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            Accelerated Transition

Luciana Niven
LDNiven Consulting
Transition Turf
When you hear the word transition 

            What comes into your mind?
You have 5 minutes:

1. Write down the first 3 things/reactions/emotions that come
   to mind (use coloured paper provided on the table)

2. Share them with your partner.

3. Each partner group should be ready to share 2 points
   with the rest of the group at the end of 5 minutes
Three Questions to Guide Case
         Study Discussion
1.What are the main reasons Margaret did not
 immediately succeed in her new role?

2.What could she have done differently?

3.What should she learn from this experience?
Case Debrief:      Margaret Holley

Main reasons why Margaret did not succeed in her new position:

   She kept doing what she knew best - she felt that made her
    confident and in control.
    Strengths in her past position were liabilities in new position

    Margaret failed to realise she needed to change her operational
     style from:
     Being A Strong Performer to one where she had to take on a cross-
     functional team role in addition to a project management role

    By not letting go of the past she missed an important opportunity
     for her career development
Case Debrief:     Margaret Holley

                        Done Differently?
What could Margaret have done differently?

    She should have focused on mentally promoting herself
    (not grandstanding or self serving)

   Margaret failed to let go of the past and embrace the imperatives of
    the new position. She did not prepare herself mentally for her new

   Her attention to detail was a strength previously  now it hindered her
    ability to see the Vision and bigger picture she needed to make a
    success of this position

 Individuals are promoted - and/or -
offered new positions at a higher level but
they often fail to promote themselves by
undertaking the needed change in
Impeding Beliefs!

                What goes on in our Brain?

We tend to reason like this:

I was promoted/offered this position because
of my skills and accomplishments. So that
must be what they expect me to do here.
Metacognitive Beliefs!

             What should go on in our Brain ?

We need to reason like this:

 What are my learning priorities for this
 How do I source them?
  What is a realistic prioritisation for
  achieving them?
 Who can help me achieve them?

 Prepare a Learning Plan that fits your new

 Pace your learning to meet new
  challenges and goals
Transition Turf

Facts About Transitions
       Strengthen Diagnostic Skills
Transitions Demand:
       Growth (personal and organizational)

 and Transitions
       Test personal stamina
Fundamental Propositions for Meeting
    the Challenges of Transition
1.) Root causes of transition failure lie in
   the interactions between the situation and the individual

2.) Adopting systematic measures HELP you lessen the likelihood
   of very limited or negative success

3. Your goal in a transition is to:
   Build momentum by creating virtuous cycles
   Build credibility
(avoid getting caught in vicious cycles Damage your credibility)
Fundamental Propositions for Meeting
   the Challenges of Transition Cont.

4.) Transitions important for your own leadership development.
    They should be nurtured and managed.

5.) Frameworks for engaging in a transition
    help individuals and organisations be more successful
                      measurable bottom line impacts
Remember to:

 Shift your mind set into your new job
Assessing Intrinsic Interests in Business and Workplace
Managing of financial           Equity and fairness                         Employee morale                 H/out
7                               9                                           7
----------                      --------------                              -----------
Cost Consciousness              Budgeting                                   Design of appraisal and
                                                                            Approval systems
8                               8
-----------                     ---------------                             4
Product positioning             Relationships with clients/customers        Organisational customer focus

6                               10                                          10
------------                    ----------------                            ------------
Product or service quality      Relationships with partners/distributers/   Continuous
                                Suppliers                                   Improvement

-------------                   10                                          9
                                ----------------                            ------------
Project Management              Relationships among R&D,                    Cross-functional
Systems                         marketing and operations                    Cooperation

7                               8                                           8
--------------                  -------------                               -------------
Preferences for Problems and Functions in the W/place

                     Technical        Political       Cultural        TOTAL

Human Resources                                       9                       9

Finance              7+ 8                                                     15

Marketing            6                                10                      16

Operations           8                                8                       18

Research and         10 + 7                           10                      27

TOTAL                            46               0              37
Analysing New Position from a Transition
1. Do transitions have characteristics?
2. What are the different types of transitions?
3. Transitions: How could we label or give
   them different names?
4. What are their different characteristics?
5. What type of challenges do transitions
6. What type of opportunities do transitions
7 Traps of Vicious Cycles
1.   Riding off in ALL Directions
2.   Brittleness
3.   Undefended Boundaries
4.   Isolation
5.   Biased Judgement
6.   Work Avoidance
7.   Going Over the Top
Thank you

