This document describes an eutectic cooling system for transporting perishable goods. It explains that the system uses eutectic plates that are pre-cooled to maintain temperatures for 10-12 hours without external energy. Some key benefits highlighted are that it requires no fuel, has no moving parts, maintains consistent temperatures, and can transport a variety of frozen and chilled products separately. The document also compares it to conventional blow-cooling systems.
Digital social innovation uses digital technologies to co-create knowledge and solutions for social needs. Co-creation brings different parties together to contribute ideas and select viable ideas. Effective ways to co-create include co-creation workshops, crowdsourcing contests, open-source projects, mass customization where users customize products, and user-generated content. While some efforts like "Dub the Dew" promotions can go wrong, best practices like Intel's "Inside" campaign engaged over 70 million viewers, increased sales by 300%, and won several awards by allowing users worldwide to participate in creating films. The document argues that co-creation provides added value by putting users in charge of creating value and that companies must learn to co-create with customers
This document provides the results of a StrengthsFinder assessment for an individual named Josua Haasbroek. It identifies their top 5 themes as Developer, Empathy, Relator, Includer, and Activator. For each theme, it provides a shared description, personalized insights about Josua, and questions to increase self-awareness and help apply their strengths. Suggested action items are also provided to help Josua leverage their talents. The assessment is intended to help Josua better understand their unique strengths and apply them to add value both personally and professionally.
El documento describe una b炭squeda realizada en la base de datos Dialnet utilizando los t辿rminos "estilo de vida", "sobrepeso o obes*", y "ancian* o adulto* o jubilad*". La b炭squeda arroj坦 46 documentos, uno de los cuales conten鱈a el texto completo en formato PDF. Otro art鱈culo no ten鱈a el texto completo, por lo que se busc坦 la revista en el cat叩logo FAMA+ y se accedi坦 al art鱈culo introduciendo la informaci坦n de la universidad.
Les Fran巽ais et leur pharmacie - OpinionWay pour Pharmacien Manager - avril 2...OpinionWay
This document describes an eutectic cooling system for transporting perishable goods. It explains that the system uses eutectic plates that are pre-cooled to maintain temperatures for 10-12 hours without external energy. Some key benefits highlighted are that it requires no fuel, has no moving parts, maintains consistent temperatures, and can transport a variety of frozen and chilled products separately. The document also compares it to conventional blow-cooling systems.
Digital social innovation uses digital technologies to co-create knowledge and solutions for social needs. Co-creation brings different parties together to contribute ideas and select viable ideas. Effective ways to co-create include co-creation workshops, crowdsourcing contests, open-source projects, mass customization where users customize products, and user-generated content. While some efforts like "Dub the Dew" promotions can go wrong, best practices like Intel's "Inside" campaign engaged over 70 million viewers, increased sales by 300%, and won several awards by allowing users worldwide to participate in creating films. The document argues that co-creation provides added value by putting users in charge of creating value and that companies must learn to co-create with customers
This document provides the results of a StrengthsFinder assessment for an individual named Josua Haasbroek. It identifies their top 5 themes as Developer, Empathy, Relator, Includer, and Activator. For each theme, it provides a shared description, personalized insights about Josua, and questions to increase self-awareness and help apply their strengths. Suggested action items are also provided to help Josua leverage their talents. The assessment is intended to help Josua better understand their unique strengths and apply them to add value both personally and professionally.
El documento describe una b炭squeda realizada en la base de datos Dialnet utilizando los t辿rminos "estilo de vida", "sobrepeso o obes*", y "ancian* o adulto* o jubilad*". La b炭squeda arroj坦 46 documentos, uno de los cuales conten鱈a el texto completo en formato PDF. Otro art鱈culo no ten鱈a el texto completo, por lo que se busc坦 la revista en el cat叩logo FAMA+ y se accedi坦 al art鱈culo introduciendo la informaci坦n de la universidad.
Les Fran巽ais et leur pharmacie - OpinionWay pour Pharmacien Manager - avril 2...OpinionWay
L'Observatoire de la sant辿 - OpinionWay pour Le Figaro - WeberShandwick - ma...OpinionWay
The document describes searching the CINAHL and PUBMED databases for articles on home care for patients with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. Key steps included translating the search topic to English, using subject descriptors, selecting peer-reviewed articles from 2000-present, and saving results to Mendeley. The searches yielded 4 articles total. Vancouver citation style was used to copy the references into a Word document.
2. 03/03/2016 2
Si comparem la
playstation4 amb la
playstation3 veiem un
canvi en el hardware de
processador grfic,
mem嘆ria RAM i noves
A nivell d'usuari
l'experi竪ncia 辿s molt
m辿s c嘆mode i eficient
ja que parlant en
jugabilitat els videojocs
es veuen molt millor i
els controls s坦n molt
Raul Salvador Lopez
1 SMX C. Muntatge I
manteniment d'equips
3. 03/03/2016 3
Hi han noves
tecnologies que ja em
vist en altres consoles,
com el sensor de la wii
o la kinect de la xbox, la
segona pantalla de la
psvita o incl炭s des de
un smartphone
El control de la consola
l'han innova't molt ja que t辿
el port per el micr嘆fon
incorporat, I no m辿s
important tenim un panell
tctil per interactuar amb la
pantalla amb el dit
4. 03/03/2016 4
El tema jugabilitat
encara no hi ha tots
els videojocs que la
comunitat de la
consola desitja ja que
la playstation3 tenia
una gran extensi坦 de
Encara que
els jocs que
surten 辿s veu
un gran
treball en tots
els sentits