Teks pendek ini menceritakan tentang seorang anak yang menyayangi keluarganya, termasuk datuk dan nenek. Teks itu juga menyebutkan bahwa Datuk Huda memelihara ayam jantan bernama Si Jalak dan memberi makannya.
Nota ini menyenaraikan beberapa istilah bahasa istana beserta makna bahasa biasa dan Cinanya. Istilah-istilah ini berkaitan dengan gelaran, tindakan, dan tempat yang berkaitan dengan kerabat diraja untuk membantu menjawab soalan peperiksaan. Lampiran menyenaraikan beberapa istilah bahasa istana lain seperti nama bagian tubuh dan bangunan istana.
This document lists various jobs that involve wearing a uniform such as soldiers, police officers, doctors, nurses, and security guards. People in these roles perform important tasks to help and protect society while representing their occupation through their uniform. The document focuses on the common element of uniforms across different career paths.
The document lists different animals seen at the zoo such as panda, monkey, zebra, giraffe, tiger, lion, ostrich, and camel. It then asks what animal is depicted, and confirms it is a panda. Finally, it says goodbye.
This document lists various jobs that involve wearing a uniform such as soldiers, police officers, doctors, nurses, and security guards. People in these roles perform important tasks to help and protect society while representing their occupation through their uniform. The document focuses on the common element of uniforms across different career paths.
The document lists different animals seen at the zoo such as panda, monkey, zebra, giraffe, tiger, lion, ostrich, and camel. It then asks what animal is depicted, and confirms it is a panda. Finally, it says goodbye.
5. Lengkapkan ayat di bawah. Datuk dan __________ bela ayam. 2. Datuk _________ ayam makan. Ayam datuk __________ padi. Ayam datuk ayam ___________. 5. Nama ayam jantan __________ Si Jalak. nenek beri makan jantan datuk