Презентация TWYM на iCOMference: как отправлять Яндекс.Деньги через Twitter?Яндекс.ДеньгиКороткая презентация сервиса TWYM на iCOMference — команда разработчиков Яндекс.Денег показывает свой маленький проект и примеры его применения в реальной жизни. Попросите коллегу купить кофе через твиттер и тут же отправьте ему деньги; помогите благотворительному фонду добиться своих целей, нажав пару кнопок; покупайте книги в маленьких магазинах и возвращайте долги реплаями :)
Soal Solusi by RequestEdy WihardjoDokumen ini memberikan penjelasan mengenai solusi soal matematika tentang rata-rata IQ sebelum dan sesudah adanya penambahan anggota kelompok belajar. Dijelaskan dengan menggunakan rumus rata-rata secara matematis maupun pendekatan berpikir secara logis untuk menentukan IQ anak yang baru bergabung adalah 125.
Shared writing - Tuhi-tahi tākina tuahangata: MahināriamaRuth LemonOne of the hardest things when writing is - editing. Through shared writing, we went through the process together in this piece inspired by the wonderful indie game, Machinarium...
If you haven't seen this game, please check it out!
Empower Your Supporters on #GivingTuesdayCare2Team#GivingTuesday, the national day of giving on Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2013, inspires people to take collaborative action to improve their local communities by giving back to the charities and causes they support following Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
Join Razoo, UN Foundation and Care2 to get into the true spirit of the holidays and engage your supporters through a national day of giving.
Minden, ami szép(7)+ani (nx power lite)VarganeAnnyThis document contains an email address and a reference to a free stock photo website but no other substantive information. The email address is ani4702@gmail.com and the source of the image is listed as freewallpaperpoint.com. No other details are provided in the document.
Frequency adverbsjolehidy6Este documento describe los adverbios de frecuencia en inglés y sus porcentajes de uso aproximados, así como reglas para su ubicación en oraciones. Siempre se usa el 100% del tiempo, frecuentemente el 90%, usualmente el 70%, a menudo el 60%, a veces el 40%, rara vez el 20% y nunca el 0% del tiempo. Normalmente van entre el sujeto y el verbo, o después del auxiliar en oraciones pasivas. También se colocan antes del verbo principal en preguntas o en oraciones negativas.
India Economic SummitPrashant SharmaThis document summarizes the key discussions and recommendations from the 2009 India Economic Summit held in New Delhi from 8-10 November 2009. The Summit brought together over 800 participants from over 40 countries to discuss India's economic growth potential and challenges. While India has shown resilience during the global economic crisis, maintaining rapid and inclusive growth will require continued reforms, boosting rural economic development, job creation, improving education and skills training, and eliminating infrastructure deficits. Harnessing its young population and the entrepreneurial spirit of its people will be critical for India to realize its full economic potential.
Social media and civil societyAdam SargantThe document discusses the relationship between social media and civil society. It describes civil society as consisting of organizations like non-profits, community groups, advocacy groups, and trades unions. It then gives examples of how social media has enabled civil society groups and activists to raise awareness for their causes. Specifically, it outlines how Twitter was used to raise money for charity, how YouTube videos spread awareness of environmental protests in Ireland against Shell, and how Lebanese activists used blogs and Twitter to share their perspectives and advocate for issues like broadband access. Finally, the document suggests topics for discussion, such as matching tools to campaign types and measuring social media campaign effectiveness.
PrimarymarketsPrashant SharmaThe primary market allows companies to raise capital directly from the public by issuing new securities like shares. Companies issue offer documents providing details about the company and project to potential investors. If approved by regulators, the issue is opened for public subscription. Allotment of shares is done proportionally if oversubscribed, and the shares are then listed on a stock exchange. The primary market facilitates capital formation for companies to fund new ventures or expand existing businesses.
Wero uiui - Quiz night format with Year 5-6 Rūmaki Māori students. Revision i...Ruth LemonThis document appears to be a quiz about prominent Māori people and topics. It includes 10 multiple choice questions about important Māori groups and individuals, and 10 short answer questions covering topics like the first All Whites rugby team to travel to America, apartheid, the Māori Battalion name, and when the Māori language was recognized as an official New Zealand language. The document then provides the answers to the short answer questions. It concludes with asking students to briefly write about topics like taonga pūoro, atua, famous Māori singers, and iwi with names starting with "Ngāti". It also lists some waiata/songs and asks a group to perform one.
The Art of Petition DeliveryCare2TeamThe document discusses various strategies for effective petition delivery and advocacy campaigns. It provides examples of successful petition deliveries by organizations like the National Women's Law Center and Restore the Delta. These deliveries helped advocate for issues like early childhood education funding, women's access to contraception, and funding for coastal restoration in Louisiana after the BP oil spill. The document emphasizes planning delivery logistics, securing media coverage, and following up after delivery to maximize impact.
