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Lago Vista Life
Make the new
school year
Lago Spotlight The Lago Vista Library....................................................... 3
The Bigfoot Beat & Other Lago Creatures .............................................. 5
How To: Make the New School Year Exciting!......................................... 7
Exercise of the Month Move Your Body! ................................................. 9
Recipe of the Month Lemonade Iced Tea .............................................. 11
Top 10 Ways to Beat the August Heat................................................... 13
Product Review....................................................................................... 14
Natural Remedies  Magic Elixir............................................................. 15
Spare Money: Turn Your Hobby into Money.......................................... 17
Make a Difference The Emergency Fund................................................ 19
Word Puzzle Lago Vista Life.................................................................... 21
Ask Erin................................................................................................... 23
P a g e | 3
Lago Spotlight
The Lago Vista Library
The Lago Vista Library, and its website,
http://lagovista.lib.tx.us, far surpass any
small town library I have ever visited.
Where other libraries attempt to get
programs, activities, and clubs going, we
are fortunate to have our library be so
There are several and activities already
 Summer reading program
 Story Time program for children
 Lets talk SCIENCE for children
and adults
 North Shore Writers Group
The Lago library is also looking for
interested readers to start a Mystery
Book Club. (You can call 267-3868 to
When you go to their website, you will
find a vast amount of information that is
available to you.
 Ebooks for Texans
 Monthly newsletter
 TexShare (which has
Learning Express
Library and Job &
Career Accelerator)
 Mango Languages
 TexShare Databases
 Resume Builder
And all of that stated above
isnt even mentioning the
regular pages that cover
everything and just about
anything needed for:
 Kids & Teens
 How To
 Workforce Resources
 And more
Hats off to the Lago Vista
Library. They offer great
resources and its all for free!
Weekly August Observances
International Clown Week
National Farmers Market Week
Elvis Week
Weird Contest Week
Little League Baseball World
Be Kind to Humankind Week
August is
Happiness Happens Month!
Here are some special days to celebrate in August
Girlfriends Day
International Beer Day
Sisters Day
Worldwide Art Day
National Relaxation Day
International Geocaching Day
Serendipity Day
Senior Citizens Day
Pluto Demoted Day
& 25th
International Bat Night
National Toasted Marshmallow Day
P a g e | 5
The Bigfoot Beat
& Other Lago Creatures
big揃foot ig foot From Google.com
Noun: A large apelike creature resembling a yeti,
supposedly found in northwestern America.
Synonyms: snowman - yeti
While Googles definition of
Bigfoot limits its ha itat to
northwestern America, sightings
have happened all over the nation.
The great state of Texas has had a
whopping 197 sightings of Bigfoot,
with the last reported sighting
being in May of this year.
Montgomery County, about 200
miles east of Lago Vista, has had
the highest amount of sightings in
the state coming in at 12 reported
Bigfoot sightings. Most of those
were around Sam Houston
National Park and the encounters
even gain coverage in their local
Travis County, on the other hand,
has one reported sighting back in
September of 1980. The report
says, Two men see unknown,
bipedal animal run across road
near Pedernales River.
While you may be thinking that the
Pedernales River is far enough away
that we dont have anything to
worry about, think again.
Many sightings go unreported, and
it is known that just about all
Bigfoot sightings happen in under
populated areas, where deer live,
there are an abundance of trees,
and there is a water source.
Um. That sounds like Lago Vista.
The next time you are driving down
one our arren roads, dont e so
quick to write off something that
you see from the corner of your
A source, who wishes to remain
anonymous, has reason to believe
they spotted a Bigfoot in the woods
ehind the post office
What have you seen  Bigfoot or
If there were no schools to take the children away from
home part of the time, the insane asylums would be
filled with mothers. ~Edgar W. Howe
Fun Facts
 In August of 2011, we spent $7.7 billion on back to school clothes and
supplies. (Just over $5 billion was spent in December 2011!)
 There are approximately 1.5 million kids home-schooled in America.
 100% of schools now have internet access, up from 50% in 1995.
 Of the 7.2 million teachers in America, their average salary is $50,758.
 Kids in Mali go to school for only 2 years; and more than half of them start
working between 10 & 14 years old.
