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The	Bureau	of	
Branding	&	
+	Beliefs	
&	Skill	Set	
+	The	
Selected	Creden9als	In	a	Nutshell	
	E		sg.kelvin@gmail.com	
W		the-branding-bureau.com	
+	Contact	
Private & Confidential
Summary	Bio
Truth That Sells
That	 has	 been	 my	 working	 philosophy.	 Customers	 are	 becoming	 more	 savvy,	 less	
forgiving	to	brands	that	are	not	truthful	about	what	they	can	deliver,	those	that	arent	
true	 to	 their	 brand	 promise.	 With	 the	 advent	 of	 digital	 connecAvity,	 disgruntled	
customers	 can	 quickly	 become	 badvocates	 that	 can	 destroy	 a	 brands	 equity	 with	 a	
couple	of	in?uenAal	posts.		
At	 the	 same	 Ame,	 the	 environment	 has	 reached	 a	 point	 of	 hyper-compeAAon	 where	
brands	 need	 to	 truly	 di?erenAate	 to	 thrive	 in	 their	 market,	 supported	 by	 aGenAon-
geHng	creaAve.	For	over	a	decade,	I	have	been	successfully	helping	clients	to	process	
their	truth	into	powerful	branding	that	sells.	
Private & Confidential
In	a	Nutshell	
Private & Confidential
In a customers mind, the brand
equals the companys reputation,
that is, the experience & value
they expect to get
In	a	Nutshell	
Private & Confidential
Branding & design enables businesses
to deliver distinctive experiences,
bringing them to life through all
internal & external touch-points
In	a	Nutshell	
Private & Confidential
Branding	for	Success	
As	a	result,	Branding	will	allow	you	to:	
?? Clarify	a	posiAoning	that	is	di?erenAated		
from	compeAtors	
?? De?ne	the	relaAonship	between	brands	and		
sub-brands,	targeAng	them	to	speci?c	segments	
?? Develop	messaging	that	persuasively	communicates	the	
brands	bene?ts	and	proposiAons	
?? Create	an	experience	of	the	brand	that	nurtures	loyalty		
and	commands	a	premium	
Private & Confidential
In	a	Nutshell	
In	an	industry	where	
agencies	are	polarised	
between	experAse	in	
brand	strategy	versus	
creaAve	execuAon,	I	
have	demonstrated	the	
ability	to	e?ecAvely	
synergise	between	the	
two	in	projects	globally.	
Private & Confidential
In	a	Nutshell	
For	over	a	decade,	I	have	steadily	gained	credibility,	
being	listed	as	a	consultant	with	government	
agencies,	the	Singapore	Design	Council	and	the	
Management	Consultants	CerA?caAon	Board.	I	
have	not	only	spoken	at	seminars	worldwide,	
judged	at	and	garnered	creaAve	awards,	but	also	
achieved	markeAng	excellence	and	consumer	
choice	awards	for	clients.		
Marke9ng,	&	Crea9ve		
Private & Confidential
Private & Confidential
In	a	Nutshell	
Singapore	Star	Award	C	Touch	(Asia	Paci?c	Breweries)			
Singapore	Star	Award	C	Summers	Eve	(CB	Fleet)	
Singapore	Star	Award	C	Zing	(Eu	Yan	Sang)	
Singapore	Star	Award	C	Crakgon	(Vivian	Regina)	
Singapore	Star	Award	C	ChocoMarvel	(Hi-Beau)	
Crea9ve	Awards	
NTUC	Unity	Choice		Awards	C	Avalon	Just	Ume	
Cozy	Cot	Holy	Grail	C	ChocoMarvel	
Watsons	Popular	Choice	C	Avalon	ProbioAcs	
NTUC	Unity	Choice	Awards	C	Avalon	Fat	Burner	
Her	World	Beauty	Awards	C	ChocoMarvel	
MarkeAng	Excellence	Award		Silver	C	ChocoMarvel	
Branding	&	Marke9ng	Awards	
Spirit	of	Enterprise	Award	C	Nominee	
Shell	LiveSPARK	Award	C	Soyato	
Runner	Up,	Ideas	Inc	-	Soyato	
Winner,	Start-up	@	SG	-	Soyato	
Business	Awards	
Agency	of	the	Year	-	Finalist	
Marke9ng,	&	Crea9ve		
Excellence	in	Brand	Strategy	C	Soyato	
Private & Confidential
Private & Confidential
In	a	Nutshell	
I	understand	that	the	map	is	not	the	
territory.	My	tenure	as	an	entrepreneur	
means	I	have	an	a?nity	for	pracAcal	
business-oriented	branding	soluAons	for	
the	region.	
