LO2 WorkbookcloesteadUnderstanding customers and the market is important for effective marketing. Tools like SWOT analysis, audience profiling, and understanding the 4 Ps (product, price, place, promotion) can help analyze strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Different marketing techniques include events, endorsements, sponsorship, advertising and merchandising to raise brand awareness and promote products.
Comenius barrnaÞórunn TraustadottirThis document appears to be notes from an artist's visit to Barcelona, Spain. It mentions notable modernist buildings like Casa Batlló and Casa Milà, as well as landmarks such as Parc Güell and Sagrada Familia. The notes also discuss Barcelona's Gothic town, customs involving castellers and sardanas, nightlife, and gastronomy. The second half focuses on the artist's school, including activities like a coral group, theatre, class projects, and a festa de les aules celebration.
Logo IdeascloesteadThe document discusses 12 logo ideas for an organization created by the author. Ideas 1-5 involve drawings of waves that are deemed too messy and unclear at smaller sizes. Ideas 6-7 use geometric wave shapes that work better as logos. Ideas 8-9 incorporate all colors from the author's color scheme using geometric shapes and stripes. Ideas 10-11 also use stripes in geometric wave shapes, with Idea 10 preferred. Idea 12's hand-drawn logo has an illegible organization name. The preferred final idea incorporates the organization's name clearly within a clean geometric shape that will scale well and can stand alone as recognition increases.
LO2 WorkbookcloesteadUnderstanding customers and the market is important for effective marketing. Tools like SWOT analysis, audience profiling, and understanding the 4 Ps (product, price, place, promotion) can help analyze strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Different marketing techniques include events, endorsements, sponsorship, advertising and merchandising to raise brand awareness and promote products.
Comenius barrnaÞórunn TraustadottirThis document appears to be notes from an artist's visit to Barcelona, Spain. It mentions notable modernist buildings like Casa Batlló and Casa Milà, as well as landmarks such as Parc Güell and Sagrada Familia. The notes also discuss Barcelona's Gothic town, customs involving castellers and sardanas, nightlife, and gastronomy. The second half focuses on the artist's school, including activities like a coral group, theatre, class projects, and a festa de les aules celebration.
Logo IdeascloesteadThe document discusses 12 logo ideas for an organization created by the author. Ideas 1-5 involve drawings of waves that are deemed too messy and unclear at smaller sizes. Ideas 6-7 use geometric wave shapes that work better as logos. Ideas 8-9 incorporate all colors from the author's color scheme using geometric shapes and stripes. Ideas 10-11 also use stripes in geometric wave shapes, with Idea 10 preferred. Idea 12's hand-drawn logo has an illegible organization name. The preferred final idea incorporates the organization's name clearly within a clean geometric shape that will scale well and can stand alone as recognition increases.
Interviw techn workshop Asif JamalThis document provides information about the interview process from the perspectives of both the candidate and the interviewer. It discusses researching the company beforehand, appropriate interview attire and behavior, common interview question types and strategies for answering them, how to discuss past experiences using the STAR technique, body language tips, and factors that are often evaluated in interviews. The overall goals are to help candidates understand what to expect and how to make a positive impression, while obtaining information about the position and organization.
Assistive technologyjj00019This presentation explores assistive technology solutions to enhance learning for 7th grade students with disabilities like ADHD, auditory, visual, and verbal impairments. Low-tech solutions for ADHD include organizational charts, color-coded materials, and different pens. High-tech solutions incorporate computers, tablets, and projectors. For visual disabilities, moving seating closer, magnifying tools, buddy systems, and large print are recommended, as well as audiobooks and voice recording lectures. Auditory disabilities are aided by pre-written notes, visual aids, interpreters, and closed captioning. Verbal disabilities can use question boards, notepads, pictures, and sign language, or text-to-speech, laser
Noah Lennox (aka Panda Bear) Secondary Research (improved)cloesteadNoah Lennox, known by his stage name Panda Bear, is an American musician and songwriter. He is best known as a founding member of the experimental pop band Animal Collective. This document provides an overview of Panda Bear's personal life, musical career and discography. It discusses his early life in Maryland, influences including Aphex Twin and Black Dice, and solo albums such as Young Prayer, Person Pitch and Tomboy. The document also includes reviews of his albums and quotes from interviews where Panda Bear discusses his musical influences, songwriting process, and life as a musician.
Photography Extension TaskcloesteadThe document discusses when post-production should be used on photographs. It argues that post-production is acceptable for art as it allows artists to achieve their desired creative effects, but should be limited for factual photography. For photojournalism and documentary photography, minor adjustments for lighting may be acceptable, but extensive post-production could mislead audiences. The document concludes that minimal post-production is appropriate for factual images, while artists should have freedom to pursue their visions, and some editing may be suitable for portraits and commercial photography.
Fashion in IcelandÞórunn TraustadottirThis document provides information about traditional Icelandic clothing from the 16th-19th centuries as well as some contemporary Icelandic fashion brands. It describes traditional men's, women's, and children's costumes and materials like lopi wool. Specific costumes discussed include the Upphlutur and Peysuföt worn by women and the traditional men's ensemble. Contemporary Icelandic fashion brands highlighted are Farmers Market, 66NORTH, Steinunn, and Mundi. In conclusion, it outlines some popular brands and styles typically worn by Icelandic teenagers today.
Design Pro Forma (with improvements)cloesteadThe document describes the development of an advertisement design for an energy drink. It discusses initial ideas including using a panda character and pouring drinks. Various font and color scheme options are explored. The final advertisement features the panda character repeated on a black background with the drink pouring behind. The brand name and can image are placed over the top with the background opacity lowered so they are clearer. Overall, the advertisement aims to have a minimal, printed look to promote the Japanese-inspired energy drink brand.