 The average US employee works almost 1 hour, every day, to fund public
P a g e | 7
How To:
Make the New School Year
Its that time of year again when your kids or grandkids are getting ready to
plunge back into school again. While you know that everything will proceed
nicely for them, you also know that the looming first day back at school can
cause anxiety in the kids you love.
There are some easy steps you can take that will not only alleviate their fears
and apprehensions; but can also bring some excitement to this time of year.
One of the biggest things that will encourage excitement in your kids is to help
them realize their old friends will still be their friends in the coming school
year. Throw a back-to-school bash and get all the kids together before the
first day! Try to focus the party activities around school related fun. You can:
 Decorate brown paper bags for book covers.
 Get school calendars marked and ready.
 Have a smorgasbord of different, healthy foods to pack for lunches.
 Design a few bookmarks.
 Have a fashion show with every odys new school clothes.
 See who can find an educational fact the quickest  by whatever
means available.
While you are alone with your child or grandchild, ask them if there is
anything they wished they would have done this summer, and if they have
unfilled summer dreams, see what you can do to make them a reality.
Chances are they will be fulfilled with spending time with you, enjoying
some ice cream, and then heading to the lake.
Above all, if you remain positive and excited for the upcoming school year,
chances are the kids you love will feel the same way as well.
"I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught."
~Winston Churchill
A huge THANK
YOU goes to the
residents and
business owners
that Ive spoken to
so far! Your
generosity and
support mean the
world to me, and
has been
beyond measure.
Dear Readers,
Welcome to the inaugural issue of Lago Vista Life! I am
very excited to be able to bring residents of Lago Vista,
and the entire North Shore area, together with local
businesses so we can keep our communities thriving!
Lago Vista Life is designed to be a lifestyle type of booklet
that will be handed out at the beginning of every month.
While I truly hope you look forward to the printed
publication monthly, I also invite you to visit
www.LagoVistaLife.com as well. On the website, you will
 This booklet in color
 Clickable ads to local advertisers
 A calendar of events
 Local classifieds
 Special articles written by local business owners
 And more!
First and foremost, I want you to enjoy the booklet!
Please send me your feed ack through the contact page
on LagoVistaLife.com, or you can email me at:
Here is to our future on the North Shore,
Erin Chavez
P a g e | 9
Make it FUN!
Are you concerned
you wont get enough
activity? Set up a
challenge with your
spouse, child, or
friend to see who
exercises the most!
The winner gets to
choose a chore for the
less fortunate (ahem
the loser) to do, like
cutting the grass for a
Have fun with this and
it just might take the
place of outdoor
walking in a few
months when the cold
wind is whipping
through your bones.
Exercise of the
Move Your Body!
Weve all heard it efore  walk to get
healthy. And that is definitely not new
news for this area! We are always out
walking these hills! As the months get
hotter though, we are out there walking
earlier and earlier.
The hottest day of the year is August 5th
and the high temperature averages 97
degrees that day. That is simply too hot to
e outside! And, as we all know, it doesnt
cool down much at night, so the morning
temps are pretty nasty as well.
Which brings us to the exercise of the
Move your body inside your home! Pick
every opportunity to move! Do side-steps
while doing dishes, march during
commercials, walk your hallway for 5
minutes, DANCE, walk on your tippy-toes,
do leg lifts and pushups while watching
TV, etc.!
The point is to simply find ways to stay
physically active, in your home,
throughout the day. You will get more
exercise than you realize if you set a timer
to go off every 60 minutes. When it goes
off, set it for another 5-10 minutes and 
Go to LagoVistaLife.com & check out
EXPERT TIPS to learn how to prevent
weekend warrior injuries!
This ad space is available!
Contact Erin at 512-243-8586 or erinjchavez@gmail.com for more information!
To read info at your leisure, go to LagoVistaLife.com/advertise.
Makes 6 Servings from AllRecipes.com
 6 fresh jalapeno peppers, halved lengthwise and seeded
 1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese
 12 slices bacon
1. Preheat an outdoor grill for high heat.
2. Spread cream cheese to fill jalapeno halves. Wrap with
bacon. Secure with a toothpick.
