Have you ever wondered, how make your lectures more engaging for students by showing interesting video without spending hours on making it from scratch? The objective of the third webinar was to achieve necessary skills to search and select OER suited for every participant.
Anna Stokowska: podsumowanie cyklu webinar¨®w o Otwartych Zasobach Edukacyjnyc...centrumcyfrowe
Podczas ostatniego webinarium Anna Stokowska om¨®wi razem z uczestnikami realizowane przez nich pomi?dzy kolejnymi webinariami zadania. B?dzie to tak?e czas na dyskusj? na temat tego, jak nauczyciele akademiccy mog? konkretnie wykorzystywa? otwarte zasoby i czy widz? w nich rozwi?zanie dla swoich dydaktycznych wyzwa¨½.
Anna Stokowska ¨C Evaluation: pros and cons of OER usageLangOER
The last seminar¡¯s aim was to sum up the work that have been done by the participants at home. It was also a chance for them to speak on open education, about their doubts, hopes and discoveries. The moderator showed during this seminar, possible ways of using OER in everyday practice of academic teachers as well as pros and cons of OER usage.
Rullion Leadership Practice Digital & eCommerce Breakfast Seminar May 2015Stephanie Foster
The document summarizes positive feedback from an event hosted by NWDigital on digital and e-commerce topics. Attendees commented that the panel discussion and guest speakers were great, the debate was engaging, and there was a lot of food for thought provided. Others asked when the next event would be held. The document encourages following the Twitter account @LeadershipPrac for information on future events, with the goal of connecting thought leaders to benefit the future world.
This document discusses the importance of volunteering. It defines volunteering as giving help or service of one's own free will. There are two main types of volunteer opportunities: structured volunteering through organizations and creating your own opportunities. The presenter discusses the "3 T's" of volunteering: time, talent, and treasure. Benefits of volunteering include developing skills, feeling good about helping others, building confidence and resume, and expanding one's network. The presenter shares their personal volunteering experiences and philosophy that volunteering should be a way of life.
The document outlines the agenda for an event titled "The Future of Travel & Subsistence Schemes" being held at Manchester United Football Stadium. The agenda includes welcome remarks and introductions, followed by three panel presentations on the topics of the future for umbrella companies, what's on the horizon for travel and subsistence schemes, and a panel Q&A session. The event is hosted by Rullion Limited and held in partnership with Brabners LLP, Paystream, and the Recruitment & Employment Confederation.
A talk delivered by Susannah Wintersgill at the Anybook Oxford Libraries Conference 2015 - Adapting for the Future: Developing Our Professions and Services, 21st July 2015.
This document presents a project report on modifying and expanding the production layout of Krohne Marshall, a company that manufactures flow meters. It aims to minimize travel time and costs from raw materials to finished products while meeting increasing production demands. The report includes an introduction to the company, problem statement, objectives, literature review on plant layout concepts, data collection on current processes and material flows, and proposed design of a new layout. Various layout types are considered and a product layout is selected. The design phase involves iterations to optimize department locations. The new layout is implemented and evaluated based on reduced material travel distances and creation of a better work environment to support future growth.
The document outlines the steps of a lesson on food supply chains and geography, including group and individual activities where students discuss different parts of the food supply chain, analyze data on rice and wheat production, and consider the consequences of variations in global food consumption. Students are assigned roles to debate the pros and cons of genetically modified foods and whether they provide more benefits than problems for people in poor developing countries.
This is a talk I gave the at the AngleBrackets/DevIntersection conference in April of 2014 that covers the AngularJS JavaScript framework (one of my favorite frameworks out there!). In this talk I discussed the challenges with Single Page Applications (SPA) and how AngularJS helps solve those challenges with built-in support for two-way data binding, directives and filters, controllers and more. I also discuss the relationship of modules to controllers, factories and services, and more.
