These slides were first presented at the DesignWise November 2013 Social Media Breakfast in Door County WI. I added in some additional slides for this Web version that include some of the content of our discussion.
1. The document discusses the inclusion of sexual orientation in South Africa's equality clause in the 1996 constitution, protecting people from discrimination based on sexual orientation.
2. It references several hate crimes against gay and lesbian people in South Africa in 2006 and 2007.
3. It includes testimony from 1912 of same-sex relationships among miners and prisoners in South Africa in the early 20th century.
Experi¨ºncias de aprendizagem aberta, flex¨ªvel e a dist?ncia para a 4? revolu?...UFPE
O momento sinaliza para uma nova revolu??o industrial. Para a primeira (vapor) e a segunda(eletricidade), as modalidades presenciais de ensino, e sua origem militar, foram adequadas ¨¤ forma??o de contingentes de cidad?s(?os) em suas na??es. A terceira revolu??o (Internet) e a emerg¨ºncia das industrias do conhecimento e criativas revelou a necessidade de se conceber sistemas educacionais que formem pessoas capazes de resolver problemas complexos mobilizando muitas formas de racioc¨ªnio, em colabora??o com distintas culturas e promovendo autonomia para si e para outrem. No amanhecer da 4? revolu??o industrial (Internet das coisas) e as necessidades de aprendizagem das na??es s?o ainda mais complexas. Nesta palestra levantaremos alguns cen¨¢rios futuros com experi¨ºncias de aprendizagem abertas, flex¨ªveis e a dist?ncia para o desenvolvimento humano no momento hist¨®rico contempor?neo.
The document provides an overview of content strategy and how it relates to digital publishing. It discusses how publishers think about creating valuable content and outlines a three phase process for digital publishing: 1) Planning, which involves understanding audience needs and objectives. 2) Sourcing content through repurposing, generation, and syndication. 3) Governance to maintain high quality through metrics, reviews, and iteration. Effective content strategy is presented as key to engaging audiences and driving business goals over the long term.
Arachnids are a class of joint-legged invertebrate animals including spiders, ticks, scorpions and mites. They have an external skeleton, four pairs of legs, and live in a variety of habitats including aquatic and terrestrial environments. They hunt and trap insects using webs or other methods. Over time, arachnids evolved modifications for living on land including respiratory and excretory structures as well as leg adaptations for more efficient movement. Male arachnids look for mates that have many legs, are active during the day, and are a similar body size.
The document summarizes the mid-century American anti-vaccination movement as uncovered in the secret archives of the American Medical Association. It describes key figures like Morris Fishbein who opposed the movement in its early years and organizations like the National Health Federation that later spread misinformation linking vaccines to autism despite a lack of scientific evidence. The movement underwent different periods from its origins in the early 20th century through later debates over vaccines in the 1970s-2000s.
Global Climatic Change - Engineers PerspectiveAshok Ghosh
This document discusses the impacts of global climate change and the role humans have played in accelerating it through activities that release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. It notes that if current lifestyles continue, it will take more than 7 Earths to support the human population by the end of the century. It then provides examples of how climate change is already affecting different regions and ecosystems around the world, including through rising sea levels, stronger hurricanes, melting glaciers and ice sheets, droughts, and shifting wildlife populations. The document emphasizes that immediate action is needed to curb global warming in order to avoid grave dangers to our way of life and future.
Objetos de aprendizagem do ¡®desenho¡¯ ao ¡®mercado¡¯... uma trajeto?ria UFPE
O documento discute a trajet¨®ria dos objetos de aprendizagem, desde seu desenvolvimento inicial como ferramentas educacionais at¨¦ sua comercializa??o atual. Ele descreve como os objetos de aprendizagem evolu¨ªram de simples materiais educacionais para ferramentas mais sofisticadas projetadas com base em princ¨ªpios de design, usabilidade e an¨¢lise de tarefas. O documento tamb¨¦m discute como os objetos de aprendizagem s?o compartilhados e disponibilizados em reposit¨®rios online de acesso aberto.
This document discusses the importance of insight and being insightful. It provides definitions of insight as recognizing relationships between objects to solve problems, and apprehending the inner nature of things. To be insightful, one must ask thoughtful questions, look beyond the obvious, not fear reframing problems, and trust their gut. Leading with insight in business means using research to uncover the true nature of problems and identify positions of differentiation, rather than just validating known information. Iteratively reframing problems can provide insights that help businesses create needs for customers they may not yet be aware of.