3. Place on the grill, and cook until bacon is crispy.
P a g e | 11
Recipe of the Month
Lemonade Iced Tea
Do you enjoy on ol Arnold
Palmer? If so, you will really
dig this refreshing summer
beverage. Turn it into a
cocktail when you add some
bourbon or spiced dark rum!
Ingredients Makes 9 cups.
3 cups water
2 family-size tea bags
1 (1-oz.) package fresh mint leaves (about 1 cup
loosely packed)
1/2 cup sugar
4 cups cold water
1 (6-oz.) can frozen lemonade concentrate, thawed
Garnish: fresh citrus slices
1. Bring 3 cups water to a boil in a 2-qt. saucepan.
Remove from heat, add tea bags, and stir in fresh
mint. Cover and steep 10 minutes.
2. Remove and discard tea bags and mint. Stir in sugar
until dissolved.
3. Pour tea into a 3-qt. container, and stir in 4 cups
cold water and lemonade concentrate. Serve over ice.
Garnish, if desired.
Bourbon-Lemonade Iced Tea: Prepare recipe as
directed, and stir in 1 cup bourbon. Makes 9 cups.
Spiced Dark Rum-Lemonade Iced Tea: Prepare recipe
as directed, and stir in 1 cup spiced dark rum.
Lago Vista Life August 2013
P a g e | 13
Top 10
Ways to Beat the August Heat
1. Go to the Lago Vista Library!
Thursday: 6 - 7:45 p.m. NORTH
Thursday: 10 - 11:30 a.m. BOOK CLUB
(every 3rd Thursday)
Friday: 2 - 4 p.m. ART and CRAFT
Group (2nd and 4th Friday)
Saturday: 1 - 2 SCIENCE with David
(every 3rd Saturday)
2. Go to the gym to workout, go
swimming, or set up an obstacle
course in your house!
3. Take up an indoor hobby  hand
quilting, make a rug, model cars
4. Check out the two consignment
stores in Lago! One is in Suns
Hardware and the other one is right
across Lohmans Ford.
5. Summer Cleaning. Dont do it in the
fall  the weather is too beautiful!
6. Start a lifetime goal. There is no time
like the present!
7. Get outdoor work done early in the
morning and watch movies in your
living room in the heat of the day.
8. Get some coloring books and crayons
 Its therapeutic!
9. Have an indoor picnic by yourself or
with your friends.
10. Throw a summer
dessert party and
assign your friends to
bring a yummy treat to
make at your house
(like gelato,
smoothies, sundaes,
and Italian ice) and
have a tasting party!
August is so
hot; you can
fry an egg on
an ice cube!
Check out
Expert Tips
on LagoVistaLife.com
for a great article from
an expert on how to
keep heat out of your
Product Review
The other day, I walked into a store that welcomed me with a warm
rush of glorious scent. It was as if I was walking into my Moms
house to a big embrace.
I had to know what that wonderful smell was. I asked the owner of
the store, Shelley Harding, and she told me about the candles she is
Shelley had just about the same experience when she found the
candles herself. The aroma wafted against her nose and she, too,
knew she had to have them. She loved them so much that made
them available in her store.
The candles are called the Morenci Candle. They are highly
scented and long lasting. Shelley is selling them for a bargain of
It doesnt matter if you have a special occasion coming up, or if you
simply want to indulge yourself in aromatic delight. You have to
have one of these candles in your home.
You can find the Morenci Candle at BratFace, 20811 Dawn Drive,
Ste. 300A, right here in Lago.
Full disclosure  Shelley does have an ad in this booklet; but this product
would have received the same review regardless.
Do YOU have a product youd like to know more about? Let me know!
The best
candle ever Photo By: Ellie Chavez
P a g e | 15
Natural Remedies
Magic Elixir
If you Google honey, apple cider vinegar, garlic, and cayenne
pepper, you will find a ton of information on this wonderful
concoction that I call my Magic Elixir. Since I started taking one
tablespoon, two times a day, I no longer feel my pulse in my head,
my cholesterol has dropped, and illnesses/colds are in my rearview
While I cannot suggest that everybody take this elixir, I can tell you
that I hope you would consider it and let your doctors know you are
taking it. It works so well in our bodies that if you are on prescription
medication, you should be monitored so you can reduce your dosage
of the RX.