This document discusses qualitative research in peace and development education. It states that qualitative research focuses on people, treating them as subjects rather than objects. It aims to improve people's conditions by investigating social problems qualitatively. The document also notes that qualitative research examines the ecosystem/environment, peace and conflict issues, culture, and indigenous people and history. It describes the types of qualitative research as descriptive qualitative research, action research, participatory action research, and community organizing participatory research. Finally, it discusses the most frequently asked questions in qualitative research as what, why, and how questions.
RMD Trade Limited is a wholesale distribution business based in London. The company comes from a background of 30 years of experience. Sourcing and distributing branded products to counter parties around the world.
OER insights into a multilingual landscape - Media and Learning ConferenceLangOER
Media & Learning Conference, Brussels, 20 - 21 November 2014. Dedicated to the latest developments, services and uses of media in education and training.
Marit Bijlsma (Fryske Akademy) and Valentina Garoia (European Schoolnet) presented the outcomes of the LangOER state-of-the-art report of OER in less used languages with examples of repositories, and interacted with the audience on how to use Creative Commons Licenses, how to find OER etc.
The snows of kilimanjaro extreme adventures by abercrombie & kentKevin Mcnulty
This 9-day expedition involves trekking to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest point in Africa at 19,341 feet. The itinerary describes each day of the trek in detail, beginning with acclimatization hikes in Arusha National Park before ascending through different vegetation zones on Kilimanjaro, including rainforest, heath forest, alpine desert, and glaciers. The most challenging day involves a 13-hour trek to reach Uhuru Peak at sunrise, followed by descent and return to Arusha.
Karolina Grodecka ¨C Adapt and publish OER. Legal and practical perspectivesLangOER
One of undoubtable benefits from using OER is a possibility of re-using and remixing them according to one¡¯s purpose. This allows academic teachers to save a lot of time and effort. The objective of the fourth webinar is, therefore, to achieve necessary skills to adapt OER into one¡¯s context and needs, to learn how to localize, use and publish open content in the web. Participants also gained knowledge on the difference between OER use fair use of copyrighted resources.
Open Educational Resources (OER) in less used languages: a European state of...LangOER
This document summarizes an Open Educational Resources (OER) project focused on less commonly used languages in Europe. It discusses the LangOER project which conducted a state of the art study on OER availability in 23 European languages. The study found that OER are scarce for less commonly used languages and initiatives are often not sustained long-term. As part of LangOER, a blended training course was developed for Greek teachers to promote OER reuse, revision, remixing and redistribution. The online course consists of 4 modules covering these topics with learning materials like videos and activities.
FPI is a comprehensive merchant services provider
1-Innovative Point of Sale ¨CScalable to ERP level
2-Combines truly comprehensive and mobile business management software with innovative and market leading plugins to add flexibility to your business
3-Features dashboard level control to allow you to run your business from anywhere in the world
4-Full integration with your ePresenceincluding our patented eCommerceconnector to allow your virtual and physical business to run in complete harmony
Sk?d bra? darmowe tre?ci i multimedia na lekcje fizyki?Kamil ?liwowski
Prezentacja z warsztatu na 44 Zje?dzie Fizyk¨®w Polskich - konferencja dydaktyczna. Andrzej Pie¨½kowski, Kamil ?liwowski - Fundacja Katalyst Education / OpenStax Polska
This document presents a project report on modifying and expanding the production layout of Krohne Marshall, a company that manufactures flow meters. It aims to minimize travel time and costs from raw materials to finished products while meeting increasing production demands. The report includes an introduction to the company, problem statement, objectives, literature review on plant layout concepts, data collection on current processes and material flows, and proposed design of a new layout. Various layout types are considered and a product layout is selected. The design phase involves iterations to optimize department locations. The new layout is implemented and evaluated based on reduced material travel distances and creation of a better work environment to support future growth.
The document outlines the steps of a lesson on food supply chains and geography, including group and individual activities where students discuss different parts of the food supply chain, analyze data on rice and wheat production, and consider the consequences of variations in global food consumption. Students are assigned roles to debate the pros and cons of genetically modified foods and whether they provide more benefits than problems for people in poor developing countries.
