Education set for collecting and visualizing data using sensor system based ...IJMER
This article presents the issues of the wireless sensor measuring systems design which might
be used in education process of computer science faculty. The work shows the integration of a simple
measuring system, data management system, visual system and the hardware. Education set is designed
to consolidate knowledge in many fields of computer science and the interdependence between them, as
programming techniques, database, Web server, communications protocols, software and hardware.
Presented measuring sensor system consists of a number of measurement nodes, whose role is to
provide information about certain desirable characteristics, warning against natural hazards or
violation of the physical safety. An important part of the sensor system is a measuring subsystem and
the collecting measurement data subsystem. The article presents the temperature measurement sensor
system concepts and measurement data storage and visualization methods
Heat Transfer Analysis of Refrigerant Flow in an Evaporator TubeIJMER
the paper aim is to presenting the heat transfer analysis of refrigerant flow in an evaporator
tube is done. The main objective of this paper is to find the length of the evaporator tube for a pre-defined
refrigerant inlet state such that the refrigerant at the tube outlet is superheated. The problem involves
refrigerant flowing inside a straight, horizontal copper tube over which water is in cross flow. Inlet
condition of the both fluids and evaporator tube detail except its length are specified. here pressure and
enthalpy at discrete points along the tube are calculated by using two-phase frictional pressure drop model.
Predicted values were compared using another different pressure drop model. A computer-code using
Turbo C has been developed for performing the entire calculation
Optimization of Surface Impedance for Reducing Surface Waves between AntennasIJMER
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) is Peer reviewed, online Journal. It serves as an international archival forum of scholarly research related to engineering and science education.
The document discusses position-based routing protocols for vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs). It begins with an introduction to VANETs and their characteristics. It then describes different types of routing protocols used in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) and VANETs, including proactive, reactive, topology-based, position-based, broadcast-based, and geocast routing protocols. The document focuses on various position-based routing protocols for VANETs such as OLSR, lifetime-based, GSR, A-STAR, GPCR, GyTAR, DBR, and DBR-LS. It evaluates these protocols and explains their advantages and limitations, particularly in dealing with
If you are on the search for specialized rug cleaners for your rugs in New York City, it is recommended that once check the background of the company before one seeks their services. It is an added benefit provided that the professional cleaners have adequate experience in cleaning services.
Investigating Waste Water Treatment in a Closed EnvironmentIJMER
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) is Peer reviewed, online Journal. It serves as an international archival forum of scholarly research related to engineering and science education.
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) covers all the fields of engineering and science: Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Thermodynamics, Structural Engineering, Control Engineering, Robotics, Mechatronics, Fluid Mechanics, Nanotechnology, Simulators, Web-based Learning, Remote Laboratories, Engineering Design Methods, Education Research, Students' Satisfaction and Motivation, Global Projects, and Assessment…. And many more.
Scope of Improving Energy Utilization in Coal Based Co-Generation on Thermal ...IJMER
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) is Peer reviewed, online Journal. It serves as an international archival forum of scholarly research related to engineering and science education.
Intranetizen IIC12: how to ensure project faillureIntranetizen
This document outlines 10 ways to ensure project failure for intranet project sponsors. It discusses issues like having unrealistic expectations, setting too ambitious goals, exceeding budgets, lacking alignment between the project's purpose and principles, and not involving key stakeholders. The document is meant as a guide for an intranet conference on ensuring projects do not succeed if done improperly.
Choosing the Best Probabilistic Model for Estimating Seismic Demand in Steel...IJMER
This document summarizes research on selecting the best probabilistic model for estimating seismic demand in steel moment frames. The researchers analyzed steel moment frame buildings with 3 to 15 floors using 80 earthquake ground motions divided into groups based on magnitude and distance. Nonlinear dynamic analysis was performed by scaling the ground motions and observing the structural response. The goal was to establish a mathematical relationship between ground motion intensity measures and seismic demand parameters. Based on the analysis results, the best model was determined to be a linear combination of the first and second mode spectral accelerations, as it provided the most accurate seismic demand estimates for frames of varying heights.
This is a webquest about Digital Citizenship for sixth to eighth graders. It covers topics such as plagiarism and "netiquette". From this webquest, the students will create a Digital Citizenship portfolio and analyze the information to conclude what Digital Citizenship means to them.
Experimental Investigation on Heat Transfer Analysis in a Cross flow Heat Ex...IJMER
Heat exchanger is devices used to exchange the heat between two liquids that are at different
temperature .These are used as a reheated in many industries and auto mobile sector and power
plants. The main aim of our project is thermal analysis of heat exchanger with waved baffles for
different types of materials at different mass flow rates and different tube diameters using FLOEFD
software and comparing the results that are obtained. The work is a simplified model for the study of
thermal analysis of shell-and-tubes heat exchangers having water as cold and hot fluid. Shell and
Tube heat exchangers are having special importance in boilers, oil coolers, condensers, pre-heaters.
