حلول جميع تمارين الكتاب الخاصة بالنهايات . Exercises and solution of limits ...soufiane merabtiwww.facebook.com/merabti.math
حلول جميع تمارين الكتاب الخاصة بالنهايات
Exercises and solution of limits functions
Problemas resueltos ecuaciones diferenciales.JAVIERTELLOCAMPOSEste archivo contiene problemas resueltos del curso de ecuaciones diferenciales, cada problema esta resuelto paso a paso para su mejor comprensión del lector. Con ello podrá tratar de resolver un problema de dicho archivo y al finalizar poder comparar los resultados y poder mejorar día a día en su carrera en la educación.
-4-تمارين الرياضيات للجدع مشترك علوم Najlaà Maslouhy1. The document contains 11 geometry problems involving lines, angles, and triangles.
2. The problems use basic properties like parallel lines, proportional line segments, and angle bisectors to establish relationships between parts of figures.
3. Equations are set up and solved to find values based on given information in each diagrammatic problem.
-2- تمارين الرياضيات للجدع مشترك علوم Najlaà MaslouhyThis document contains 13 sections about geometry problems involving points, lines, angles, and relationships between lengths in triangles and quadrilaterals. The problems include determining angle measures, using properties of isosceles and equilateral triangles, applying trigonometric ratios, and utilizing theorems such as the angle sum theorem for triangles and quadrilaterals. The goal is to find unknown values based on given information through logical reasoning and applications of geometric rules.
حلول جميع تمارين الكتاب الخاصة بالنهايات . Exercises and solution of limits ...soufiane merabtiwww.facebook.com/merabti.math
حلول جميع تمارين الكتاب الخاصة بالنهايات
Exercises and solution of limits functions
Problemas resueltos ecuaciones diferenciales.JAVIERTELLOCAMPOSEste archivo contiene problemas resueltos del curso de ecuaciones diferenciales, cada problema esta resuelto paso a paso para su mejor comprensión del lector. Con ello podrá tratar de resolver un problema de dicho archivo y al finalizar poder comparar los resultados y poder mejorar día a día en su carrera en la educación.
-4-تمارين الرياضيات للجدع مشترك علوم Najlaà Maslouhy1. The document contains 11 geometry problems involving lines, angles, and triangles.
2. The problems use basic properties like parallel lines, proportional line segments, and angle bisectors to establish relationships between parts of figures.
3. Equations are set up and solved to find values based on given information in each diagrammatic problem.
-2- تمارين الرياضيات للجدع مشترك علوم Najlaà MaslouhyThis document contains 13 sections about geometry problems involving points, lines, angles, and relationships between lengths in triangles and quadrilaterals. The problems include determining angle measures, using properties of isosceles and equilateral triangles, applying trigonometric ratios, and utilizing theorems such as the angle sum theorem for triangles and quadrilaterals. The goal is to find unknown values based on given information through logical reasoning and applications of geometric rules.
1. http://ad2math.voila.net/ adnanemath@gmail.com ط أآ ن .ذ Page 1
ا و ت د اا ر ا ت اوا ل
ا1:IRت د اا:
( )
4 2x 6 0x
3x 10x 6 0
3x 4 3x 4 0
4n 2 3 1 n 3
t t 1 0
− + =
− + =
− + =
− + = −
− + =
( )
10 x² x 2 0
2x² x 1 0
3x 5x 2 0
n 2 1 n 2 0
t 2t 8 0
+ − =
+ − =
− + =
+ + + =
+ − =
ا2:IRت د اا:
4 2
x 2x 3 0
t 2 t 3 0
− − + =
− − + =
x 2 x 3 0
1 2
3 0
− − + =
− + =
ا3:IRت د اا:
4 2
x 5x 4 0
t 5 t 4 0
+ + =
+ + =
x 5 x 4 0
1 5
4 0
+ + =
+ + =
ا4:IRت د اا:
x 6 x 1 9 0
x x 1
2x 3
x 1
x 4 5 x
x 8 2x 5
+ + + =
+ +
= +
+ = −
− − = −
( ) ( )
( )
2 2x 1 3 2x 1 2 0
x 4 3 x 4 1 0
1 2 3
x 3 x 3x 9
x 5x 1 3
− − − − =
− + − + =
+ + =
− +−
− − =
ا5:IRت ا اا:
( )( )
5 2
3x x 5 x 3 0
x 5x 6 0
25x 10x 1 0
3x x 2 0
x 4x 5
2x x 1
x x 0
− − ≤
− + ≥
− + >
− + − <
− −
− + +
− ≤
( )( )
( )( )
x 1 x 2 0
4x 12 3x 1 0
2x x 1 0
x x 1 0
x 1 3x
2x 3 x 2
x 3 x 1 0
− + >
− + ≥
− + + <
+ + ≤
− <
− +
− + >
د ا( ) 2
E : 2x 2x 2 0+ − =.
1(د ا أن( )EIR،αوβدون ،.
2(ا ا د:α +βوαβو
1 1
α β
و2 2
α + βو3 3
α +βو
β α
α β
1 1β − α −
α β
و2 2
1 1
α β
و4 4
α + β.
2. http://ad2math.voila.net/ adnanemath@gmail.com ط أآ ن .ذ Page 2
ا7:IR²ا ت ا:
a b 5
a b 6
+ =
× =
a b 7
a b 10
+ =
× =
a b 3 2
a b 6
+ = −
× = −
1 1 17
a b 6
a b
+ =
× =
2 2
a b 3 1
a b 4
+ = −
+ =
3a 2b 2
a b 8
+ = −
× =
1(IRد ا
x 2x 15 0+ − =.
2(ود ا( ) 4 3 2
P x x 4x 6x 4x 15= − + − −.
أ-دaوb:( ) ( ) ( )
22 2
P x a x 2x b x 2x 15= − + − −.
ب-ود ا( )P xا ر ا ود اء إ.
ج-د ا ل د:( )P x 0=.