Laboratorio sull'infiltrazione del suolo a scopi educativo -ambientali presso l'IC Polo 2 di Galatina (Le), a cura di Chiara De Donno, laureanda in Scienze e Tecnologie per lambiente.
Campagna di sensibilizzazione per un corretto utilizzo della risorsa idricaISEA ODV
Il 22.03.2021 in occasione della Giornata mondiale dell'acqua i soci ISEA ODV lanciano una campagna di sensibilizzazione per un corretto utilizzo della risorsa idrica.
The document contains a title with subtitles and layouts including a chart with numbers in different categories and series. It also includes two content layouts with a table showing class and score data for two groups and a SmartArt diagram organizing tasks for two groups with bullet points below each.
People sometimes present themselves differently online than in person for various reasons. They may do so to protect themselves, have fun by exploring different interests, or to deceive others. Presenting oneself differently can have both positive and negative consequences. Positively, people may feel freer to share their true thoughts. However, it can also lead to uncomfortable situations if one's true identity is discovered. Presenting a different identity online can also negatively impact others by allowing people to say hurtful comments anonymously that they would not say in person, which can create a climate of meanness or distrust.
Compensa investir em publicidade em tempos de crise?Sivaldo Gomes
O documento argumenta que as empresas devem investir durante a crise econ担mica, afirmando que o comportamento de compra dos consumidores n達o muda durante per鱈odos dif鱈ceis e que a presen巽a online e o marketing digital oferecem oportunidades para gerar valor para os clientes e aumentar as vendas.
Italy and Spain share a common history including architectural structures like the Aqueduct of Segovia. They also share borrowed words, similar foods, songs, singers, school games, and a friendship that will last forever despite being separate countries.
Most Vermonters agree with a new law that allows terminally ill patients with less than six months to live to voluntarily end their own lives with self-administered medications. The law requires a 15-day waiting period after being prescribed the medications by two agreeing doctors and that the patient be a Vermont resident. Studies of similar laws in other states like Oregon and Washington found that while over 100 prescriptions for such medications were issued each year, most patients died naturally before ingesting them, allaying concerns about doctors undermining their role as healers or difficulties for families.
The document summarizes the 13 original colonies of British North America, dividing them into three regions: New England colonies (Maine to Connecticut), Middle colonies (Delaware to New York), and Southern colonies (Maryland to Georgia). It describes the key natural resources, religions, and climates of each region. It also discusses economic and cultural influences on the colonies like the triangular trade, Great Awakening religious movement, and ideas of the Enlightenment.
Turn all classwork and homework into the labeled hand-in box near the classroom window. Do not place anything on the teacher's desk, as assignments are unlikely to be found. Students must turn in all completed work, even if absent, by placing it in the designated hand-in box and not leaving it on the teacher's desk, which functions as a "black hole" where work may disappear.
Moving through the classroom in the most direct and efficient way possible helps keep students focused on their work. Students should go directly from one place to another, keeping hands and feet to themselves, quickly completing any tasks before quietly and directly returning to their seats. Following these guidelines of efficient movement and respecting personal space helps create a positive classroom environment and keeps teachers happy.
Light Hands, Heavy Feet: 17 Drills to Help Make Your Mountain Biking More Sta...Griff Wigley
Keeping your hands light on the handlebars is a fundamental mountain bike skill, one that makes your riding more stable no matter what the terrain.
This presentation demonstrates 17 drills that can help develop the habit.
Linee di indirizzo per favorire il diritto allo studio degli alunni adottati ...Ada Vantaggiato
Linee di indirizzo per favorire il diritto allo studio degli alunni adottati, emanate dal MIUR in data 18 dicembre 2014.
Progetto Interdisciplinare a scopo educativo-ambientale,
CLASSE 2^ B Scuola Secondaria di I grado, IC POLO 2 Galatina (Le), Plesso di Noha, A.S. 2013-14.
A.S. 2013-14
Un ponte tra i popoli della terra - IC POLO 2 GALATINA (Le)Ada Vantaggiato
Una raccolta di storie, poesie e messaggi d'autore a sfondo interculturale frutto della fantasia degli alunni delle classi 4^ A e 4^ B (scuola primaria di Noha) dell'I.C. POLO 2 Galatina (Le), aderendo al Progetto d'Istituto Unesco
"Educare alla diversit fonte di ricchezza", svolto nell'A.S. 2013/14.
The document contains a title with subtitles and layouts including a chart with numbers in different categories and series. It also includes two content layouts with a table showing class and score data for two groups and a SmartArt diagram organizing tasks for two groups with bullet points below each.
People sometimes present themselves differently online than in person for various reasons. They may do so to protect themselves, have fun by exploring different interests, or to deceive others. Presenting oneself differently can have both positive and negative consequences. Positively, people may feel freer to share their true thoughts. However, it can also lead to uncomfortable situations if one's true identity is discovered. Presenting a different identity online can also negatively impact others by allowing people to say hurtful comments anonymously that they would not say in person, which can create a climate of meanness or distrust.