National Union of Journalists Presentation Part 3 (improved)cloesteadThis document summarizes key legal and ethical issues related to journalism. It discusses laws around defamation, copyright, protecting children and young persons, confidentiality, official secrets, and codes of practice. Regarding defamation, journalists can face legal consequences for publishing false information that damages a person's reputation. Copyright law protects intellectual property and journalists must not plagiarize. Laws and codes aim to protect children's privacy and welfare. Journalists have a duty to keep sources confidential. Official secrets laws regulate disclosure of classified government information. Codes of practice provide ethical guidance for journalists.
Canon Getting Started Guide (with Improvements)cloesteadThe document discusses various camera settings that impact photographs, including aperture, shutter speed, ISO, white balance, and post-processing techniques. Aperture refers to the depth of field and is measured in f-numbers, with lower numbers producing a shallower depth of field. Shutter speed determines how movement is captured, with faster speeds freezing action and slower speeds blurring it. ISO controls the camera's light sensitivity, with higher numbers increasing noise. White balance settings adjust the color temperature to compensate for lighting conditions. Post-processing can refine images through cropping, adjusting levels and curves, dodging and burning areas, and modifying color.
дифференциация учащихсяAV_SmirnovaДифференциация учащихся по уровню их возможности усвоения материала и скорости в выполнении различных видов упражнений при раздаче индивидуальных заданий в процессе урока
Working to a Brief pro-forma (with improvements)cloesteadThe document discusses different types of briefs that can be used when clients hire media companies or producers to work on projects. It defines and compares contractual, formal, informal, co-operative, negotiated, commission, tender, and competition briefs. The main advantages and disadvantages of each brief type are outlined. The key information is that different brief types determine the level of flexibility, legal obligations, potential for misunderstandings, and creative control between the client and producer.
The document also includes a section where the client must determine what type of brief is being used for a recipe card project based on the information provided. It is concluded that it is a formal brief.
Surfers Against Sewage Finished Products Evaluation (improved)cloesteadThis document provides an evaluation of logo and campaign poster designs created for the organization Surfers Against Sewage. For the logo, the designer created a geometric wave shape using two shades of blue and stripes. They reflect on how effective the techniques and content are at communicating the organization's message. For the campaign posters, one was designed for children and one for adults to promote a design competition. The children's poster uses bright colors, waves, and octopus tentacles while the adult poster uses geometry and minimal text. The document analyzes how well each design fits its purpose and audience.
• Notícies i informació sobre la PlayStation 4, la nova consola de Sony que va arribar al mercat el
dia 29 de nobembre de 2013. PS4 destaca per la seva potència gràfica i per les funcions socials
que incorpora. El Dualshock 4 també canvia pel que fa al seu antecessor, inclou un sistema més
avançat de vibració, un panell tàctil i una càmera intel·ligent. De moment, la i les comunitats de
jugadors aposten pel triomf de la nova joia de Sony enfront de la Microsoft Xbox *One.
Coneix els jocs que apareixeran en la nova consola així com les últimes novetats.
• Compta amb processador de 8 nuclis, disc dur de 500 GB i reprodueix DVD i Blu-Ray. A
més, el comandament Dualshock ha estat redissenyat, adaptant-se millor a les mans dels usuaris.
• Han passat vuit anys des que Microsoft va llançar la Xbox 360. Des de llavors, molt ha avançat
la tecnologia en tots els àmbits, amb un internet més comun que mai. Per això, la Xbox One que ha
debutat el 22 de novembre a Espanya i altres 12 països busca unir el millor de la tecnologia amb les
xarxes socials i els serveis en internet.
La Xbox One ja està a la venda a el preu de 499,95 euros (preu recomanat), *incuyendo el
nou comandament de control i també l'accessori Kinect en la seva segona versió, per controlar a
consola amb els gestos i la veu. Aquest accessori serà ara capaç de reconèixer fins i tot el ritme cardíac
de el jugador.
A més de més potència, l'aparell tindrà més en compte que mai la xarxa: es podrà usar Skype, parlar
amb els amics en directe, pujar continguts (com a vídeos de les partides) a les xarxes socials, veure
la televisió en una part de la pantalla...
• Una consola totalment nova amb un comandament innovador Wii U.
• És la nova consola domèstica de Nintendo, una consola que canvia radicalment la relació que tens amb
el teu televisor i la forma en la qual et connectes amb els teus amics i familiars. Una consola potent
d'alta definició amb un comandament extraordinari, el Wii U GamePad, que redefineix com jugues amb
uns altres.
El Wii U GamePad és una segona finestra que ofereix una perspectiva nova a l'hora de jugar: posa a les
teves mans tota la informació que necessites sense que et perdis gens de l'acció i et fa gaudir de les
partides multijugador d'una forma totalment nova, perquè en ell veuràs coses que els altres no veuran.
• Encara que ara mateix es troba en una fase conceptual, almenys en el que han volgut fer públic als
mitjans, Ouya és un dispositiu que pot donar que parlar pel que promet, però sobretot, per la gent que
hi ha darrere del projecte. Es tractaria d'una consola de videojocs, de sobretaula, que a més d'utilitzar el
sistema operatiu de Google, es presentaria com una plataforma compeltament oberta, amb llibertat per
part dels creadors de videojocs per publicar els seus desenvolupaments
• .
El cor de la màquina serà Android, però no per això podem assegurar que els serveis de Google,
actualitzacions, i accés a Google Play. Un altre dels punts forts, de Ouya, és el preu. 99 dòlars.