This is a talk I gave the at the AngleBrackets/DevIntersection conference in April of 2014 that covers the AngularJS JavaScript framework (one of my favorite frameworks out there!). In this talk I discussed the challenges with Single Page Applications (SPA) and how AngularJS helps solve those challenges with built-in support for two-way data binding, directives and filters, controllers and more. I also discuss the relationship of modules to controllers, factories and services, and more.
This document discusses qualitative research in peace and development education. It states that qualitative research focuses on people, treating them as subjects rather than objects. It aims to improve people's conditions by investigating social problems qualitatively. The document also notes that qualitative research examines the ecosystem/environment, peace and conflict issues, culture, and indigenous people and history. It describes the types of qualitative research as descriptive qualitative research, action research, participatory action research, and community organizing participatory research. Finally, it discusses the most frequently asked questions in qualitative research as what, why, and how questions.
RMD Trade Limited is a wholesale distribution business based in London. The company comes from a background of 30 years of experience. Sourcing and distributing branded products to counter parties around the world.
OER insights into a multilingual landscape - Media and Learning ConferenceLangOER
Media & Learning Conference, Brussels, 20 - 21 November 2014. Dedicated to the latest developments, services and uses of media in education and training.
Marit Bijlsma (Fryske Akademy) and Valentina Garoia (European Schoolnet) presented the outcomes of the LangOER state-of-the-art report of OER in less used languages with examples of repositories, and interacted with the audience on how to use Creative Commons Licenses, how to find OER etc.
The snows of kilimanjaro extreme adventures by abercrombie & kentKevin Mcnulty
This 9-day expedition involves trekking to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest point in Africa at 19,341 feet. The itinerary describes each day of the trek in detail, beginning with acclimatization hikes in Arusha National Park before ascending through different vegetation zones on Kilimanjaro, including rainforest, heath forest, alpine desert, and glaciers. The most challenging day involves a 13-hour trek to reach Uhuru Peak at sunrise, followed by descent and return to Arusha.
Karolina Grodecka ¨C Adapt and publish OER. Legal and practical perspectivesLangOER
One of undoubtable benefits from using OER is a possibility of re-using and remixing them according to one¡¯s purpose. This allows academic teachers to save a lot of time and effort. The objective of the fourth webinar is, therefore, to achieve necessary skills to adapt OER into one¡¯s context and needs, to learn how to localize, use and publish open content in the web. Participants also gained knowledge on the difference between OER use fair use of copyrighted resources.
Open Educational Resources (OER) in less used languages: a European state of...LangOER
This document summarizes an Open Educational Resources (OER) project focused on less commonly used languages in Europe. It discusses the LangOER project which conducted a state of the art study on OER availability in 23 European languages. The study found that OER are scarce for less commonly used languages and initiatives are often not sustained long-term. As part of LangOER, a blended training course was developed for Greek teachers to promote OER reuse, revision, remixing and redistribution. The online course consists of 4 modules covering these topics with learning materials like videos and activities.
FPI is a comprehensive merchant services provider
1-Innovative Point of Sale ¨CScalable to ERP level
2-Combines truly comprehensive and mobile business management software with innovative and market leading plugins to add flexibility to your business
3-Features dashboard level control to allow you to run your business from anywhere in the world
4-Full integration with your ePresenceincluding our patented eCommerceconnector to allow your virtual and physical business to run in complete harmony
Sk?d bra? darmowe tre?ci i multimedia na lekcje fizyki?Kamil ?liwowski
Prezentacja z warsztatu na 44 Zje?dzie Fizyk¨®w Polskich - konferencja dydaktyczna. Andrzej Pie¨½kowski, Kamil ?liwowski - Fundacja Katalyst Education / OpenStax Polska
A presentation for the finalists of the e-volunteering contest (http://www.e-wolontariat.pl/en/) in Poland. The workshop focused on using technology in your social project. The presentation and workshops were both prepared by myself and Aleksandra Janus.