Here is the lowdown:
8 oz. apple cider vinegar (with The Mother in it)
8 cloves garlic (peeled)
8 ounces raw honey
1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
(this adds to the quickness of the elixir working!)
Put it all in a blender, and make sure the garlic gets all ground up 
you dont want to e surprised with a garlic chunk! (Yuck!)
Put the elixir in a glass jar and allow it to sit in your fridge for 5 days
before consuming. Give it a shake every now and then to help it
along in its maturation.
Feel free to make larger batches  just use the same ratio!
Hell, there are no rules
here - we're trying to
accomplish something.
~ Thomas A. Edison
3 Marvelous Tips When Starting Your Own Business
Believe in what Youre Doing
If you dont feel the passion for it, your customers wont either.
Be Persistent!
Just pull your oot straps up and keep goin.
Let Your Personality Shine
When you put yourself out there, there will e some people that dont like you,
or what youre doing. Stay strong to who you are and what your mission is  you
will find the right people & the right people will find you.
This ad space is available!
Contact Erin at 512-243-8586 or erinjchavez@gmail.com for more information!
To read info at your leisure, go to LagoVistaLife.com/advertise.
P a g e | 17
Spare Money:
Turn Your Hobby into Money
What could be better than doing something that you love to do AND getting
paid for it? Ideally, this is how we all would go through life. Honestly, what
other way would you prefer?
Some people think that they simply have a ho y and thats it  it could not
possi ly go any further. However, if you are good at it (youll know ecause
people will comment on what youve done), there is no reason why you
shouldnt or couldnt be reaping monetary benefits from your skills.
What ho ies do you have? Dont limit your thinking to what people
typically see as a ho y. A ho y is something you do for fun in your
spare time. Write that down:
If you were to pay somebody to do or make whatever your hobby is, how
much would you expect to pay? Write that down:
What kind of people are looking for the end result of your hobby? For
example, if you create stained glass pieces, who would typically be in the
market for stained glass? Think about who wants what you know how to do,
and write that down:
There you have it  you have your product (or service), your price point, and
the type of people you will approach. Simplistic? Yes. But no matter, you
now have a starting point. Get out there and make some spare money!
Find more detailed books (for only $2.99!)
on this su ject at ErinHugar.com & click on  ooks.
This ad space is available!
Contact Erin at 512-243-8586 or erinjchavez@gmail.com for more information!
To read info at your leisure, go to LagoVistaLife.com/advertise.
I wish I could sell
my thingy-ma-jig.
Thats all I ever
hear about. Sell it
P a g e | 19
Make a Difference
The Emergency Fund
YOU can help change a survivors life y giving
them the a ility to make it on their own after
leaving their abusive relationship.
The Emergency Fund For Survivors Of Domestic Abuse will support
payments to counselors specializing in post-abuse therapy and the
cost of living expenses for up to 6 months after leaving a Domestic
Violence situation.
Company Overview
Founded by DV survivor Kellie Jo Holly, who turned her experiences
in an abusive marriage into a blog, "Verbal Abuse Journals." The blogs
were later published in Kellie's book, "My Abusive Marriage...And
What I'm Doing In It."
Along with Kellie, all board members are survivors of domestic
violence and verbally abusive relationships and know how difficult
and frightening it can be to exist without financial help-- even if that
help comes in the form of an abusive partner.
The Emergency Fund For Survivors Of Domestic Abuse (The
Emergency Fund) will support payments to counselors specializing in
post-abuse therapy so that the victim has a better chance of not
staying in the victim mindset and can survive... and then thrive.
The Emergency Fund will also assist in living expenses for up to 6
months after leaving an abusive situation.
To support this cause, search for The Emergency Fund on face ook,
or directly email the founder, Kellie Jo Holly, at
Lago Vista Life August 2013
P a g e | 21
Word PuzzleLago Vista Life
Answers: deer, hill country, fox, lake travis, friendly people, we need rain,
beautiful, simple life. Final answer: Lago Vista Life
Want a text only ad here?
Its only $10 a month!
Do you like what you see and want more?
Youll get more free information and
great deals from LOCAL businesses!
