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Kiran K Email: kiran143abap@gmail.com
ABAP Technical Consultant Mobile no: (+91) 9666860938
 Having 3+ years of experience in SAP ABAP/4.
 Experienced in Creating Data Dictionary Objects.
 Experienced in developing Classical, Interactive and ALV Reports.
 Knowledge on ABAP OOPS (Object Oriented Programming Structures) Concepts.
 Good at Inheritance, Polymorphism and Abstraction, Interface techniques.
 Experienced in developing Data Migration programs using BDC.
 Good Knowledge in Dialog Programming.
 Experienced in Menu Painter and Screen Painter.
 Good Experienced in BADIs.
 Experienced in RFC and BAPI.
 Migrated data from Legacy systems to SAP using BDC(Session, Call transaction)/LSMW
with the aid of Direct Input Programs and Batch Input session.
 Worked on designing of forms using SAPSCRIPTS & SMARTFORMS.
 Worked on User Exit, Customer Exit, BTEs, Enhancement Framework.
 Good Knowledge of ALE/IDOCS like Master Data Distribution, IDOC development, partner
profiles, distribution model.
 Expertise in performance analysis and tuning using various Debugging tools like run time
analysis and SQL trace.
 Good Exposure to modules: SD, MM and FI with respective to ABAP.
 Excellent analytical, logical and programming skills.
 Having experience in working remotely on VPN (Virtual Private Network).
 Interaction with End Users, Business Process Owners and SAP R/3 functional consultants
for finalization of functional specifications and report formats.
 Team Player, Good Communication Skills, and Ability to work independently.
Professional Experience:
 Currently working as a ABAP Technical Consultant in Tech Mahindra Ltd., Bangalore from
Jan 2014 to till date.
 Worked with BlueBee Consultants Pvt Ltd., as SAP ABAP Technical Consultant
Bangalore From Nov 2012 to Jan 2014.
 B.Sc (M.E.Cs) from S.V.K.P & Dr. K.S. Raju Arts & Science College, Andhra University.
Technical Skills:
ERP : SAP R/3 4.7 & ECC 6.0
Modules : ABAP/4.
SAP Technical Strengths:
 Data Dictionary
 Reports (Classical, Interactive & ALV) and ABAP OOPS
 Module Pool Programming
 Data Uploading (BDC & LSMW)
Page 1 of 5
 SAP Scripts & Smartforms
 Enhancements, BADI & BAPI.
 Exposure to Cross Applications (ALE, IDocs).
Projects Profile:
Project: #3
Client Havells India Limited
Role ABAP Technical Consultant
Project Type Support
Duration Sept 2015 to till now
Client Description:
Havells India Limited is a $1.4 Billion leading Fast Moving Electrical Goods (FMEG) Company with
a strong global footprint. Havells enjoys enviable market dominance across a wide spectrum of
products, including Industrial & Domestic Circuit Protection Devices, Cables & Wires, Motors,
Fans, Modular Switches, Home Appliances, Electric Water Heaters, Self-priming monoblock
Pumps, Power Capacitors, CFL Lamps, Luminaires for Domestic, Commercial and industrial
Roles & Responsibilities:
 Analyze the Functional Specifications.
 Interact with functional team for clarifications.
 Give proper estimations.
 Prepare Technical specification documents.
 Develop Objects as per the project standards.
 Prepare Unit test documents.
 Resolve Performance issues of code using performance tools  SQL Tracer,Runtime
Analysis and Code Inspector and Performance Tips.
 Ensuring high quality solution for all the delivered objects to the client within the schedule.
 Mentoring the newly joined consultants.
 Major work involves development, testing and documentation of Reports (classical,
Interactive, ALV and Interactive ALVs), Data Dictionary-Tables, Structures, Search Helps,
Enhancements (User-Exits,Customer Exits, BTE, Enhancement Frame-Work and BADIs),
Smart Forms, SAP Scripts, BDCs (Call Transaction and Session), and LSMW, Function
Modules (Normal, RFC and BAPI).
 Developed an Interactive ALV report to display Purchase order details with sub totals and
grand total.
 Developed Purchase order in ALV report to add one Push Button for Additional Functionality.
 Develop a report to migrate cost centre details using KS01 T-code from flat file using BDC
Session and Call Transaction Methods.
SAP Script & Smartforms:
Page 2 of 5
 Developed an ALV Report to display delivery details and call Corresponding SMARTFORM
when delivery number is selected.