Entrepreneurial	in	Spirit	
Private & Confidential
In	a	Nutshell	
I	have	applied	my	proven	methodology	across	
the	globe	C	in	the	?elds	of	corporate,	
consumer,	environment	as	well	as	digital	
branding.	Applying	a	holisAc	approach	across	a	
comprehensive	work	scope	has	bene?Ged	
MNCs,	SMEs	and	start-ups	alike.	
Proven,	Holis9c	
Private & Confidential
1. Brand Research
2. Brand Audit
3. Gap & Opportunity
5. Brand Architecture
4. Brand Platform 6. Brand Expression 7. Brand Activation
& Training
8. Brand Consulting
& Measurement
Tools: Focus Groups,
Surveys, Desk Research
Visual audit of relevant
Brand Touch-points:
??Stores, Offices etc.
Insight: Perceptions,
Attitudes, Associations
Audience: Staff, Public,
Government Agencies
Identify gaps between
desired and existing
positioning and
perceptions, attitudes,
associations with regards
??Products & Services
??Brand Equity
SWOT and competitor
?? Vision & Mission
?? Brand Values
?? Brand Personality
?? Brand Attributes
?? Brand Positioning
?? Hierarchy/relationship
between brands
?? Naming convention &
visual relationship
Develop Visual Branding
System & Touch-points:
Corporate Branding
??Logos , Stationery
Consumer Branding
??Packaging, A&P
Environment Branding
??Signage , Retail
Digital Branding
??Web, Social Media
?? Brand Training
?? Media Relations
?? Marketing
Counsel, Editorial
?? Event Management
?? Speaking Opportunities
?? Perceptions, Attitudes,
?? Media value,
Frequency & Reach
Overview	of	Work	Experience
Set KPI and ROI
Establish Brand DNA
Develop Brand Charisma
Administer Brand Nurture
In	a	Nutshell	
Private & Confidential
In a Nutshell
I	recognise	that	every	company	
is	at	a	di?erent	point	in	their	
business	and	branding	journey.	
I	believe	in	idenAfying	the	
unique	challenges	facing	each	
organisaAon,	looking	to	nurture	
it	by	recommending	opAmal	
branding	iniAaAves	that		
considers	both	their	resources	
as	well	as	ambiAon.	
Brands	of	
All	Sizes	
Private & Confidential
Selected	Creden9als	
Private & Confidential
From	government	agencies	to	global	market	leaders	&	local	SMEs,	
I	have	worked	with	B2Cs	and	B2Bs	for	more	than	a	decade	
Selected	Creden9als	
Private & Confidential
to	enhance	their	brand	equity	through	
global	thinking	&	local	applica9on	
Selected	Creden9als	
Private & Confidential
For just over a decade now,
I am proud to have been
accomplishing my mission of
Nurturing Brands of all Sizes
Following are a few examples of projects
I have had the privilege to work on
Selected	Creden9als	
Private & Confidential
Watabe	Wedding	Chijmes	Hall	
01	Localise,	
posi9on	&	
launch	a	leading	
Private & Confidential
Watabe	Wedding	Chijmes	Hall	
Private & Confidential
Watabe	Wedding	Chijmes	Hall	
Private & Confidential
Watabe	Wedding	Chijmes	Hall	
Private & Confidential
Watabe	Wedding	Chijmes	Hall	
Private & Confidential
Watabe	Wedding	Chijmes	Hall	
Private & Confidential
Watabe	Wedding	Chijmes	Hall	
Private & Confidential
02	Integrated	
Marke9ng	Campaigns	
for	leading	FMCG	
Private & Confidential
Private & Confidential
Gondola dressing
Shelf Talker
Pallet dressing
Private & Confidential
Fleet	/	Summers	Eve	
03	Turn-around	a	
#1	US	brand	in	Asia	
Private & Confidential
Kimage	Hair	Studio	
04	Bring	a	
brand	up-market	
Private & Confidential
05	Brand	&	launch	a	
successful	start-up	
Private & Confidential
Private & Confidential
Mama	Lemon	
06	Achieve	record	sales	
for	a	heritage	brand	
Private & Confidential
Vivian	Regina	
Posi9on	a	
to	expand	
Private & Confidential
Vivian	Regina	
Private & Confidential
08	Brand	the	developer	of	