Prezentacja: Natalia Gruenpeter, Wojciech Fenrich, ICM UW
Krajowe Warsztaty Otwartego Dost?pu OpenAIRE 2020, Polska
Polityki otwarto?ci w Polsce
Cze?? 2: dane badawcze
25 listopada 2020, online
OpenAIRE National Workshop in Poland (2020), organized as part of the OpenAIRE Advance project, was be devoted to the implementation of open access policies in Polish scientific institutions.
Repozytoria dziedzinowe jako narz?dzia komunikacji naukowejpantarheih20
Dominik Purcha?a
Repozytoria dziedzinowe jako narz?dzia komunikacji naukowej. Prezentacja Otwartego Repozytorium Nauk Historycznych Lectorium
Prezentacja do wyst?pienia wyg?oszonego podczas sympozjum Panta Rhei ¨C Historia 2.0 w dniu 17 wrze?nia 2014 w ramach XIX Powszechnego Zjazdu Historyk¨®w Polskich, kt¨®ry odby? si? w Szczecinie.
Opublikowano za zgod? referenta.
Re-visiting the pedagogy of the languages of minority communities - Frisian MOOCLangOER
This document discusses a proposed Frisian MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) by the Af?k Institute for the Frisian Language. The goal of the MOOC is to promote the Frisian language and culture to a large number of learners. It would be a 3-week introductory course focusing on basic communication in Frisian, including introducing oneself, family and friends, as well as Frisian culture. The course aims to be interactive and focus on practical language use. A demo of the proposed MOOC platform is provided. The document also discusses the opportunities MOOCs provide for teaching minority languages more openly and accessibly to interested learners around the world.
The problem of using Open Educational Resources in the Lithuanian language as...LangOER
The aim of the presentation was to reveal the importance of Open Educational Resources in the Lithuanian Language for the development of teachers¡¯ competences and for the quality of teaching/learning material, by providing a possibility to disseminate innovations and to develop creativity and consistency, as well as to share teaching resources.
eTwinning Conference 2016: Essentials for creating your own Open Educational ...LangOER
This document discusses open educational resources (OER) and Creative Commons licenses. The key points are:
1. The document defines OER according to UNESCO as teaching, learning and research materials that are in the public domain or released under an open license that allows free use, adaptation and distribution.
2. It discusses the different Creative Commons licenses and how they allow varying levels of reuse, remixing, redistribution and retention of content. The most accommodating license is Attribution, which allows commercial use if credit is given.
3. The document provides guidance on finding, selecting and attributing OER content, including using dedicated search engines and repositories. It emphasizes keeping track of trusted sources and getting recommendations
OER: insights into a multilingual landscapeLangOER
Talk on OER in a multilingual Landscape was given by Marit Bijlsma (Fryske Akademy), at the international conference Bilingualism in Education, which took place at Bangor University, North Wales, on 10-12th June 2016.
Enhancement of LangOER project good practicesLangOER
This document summarizes presentations from the conference "Open Education: promoting diversity for European Languages" on September 27, 2016. It discusses the winners of the LangOER competition for the most creative and innovative open educational resources (OER), including Marie Carlstr?m from Sweden for a book trailer OER, Agnieszka Foltyn from Poland for a language learning challenges OER on overcoming obstacles, and Eleftheria Karagiorgou from Greece for her contribution to the LangOER webinar series on using OER to enrich teaching practices.
Highlights from open discussion on educators¡¯ involvementLangOER
The document summarizes an open discussion on educators' involvement with open educational resources (OER). Key points included that while OER may be marketed as free, its context and packaging need consideration from a pedagogical perspective. Spreading awareness of OER to teachers across countries faces challenges of getting them to use it. Multilingual collaboration through OER is strengthened when working across languages. There is no such thing as a free lunch with OER and sustainability requires maintaining quality. Recommendations focus on including OER training for teachers and facilitating OER creation, adaptation and use.
