Key West Gallery is located on Duval Street in tropical Old Town Key West, Florida. Our goal is to display the most sought after and collectible fine art in a collection that you will enjoy. We specialize in investment quality originals, collectible hand-embellished limited editions, and selected bronze work. We feature over fifty internationally published artists including Alexei Butirskiy, Bill Mack, Pino, Thomas Arvid, Ton Dubbeldam, Howard Behrens, Vie Dunn-Harr, The Frogman, Edward Gordon, Peter Max, Terry Gilecki, Ramon Pujol, Tripp Harrison, Mario, Javier, Constantine Lvovich, Henry Peeters, Richard Johnson, Gary Welton, Leonard Wren, and more.
2. Key West Gallery is located on Duval
Street in tropical Old Town Key West,
Florida. Our goal is to display the most
sought after and collectible fine art in a
collection that you will enjoy.
We specialize in investment quality originals, collectible hand-embellished limited
editions, selected bronze work, as well styles and genres including old masters
work, impressionism, modern, abstracts, watercolors, oils, and acrylics. . We feature
over fifty internationally published artists including Alexei Butirskiy, Bill
Mack, Pino, Thomas Arvid, Ton Dubbeldam, Howard Behrens, Vie Dunn-Harr, The
Frogman, Edward Gordon, Peter Max, Terry Gilecki, Ramon Pujol, Tripp
Harrison, Mario, Javier, Constantine Lvovich, Henry Peeters, Richard Johnson, Gary
Welton, Leonard Wren, and more.
Please enjoy the selection as well as our committed customer service.
He has no mentors. There is nowhere to go to learn his
art. No one teaches his technique. Sculptor Bill Mack
works in such a rare art form that coming up with a
name to describe it has been only slightly less arduous
than creating the art itself.
For over twenty years, Mack paid his dues, working mostly as a commissioned
artist -- from miniature medallic works such as the Bicentennial medals for the
State of Minnesota and the cities of St. Louis and Baltimore, to reliefs and full-
round sculptures for corporations such as General Motors, Pillsbury, and 3M.
Then, in the early 1980's, Mack made a venturous artistic move and entered the
competitive gallery world with his Alto Relief' sculptures. Today, in the popular
contemporary arts, he has developed a major following.
4. PINO 1939-2010
"My paintings elicit feelings of warmth. Often times the
subjects are of my sisters and aunts, in the house during my
early years. I was constantly surrounded by them since my
father and uncles were out working late providing for the family." – Pino
“Feminine, ephemeral forms of flesh whose light and shadow
suggest depth and mystery are contrasted with explosive passages
of rich, textured color in compositions that are as much about
how the artist feels as what he sees. It is subjective illusion of
space juxtaposed with an abstract acceptance of the painting‟s flat
surface that sets Pino‟s work apart from other artists.”
- Pino
“When I paint, I don„t just copy from any particular
place. I try to memorize the original impression I had
when I was somewhere, and then I recompose it in my
head, based on how I feel about it. After that, I paint. I
is very important for an artist to not just copy mechanically from nature. In that
think it
case, the artist could be replaced by a camera.
An artist should rather have a goal and then follow it to create the emotional image
and a special atmosphere in the painting, and to thereby convey an individual
message. Painting nature with all its many faces is always magnificent. To me, there
is no such thing as bad weather.” - Butirskiy
Key West Art Galleries 601 Duval Street Key West, Florida 33040
305.923.1696 fax 305-292-9779