La primera generación de computadoras (1938-1958) incluyó la ENIAC y la EDVAC. La EDVAC fue la primera computadora electrónica binaria que podía almacenar programas. La segunda generación (1955-1963) mejoró los programas y desarrolló nuevos lenguajes como COBOL y FORTRAN. La tercera generación (1964-1970) usó circuitos integrados para reducir costos y aumentar el rendimiento. La cuarta generación (1971-1983) introdujo los microprocesadores, permitiendo computadoras personales como la Apple II de Steve
This document discusses the principles of prosody when reading aloud. It defines prosody as how meaning is created through changes in pace, stress, loudness, and pitch. It provides examples of applying each prosodic element and learning activities for students to practice using prosody when reading passages. The goal is to help students learn to read with greater expressiveness and convey meaning through their voice.
La primera generación de computadoras (1938-1958) incluyó la ENIAC y la EDVAC. La EDVAC fue la primera computadora electrónica binaria que podía almacenar programas. La segunda generación (1955-1963) mejoró los programas y desarrolló nuevos lenguajes como COBOL y FORTRAN. La tercera generación (1964-1970) usó circuitos integrados para reducir costos y aumentar el rendimiento. La cuarta generación (1971-1983) introdujo los microprocesadores, permitiendo computadoras personales como la Apple II de Steve
This document discusses the principles of prosody when reading aloud. It defines prosody as how meaning is created through changes in pace, stress, loudness, and pitch. It provides examples of applying each prosodic element and learning activities for students to practice using prosody when reading passages. The goal is to help students learn to read with greater expressiveness and convey meaning through their voice.
Este documento resume la historia y orígenes de Halloween. Comenzó como una fiesta celta llamada Samhain hace más de 3000 a?os para marcar el final del verano y la cosecha. Los celtas creían que en esta noche los espíritus regresaban y se disfrazaban para ahuyentarlos. Más tarde, la Iglesia Católica designó el 1 de noviembre como el Día de Todos los Santos y la noche anterior como Halloween. Con el tiempo, se combinaron las tradiciones paganas y cristianas y ahora es una celebración popular
Developmental, Inteellectual and Learning DisabilitiesErica Robertson
This document provides information about developmental, intellectual, and learning disabilities from different animals. Leo the Lion discusses that developmental disabilities are severe and long-term conditions that can be physical, mental, or both. Felipe the Frog and Penny the Pig explain that intellectual disabilities involve limitations in intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior that originate before age 18. Freddy the Fish describes learning disabilities as neurological conditions that interfere with processing and communicating information, such as with reading, writing, or math. Bella the Bluebird then offers three teaching strategies - using engaging materials for developmental disabilities, providing a quiet space for intellectual disabilities like autism, and giving multi-sensory options like reading aloud for learning disabilities like dyslexia.
This document provides a tutorial on learning the German language. It discusses German vowels and consonants, explaining their pronunciation. It covers topics such as short and long vowel sounds, pronunciation of consonant combinations like "ch" and "sch", and exceptions in pronunciation like consonants at the end of words. The goal is to help learn the fundamentals of German pronunciation.
El documento describe las fases de evaluación de proyectos. Incluye tres fases principales: análisis, ejecución y operación. La fase de análisis incluye tres niveles: identificación de la idea, anteproyecto y proyecto, que implican diferentes niveles de profundidad en el análisis. El documento también describe los componentes clave de un proyecto, incluido el estudio de mercado, estudio técnico, estudio económico y financiero, y evaluación de riesgos.