This document summarizes a discussion on open educational resources (OER) in higher education. Some of the key challenges to OER uptake mentioned include a lack of sharing culture and fears around openness, competition, and criticism. However, there are also digital scholars and a growing openness and connectivity. The discussion also touched on new business models for OER, the need to appropriately adapt OER for different local contexts and cultures, and the potential of community engagement and bottom-up initiatives to increase OER in lesser used languages. Recommendations included revitalizing commitments to OER focusing on lesser used languages, supporting collaboration across regions on OER quality, and being open to crowdsourced initiatives while supporting sustainability in lesser used
Short summary: "OER uptake for lesser-used languages"LangOER
The document discusses language education for lesser-used languages in several European countries. It describes the current state of educational resources for languages like Sami in Finland, Basque in Spain, Hungarian in Slovakia, and Greek in Istanbul, Turkey. These languages have few commercially produced teaching materials and resources mainly consist of paper translations. The document concludes that European language policies do not mention open educational resources (OER) as a way to address the scarcity of materials. Adapting and reusing OER from majority languages could increase resources for lesser-used language educators and students. However, European OER policies have not yet engaged regional and minority language stakeholders.
This project was financed by the European Commission, though the Commission is not responsible for the information contained in the publication. The session discussed key topics around open educational resources (OER) and languages, including the need for teacher training on OER, supporting translation of OER from English, and organizing public procurement of OER. EdReNe recommends prioritizing teacher training on OER at all career stages as well as supporting translation and re-contextualization of OER from English into other languages.
The future of credentials for learning outcomes with OER and MOOCsLangOER
The document discusses open educational resources (OER) and massive open online courses (MOOCs) and their potential impact on credentialing learning outcomes. It notes that OER refer to openly available educational resources that can be reused without cost barriers. While OER offer benefits like reduced costs, improved quality, and expanded access, barriers remain including technological limitations, cultural issues, lack of incentive and quality assurance systems, and legal/regulatory challenges. The document recommends actions by governments, institutions, and educators to address barriers and support adoption of OER and new credentialing models like digital badges and microcredentials.
Translation services for STEM OER: the Scientix approachLangOER
Scientix has received funding from the European Union's research and innovation programme to coordinate the translation of open educational resources (OER) into multiple languages. The presentation describes Scientix's approach for translating STEM OER through their network and resources. It promotes the Scientix website which hosts translated OER and details of their translation projects. The views expressed are solely those of the presenter and not the European Commission.
The OER World Map as a tool to speed up the development of the European OER m...LangOER
The OER World Map is a social networking platform and geospatial information system that collects and visualizes the global open educational resources (OER) ecosystem. It allows users to create personal profiles, add their projects and services to the map, and become editors or country champions. The approach is bottom-up and top-down, with a focus on openness, individual countries, and quality over quantity to speed up the development of OER in Europe.
Pedagogy, technology and training for language learning and teaching: the ECM...LangOER
- The ECML/ICT-REV project provides training workshops to help language teachers and professionals integrate technology and open educational resources into their teaching.
- Over 15 years it has held workshops across Europe to extend knowledge of ICT tools, discuss pedagogical principles, and establish professional networks.
- It maintains an inventory of over 80 freely available and evaluated ICT tools and OERs with examples of best practices and user feedback.
- Next steps include requesting an ICT-REV workshop, exploring the inventory, and advocating for priority on appropriate teacher training programs.
The document discusses a conference called LangOER ¨C EdReNe that focused on promoting diversity for European languages through open education. It describes the Learning Resource Exchange (LRE) for schools, an initiative developed by the European Schoolnet to provide access to learning content repositories. The LRE has a small number of members but a large collection of open educational resources. The document proposes stronger collaboration between the LRE and the EdReNe Network, a larger network of educational repository experts, to address issues like funding and technical challenges through joint meetings and activities.