 Developed purchase order SMARTFORMS with totals.
 Developed SMARTFORMS for Billing TAX-INVOICE.
 Developed report to send INVOICE as PDF attachment to customer.
 Developed a customer exit to change fieldname of data element PL_RMATP.
 Make Object key field as Mandatory using implicit enhancement with the t-code: DP95.
 Send purchase order form as mail attachment to customer through USEREXIT.
Developed an Enhancement sending a mail to customer form VLO2N using USEREXIT
Project: #2
Client Carrier Aircon
Role ABAP Technical Consultant
Project Type Implementation
Duration Mar 2014 to May 2015
Client Description:
Carrier invented the first system for manufactured weather in 1902, he sparked an industry that
revolutionized the way in which we live, work and play. From that defining moment  and through
to the present day  Carrier has been a company built on a legacy of innovation. For more than a
century, our research, expertise and forethought have resulted in market-leading innovations and
firsts that have shaped and defined the heating, air conditioning and refrigeration industry
Roles & Responsibilities:
 Analyze the Functional Specifications.
 Interact with functional team for clarifications.
 Give proper estimations.
 Prepare Technical specification documents.
 Develop Objects as per the project standards.
 Prepare Unit test documents.
 Resolve Performance issues of code using performance tools - SQL Tracer, Runtime
Analysis and Code Inspector and Performance Tips.
 Ensuring high quality solution for all the delivered objects to the client within the schedule.
 Mentoring the newly joined consultants.
 Major work involves development, testing and documentation of Reports (classical,
interactive, ALV and Interactive ALVs), Data Dictionary-Tables, Structures, Search Helps,
Enhancements (User-Exits, Customer Exits, BTE, Enhancement Frame-Work and BADIs),
Smart Forms, SAP Scripts, BDCs (Call Transaction and Session), and LSMW, Function
Modules (Normal, RFC and BAPI).
 Sales Organization wise sales orders report. Input screen will have an option to enter Sales
Organization/Distribution Channel/ Division/customer on the selection screen.
 Developed a report for sales order which displays the corresponding sales details using ALV
Page 3 of 5
 Developed an ALV Report to Display Sales Order details by formatting selection screen as
dynamically & Provided dynamic search help.
 Interactive report which displays all the sales orders for one particular customer, the items
order for that particular order, quantity ordered goods issue date and contact information
about that customer.
 Developed a Billing report with Subtotals & download the Billing Details.
 Developed Sales order details in ALV report to make Particular cell as editable and colour.
 Upload the vendor master data as well as customer master data by using BDC
Session Method.
 Developed BDC program to migrate Customer Master Data from Legacy System to SAP
SAP Script & Smartforms:
 Copied Standard Purchase Order Script Form MEDRUCK and made Changes such as
Client logo & Additional Fields.
 Modified the scripts according to customer requirements like increasing the window, field
sizes and adding new fields.
 Creation of standard texts to be used in SAPSCRIPTS using SO10.
 Generated SMARTFORMS for Purchase Order and Sales Order.
 Configuring Communication Settings for 2 ALE systems, maintaining the Local System,
allocating the logical system to the clients, setting up the RFC destinations, Port Definitions.
 Developed Report to update sales data to Database table in CRM from ECC using RFC.
 Involved in setting up the logical systems and in creation of distribution model.
 Involved in ALE configuration for the message types (ORDERS).
Project: #1
Client praj industries ltd
Role ABAP Technical Consultant
Project Type Support
Duration June 2013 to Dec 2013
Client Description:
What started off as an entrepreneurial venture three decades ago is considered to be Indias most
successful biofuels Company, taking biobased technologies from India to the World. Today, Praj
offers innovative solutions for beverage alcohol and bioethanol plant, brewery, water & wastewater
treatment plant, critical process equipment and systems and bioproducts.
Roles & Responsibilities:
 Analyze the Functional Specifications.
 Interact with functional team for clarifications.
 Give proper estimations.
 Prepare Technical specification documents.
 Develop Objects as per the project standards.
 Prepare Unit test documents.
 Resolve Performance issues of code using performance tools - SQL Tracer, Runtime
Page 4 of 5
Analysis and Code Inspector and Performance Tips.
 Ensuring high quality solution for all the delivered objects to the client within the schedule.
 Mentoring the newly joined consultants.