They are also widely used in process applications as well as the refrigeration and air conditioning
industry. The robustness and medium weighted shape of Shell and Tube heat exchangers make them
well suited for high pressure operations. The project shows the best material, best boundary conditions
and parameters of materials we have to use for better heat conduction. For this we are chosen a
practical problem of counter flow shell and tube heat exchanger having water, by using the data that
come from cfd analysis. A design of sample model of shell and tube heat exchanger with waved baffles
is using Pro-e and done the thermal analysis by using FLOEFD software by assigning different
materials to tubes with different diameters having different mass flow rates and comparing the result
that obtained from FLOEFD software.
The Impacts of Social Networking and Its AnalysisIJMER
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) is Peer reviewed, online Journal. It serves as an international archival forum of scholarly research related to engineering and science education.
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) covers all the fields of engineering and science: Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Thermodynamics, Structural Engineering, Control Engineering, Robotics, Mechatronics, Fluid Mechanics, Nanotechnology, Simulators, Web-based Learning, Remote Laboratories, Engineering Design Methods, Education Research, Students' Satisfaction and Motivation, Global Projects, and Assessment…. And many more.
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) is Peer reviewed, online Journal. It serves as an international archival forum of scholarly research related to engineering and science education.
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) covers all the fields of engineering and science: Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Thermodynamics, Structural Engineering, Control Engineering, Robotics, Mechatronics, Fluid Mechanics, Nanotechnology, Simulators, Web-based Learning, Remote Laboratories, Engineering Design Methods, Education Research, Students' Satisfaction and Motivation, Global Projects, and Assessment…. And many more.
Design and Analysis of Canister Testing ChamberIJMER
This document summarizes the design and analysis of a canister testing chamber. It discusses:
1) The development of a 3D model of the testing chamber in NX software, including the chamber shells, dished ends, support legs, bolts, and pressure gauges.
2) A finite element analysis of the testing chamber in ANSYS to evaluate stresses and deflection under internal pressure loading. The maximum von Mises stress was 58 MPa and maximum deflection was 3.2mm.
3) A contact gap analysis to evaluate potential leakage points at bolt connections. M36 bolts were recommended to prevent leakage, with no opening observed at the bolt locations.
An Application of Energy and Exergy Analysis of Transport Sector of IndiaIJMER
The present article is dedicated for evaluating the transportation sector of India in terms of
energetic and exergetic aspects. In this regard, energy and exergy utilization efficiencies during the
period 2005-2011 are assessed based on real data obtained from Energy statistics of India. Sectoral
energy and exergy analyses are conducted to study the variations of energy and exergy efficiencies,
overall energy and exergy efficiencies for the entire sub-sector are found to be in the range of 21.30 to
30.03%. When compared with other neighbouring countries, such as Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and Turkey,
the Indian transport sector is the least efficient. Such difference is inevitable due to dissimilar transport
structure in these countries. It is expected that that the results of this study will be helpful in developing
highly useful and productive planning for future energy policies, especially for the transportation sector.
This, in turn, will help achieve the ‘energy-security’ goal of the country
ingenierÃa de arquitectura de facebook andrea serna estic 56andrea_matinfo56ETM
This document presents a new method for determining the true value of pi (π) based on the relationship between a square and its inscribed circle. The method involves calculating the areas of the square and circle, then the remaining corner area. Any π value used will resurrect in the decimal portion of the final calculation. Only one value - 3.14644660942 (derived from 14/4-2) - results in all decimals resurrecting accurately. Therefore, this "natural selection" method concludes this value is the true π.
If you are on the search for specialized rug cleaners for your rugs in New York City, it is recommended that once check the background of the company before one seeks their services. It is an added benefit provided that the professional cleaners have adequate experience in cleaning services.
Investigating Waste Water Treatment in a Closed EnvironmentIJMER
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) is Peer reviewed, online Journal. It serves as an international archival forum of scholarly research related to engineering and science education.
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) covers all the fields of engineering and science: Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Thermodynamics, Structural Engineering, Control Engineering, Robotics, Mechatronics, Fluid Mechanics, Nanotechnology, Simulators, Web-based Learning, Remote Laboratories, Engineering Design Methods, Education Research, Students' Satisfaction and Motivation, Global Projects, and Assessment…. And many more.
Scope of Improving Energy Utilization in Coal Based Co-Generation on Thermal ...IJMER
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) is Peer reviewed, online Journal. It serves as an international archival forum of scholarly research related to engineering and science education.
Intranetizen IIC12: how to ensure project faillureIntranetizen
This document outlines 10 ways to ensure project failure for intranet project sponsors. It discusses issues like having unrealistic expectations, setting too ambitious goals, exceeding budgets, lacking alignment between the project's purpose and principles, and not involving key stakeholders. The document is meant as a guide for an intranet conference on ensuring projects do not succeed if done improperly.
Choosing the Best Probabilistic Model for Estimating Seismic Demand in Steel...IJMER
This document summarizes research on selecting the best probabilistic model for estimating seismic demand in steel moment frames. The researchers analyzed steel moment frame buildings with 3 to 15 floors using 80 earthquake ground motions divided into groups based on magnitude and distance. Nonlinear dynamic analysis was performed by scaling the ground motions and observing the structural response. The goal was to establish a mathematical relationship between ground motion intensity measures and seismic demand parameters. Based on the analysis results, the best model was determined to be a linear combination of the first and second mode spectral accelerations, as it provided the most accurate seismic demand estimates for frames of varying heights.