Compensa investir em publicidade em tempos de crise?Sivaldo Gomes
O documento argumenta que as empresas devem investir durante a crise econ担mica, afirmando que o comportamento de compra dos consumidores n達o muda durante per鱈odos dif鱈ceis e que a presen巽a online e o marketing digital oferecem oportunidades para gerar valor para os clientes e aumentar as vendas.
Italy and Spain share a common history including architectural structures like the Aqueduct of Segovia. They also share borrowed words, similar foods, songs, singers, school games, and a friendship that will last forever despite being separate countries.
Most Vermonters agree with a new law that allows terminally ill patients with less than six months to live to voluntarily end their own lives with self-administered medications. The law requires a 15-day waiting period after being prescribed the medications by two agreeing doctors and that the patient be a Vermont resident. Studies of similar laws in other states like Oregon and Washington found that while over 100 prescriptions for such medications were issued each year, most patients died naturally before ingesting them, allaying concerns about doctors undermining their role as healers or difficulties for families.
The document summarizes the 13 original colonies of British North America, dividing them into three regions: New England colonies (Maine to Connecticut), Middle colonies (Delaware to New York), and Southern colonies (Maryland to Georgia). It describes the key natural resources, religions, and climates of each region. It also discusses economic and cultural influences on the colonies like the triangular trade, Great Awakening religious movement, and ideas of the Enlightenment.
Turn all classwork and homework into the labeled hand-in box near the classroom window. Do not place anything on the teacher's desk, as assignments are unlikely to be found. Students must turn in all completed work, even if absent, by placing it in the designated hand-in box and not leaving it on the teacher's desk, which functions as a "black hole" where work may disappear.
Moving through the classroom in the most direct and efficient way possible helps keep students focused on their work. Students should go directly from one place to another, keeping hands and feet to themselves, quickly completing any tasks before quietly and directly returning to their seats. Following these guidelines of efficient movement and respecting personal space helps create a positive classroom environment and keeps teachers happy.
Light Hands, Heavy Feet: 17 Drills to Help Make Your Mountain Biking More Sta...Griff Wigley
Keeping your hands light on the handlebars is a fundamental mountain bike skill, one that makes your riding more stable no matter what the terrain.
This presentation demonstrates 17 drills that can help develop the habit.
Linee di indirizzo per favorire il diritto allo studio degli alunni adottati ...Ada Vantaggiato
Linee di indirizzo per favorire il diritto allo studio degli alunni adottati, emanate dal MIUR in data 18 dicembre 2014.
Progetto Interdisciplinare a scopo educativo-ambientale,
CLASSE 2^ B Scuola Secondaria di I grado, IC POLO 2 Galatina (Le), Plesso di Noha, A.S. 2013-14.
A.S. 2013-14
Un ponte tra i popoli della terra - IC POLO 2 GALATINA (Le)Ada Vantaggiato
Una raccolta di storie, poesie e messaggi d'autore a sfondo interculturale frutto della fantasia degli alunni delle classi 4^ A e 4^ B (scuola primaria di Noha) dell'I.C. POLO 2 Galatina (Le), aderendo al Progetto d'Istituto Unesco
"Educare alla diversit fonte di ricchezza", svolto nell'A.S. 2013/14.
Laboratorio linguistico PON: parole, segni e disegni capire con e per 1bisAda Vantaggiato
Laboratorio linguistico PON: parole, segni e disegni, capire con e per 1 bis.
Percorso ludico - laboratoriale svolto con alunni di scuola primaria presso l'I.C. POLO 2 GALATINA (Le), mirante a potenziare la capacit di leggere e produrre messaggi utilizzando codici diversi e attivando procedure logiche e analogiche, nonch竪 una pi湛 efficace organizzazione della memoria.
LABORATORIO PON D'INFORMATICA - Il linguaggio digitale 2: pronti, partenza, via!!!
Laboratorio multimediale svolto con alunni di scuola primaria presso l'I.C. POLO 2 GALATINA (Le)
Schema da utilizzare per verbalizzare l'incontro del GRUPPO HANDICAP che avviene all'inizio d'anno, in itinere e finale tra Docenti, Equipe Multidisciplinare (neuropsichiatra, psicologo, assistente sociale), genitori e Capo d'Istituto.
Schema per l'osservazione iniziale dell'alunno disabile di Ada VantaggiatoAda Vantaggiato
Schema utile ai docenti di sostegno e all'intero team per l'analisi della situazione di partenza di un alunno/a con disabilit a cura di Ada Vantaggiato (docente specialista per il sostegno didattico)
Amici nel mondo ... un viaggio interculturaleAda Vantaggiato
Un 'viaggio' interculturale in compagnia di Matteo e Giulio, scoprendo usi, costumi e tradizioni in ogni angolo della Terra, fatto dagli alunni della classe 4^ C (scuola primaria) dell'I.C. POLO 2 Galatina (Le), aderendo al Progetto d'Istituto Unesco "Educare alla diversit fonte di ricchezza", svolto nell'A.S. 2013/14.