FREE local classifieds * FREE eBook series Create Your Luck
THIS booklet in COLOR * Local Event Dates
August 5th is national
underwear day!
Did you know that married
men change their underwear
twice as often as single men?
P a g e | 23
Ask Erin
Dear Erin,
I have a problem I have a husband and three teenagers. Excuse, me two
teenagers and one young adult. A stupid dog that climbs the fence. One of
my real problems is, that I have so much to do and there are so many things
in my head and sometimes they come out in different ways, It's like I'm 43
years old and I haven't done the things that I really want to do. I don't want
to be like everyone else, boring! It might seem a little crazy but it is the
truth. CRAZY, YES But then I can say this is one more thing that I have done
in my life that I really wanted to do.
~Patrice J.
Dear Patrice,
It reads as if you are at a pivotal point in your life. One of new beginnings.
One of a new way of life. A kind of "screw it - I'm here and I'm gonna live!"
You are feeling like the typical responsibilities of being a Mom are drawing
to a close and it's time to focus on YOU for a change. Possibly a tad bit
irritated by how much you still need to "mother" your husband too?
You said, "I haven't done things that I really want to do..." This is imperative
in the way you are feeling. When you look back, I am sure that you will see
that you have, in fact, done what you wanted to do. You just have been
doing the things you wanted to do based on motherhood, and different
phases in your life.
You are now about to totally enter a different time in your life when you can
invite the real Patrice back out to play. Don't allow yourself to say that you
haven't done things that you've wanted to do. Instead, acknowledge that
you haven't done ALL of the things that you want to do; but now, the time is
upon you to cut loose and be the true woman/spirit you are destined to be!
Ask Erin is a segment where you can write in and Erin will pinpoint specific
words that you are saying to yourself that are holding you back from
reaching a goal, or being the person you want to be. Email
erinjchavez@gmail.com with Ask Erin in the subject line.
Lago Vista Life August 2013

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Lago Vista Life August 2013

  • 1. FREE! Lago Vista Life HOW TO Make the new school year EXCITING! BIGFOOT Beat
  • 2. Contents Lago Spotlight The Lago Vista Library....................................................... 3 The Bigfoot Beat & Other Lago Creatures .............................................. 5 How To: Make the New School Year Exciting!......................................... 7 Exercise of the Month Move Your Body! ................................................. 9 Recipe of the Month Lemonade Iced Tea .............................................. 11 Top 10 Ways to Beat the August Heat................................................... 13 Product Review....................................................................................... 14 Natural Remedies Magic Elixir............................................................. 15 Spare Money: Turn Your Hobby into Money.......................................... 17 Make a Difference The Emergency Fund................................................ 19 Word Puzzle Lago Vista Life.................................................................... 21 Ask Erin................................................................................................... 23
  • 3. P a g e | 3 Lago Spotlight The Lago Vista Library The Lago Vista Library, and its website, http://lagovista.lib.tx.us, far surpass any small town library I have ever visited. Where other libraries attempt to get programs, activities, and clubs going, we are fortunate to have our library be so successful. There are several and activities already going: Summer reading program Story Time program for children Lets talk SCIENCE for children and adults North Shore Writers Group The Lago library is also looking for interested readers to start a Mystery Book Club. (You can call 267-3868 to register.) When you go to their website, you will find a vast amount of information that is available to you. Ebooks for Texans Monthly newsletter TexShare (which has Learning Express Library and Job & Career Accelerator) Mango Languages TexShare Databases ResumeMaker Resume Builder And all of that stated above isnt even mentioning the regular pages that cover everything and just about anything needed for: Kids & Teens Espanol How To eReference Workforce Resources Website And more Hats off to the Lago Vista Library. They offer great resources and its all for free!