Arachnids are a class of joint-legged invertebrate animals including spiders, ticks, scorpions and mites. They have an external skeleton, four pairs of legs, and live in a variety of habitats including aquatic and terrestrial environments. They hunt and trap insects using webs or other methods. Over time, arachnids evolved modifications for living on land including respiratory and excretory structures as well as leg adaptations for more efficient movement. Male arachnids look for mates that have many legs, are active during the day, and are a similar body size.
Orb24 is a secure digital portal that allows users to create a personalized Cyber Home to manage, store, and back up all personal and business media in one centralized location. It aims to provide an intuitive information management system and allows artists to easily convert, upload, and share digital copies of their work for publication or with friends and family. Orb24 helps filmmakers back up and share their work digitally in the web 2.0 era.
Experience Design, Convergence + The Digital AgencyCritical Mass
The document discusses the challenges of designing complex digital products and experiences. As technology has advanced, products have become more complicated to use which frustrates users. Experience design has emerged to address this by focusing on human, technical, and aesthetic factors. The roles of experience designers and digital agencies are also becoming more interdisciplinary and "fuzzy" as they address the full digital experience rather than isolated aspects. The ideal team brings together overlapping skills to design experiences across multiple channels in a way that is people-driven.
The document provides an overview of content strategy and how it relates to digital publishing. It discusses how publishers think about creating valuable content and outlines a three phase process for digital publishing: 1) Planning, which involves understanding audience needs and objectives. 2) Sourcing content through repurposing, generation, and syndication. 3) Governance to maintain high quality through metrics, reviews, and iteration. Effective content strategy is presented as key to engaging audiences and driving business goals over the long term.
Arachnids are a class of joint-legged invertebrate animals including spiders, ticks, scorpions and mites. They have an external skeleton, four pairs of legs, and live in a variety of habitats including aquatic and terrestrial environments. They hunt and trap insects using webs or other methods. Over time, arachnids evolved modifications for living on land including respiratory and excretory structures as well as leg adaptations for more efficient movement. Male arachnids look for mates that have many legs, are active during the day, and are a similar body size.
The document summarizes the mid-century American anti-vaccination movement as uncovered in the secret archives of the American Medical Association. It describes key figures like Morris Fishbein who opposed the movement in its early years and organizations like the National Health Federation that later spread misinformation linking vaccines to autism despite a lack of scientific evidence. The movement underwent different periods from its origins in the early 20th century through later debates over vaccines in the 1970s-2000s.
Global Climatic Change - Engineers PerspectiveAshok Ghosh
This document discusses the impacts of global climate change and the role humans have played in accelerating it through activities that release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. It notes that if current lifestyles continue, it will take more than 7 Earths to support the human population by the end of the century. It then provides examples of how climate change is already affecting different regions and ecosystems around the world, including through rising sea levels, stronger hurricanes, melting glaciers and ice sheets, droughts, and shifting wildlife populations. The document emphasizes that immediate action is needed to curb global warming in order to avoid grave dangers to our way of life and future.
Objetos de aprendizagem do ¡®desenho¡¯ ao ¡®mercado¡¯... uma trajeto?ria UFPE
O documento discute a trajet¨®ria dos objetos de aprendizagem, desde seu desenvolvimento inicial como ferramentas educacionais at¨¦ sua comercializa??o atual. Ele descreve como os objetos de aprendizagem evolu¨ªram de simples materiais educacionais para ferramentas mais sofisticadas projetadas com base em princ¨ªpios de design, usabilidade e an¨¢lise de tarefas. O documento tamb¨¦m discute como os objetos de aprendizagem s?o compartilhados e disponibilizados em reposit¨®rios online de acesso aberto.
This document discusses the importance of insight and being insightful. It provides definitions of insight as recognizing relationships between objects to solve problems, and apprehending the inner nature of things. To be insightful, one must ask thoughtful questions, look beyond the obvious, not fear reframing problems, and trust their gut. Leading with insight in business means using research to uncover the true nature of problems and identify positions of differentiation, rather than just validating known information. Iteratively reframing problems can provide insights that help businesses create needs for customers they may not yet be aware of.
Arachnids are a class of joint-legged invertebrate animals including spiders, ticks, scorpions and mites. They have an external skeleton, four pairs of legs, and live in a variety of habitats including aquatic and terrestrial environments. They hunt and trap insects using webs or other methods. Over time, arachnids evolved modifications for living on land including respiratory and excretory structures as well as leg adaptations for more efficient movement. Male arachnids look for mates that have many legs, are active during the day, and are a similar body size.
