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KBKristen R. Broussard
Richmond, TX 77469|(225) 223-0518|bkristen6@aol.com
Objective To Utilize My Skills for Achieving the Companys Goals In an Aggressive Market.
St. Martin Bank & Trust, St. Martinville, LA
Full Time Teller May 2014-June 2015
-Open/Closed Customer Accounts.
-Create/Maintained Excellent Customer Relations. Cross Sold New Products.
-Conduct/Enforced Mandatory Cash Audits.
-Maintain Balancing Record / Minimize cash losses to bank
-Inventory Control/Vault Balancing/Account Reconciliation/ATM Processing.
-Trained New Employees on Policies/Procedures and Software.
-Coordinate Staff Meetings/Organized Departmental ComplianceReviews.
Teche Federal Bank, New Iberia, LA
Peak Time Teller July 2012-May 2014
-Open/Closed Customer Accounts. Customer Account Maintenance.
-Maintained Exceptional Customer Service.
-Ordered daily Supply of Cash/BalanceCurrency/Transaction Reconciliation.
-Special Projects As Assigned.
Baton Rouge Community College, Baton Rouge, LA
General Office Administrator. October 2010-May 2012
-Responsible for Planning/Organizing/Coordination & Management of Departmental
-Assisted Dean with Confidential Information/Materials. Screen Telephone Calls.
-Proactively assisted Human Resources with Employee Data and Employee Location
-Updated/Maintained Student Data.
-Coordinate Travel Arrangements. Administrated Expense Reports.
-Inventory Control/InvoiceProcessing/Account Reconciliation.
Winn-Dixie GroceryStore, New Iberia, LA
Customer Service Lead January 2009-August 2010
-Operated the cash input and output in the office
-Managed closures of 11 registers every night and ATM
-Balanced the office and registers
-Assisted with Development of Customer Service Experience Goals.
-Trained / Managed 5 regular cashiers and 2 customer service cashiers
-Coordinate Staff Meetings/Organized Departmental ComplianceReviews.
Honors & Awards
-Baton Rouge Community CollegeVice President of Campus Activity Board
-Member of Beta Mu Omicron Chapter Phi Theta Kappa International HonorSociety
-Graduated with Academic Honors from Baton Rouge Community College
Career Achievements
Outstanding Teller Award 2012/2013/2014
Exceeded Departmental Goals Consistently
Customer Service Icon Award
Summary of Skills
Advanced Microsoft Application
Superior Customer Service
Efficient Multitasker
Results Driven
Critical Thinker
Baton Rouge Community College
Associate of Applied Science in Accounting
Certificate of Business Technology
Graduated: May 2012
GPA: 3.2/4.0
Related Coursework
Microcomputer Applications in Business, Financial
Accounting I & II, Business Math, Business
Communication, Introduction to Managerial
Accounting, Accounting Informational Systems,
and Introduction to Auditing

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  • 1. KBKristen R. Broussard Richmond, TX 77469|(225) 223-0518|bkristen6@aol.com Objective To Utilize My Skills for Achieving the Companys Goals In an Aggressive Market. Employment St. Martin Bank & Trust, St. Martinville, LA Full Time Teller May 2014-June 2015 -Open/Closed Customer Accounts. -Create/Maintained Excellent Customer Relations. Cross Sold New Products. -Conduct/Enforced Mandatory Cash Audits. -Maintain Balancing Record / Minimize cash losses to bank -Inventory Control/Vault Balancing/Account Reconciliation/ATM Processing. -Trained New Employees on Policies/Procedures and Software. -Coordinate Staff Meetings/Organized Departmental ComplianceReviews. Teche Federal Bank, New Iberia, LA Peak Time Teller July 2012-May 2014 -Open/Closed Customer Accounts. Customer Account Maintenance. -Maintained Exceptional Customer Service. -Ordered daily Supply of Cash/BalanceCurrency/Transaction Reconciliation. -Special Projects As Assigned. Baton Rouge Community College, Baton Rouge, LA General Office Administrator. October 2010-May 2012 -Responsible for Planning/Organizing/Coordination & Management of Departmental Activities. -Assisted Dean with Confidential Information/Materials. Screen Telephone Calls. -Proactively assisted Human Resources with Employee Data and Employee Location Database. -Updated/Maintained Student Data. -Coordinate Travel Arrangements. Administrated Expense Reports. -Inventory Control/InvoiceProcessing/Account Reconciliation. Winn-Dixie GroceryStore, New Iberia, LA Customer Service Lead January 2009-August 2010 -Operated the cash input and output in the office -Managed closures of 11 registers every night and ATM -Balanced the office and registers -Assisted with Development of Customer Service Experience Goals. -Trained / Managed 5 regular cashiers and 2 customer service cashiers -Coordinate Staff Meetings/Organized Departmental ComplianceReviews. Honors & Awards -Baton Rouge Community CollegeVice President of Campus Activity Board -Member of Beta Mu Omicron Chapter Phi Theta Kappa International HonorSociety -Graduated with Academic Honors from Baton Rouge Community College Career Achievements Outstanding Teller Award 2012/2013/2014 Exceeded Departmental Goals Consistently Customer Service Icon Award Summary of Skills Advanced Microsoft Application Superior Customer Service Efficient Multitasker Detail-oriented Results Driven Critical Thinker Education Baton Rouge Community College Associate of Applied Science in Accounting Technology Certificate of Business Technology Graduated: May 2012 GPA: 3.2/4.0 Related Coursework Microcomputer Applications in Business, Financial Accounting I & II, Business Math, Business Communication, Introduction to Managerial Accounting, Accounting Informational Systems, and Introduction to Auditing