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12508SE 27th St.  Vancouver, WA98683
Home:(360)892  8406Cell(360)991-2390
Accounting / Bookkeeping / Human Resources
 AccountsPayable/ Receivable  Payroll Processing  Budget Monitoring
 Weekly, Monthly& QuarterlyTaxes  AccountReconciliation  BenefitAdministration
 CustomerService /Client & Vendor Relations  Staff Training&Supervision  BusinessInsurance
 HumanResourcesManagement  Inventory Maintenance  GeneralAccounting
 PrevailingWage Experience,CertifiedPayrolls  LegalComplianceExamination  Financial Statements
Professional Experience
Develop & Maintain budgets, negotiate pricing and fees with vendors, for employee benefits, and with business
insurance whileensuringthecontinuation andenhancementsofservices. Speed up collection timeforreceivables.
DanJones Conveyor TrucksandJonesAggregatesInc. March2014 March2015
Full Charge Bookkeeper
 A/R & collections,Contactgeneralcontractors,A/P, bankreconciliations,creditcardreconciliations.
 Bi-weeklypayroll andcertifiedpayrollreports. Researchedallprevailingwagejobs.Timelydepositof all
 ORmonthlymileagereports,IFTAreports, Prorate reports.
 1/4ly SUI, L& I, 941,940, W-2's & 1099's.
 FinancialstatementsforCPA andtax planningissues.
 Resolve customerissues.Filerightto liennotices.Post all inter-companycharges.
HIRE SourceStaffing  Vancouver, WA-Tempjob December2013March2014
Full-chargeBookkeeper Manufacturing Firm
 A/R collections,A/P, bank reconciliations
 Monthend reports andgraphs, monthlyExcisetax reports,1/4lyL & I, 1099's,J/E's
 Receivedinventory in.
 Set up SDS books for warehouse.
 Documentedproceduresfornewsoftware. Wrote accountingmanual forVisualBasic accounting softwareafter
convertingfrom Vista software.
SunmodoCorporation -Vancouver, WA March2012 July 2013
OfficeManager,Full ChargeBookkeeper
 Answered phones,took orders, resolved customercomplaints,fieldedfreightanddelivery issuesandreferred
 Set up filingsystem andproceduresfor A/R and collections,A/P, monthend reports, quarterlyreports andtaxes,
bankand creditcardreconciliations,J/E's, financialstatements.
 Payroll and electronicdepositofassociatedtaxesanddeductions,W-2's and1099's.
Northwest RoofCare Inc. Vancouver, WA December2008 March2012
BusinessManager,Full ChargeBookkeeper
 Analyzed jobcosting for ownerand estimatorto ensureprofitablejobs.
 A/R, A/P, monthendreports, quarterlyreports, bank reconciliation,J/Es,G/L, financialstatements,andpayroll.
 Deliveredcashflow projectionsfornext month.
 Oversaw electronic depositofall payroll taxes and ensuredtimelyfilingof federal,Washington,and Oregon
quarterlyand year-endreports, W-2s and1099s.
 FiledIFTA,WA andOR FuelTaxReports,Prorateandfiled monthlyState Salesand Excisetax reports.
 Answered phonesandhelpedscheduleestimates.
OxfordServices, Inc.  Vancouver, WA December1997 August 2008
Vice PresidentofBusinessAffairs
 Oversaw propertyManagementCompanyfor seniorliving communities.
 Preparedandanalyzed financialstatementsforownersandpartners.
 Deliveredcashflow projectionsandmanagedaccountsreceivable andaccountspayable.
 Semi-monthlyPayroll,oversaw electronicdepositofallpayroll taxes and ensuredtimelyfilingof federal,
Washington,andOregonquarterlyandyear-end reports, W-2s and 1099s.
 Set up benefits plansfor employeesandgave monthlyin-serviceto employees.Reducedcostswhilekeeping
 Shoppedbusinessliabilityinsuranceforpropertiesto reducecosts.
Vancouver Manufacturing,Inc. Washougal,WA October1994 November1997
 Purchasedupto onemillionboardlumberpermonthforpalletand wholesalelumber.
 Full-chargebookkeeper:A/R, A/P, monthendreports, quarterly reports, bankreconciliation,J/Es, G/L, financial
statements, andpayroll for 100 employees.
 Tookphysicalinventoryand reducedwaste.Translated intoreducedinventorycosts.
J & LMaterialsInternational,Inc.& LangsDrywallSupply  Vancouver, WA September1989 July 1994
 OfficeManagerdutiesincludedphones,filing,truckdispatching,resolvingcustomercomplaints,ranfront desk for
generalcontractorsandretail customers.
 A/R, A/P, P/R, JEs, employmentandemployertaxes,Financial Statements,Collections.
DunnTax&Business Services,Inc.  Vancouver, WA February1991  June1992
 Performedallbookkeepingfunctionsforfifteen companiesincludingsoleproprietorships,partnerships,S
Corporations,andC Corporationsinthe fieldsof construction,real estate,retail sales, restaurants,sales
 Books doneon bothcashand accrual accountingmethods.