 Major work involves development, testing and documentation of Reports (classical,
Interactive, ALV and Interactive ALVs), Data Dictionary-Tables, Structures, Search Helps,
Enhancements (User-Exits, Customer Exits, BTE, Enhancement Frame-Work and BADIs),
Smart Forms, SAP Scripts, BDCs (Call Transaction and Session), and LSMW, Function
Modules (Normal, RFC and BAPI).
 Developed an ALV Report to send material stock details as Excel attachment.
 Developed a Material Master Data using ALV display.
 Developed BDC program to migrate Customer Master Data from Legacy System to SAP
 Develop a report to migrate material data from file using batch input recording in LSMW
using XKO1.
SAP Script & Smartforms:
 Modified layout sets for Orders (RVORDER01) and Invoices (RVINVOICE01).
 Creation of standard texts to be used in SAPSCRIPTS using SO10.
 Modified layout set using SMARTFORMS for SD module documents such as
invoices/delivery note/ bill of lading etc.
Personal Details:
Name : Kiran K
Father Name : Srinivasu (Late)
Gender : Male
Nationality : India
Languages : English, Telugu
Page 5 of 5
Analysis and Code Inspector and Performance Tips.
 Ensuring high quality solution for all the delivered objects to the client within the schedule.
 Mentoring the newly joined consultants.
 Major work involves development, testing and documentation of Reports (classical,
Interactive, ALV and Interactive ALVs), Data Dictionary-Tables, Structures, Search Helps,
Enhancements (User-Exits, Customer Exits, BTE, Enhancement Frame-Work and BADIs),
Smart Forms, SAP Scripts, BDCs (Call Transaction and Session), and LSMW, Function
Modules (Normal, RFC and BAPI).
 Developed an ALV Report to send material stock details as Excel attachment.
 Developed a Material Master Data using ALV display.
 Developed BDC program to migrate Customer Master Data from Legacy System to SAP
 Develop a report to migrate material data from file using batch input recording in LSMW
using XKO1.
SAP Script & Smartforms:
 Modified layout sets for Orders (RVORDER01) and Invoices (RVINVOICE01).
 Creation of standard texts to be used in SAPSCRIPTS using SO10.
 Modified layout set using SMARTFORMS for SD module documents such as
invoices/delivery note/ bill of lading etc.
Personal Details:
Name : Kiran K
Father Name : Srinivasu (Late)
Gender : Male
Nationality : India
Languages : English, Telugu
Page 5 of 5

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  • 1. Kiran K Email: kiran143abap@gmail.com ABAP Technical Consultant Mobile no: (+91) 9666860938 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Summary Having 3+ years of experience in SAP ABAP/4. Experienced in Creating Data Dictionary Objects. Experienced in developing Classical, Interactive and ALV Reports. Knowledge on ABAP OOPS (Object Oriented Programming Structures) Concepts. Good at Inheritance, Polymorphism and Abstraction, Interface techniques. Experienced in developing Data Migration programs using BDC. Good Knowledge in Dialog Programming. Experienced in Menu Painter and Screen Painter. Good Experienced in BADIs. Experienced in RFC and BAPI. Migrated data from Legacy systems to SAP using BDC(Session, Call transaction)/LSMW with the aid of Direct Input Programs and Batch Input session. Worked on designing of forms using SAPSCRIPTS & SMARTFORMS. Worked on User Exit, Customer Exit, BTEs, Enhancement Framework. Good Knowledge of ALE/IDOCS like Master Data Distribution, IDOC development, partner profiles, distribution model. Expertise in performance analysis and tuning using various Debugging tools like run time analysis and SQL trace. Good Exposure to modules: SD, MM and FI with respective to ABAP. Excellent analytical, logical and programming skills. Having experience in working remotely on VPN (Virtual Private Network). Interaction with End Users, Business Process Owners and SAP R/3 functional consultants for finalization of functional specifications and report formats. Team Player, Good Communication Skills, and Ability to work independently. Professional Experience: Currently working as a ABAP Technical Consultant in Tech Mahindra Ltd., Bangalore from Jan 2014 to till date. Worked with BlueBee Consultants Pvt Ltd., as SAP ABAP Technical Consultant Bangalore From Nov 2012 to Jan 2014. Education: B.Sc (M.E.Cs) from S.V.K.P & Dr. K.S. Raju Arts & Science College, Andhra University. Technical Skills: ERP : SAP R/3 4.7 & ECC 6.0 Modules : ABAP/4. SAP Technical Strengths: Data Dictionary Reports (Classical, Interactive & ALV) and ABAP OOPS Module Pool Programming Data Uploading (BDC & LSMW) Page 1 of 5
