The document provides details about the branding and design experience and credentials of Kelvin SG. Over the past decade, Kelvin has worked with various government agencies, global corporations, and local SMEs across different industries to enhance their brand equity through strategic branding and marketing. Some of the notable projects mentioned include work done for Watabe Wedding, F&N, Fleet/Summer's Eve, Soyato, Vivian Regina, HSBC, Eveready, National Institute of Education, and The Star Pitch. Kelvin has received several awards for his work and agencies.
3. Truth That Sells
That has been my working philosophy. Customers are becoming more savvy, less
forgiving to brands that are not truthful about what they can deliver, those that arent
true to their brand promise. With the advent of digital connecAvity, disgruntled
customers can quickly become badvocates that can destroy a brands equity with a
couple of in?uenAal posts.
At the same Ame, the environment has reached a point of hyper-compeAAon where
brands need to truly di?erenAate to thrive in their market, supported by aGenAon-
geHng creaAve. For over a decade, I have been successfully helping clients to process
their truth into powerful branding that sells.
Private & Confidential
5. In a customers mind, the brand
equals the companys reputation,
that is, the experience & value
they expect to get
In a Nutshell
Private & Confidential
6. Branding & design enables businesses
to deliver distinctive experiences,
bringing them to life through all
internal & external touch-points
In a Nutshell
Private & Confidential
20. For just over a decade now,
I am proud to have been
accomplishing my mission of
Nurturing Brands of all Sizes
Following are a few examples of projects
I have had the privilege to work on
Selected Creden9als
Private & Confidential