Technical Proficiencies
Microsoft Word  Microsoft Excel  QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions 12.0  Peachtree  ADP Payroll
Education / Professional Development
Clark College  Vancouver, WA
Calculus, Finite Math, Statistics - Completed
University of Arizona  Tucson,AZ
Pima CommunityCollege  Tucson,AZ
Associate of Arts, Accounting

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  • 1. KATHY YEAROUT 12508SE 27th St. Vancouver, WA98683 Home:(360)892 8406Cell(360)991-2390 Email:kyearout56@yahoo.com Accounting / Bookkeeping / Human Resources AccountsPayable/ Receivable Payroll Processing Budget Monitoring Weekly, Monthly& QuarterlyTaxes AccountReconciliation BenefitAdministration CustomerService /Client & Vendor Relations Staff Training&Supervision BusinessInsurance HumanResourcesManagement Inventory Maintenance GeneralAccounting PrevailingWage Experience,CertifiedPayrolls LegalComplianceExamination Financial Statements Professional Experience Develop & Maintain budgets, negotiate pricing and fees with vendors, for employee benefits, and with business insurance whileensuringthecontinuation andenhancementsofservices. Speed up collection timeforreceivables. DanJones Conveyor TrucksandJonesAggregatesInc. March2014 March2015 Full Charge Bookkeeper A/R & collections,Contactgeneralcontractors,A/P, bankreconciliations,creditcardreconciliations. Bi-weeklypayroll andcertifiedpayrollreports. Researchedallprevailingwagejobs.Timelydepositof all withholdings. ORmonthlymileagereports,IFTAreports, Prorate reports. 1/4ly SUI, L& I, 941,940, W-2's & 1099's. FinancialstatementsforCPA andtax planningissues. Resolve customerissues.Filerightto liennotices.Post all inter-companycharges. HIRE SourceStaffing Vancouver, WA-Tempjob December2013March2014 Full-chargeBookkeeper Manufacturing Firm A/R collections,A/P, bank reconciliations Monthend reports andgraphs, monthlyExcisetax reports,1/4lyL & I, 1099's,J/E's Receivedinventory in. Set up SDS books for warehouse. Documentedproceduresfornewsoftware. Wrote accountingmanual forVisualBasic accounting softwareafter convertingfrom Vista software. SunmodoCorporation -Vancouver, WA March2012 July 2013 OfficeManager,Full ChargeBookkeeper Answered phones,took orders, resolved customercomplaints,fieldedfreightanddelivery issuesandreferred customerstoappropriatesalesmen. Set up filingsystem andproceduresfor A/R and collections,A/P, monthend reports, quarterlyreports andtaxes, bankand creditcardreconciliations,J/E's, financialstatements. Payroll and electronicdepositofassociatedtaxesanddeductions,W-2's and1099's. Northwest RoofCare Inc. Vancouver, WA December2008 March2012 BusinessManager,Full ChargeBookkeeper Analyzed jobcosting for ownerand estimatorto ensureprofitablejobs. Handledbusinessliabilityinsuranceforproperty. A/R, A/P, monthendreports, quarterlyreports, bank reconciliation,J/Es,G/L, financialstatements,andpayroll.
  • 2. Deliveredcashflow projectionsfornext month. Oversaw electronic depositofall payroll taxes and ensuredtimelyfilingof federal,Washington,and Oregon quarterlyand year-endreports, W-2s and1099s. FiledIFTA,WA andOR FuelTaxReports,Prorateandfiled monthlyState Salesand Excisetax reports. Answered phonesandhelpedscheduleestimates. OxfordServices, Inc. Vancouver, WA December1997 August 2008 Vice PresidentofBusinessAffairs Oversaw propertyManagementCompanyfor seniorliving communities. Preparedandanalyzed financialstatementsforownersandpartners. Deliveredcashflow projectionsandmanagedaccountsreceivable andaccountspayable. Semi-monthlyPayroll,oversaw electronicdepositofallpayroll taxes and ensuredtimelyfilingof federal, Washington,andOregonquarterlyandyear-end reports, W-2s and 1099s. Set up benefits plansfor employeesandgave monthlyin-serviceto employees.Reducedcostswhilekeeping employeeshappy. Shoppedbusinessliabilityinsuranceforpropertiesto reducecosts. Vancouver Manufacturing,Inc. Washougal,WA October1994 November1997 OfficeManager/Bookkeeper/PurchasingAgent Purchasedupto onemillionboardlumberpermonthforpalletand wholesalelumber. Orderedsuppliesformillandofficeuse. Full-chargebookkeeper:A/R, A/P, monthendreports, quarterly reports, bankreconciliation,J/Es, G/L, financial statements, andpayroll for 100 employees. Tookphysicalinventoryand reducedwaste.Translated intoreducedinventorycosts. J & LMaterialsInternational,Inc.& LangsDrywallSupply Vancouver, WA September1989 July 1994 OfficeManager/Bookkeeper OfficeManagerdutiesincludedphones,filing,truckdispatching,resolvingcustomercomplaints,ranfront desk for generalcontractorsandretail customers. A/R, A/P, P/R, JEs, employmentandemployertaxes,Financial Statements,Collections. Placedbuildingmaterialnoticesdaily,researchedinsuranceandlienlaws,andfiledliens. DunnTax&Business Services,Inc. Vancouver, WA February1991 June1992 Bookkeeper Performedallbookkeepingfunctionsforfifteen companiesincludingsoleproprietorships,partnerships,S Corporations,andC Corporationsinthe fieldsof construction,real estate,retail sales, restaurants,sales representatives. Books doneon bothcashand accrual accountingmethods. Technical Proficiencies Microsoft Word Microsoft Excel QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions 12.0 Peachtree ADP Payroll Education / Professional Development Clark College Vancouver, WA Calculus, Finite Math, Statistics - Completed University of Arizona Tucson,AZ Accounting Pima CommunityCollege Tucson,AZ Associate of Arts, Accounting