Develpoment of biking in budapestJános LászlóCritical Mass bike demonstrations in Budapest started as a way to advocate for more bike-friendly streets and policies. Organizers found that having a large, peaceful group of cyclists could draw attention to their cause. They reached out to politicians, the media, and various communities to build popularity for their movement. Over time, the goal expanded from advocacy to actual integration of bicycles into the city's transportation system. This resulted in new bike lanes and infrastructure being built, showing that by growing their numbers and coalition, Critical Mass achieved real changes for cycling in Budapest.
Shared writing - Tuhi-tahi tākina tuahangata: MahināriamaRuth LemonOne of the hardest things when writing is - editing. Through shared writing, we went through the process together in this piece inspired by the wonderful indie game, Machinarium...
If you haven't seen this game, please check it out!
Empower Your Supporters on #GivingTuesdayCare2Team#GivingTuesday, the national day of giving on Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2013, inspires people to take collaborative action to improve their local communities by giving back to the charities and causes they support following Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
Join Razoo, UN Foundation and Care2 to get into the true spirit of the holidays and engage your supporters through a national day of giving.
Minden, ami szép(7)+ani (nx power lite)VarganeAnnyThis document contains an email address and a reference to a free stock photo website but no other substantive information. The email address is ani4702@gmail.com and the source of the image is listed as freewallpaperpoint.com. No other details are provided in the document.
Frequency adverbsjolehidy6Este documento describe los adverbios de frecuencia en inglés y sus porcentajes de uso aproximados, así como reglas para su ubicación en oraciones. Siempre se usa el 100% del tiempo, frecuentemente el 90%, usualmente el 70%, a menudo el 60%, a veces el 40%, rara vez el 20% y nunca el 0% del tiempo. Normalmente van entre el sujeto y el verbo, o después del auxiliar en oraciones pasivas. También se colocan antes del verbo principal en preguntas o en oraciones negativas.
India Economic SummitPrashant SharmaThis document summarizes the key discussions and recommendations from the 2009 India Economic Summit held in New Delhi from 8-10 November 2009. The Summit brought together over 800 participants from over 40 countries to discuss India's economic growth potential and challenges. While India has shown resilience during the global economic crisis, maintaining rapid and inclusive growth will require continued reforms, boosting rural economic development, job creation, improving education and skills training, and eliminating infrastructure deficits. Harnessing its young population and the entrepreneurial spirit of its people will be critical for India to realize its full economic potential.
Social media and civil societyAdam SargantThe document discusses the relationship between social media and civil society. It describes civil society as consisting of organizations like non-profits, community groups, advocacy groups, and trades unions. It then gives examples of how social media has enabled civil society groups and activists to raise awareness for their causes. Specifically, it outlines how Twitter was used to raise money for charity, how YouTube videos spread awareness of environmental protests in Ireland against Shell, and how Lebanese activists used blogs and Twitter to share their perspectives and advocate for issues like broadband access. Finally, the document suggests topics for discussion, such as matching tools to campaign types and measuring social media campaign effectiveness.
PrimarymarketsPrashant SharmaThe primary market allows companies to raise capital directly from the public by issuing new securities like shares. Companies issue offer documents providing details about the company and project to potential investors. If approved by regulators, the issue is opened for public subscription. Allotment of shares is done proportionally if oversubscribed, and the shares are then listed on a stock exchange. The primary market facilitates capital formation for companies to fund new ventures or expand existing businesses.
Wero uiui - Quiz night format with Year 5-6 Rūmaki Māori students. Revision i...Ruth LemonThis document appears to be a quiz about prominent Māori people and topics. It includes 10 multiple choice questions about important Māori groups and individuals, and 10 short answer questions covering topics like the first All Whites rugby team to travel to America, apartheid, the Māori Battalion name, and when the Māori language was recognized as an official New Zealand language. The document then provides the answers to the short answer questions. It concludes with asking students to briefly write about topics like taonga pūoro, atua, famous Māori singers, and iwi with names starting with "Ngāti". It also lists some waiata/songs and asks a group to perform one.
The Art of Petition DeliveryCare2TeamThe document discusses various strategies for effective petition delivery and advocacy campaigns. It provides examples of successful petition deliveries by organizations like the National Women's Law Center and Restore the Delta. These deliveries helped advocate for issues like early childhood education funding, women's access to contraception, and funding for coastal restoration in Louisiana after the BP oil spill. The document emphasizes planning delivery logistics, securing media coverage, and following up after delivery to maximize impact.
Develpoment of biking in budapestJános LászlóCritical Mass bike demonstrations in Budapest started as a way to advocate for more bike-friendly streets and policies. Organizers found that having a large, peaceful group of cyclists could draw attention to their cause. They reached out to politicians, the media, and various communities to build popularity for their movement. Over time, the goal expanded from advocacy to actual integration of bicycles into the city's transportation system. This resulted in new bike lanes and infrastructure being built, showing that by growing their numbers and coalition, Critical Mass achieved real changes for cycling in Budapest.