The document discusses implementing an event-driven architecture using events instead of synchronous APIs. It explains that events decouple services by allowing them to communicate asynchronously through a centralized event routing system. This loose coupling makes services more independent and resilient, as failures in downstream services do not block upstream ones. It also improves scalability and maintainability by reducing dependencies between services. The document provides examples to illustrate how an event-driven system has less coupling between producers and consumers compared to a synchronous API approach.
What Is Kubernetes | Kubernetes Introduction | Kubernetes Tutorial For Beginn...Edureka!
Kubernetes Certification Training: ?
This Edureka tutorial on "What is Kubernetes" will give you an introduction to one of the most popular Devops tool in the market - Kubernetes, and its importance in today's IT processes. This tutorial is ideal for beginners who want to get started with Kubernetes & DevOps. The following topics are covered in this training session:
1. Need for Kubernetes
2. What is Kubernetes and What it's not
3. How does Kubernetes work?
4. Use-Case: Kubernetes @ Pokemon Go
5. Hands-on: Deployment with Kubernetes
?DevOps Tutorial Blog Series:
A Comprehensive Introduction to Kubernetes. This slide deck serves as the lecture portion of a full-day Workshop covering the architecture, concepts and components of Kubernetes. For the interactive portion, please see the tutorials here:
This document provides an overview of Kubernetes, a container orchestration system. It begins with background on Docker containers and orchestration tools prior to Kubernetes. It then covers key Kubernetes concepts including pods, labels, replication controllers, and services. Pods are the basic deployable unit in Kubernetes, while replication controllers ensure a specified number of pods are running. Services provide discovery and load balancing for pods. The document demonstrates how Kubernetes can be used to scale, upgrade, and rollback deployments through replication controllers and services.
The document discusses implementing an event-driven architecture using events instead of synchronous APIs. It explains that events decouple services by allowing them to communicate asynchronously through a centralized event routing system. This loose coupling makes services more independent and resilient, as failures in downstream services do not block upstream ones. It also improves scalability and maintainability by reducing dependencies between services. The document provides examples to illustrate how an event-driven system has less coupling between producers and consumers compared to a synchronous API approach.
What Is Kubernetes | Kubernetes Introduction | Kubernetes Tutorial For Beginn...Edureka!
Kubernetes Certification Training: ?
This Edureka tutorial on "What is Kubernetes" will give you an introduction to one of the most popular Devops tool in the market - Kubernetes, and its importance in today's IT processes. This tutorial is ideal for beginners who want to get started with Kubernetes & DevOps. The following topics are covered in this training session:
1. Need for Kubernetes
2. What is Kubernetes and What it's not
3. How does Kubernetes work?
4. Use-Case: Kubernetes @ Pokemon Go
5. Hands-on: Deployment with Kubernetes
?DevOps Tutorial Blog Series:
A Comprehensive Introduction to Kubernetes. This slide deck serves as the lecture portion of a full-day Workshop covering the architecture, concepts and components of Kubernetes. For the interactive portion, please see the tutorials here:
This document provides an overview of Kubernetes, a container orchestration system. It begins with background on Docker containers and orchestration tools prior to Kubernetes. It then covers key Kubernetes concepts including pods, labels, replication controllers, and services. Pods are the basic deployable unit in Kubernetes, while replication controllers ensure a specified number of pods are running. Services provide discovery and load balancing for pods. The document demonstrates how Kubernetes can be used to scale, upgrade, and rollback deployments through replication controllers and services.
コンテナ技術入門/Container tech intro
この資料は,2024年3月に開催される「高専テクノゼミ/実践教育プログラム vol.2」の技術LT「コンテナ技術入門」にて発表した際に使用したものです.
This document was used in a presentation at the technical LT "Introduction to Container Technology" of "Techno Seminar/Practical Education Program vol.2" to be held in March 2024.
この資料では、Docker for Windows を使って Windows OS 上で Linux ベースのアプリを開発する方法、そして Web アプリを含む Docker コンテナをクラウド環境(Azure 環境)に展開する方法について解説します。
※ 本資料では Docker の Linux コンテナのみを取り扱います。(Windows コンテナは取り扱いません。Windows OS で使い慣れたエディタや開発環境を使いつつ、Docker for Windows を活用して Linux 上でデバッグを行う、というシナリオを扱っています。)
※ 資料の概要は以下の blog エントリを参照してください。
※ 株式会社GIGでは毎月社内勉強会を実施しています
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■ お問い合せ
Windows server 2019 → linux / kubernetes support