  • 2. SAP Scripts & Smartforms Enhancements, BADI & BAPI. Exposure to Cross Applications (ALE, IDocs). Projects Profile: Project: #3 Client Havells India Limited Role ABAP Technical Consultant Project Type Support Duration Sept 2015 to till now Client Description: Havells India Limited is a $1.4 Billion leading Fast Moving Electrical Goods (FMEG) Company with a strong global footprint. Havells enjoys enviable market dominance across a wide spectrum of products, including Industrial & Domestic Circuit Protection Devices, Cables & Wires, Motors, Fans, Modular Switches, Home Appliances, Electric Water Heaters, Self-priming monoblock Pumps, Power Capacitors, CFL Lamps, Luminaires for Domestic, Commercial and industrial Applications. Roles & Responsibilities: Analyze the Functional Specifications. Interact with functional team for clarifications. Give proper estimations. Prepare Technical specification documents. Develop Objects as per the project standards. Prepare Unit test documents. Resolve Performance issues of code using performance tools SQL Tracer,Runtime Analysis and Code Inspector and Performance Tips. Ensuring high quality solution for all the delivered objects to the client within the schedule. Mentoring the newly joined consultants. Major work involves development, testing and documentation of Reports (classical, Interactive, ALV and Interactive ALVs), Data Dictionary-Tables, Structures, Search Helps, Enhancements (User-Exits,Customer Exits, BTE, Enhancement Frame-Work and BADIs), Smart Forms, SAP Scripts, BDCs (Call Transaction and Session), and LSMW, Function Modules (Normal, RFC and BAPI). Reports: Developed an Interactive ALV report to display Purchase order details with sub totals and grand total. Developed Purchase order in ALV report to add one Push Button for Additional Functionality. BDC & LSMW: Develop a report to migrate cost centre details using KS01 T-code from flat file using BDC Session and Call Transaction Methods. SAP Script & Smartforms: Page 2 of 5
  • 3. Developed an ALV Report to display delivery details and call Corresponding SMARTFORM when delivery number is selected. Developed purchase order SMARTFORMS with totals. Developed SMARTFORMS for Billing TAX-INVOICE. Developed report to send INVOICE as PDF attachment to customer. Enhancements: Developed a customer exit to change fieldname of data element PL_RMATP. Make Object key field as Mandatory using implicit enhancement with the t-code: DP95. Send purchase order form as mail attachment to customer through USEREXIT. Developed an Enhancement sending a mail to customer form VLO2N using USEREXIT MV50AFZ1. Project: #2 Client Carrier Aircon Role ABAP Technical Consultant Project Type Implementation Duration Mar 2014 to May 2015 Client Description: Carrier invented the first system for manufactured weather in 1902, he sparked an industry that revolutionized the way in which we live, work and play. From that defining moment and through to the present day Carrier has been a company built on a legacy of innovation. For more than a century, our research, expertise and forethought have resulted in market-leading innovations and firsts that have shaped and defined the heating, air conditioning and refrigeration industry Roles & Responsibilities: Analyze the Functional Specifications. Interact with functional team for clarifications. Give proper estimations. Prepare Technical specification documents. Develop Objects as per the project standards. Prepare Unit test documents. Resolve Performance issues of code using performance tools - SQL Tracer, Runtime Analysis and Code Inspector and Performance Tips. Ensuring high quality solution for all the delivered objects to the client within the schedule. Mentoring the newly joined consultants. Major work involves development, testing and documentation of Reports (classical, interactive, ALV and Interactive ALVs), Data Dictionary-Tables, Structures, Search Helps, Enhancements (User-Exits, Customer Exits, BTE, Enhancement Frame-Work and BADIs), Smart Forms, SAP Scripts, BDCs (Call Transaction and Session), and LSMW, Function Modules (Normal, RFC and BAPI). Reports: Sales Organization wise sales orders report. Input screen will have an option to enter Sales Organization/Distribution Channel/ Division/customer on the selection screen. Developed a report for sales order which displays the corresponding sales details using ALV report. Page 3 of 5
