debit, and credit transactions Checked items through the lumber yard Education Belleisle Regional High School Springfield, NB High School Diploma Honours; 2013 Canadian Restaurant & Food Service Food Course Took in March 2014, Expires in March 2019 Volunteer Work Outreach Pentecostal Church Hatfield Point, NB Sunday School Teacher; 2012-Present Jr's Salvage & Son Ltd. Sussex, NB Customer Service; 2012-Present Handled cash transactions Kept bookwork Weighed trucks through the scales Interests Swimming Friends Walking Baking
  • 3. References Tammy Beechin Personal Reference (506)433-6680 Heidi Hughes Personal Reference (506)485-2702 Heather Hughes Personal Reference (506)485-2702