Singapores	most	branded	
commercial		developments		
Ra?es	Quay	Asset	Mgt	
Private & Confidential
09	Internal	branding	campaign	that	engaged	
sta?	at	one	of	the	worlds	largest	banks		
Private & Confidential
Private & Confidential
Energizer	/	Eveready	
10	Packaging	
alignment	across	
Asia	for	a	global	
market	leader	
Private & Confidential
11	Re-posi9on	a	
veteran	brand	
for	a	new	
market	segment	
and	global	
Private & Confidential
Singex	/	Expo	/	Max	Atria
Private & Confidential
Singex	/	Expo	/	Max	Atria
Raimondi	Cranes	
12	Develop	a	brand	
campaign	for	a	leader	in	
the	global	crane	
manufacturing	industry	
Private & Confidential
Knowledge	Universe	
13	Brand	architecture	
development	and	posi9oning	
for	the	leading	private	
educa9on	organisa9on	
Private & Confidential
14	Brand	
across	Europe	&	
Asia	for	a	global	
market	leader	
Private & Confidential
15	Pre-acquisi9on	brand	
refresh	for	a	public	listed	
VOIP	market	leader	
Private & Confidential
Private & Confidential
16	Crag	a	
campaign	for	a	
leader	in	Execu9ve	
The	Works	Partnership	
Private & Confidential
The	Works	Partnership	
Private & Confidential
17	Re-brand	a	200	
year	old	ins9tu9on	
that	represents		
leading	corpora9ons	
from	40	na9ons	and	
20	industry	sectors		
Private & Confidential
Na9onal	Ins9tute	of	Educa9on		
18	Crea9ng	brand	alignment	
within	a	na9onal	educa9on	
Private & Confidential
19	Cross-marke9ng	
&	Trade	promo9on	
for	a	global	market	
Private & Confidential
Private & Confidential
Private & Confidential
Private & Confidential
Private & Confidential
Private & Confidential
F&N	foods/Sunkist	
20	Win	market	
leadership	in	a	
new	category	
for	a	trusted	
Private & Confidential
The	Star	Pitch	
Private & Confidential
The	Star	Pitch	
Private & Confidential
The	Star	Pitch	
Private & Confidential
The	Star	Pitch	
Private & Confidential
Private & Confidential
Summary	Bio	
Private & Confidential
Private & Confidential
Co-founded	and	led	a	Brand	Agency	of	the	Year	2014	?nalist	that	was	also	awarded	
the	MarkeAng	Excellence	Award	and	Packaging	Star	Awards	in	mulAple	years.	
Brand	Strategy	&	CreaAve	Director	with	a	16	year	career	in	Brand	Development,	
MarkeAng	&	Design.		
Experience	in	brand	strategy	development,	account	management,	internaAonal	
design	&	markeAng	campaigns	for	clients	-	from	Fortune	500	companies	to	local	
SME	start-ups,	in	both	B2C	and	B2B	industries.	
ExperAse	in	implemenAng	a	holisAc	branding	process,	from	brand	audit,	research,	
gap	analysis	&	posiAoning,	brand	architecture/blueprint/guidelines	development,	
idenAty	systems,	design	conceptualisaAon,	online/print	markeAng	acAvaAon	and	
project	management.?
Overseen	online	to	o?ine	markeAng	operaAons	in	China	and	Singapore	as	Chief	
MarkeAng	O?cer,	developing	markeAng	strategy,	vision	and	direcAng	markeAng	
e?orts	towards	contribuAng	to	the	business	growth	and	boGom	line.	
A	CerA?ed	PracAcing	Management	Consultant	(with	SBACC)	and	Design	Singapore	
Council	registered	designer	that	delivers	Branding	as	well	as	Design	seminars	and	
clinics	locally	as	well	as	overseas.	
Access	my	curriculum	vitae	&	porholio	online	
Key	Accomplishments:	
Delivered	branding	soluAons,	
markeAng	plans	/	campaigns	
that	successfully	
?	Launched	start-ups	
?	Re-posiAoned	SMEs	&	foreign	
listed	corporaAons	
?	Delivered	record	sales	&	sales	
turn-around	regionally	
?	Established	market	leadership	
?	Re-branded	businesses	for	local	
and	overseas	growth
Emmanuel	Ng	
E			sg.kelvin@gmail.com	
W		www.the-branding-bureau.com	
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