The document tells a story about a man who helps a butterfly emerge from its cocoon by cutting it open with scissors. However, the butterfly's body is shriveled and wings are small, and it is unable to fly. This is because the struggle to emerge from the tiny opening in the cocoon forces fluid into the butterfly's wings, making them strong enough for flight. The document also says that struggles in life make us stronger, and that we receive what we need, not what we want.
The Information Architect And The Fighter PilotCritical Mass
1. The document discusses the work of John Boyd, a fighter pilot who developed theories around conflict, emergence, destruction, synthesis, agility, adaptation, and novelty.
2. It explores how Boyd's theories can help inform the practice of information architecture. Boyd saw decision making as an observe-orient-decide-act loop and emphasized the importance of understanding novelty to create change.
3. The document argues that information architecture as a discipline needs to focus more on discourse, briefing, breaking things, embracing novelty, and balancing expected and unexpected approaches in order to adapt and survive in a changing environment.
This document discusses how social media is relevant to the healthcare industry. It provides 3 key benefits of social media for healthcare: 1) it can help establish brand identity and raise awareness, 2) it allows healthcare businesses to network with others and showcase their mission, and 3) it helps solidify their image for social media users. The document also notes that social media can directly impact anyone living in the US by making the entire healthcare industry more accessible via social platforms. It provides examples of hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, and healthcare organizations that are using social media.
HeartMath Præsentation 22/10 i AlbertslundStig Brandt
Foredrag og præsentation a HeaRt Management's produkter og services til håndtering af stress, angst, depression og smerte med det formål, at opnå velvære glæde og energi, ved hjælp af metoder og værktøjer fra HeartMath.
This document summarizes a lecture about practical programming in Haskell. It discusses reading files, counting words, and improving performance. It shows how to:
1) Read a file into a bytestring for efficient processing, count the words, and print the result.
2) Use the Data.Text module for Unicode support when processing text files, reading the file as bytes and decoding to text before counting words.
3) Achieve performance comparable or better than C implementations when choosing efficient data representations like bytestrings and text.
The document discusses how technology and social media have influenced human behavior and social interactions. It explores how people have moved from consuming to producing media and sharing their ideas openly. This has led to people building their personal brands and expanding their social circles beyond intimacy to include ambient intimacy. Networks now act as human filters that can sort useful information from noise. Overall, the document examines the micro-level sociological effects of social networks on individuals and society.
El documento expresa la dificultad de usar programas como PowerPoint sin un mouse. Sugiere que solo una de cada cinco personas en una familia puede usar PowerPoint sin depender del mouse, y que la persona que escribió el documento tampoco puede usar programas sin uno.
Sustainable development is a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs
This document discusses approaches for measuring social media return on investment (ROI). It outlines a 4-step model for determining social ROI: 1) segmenting and targeting audiences, 2) setting expectations based on industry, 3) determining key performance indicators to measure returns, and 4) using measurement approaches like attribution of online conversions, engagement/advocacy metrics, and analyzing awareness/affinity through sentiment. The document provides examples for each approach and estimates potential ROI values. It emphasizes the importance of optimization and governance for social media measurement and ROI.
Białek K., Białek E., Wykorzystanie internetu do badań trendów w turystyce oraz sezonowości ruchu turystycznego w regionie pomorskim, Wyd. WHSZ, Słupsk 2008.
This document is a list of scientific papers from Volume 6 on physiology that studied changes during the Transcendental Meditation technique. The papers found increased blood flow to the brain, decreased stress hormones, improved immune response, lower cortisol and better biochemical response to stress, lower risk of hypertension, faster brain processing, and EEG indications of restful alertness during Transcendental Meditation practice.
The document provides an overview of a quick passing offense that utilizes three basic patterns: hitch, slant, and fade. It describes the routes run by each receiver within each pattern, including the #1, #2, and #3 receivers. It explains that the quarterback's pre-snap read will determine which side of the field he throws to, looking to a single "key" defender. The individual routes for each pattern and examples of how the quarterback reads the defense and determines where to throw are then shown.
This document outlines a football play formation and play calls for a team. It lists the positions of players in a lonesome polecat formation. The quarterback will call out Spanish numbered plays without a huddle. The first five plays are Uno, Dos, Tres, Cuatro, and Cinco. Adding "SENIOR" to a play call means the tailback will receive the ball. Example play calls include Polecat Cuatro, Polecat Tres, Polecat Dos, and Polecat Uno.