Test Bank for Understanding Abnormal Behavior, 10th Edition : Suedementogge
Test Bank for Understanding Abnormal Behavior, 10th Edition : Sue
Test Bank for Understanding Abnormal Behavior, 10th Edition : Sue
Test Bank for Understanding Abnormal Behavior, 10th Edition : Sue
Test Bank for Foundations of Financial Markets and Institutions, 4th Edition:...orrahnaf
Test Bank for Foundations of Financial Markets and Institutions, 4th Edition: Frank J. Fabozzi
Test Bank for Foundations of Financial Markets and Institutions, 4th Edition: Frank J. Fabozzi
Test Bank for Foundations of Financial Markets and Institutions, 4th Edition: Frank J. Fabozzi
Test Bank for Canadian Organizational Behaviour, 10th Edition, Steven McShane...izmarmelum
Test Bank for Canadian Organizational Behaviour, 10th Edition, Steven McShane, Kevin Tasa
Test Bank for Canadian Organizational Behaviour, 10th Edition, Steven McShane, Kevin Tasa
Test Bank for Canadian Organizational Behaviour, 10th Edition, Steven McShane, Kevin Tasa
Test Bank for Marketing Management, 3rd Edition, Greg Marshall, Mark Johnstonpplqadiri
Test Bank for Marketing Management, 3rd Edition, Greg Marshall, Mark Johnston
Test Bank for Marketing Management, 3rd Edition, Greg Marshall, Mark Johnston
Test Bank for Marketing Management, 3rd Edition, Greg Marshall, Mark Johnston
Test Bank for Systems Analysis and Design 8th Edition: Kendallalawamajina
Test Bank for Systems Analysis and Design 8th Edition: Kendall
Test Bank for Systems Analysis and Design 8th Edition: Kendall
Test Bank for Systems Analysis and Design 8th Edition: Kendall
Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not-for-Profit Organizations 12...orakategy
Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not-for-Profit Organizations 12th Edition Copley Test Bank
Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not-for-Profit Organizations 12th Edition Copley Test Bank
Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not-for-Profit Organizations 12th Edition Copley Test Bank
(eBook PDF) Auditing: A Practical Approach with Data Analytics by Raymond N. ...osanoarak
(eBook PDF) Auditing: A Practical Approach with Data Analytics by Raymond N. Johnson
(eBook PDF) Auditing: A Practical Approach with Data Analytics by Raymond N. Johnson
(eBook PDF) Auditing: A Practical Approach with Data Analytics by Raymond N. Johnson
Digital Business Networks 1st Edition Dooley Solutions Manualidderkribo
Digital Business Networks 1st Edition Dooley Solutions Manual
Digital Business Networks 1st Edition Dooley Solutions Manual
Digital Business Networks 1st Edition Dooley Solutions Manual
Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not for Profit Organizations 13...orakategy
Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not for Profit Organizations 13th Edition Copley Test Bank
Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not for Profit Organizations 13th Edition Copley Test Bank
Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not for Profit Organizations 13th Edition Copley Test Bank
New Methods of Literacy Research 1st Edition Peggy Albersuxhcablende
New Methods of Literacy Research 1st Edition Peggy Albers
New Methods of Literacy Research 1st Edition Peggy Albers
New Methods of Literacy Research 1st Edition Peggy Albers
Designing Intelligent Construction Projects Michael Frahmewoadetozito
Designing Intelligent Construction Projects Michael Frahm
Designing Intelligent Construction Projects Michael Frahm
Designing Intelligent Construction Projects Michael Frahm
Learning Swift Building Apps for OSX, iOS, and Beyond Jon Manningjelieltoinks
Learning Swift Building Apps for OSX, iOS, and Beyond Jon Manning
Learning Swift Building Apps for OSX, iOS, and Beyond Jon Manning
Learning Swift Building Apps for OSX, iOS, and Beyond Jon Manning
Presentazione della Dichiarazione di Dubai sulle OER alla comunit italiana -...Damiano Orru
Osservatorio sullinformation literacy promuove un incontro online organizzato dalla rete Open Education Italia. n occasione della Open Education Week 2025, dal 3 al 7 marzo, la rete Open Education Italia organizza un incontro online dedicato alla presentazione della Dichiarazione di Dubai sulle Risorse Educative Aperte (OER) il 4 marzo 2025.
Improving Code Quality 1st Edition Yiannis Kanellopoulos & Tim Walkeraokasmaany
1. L acqua e il suolo
di Chiara De Donno
1venerd狸 30 gennaio 15
2venerd狸 30 gennaio 15
Le prime forme di vita sono, infatti, nate
nellacqua, nelloceano primordiale.
E il liquido pi湛 diffuso e la sostanza pi湛
importante sulla Terra: la usiamo per bere, per
lavarci, per innaffiare, in essa nuotiamo e ci
lamentiamo quando piove...
3venerd狸 30 gennaio 15
13. Inquinamento Idrico
Inquinare lacqua significa
renderla inadatta allo scopo
cui 竪 destinata.
Acqua non potabile.
6venerd狸 30 gennaio 15
21. Attenzione allOLIO
Dite ai vostri genitori di portarlo
presso il polo 2 dove sono presenti i
9venerd狸 30 gennaio 15
22. Attenzione allOLIO
Dite ai vostri genitori di portarlo
presso il polo 2 dove sono presenti i
9venerd狸 30 gennaio 15