Orb24 is a secure digital portal that allows users to create a personalized Cyber Home to manage, store, and back up all personal and business media in one centralized location. It aims to provide an intuitive information management system and allows artists to easily convert, upload, and share digital copies of their work for publication or with friends and family. Orb24 helps filmmakers back up and share their work digitally in the web 2.0 era.
Experience Design, Convergence + The Digital AgencyCritical Mass
The document discusses the challenges of designing complex digital products and experiences. As technology has advanced, products have become more complicated to use which frustrates users. Experience design has emerged to address this by focusing on human, technical, and aesthetic factors. The roles of experience designers and digital agencies are also becoming more interdisciplinary and "fuzzy" as they address the full digital experience rather than isolated aspects. The ideal team brings together overlapping skills to design experiences across multiple channels in a way that is people-driven.
1. LA CARTA Definici¨®: Comunicaci¨® escrita adre?ada a una persona absent. Tipus: . Carta oficial o administrativa . Carta familiar o d¡¯amistat . Carta de presentaci¨® de sol¡¤licitud de feina . Carta oberta Redacci¨®: . El tema de la carta determina quin tipus de carta estem escrivint. . Cada tipus de carta segueix una estructura determinada. . Per a cada carta s¡¯empra un determinat registre (col¡¤loquial, administratiu, est¨¤ndard)
3. La carta familiar i d¡¯amistat Manlleu, 8 de febrer de 2005 Ei, Josep! Com et va pel pa¨ªs de les tulipes? Segur que ja el coneixes de punta a punta. I tant! Si ja fa dos mesos que vas marxar! La veritat ¨¦s que passa el temps volant. Encara recordo, com si fos ahir, quan em vas dir que havies decidit canviar d¡¯aires i marxar al pa¨ªs dels teus somnis. Et va costar una mica per¨° finalment vas fer un cop de cap. Saps que he canviat de feina? He fet un canvi radical: he passat de mestre a taxista! I et preguntar¨¤s: per¨° per qu¨¨? Si tenies feina fixa! La veritat ¨¦s que ni jo mateix ho s¨¦! Un dia vaig agafar un taxi i vaig prendre aquesta determinaci¨®. La meva mare diu que m¡¯he begut l¡¯enteniment! Segurament ¨¦s veritat, per¨° jo s¨®c aix¨ª. B¨¦, Josep, a veure si m¡¯escrius aviat i m¡¯expliques com et va la vida. Sort que vaig veure el teu germ¨¤ i me¡¯n va fer cinc c¨¨ntims. Si no, haur¨¦ d¡¯agafar l¡¯avi¨® i plantar-me per sorpresa a casa teva! Una forta abra?ada, Pere
5. La carta de sol¡¤licitud de feina Nom del remitent Direcci¨® localitat Lloc i data Nom de l¡¯empresa Att.: (a l¡¯atenci¨® de...) Direcci¨® Localita Refer¨¨ncia: Ressenya de l¡¯anunci (si hi ha n¨²mero de refer¨¨ncia) Sr/sra ( Cognom ) : 1r par¨¤graf Dades de refer¨¨ncia en relaci¨® amb la convocat¨°ria, anunci, oferta. 2n par¨¤graf Resum dels aspectes claus del nostre curr¨ªculum que s¡¯ajustin a l¡¯oferta de feina. 3r par¨¤graf S¡¯adjunta curr¨ªculum 4t par¨¤graf Comiat Atentament, Signatura Nom i Cognoms Joan Pujades Granell C/Montagut, 3, 4t B 17005 Girona Girona, 20 de setembre de 2001 Ag¨¨ncia Tries Sant Quint¨ª, 40 08026 Barcelona Senyor Pujades, Acabo de llegir en el diari d¡¯avui el vostre anunci, en el qual oferiu una pla?a d¡¯administratiu/iva en un entitat banc¨¤ria de Girona. Em plau comunicar-vos el meu inter¨¨s a ocupar aquest lloc de treball. Considero que tinc l¡¯experi¨¨ncia i la preparaci¨® que s¡¯exigeix i m¡¯ofereixo a fer les proves que cregueu necess¨¤ries. Us adjunto el curr¨ªculum personal que demaneu, on faig constar les persones que us poden informar de la meva traject¨°ria acad¨¨mica i professional. Esperant rebre not¨ªcies seves, resto a la seva disposici¨®. Atentament, Joan Pujades Granell
6. Carta oberta Definici¨®: ?s una carta adre?ada a un particular que ¨¦s publicada al mateix temps en els diaris perqu¨¨ tothom se n¡¯assabenti.