MOOCs for Language learning and OpportunitiesLangOER
This document summarizes a discussion about making MOOCs more reusable in different contexts. Key points addressed were how to build in adaptability from the start using open source programs and low adaptation costs. Another topic was the downfalls of openness in online education, with solutions focusing on making it easier to add third party support services for translation, English as a second language, and online study skills. Recommendations included collaborating with other institutions to stimulate communities of practice and making it easier to add third party support services.
The Case Study of the MOOC #Deu4Arab: A Practical Pronunciation Training for ...LangOER
This document describes a contrastive pronunciation training program for Arabic speakers learning German. It targets Syrian Arabic speakers specifically. The program highlights the phonetic differences between Syrian Arabic and German which have very different phonetic systems. It utilizes various tools for contrastive training including introduction and contrastive videos, text materials, and a Facebook group for communication. The program was developed by Anja Penssler-Beyer, who has 20 years of expertise in online language education, linguistics, and contrastive didactics.
Creating communities in MOOCs ¡°Safe bubbles in a sea of openness¡±LangOER
This document discusses how closed or restricted learning spaces can complement open learning environments like MOOCs. It suggests that while openness is important, too much openness can be confusing and lack control. It proposes that safe, restricted communities could provide peer support, empathy, and privacy to learners. MOOC providers could facilitate support services from third parties, like local study groups, language translation, and for-credit programs, to scaffold the open MOOC experience. The document asks for examples of how closed spaces might complement open learning and how MOOCs could enable third party support services.
Creating communities in MOOCs ¡°Safe bubbles in a sea of openness¡±LangOER
Karolina Grodecka- How to: search for OER in effective way
1. This project was ?nanced with the support of the European Commission. This publication is the sole responsibility of the author and
the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
Efektywne wyszukiwanie
Otwartych Zasob¨®w Edukacyjnych
- webinar
13 maja 2015 r.
Prowadzenie: Karolina Grodecka, Centrum e-Learningu AGH
17. Flickr, to najwi?kszy serwis fotograficzny na ?wicie,
ponad 307 milion¨®w dost?pnych jest na licencjach CC.
Podr?czny wyb¨®r licencji
Flickr udost?pni? tak?e mo?liwo?? przegl?dania zdj?? wg
licencji na stroniehttp://www.flickr.com/creativecommons/
31. Europeana, czyli agregator zasob¨®w bibliotek cyfrowych
z Unii Europejskiej, jest ?wietnym miejscem do
poszukiwania ilustracji i materia?¨®w ?r¨®d?owych nie tylko
historycznych. Z polskich zasob¨®w znajdziemy tam m.in.
materia?y z Polony (prowadzonej przez Bibliotek?
Narodow?), Wielkopolskiej Biblioteki Cyfrowej, ?l?skiej
Biblioteki Cyfrowej i Jagiello¨½skiej Biblioteki Cyfrowej.
33. Polona jest nie tylko bibliotek? cyfrow?, ale r¨®wnie? narz?dziem do
odkrywania zasob¨®w na wiele r¨®?nych sposob¨®w (w szczeg¨®lno?ci
poprzez specjalnie tworzone kolekcje widoczne na stronie g?¨®wnej).
Wi?kszo?? zasob¨®w Polony znajduje si? domenie publicznej i jest w
ten spos¨®b oznaczona, obok pozosta?ych danych o ?r¨®dle, datach
powstania, autorze, ew. wyst?powaniu w literaturze.
35. http://open.agh.edu.pl
100 OZE na poziomie akademickim
Autorzy: wyk?adowcy, doktoranci i najlepsi student¨®w
2500 odwiedzin dziennie
1500-2000 godzin
36. UW - Wydzia? Matematyki, Informatyki i Mechaniki - materia?y
do matematyki stosowanej na CC BY-NC-ND?
37. UW - Wydzia? Fizyki - materia?y do ?zyki w biologii i
medycynie na CC BY-SA ?