El documento proporciona consejos sobre cómo aprovechar el significado de la Navidad. Sugiere que si tienes tristeza, debes alegrarte; si tienes enemigos, reconciliarte; y si tienes amigos, buscarlos. También recomienda ayudar a los pobres, enterrar el orgullo, pagar deudas, arrepentirse de maldades, encender la luz de esperanza, reflexionar sobre errores y olvidar resentimientos. Todo para celebrar la paz, el encuentro, la generosidad, la humildad,
El documento describe las etapas para transformar una idea en un proyecto de negocios. Explica que una idea es la ocurrencia de un posible negocio mientras que un proyecto requiere antecedentes que permitan evaluar los costos y beneficios. Detalla las etapas de formulación de un proyecto, que incluyen estudios de mercado, tama?o y localización, ingeniería, costos y proyecciones de ingresos. Finalmente, indica que todas las etapas están interrelacionadas y deben desarrollarse de manera simultánea
Este documento presenta los componentes clave para dise?ar una investigación. Explica los tres tipos principales de investigación (documental, de campo y experimental), así como los métodos de muestreo probabilísticos y no probabilísticos. También describe las técnicas e instrumentos de recolección de datos, los métodos de procesamiento y análisis, y los aspectos administrativos como los recursos y cronograma requeridos. El objetivo es proveer una guía general para el dise?o de una investigación académica.
This document summarizes information about several noxious weed species found in Colorado and Mesa County. It describes the identification, life cycles, control methods and status of weeds like bull thistle, musk thistle, plumeless thistle, Scotch thistle, yellow starthistle, Canada thistle, and three types of knapweed. Control involves mechanical, chemical and biological methods, with the goal of preventing seed production and spread. Some species are more widespread problems than others in Mesa County.
This document provides a guide to identifying broadleaf and grass weed seedlings through their characteristics and colored photos. It includes keys to identify weeds based on their cotyledon shape, leaf shape, size and position. Broadleaf weeds are described as having wider leaves than grasses, with two cotyledons and branching veins. The guide differentiates between small and large cotyledon size and opposite versus alternate leaf positioning. Colored photos of 38 common weed species are included for visual identification.
The AIESEC Way document outlines the organization's values and vision for its members. It describes 4 key member values: being self-aware, acting as a world citizen, empowering others, and being solution-oriented. It also lists AIESEC's vision which includes enjoying integrity, striving for excellence sustainably, demonstrating leadership, embracing diversity, and living the values.
Consumer Credit Scoring Using Logistic Regression and Random ForestHirak Sen Roy
The document discusses using logistic regression and random forest models for consumer credit scoring. It begins by introducing credit scoring and explaining that the goal is to classify applicants as "good" or "bad" credit risks. It then outlines the typical steps taken in developing a credit scoring model, including understanding the problem, defining variables, exploratory data analysis, and splitting data into training and test sets. The document focuses on logistic regression, explaining the logistic regression model and how it is fitted. It also briefly introduces random forest methods and LASSO regularization.
Portuguese Bank - Direct Marketing CampaignRehan Akhtar
The document describes a dataset from a Portuguese banking institution containing customer information and marketing campaign data. It includes details on 16 input variables like customer age, job, contact details, and previous campaign outcomes. The goal is to predict if a customer will subscribe to a term deposit based on these variables. Various analyses were performed including descriptive statistics, clustering, feature selection and classification models. The best model achieved 88% accuracy in predicting subscriptions.
This document provides a step-by-step guide for nonprofit organizations to create a mission statement as a group in 1-2 hours. It involves 6 steps: 1) storytelling in small groups to identify key elements, 2) sharing stories to identify common themes, 3) crafting mission statements incorporating the themes, 4) sharing draft statements, 5) discussing the importance and achievability of the mission, and 6) finalizing the wording. The goal is for the team to develop a simple and memorable mission statement that reflects what the organization stands for and its intended impact.
Media and Information Literacy (MIL) 7. Legal, Ethical, and Societal Issues i...Arniel Ping
Erratum.Page 23 0f 29. Formative Assessment Question no. 1 is ''Why is plagiarism?''. The correct question is ''What is plagiarism?''. Thank you very much.
Legal, Ethical, and Societal Issues in Media and Information (Part 3)
Topic: Plagiarism:
Learning Competencies
a. define plagiarism;
b.identify and explain the different types of plagiarism;
c. value the importance of understanding the different types of plagiarism; and
d. practice academic honesty and integrity by not committing plagiarism.
Rajesh Singh Bisht is seeking a job where he can utilize his knowledge and skills as a fresh graduate to grow professionally while achieving organizational goals. He has a B.Com degree from C.S.J.M.A University and is proficient in MS Excel, PowerPoint, and working with computers. He has good analytical skills, can identify problems and solutions promptly, and has experience working as a senior claim analyst and computer operator.