The document discusses the changing nature of work from routine manufacturing to knowledge work. It notes that knowledge worker productivity is one of the biggest 21st century challenges and that intellectual capital now generates most market value. The spectrum of process support is reviewed, from highly structured to unstructured. Examples of adaptive case management systems are provided. Qualities of case management that differ from workflow, like supporting innovation and knowledge worker autonomy, are discussed. The conclusion is that adaptive case management is well-suited to support unpredictable knowledge work processes that require teams of experts to adapt and innovate to accomplish goals.
El documento expresa la dificultad de usar programas como PowerPoint sin un mouse. Sugiere que solo una de cada cinco personas en una familia puede usar PowerPoint sin depender del mouse, y que la persona que escribió el documento tampoco puede usar programas sin uno.
Sustainable development is a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs
This document discusses approaches for measuring social media return on investment (ROI). It outlines a 4-step model for determining social ROI: 1) segmenting and targeting audiences, 2) setting expectations based on industry, 3) determining key performance indicators to measure returns, and 4) using measurement approaches like attribution of online conversions, engagement/advocacy metrics, and analyzing awareness/affinity through sentiment. The document provides examples for each approach and estimates potential ROI values. It emphasizes the importance of optimization and governance for social media measurement and ROI.
Białek K., Białek E., Wykorzystanie internetu do badań trendów w turystyce oraz sezonowości ruchu turystycznego w regionie pomorskim, Wyd. WHSZ, Słupsk 2008.
This document is a list of scientific papers from Volume 6 on physiology that studied changes during the Transcendental Meditation technique. The papers found increased blood flow to the brain, decreased stress hormones, improved immune response, lower cortisol and better biochemical response to stress, lower risk of hypertension, faster brain processing, and EEG indications of restful alertness during Transcendental Meditation practice.
The document provides an overview of a quick passing offense that utilizes three basic patterns: hitch, slant, and fade. It describes the routes run by each receiver within each pattern, including the #1, #2, and #3 receivers. It explains that the quarterback's pre-snap read will determine which side of the field he throws to, looking to a single "key" defender. The individual routes for each pattern and examples of how the quarterback reads the defense and determines where to throw are then shown.
This document outlines a football play formation and play calls for a team. It lists the positions of players in a lonesome polecat formation. The quarterback will call out Spanish numbered plays without a huddle. The first five plays are Uno, Dos, Tres, Cuatro, and Cinco. Adding "SENIOR" to a play call means the tailback will receive the ball. Example play calls include Polecat Cuatro, Polecat Tres, Polecat Dos, and Polecat Uno.
The document discusses the changing nature of work from routine manufacturing to knowledge work. It notes that knowledge worker productivity is one of the biggest 21st century challenges and that intellectual capital now generates most market value. The spectrum of process support is reviewed, from highly structured to unstructured. Examples of adaptive case management systems are provided. Qualities of case management that differ from workflow, like supporting innovation and knowledge worker autonomy, are discussed. The conclusion is that adaptive case management is well-suited to support unpredictable knowledge work processes that require teams of experts to adapt and innovate to accomplish goals.
2. miÅ‚ość nawraca serca i daruje pokój ludzkoÅ›ci, która wydaje siÄ™ czasem zagubiona i zdominowana przez siÅ‚Ä™ zÅ‚a, egoizmu i strachu... Ìý ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý
4. ...niechaj wasze poszukiwania nie będą podyktowane zwykłą intelektualną ciekawością, chociaż ma i ona swą wartość, ale bodźcem do nich niech będzie wewnętrzna potrzeba znalezienia odpowiedzi na pytanie o sens waszego życia...
5. ... niech was nie zadowala nic, co jest poniżej najwyższych ideałów! Nie dajcie się zniechęcić tym, którzy rozczarowani życiem nie słyszą głębszych i bardziej autentycznych pragnień serca. ..
6. ... ludzie są stworzeni do radości. Słuszne jest zatem Wasze pragnienie szczęścia . ..
7. ... prawdziwa radość jest zwycięstwem, czymś, czego nie sposób osiągnąć bez długiej i trudnej walki...
8. ...winniście zmieniać i doskonalić "smak" historii ludzkiej. Swoją wiarą, nadzieją i miłością, swoją inteligencją, męstwem i wytrwałością winniście humanizować świat, w którym żyjemy . ..
9. ...w rzeczywistości dnia codziennego stańcie się nieustraszonymi świadkami miłości silniejszej od śmierci...
10. ...abyście w tym świecie, który mija, byli prorokami świata, który nie umiera...
11. ... nawet lekki płomień, który tylko migoce, usuwa ciężką pokrywę nocy. Ileż więcej światła możecie zapewnić wy, wszyscy razem, jeżeli złączycie się w jedno . ..