  • 4. Developed an ALV Report to Display Sales Order details by formatting selection screen as dynamically & Provided dynamic search help. Interactive report which displays all the sales orders for one particular customer, the items order for that particular order, quantity ordered goods issue date and contact information about that customer. Developed a Billing report with Subtotals & download the Billing Details. Developed Sales order details in ALV report to make Particular cell as editable and colour. BDC & LSMW: Upload the vendor master data as well as customer master data by using BDC Session Method. Developed BDC program to migrate Customer Master Data from Legacy System to SAP R/3. SAP Script & Smartforms: Copied Standard Purchase Order Script Form MEDRUCK and made Changes such as Client logo & Additional Fields. Modified the scripts according to customer requirements like increasing the window, field sizes and adding new fields. Creation of standard texts to be used in SAPSCRIPTS using SO10. Generated SMARTFORMS for Purchase Order and Sales Order. ALE/IDOCS: Configuring Communication Settings for 2 ALE systems, maintaining the Local System, allocating the logical system to the clients, setting up the RFC destinations, Port Definitions. Developed Report to update sales data to Database table in CRM from ECC using RFC. Involved in setting up the logical systems and in creation of distribution model. Involved in ALE configuration for the message types (ORDERS). Project: #1 Client praj industries ltd Role ABAP Technical Consultant Project Type Support Duration June 2013 to Dec 2013 Client Description: What started off as an entrepreneurial venture three decades ago is considered to be Indias most successful biofuels Company, taking biobased technologies from India to the World. Today, Praj offers innovative solutions for beverage alcohol and bioethanol plant, brewery, water & wastewater treatment plant, critical process equipment and systems and bioproducts. Roles & Responsibilities: Analyze the Functional Specifications. Interact with functional team for clarifications. Give proper estimations. Prepare Technical specification documents. Develop Objects as per the project standards. Prepare Unit test documents. Resolve Performance issues of code using performance tools - SQL Tracer, Runtime Page 4 of 5
  • 5. Analysis and Code Inspector and Performance Tips. Ensuring high quality solution for all the delivered objects to the client within the schedule. Mentoring the newly joined consultants. Major work involves development, testing and documentation of Reports (classical, Interactive, ALV and Interactive ALVs), Data Dictionary-Tables, Structures, Search Helps, Enhancements (User-Exits, Customer Exits, BTE, Enhancement Frame-Work and BADIs), Smart Forms, SAP Scripts, BDCs (Call Transaction and Session), and LSMW, Function Modules (Normal, RFC and BAPI). Reports: Developed an ALV Report to send material stock details as Excel attachment. Developed a Material Master Data using ALV display. BDC & LSMW: Developed BDC program to migrate Customer Master Data from Legacy System to SAP R/3. Develop a report to migrate material data from file using batch input recording in LSMW using XKO1. SAP Script & Smartforms: Modified layout sets for Orders (RVORDER01) and Invoices (RVINVOICE01). Creation of standard texts to be used in SAPSCRIPTS using SO10. Modified layout set using SMARTFORMS for SD module documents such as invoices/delivery note/ bill of lading etc. Personal Details: Name : Kiran K Father Name : Srinivasu (Late) Gender : Male Nationality : India Languages : English, Telugu Page 5 of 5
  • 6. Analysis and Code Inspector and Performance Tips. Ensuring high quality solution for all the delivered objects to the client within the schedule. Mentoring the newly joined consultants. Major work involves development, testing and documentation of Reports (classical, Interactive, ALV and Interactive ALVs), Data Dictionary-Tables, Structures, Search Helps, Enhancements (User-Exits, Customer Exits, BTE, Enhancement Frame-Work and BADIs), Smart Forms, SAP Scripts, BDCs (Call Transaction and Session), and LSMW, Function Modules (Normal, RFC and BAPI). Reports: Developed an ALV Report to send material stock details as Excel attachment. Developed a Material Master Data using ALV display. BDC & LSMW: Developed BDC program to migrate Customer Master Data from Legacy System to SAP R/3. Develop a report to migrate material data from file using batch input recording in LSMW using XKO1. SAP Script & Smartforms: Modified layout sets for Orders (RVORDER01) and Invoices (RVINVOICE01). Creation of standard texts to be used in SAPSCRIPTS using SO10. Modified layout set using SMARTFORMS for SD module documents such as invoices/delivery note/ bill of lading etc. Personal Details: Name : Kiran K Father Name : Srinivasu (Late) Gender : Male Nationality : India Languages : English, Telugu Page 5 of 5