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L Niven Accelerated Transition

  • 1. Your First 100 Days Accelerated Transition Luciana Niven LDNiven Consulting
  • 2. Transition Turf When you hear the word transition What comes into your mind? You have 5 minutes: 1. Write down the first 3 things/reactions/emotions that come to mind (use coloured paper provided on the table) 2. Share them with your partner. 3. Each partner group should be ready to share 2 points with the rest of the group at the end of 5 minutes
  • 3. Three Questions to Guide Case Study Discussion 1.What are the main reasons Margaret did not immediately succeed in her new role? 2.What could she have done differently? 3.What should she learn from this experience?
  • 4. Case Debrief: Margaret Holley Main reasons why Margaret did not succeed in her new position: She kept doing what she knew best - she felt that made her confident and in control. Strengths in her past position were liabilities in new position Margaret failed to realise she needed to change her operational style from: Being A Strong Performer to one where she had to take on a cross- functional team role in addition to a project management role By not letting go of the past she missed an important opportunity for her career development
  • 5. Case Debrief: Margaret Holley Done Differently? What could Margaret have done differently? She should have focused on mentally promoting herself (not grandstanding or self serving) Margaret failed to let go of the past and embrace the imperatives of the new position. She did not prepare herself mentally for her new position Her attention to detail was a strength previously now it hindered her ability to see the Vision and bigger picture she needed to make a success of this position
  • 6. Lesson: Individuals are promoted - and/or - offered new positions at a higher level but they often fail to promote themselves by undertaking the needed change in perspective
  • 7. Impeding Beliefs! What goes on in our Brain? We tend to reason like this: I was promoted/offered this position because of my skills and accomplishments. So that must be what they expect me to do here.
  • 8. Metacognitive Beliefs! What should go on in our Brain ? We need to reason like this: What are my learning priorities for this position? How do I source them? What is a realistic prioritisation for achieving them? Who can help me achieve them?
  • 9. Lesson: Prepare a Learning Plan that fits your new role Pace your learning to meet new challenges and goals
  • 10. Transition Turf Facts About Transitions Strengthen Diagnostic Skills Transitions Demand: Growth (personal and organizational) Adaptation and Transitions Test personal stamina
  • 11. Fundamental Propositions for Meeting the Challenges of Transition 1.) Root causes of transition failure lie in the interactions between the situation and the individual 2.) Adopting systematic measures HELP you lessen the likelihood of very limited or negative success 3. Your goal in a transition is to: Build momentum by creating virtuous cycles Build credibility (avoid getting caught in vicious cycles Damage your credibility)
  • 12. Fundamental Propositions for Meeting the Challenges of Transition Cont. 4.) Transitions important for your own leadership development. They should be nurtured and managed. 5.) Frameworks for engaging in a transition help individuals and organisations be more successful measurable bottom line impacts
  • 13. Remember to: Shift your mind set into your new job
  • 14. Assessing Intrinsic Interests in Business and Workplace Problems Managing of financial Equity and fairness Employee morale H/out Risk 7 9 7 ---------- -------------- ----------- Cost Consciousness Budgeting Design of appraisal and Approval systems 8 8 ----------- --------------- 4 ------------ Product positioning Relationships with clients/customers Organisational customer focus 6 10 10 ------------ ---------------- ------------ Product or service quality Relationships with partners/distributers/ Continuous Suppliers Improvement 10 ------------- 10 9 ---------------- ------------ Project Management Relationships among R&D, Cross-functional Systems marketing and operations Cooperation 7 8 8 -------------- ------------- -------------
  • 15. Preferences for Problems and Functions in the W/place H/out Technical Political Cultural TOTAL Human Resources 9 9 Finance 7+ 8 15 Marketing 6 10 16 Operations 8 8 18 Research and 10 + 7 10 27 Development TOTAL 46 0 37
  • 16. Analysing New Position from a Transition Perspective 1. Do transitions have characteristics? 2. What are the different types of transitions? 3. Transitions: How could we label or give them different names? 4. What are their different characteristics? 5. What type of challenges do transitions present? 6. What type of opportunities do transitions present?
  • 17. 7 Traps of Vicious Cycles 1. Riding off in ALL Directions 2. Brittleness 3. Undefended Boundaries 4. Isolation 5. Biased Judgement 6. Work Avoidance 7. Going Over the Top