This is a webquest about Digital Citizenship for sixth to eighth graders. It covers topics such as plagiarism and "netiquette". From this webquest, the students will create a Digital Citizenship portfolio and analyze the information to conclude what Digital Citizenship means to them.
Experimental Investigation on Heat Transfer Analysis in a Cross flow Heat Ex...IJMER
Heat exchanger is devices used to exchange the heat between two liquids that are at different
temperature .These are used as a reheated in many industries and auto mobile sector and power
plants. The main aim of our project is thermal analysis of heat exchanger with waved baffles for
different types of materials at different mass flow rates and different tube diameters using FLOEFD
software and comparing the results that are obtained. The work is a simplified model for the study of
thermal analysis of shell-and-tubes heat exchangers having water as cold and hot fluid. Shell and
Tube heat exchangers are having special importance in boilers, oil coolers, condensers, pre-heaters.
They are also widely used in process applications as well as the refrigeration and air conditioning
industry. The robustness and medium weighted shape of Shell and Tube heat exchangers make them
well suited for high pressure operations. The project shows the best material, best boundary conditions
and parameters of materials we have to use for better heat conduction. For this we are chosen a
practical problem of counter flow shell and tube heat exchanger having water, by using the data that
come from cfd analysis. A design of sample model of shell and tube heat exchanger with waved baffles
is using Pro-e and done the thermal analysis by using FLOEFD software by assigning different
materials to tubes with different diameters having different mass flow rates and comparing the result
that obtained from FLOEFD software.
The Impacts of Social Networking and Its AnalysisIJMER
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) is Peer reviewed, online Journal. It serves as an international archival forum of scholarly research related to engineering and science education.
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) covers all the fields of engineering and science: Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Thermodynamics, Structural Engineering, Control Engineering, Robotics, Mechatronics, Fluid Mechanics, Nanotechnology, Simulators, Web-based Learning, Remote Laboratories, Engineering Design Methods, Education Research, Students' Satisfaction and Motivation, Global Projects, and Assessment…. And many more.
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) is Peer reviewed, online Journal. It serves as an international archival forum of scholarly research related to engineering and science education.
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) covers all the fields of engineering and science: Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Thermodynamics, Structural Engineering, Control Engineering, Robotics, Mechatronics, Fluid Mechanics, Nanotechnology, Simulators, Web-based Learning, Remote Laboratories, Engineering Design Methods, Education Research, Students' Satisfaction and Motivation, Global Projects, and Assessment…. And many more.
Design and Analysis of Canister Testing ChamberIJMER
This document summarizes the design and analysis of a canister testing chamber. It discusses:
1) The development of a 3D model of the testing chamber in NX software, including the chamber shells, dished ends, support legs, bolts, and pressure gauges.
2) A finite element analysis of the testing chamber in ANSYS to evaluate stresses and deflection under internal pressure loading. The maximum von Mises stress was 58 MPa and maximum deflection was 3.2mm.
3) A contact gap analysis to evaluate potential leakage points at bolt connections. M36 bolts were recommended to prevent leakage, with no opening observed at the bolt locations.
An Application of Energy and Exergy Analysis of Transport Sector of IndiaIJMER
The present article is dedicated for evaluating the transportation sector of India in terms of
energetic and exergetic aspects. In this regard, energy and exergy utilization efficiencies during the
period 2005-2011 are assessed based on real data obtained from Energy statistics of India. Sectoral
energy and exergy analyses are conducted to study the variations of energy and exergy efficiencies,
overall energy and exergy efficiencies for the entire sub-sector are found to be in the range of 21.30 to
30.03%. When compared with other neighbouring countries, such as Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and Turkey,
the Indian transport sector is the least efficient. Such difference is inevitable due to dissimilar transport
structure in these countries. It is expected that that the results of this study will be helpful in developing
highly useful and productive planning for future energy policies, especially for the transportation sector.
This, in turn, will help achieve the ‘energy-security’ goal of the country
ingenierÃa de arquitectura de facebook andrea serna estic 56andrea_matinfo56ETM
This document presents a new method for determining the true value of pi (π) based on the relationship between a square and its inscribed circle. The method involves calculating the areas of the square and circle, then the remaining corner area. Any π value used will resurrect in the decimal portion of the final calculation. Only one value - 3.14644660942 (derived from 14/4-2) - results in all decimals resurrecting accurately. Therefore, this "natural selection" method concludes this value is the true π.
This document provides information about the city of Kutaisi, Georgia. Kutaisi is located along the Rioni River and served as the capital of Georgia from the 15th century until 1810. The document mentions several topics about Kutaisi including historical places, education, entertainment, sports, and modern Kutaisi.
This short document discusses seasons and religions. It mentions that in summer Christianity is practiced, specifically Catholicism and Anglican faiths. It closes by thanking the reader for their attention.