  • 4. Weekly August Observances 1st 7th International Clown Week 4th 10th National Farmers Market Week 10th 16th Elvis Week 11th 17th Weird Contest Week 18th 24th Little League Baseball World Series 25th 30th Be Kind to Humankind Week August is Happiness Happens Month! Here are some special days to celebrate in August 1st Girlfriends Day 2nd International Beer Day 4th Sisters Day 9th Worldwide Art Day 15th National Relaxation Day 17th International Geocaching Day 18th Serendipity Day 21st Senior Citizens Day 24th Pluto Demoted Day 24th & 25th International Bat Night 30th National Toasted Marshmallow Day
  • 5. P a g e | 5 The Bigfoot Beat & Other Lago Creatures big揃foot ig foot From Google.com Noun: A large apelike creature resembling a yeti, supposedly found in northwestern America. Synonyms: snowman - yeti While Googles definition of Bigfoot limits its ha itat to northwestern America, sightings have happened all over the nation. The great state of Texas has had a whopping 197 sightings of Bigfoot, with the last reported sighting being in May of this year. Montgomery County, about 200 miles east of Lago Vista, has had the highest amount of sightings in the state coming in at 12 reported Bigfoot sightings. Most of those were around Sam Houston National Park and the encounters even gain coverage in their local newspapers. Travis County, on the other hand, has one reported sighting back in September of 1980. The report says, Two men see unknown, bipedal animal run across road near Pedernales River. While you may be thinking that the Pedernales River is far enough away that we dont have anything to worry about, think again. Many sightings go unreported, and it is known that just about all Bigfoot sightings happen in under populated areas, where deer live, there are an abundance of trees, and there is a water source. Um. That sounds like Lago Vista. The next time you are driving down one our arren roads, dont e so quick to write off something that you see from the corner of your eye. A source, who wishes to remain anonymous, has reason to believe they spotted a Bigfoot in the woods ehind the post office What have you seen Bigfoot or otherwise?
  • 6. If there were no schools to take the children away from home part of the time, the insane asylums would be filled with mothers. ~Edgar W. Howe Fun Facts In August of 2011, we spent $7.7 billion on back to school clothes and supplies. (Just over $5 billion was spent in December 2011!) There are approximately 1.5 million kids home-schooled in America. 100% of schools now have internet access, up from 50% in 1995. Of the 7.2 million teachers in America, their average salary is $50,758. Kids in Mali go to school for only 2 years; and more than half of them start working between 10 & 14 years old. The average US employee works almost 1 hour, every day, to fund public schools.
  • 7. P a g e | 7 How To: Make the New School Year Exciting! Its that time of year again when your kids or grandkids are getting ready to plunge back into school again. While you know that everything will proceed nicely for them, you also know that the looming first day back at school can cause anxiety in the kids you love. There are some easy steps you can take that will not only alleviate their fears and apprehensions; but can also bring some excitement to this time of year. One of the biggest things that will encourage excitement in your kids is to help them realize their old friends will still be their friends in the coming school year. Throw a back-to-school bash and get all the kids together before the first day! Try to focus the party activities around school related fun. You can: Decorate brown paper bags for book covers. Get school calendars marked and ready. Have a smorgasbord of different, healthy foods to pack for lunches. Design a few bookmarks. Have a fashion show with every odys new school clothes. See who can find an educational fact the quickest by whatever means available. While you are alone with your child or grandchild, ask them if there is anything they wished they would have done this summer, and if they have unfilled summer dreams, see what you can do to make them a reality. Chances are they will be fulfilled with spending time with you, enjoying some ice cream, and then heading to the lake. Above all, if you remain positive and excited for the upcoming school year, chances are the kids you love will feel the same way as well. "I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught." ~Winston Churchill
  • 8. P.S. A huge THANK YOU goes to the local residents and business owners that Ive spoken to so far! Your generosity and support mean the world to me, and has been encouraging beyond measure. Dear Readers, Welcome to the inaugural issue of Lago Vista Life! I am very excited to be able to bring residents of Lago Vista, and the entire North Shore area, together with local businesses so we can keep our communities thriving! Lago Vista Life is designed to be a lifestyle type of booklet that will be handed out at the beginning of every month. While I truly hope you look forward to the printed publication monthly, I also invite you to visit www.LagoVistaLife.com as well. On the website, you will find: This booklet in color Clickable ads to local advertisers A calendar of events Local classifieds Special articles written by local business owners And more! First and foremost, I want you to enjoy the booklet! Please send me your feed ack through the contact page on LagoVistaLife.com, or you can email me at: erinjchavez@gmail.com. Here is to our future on the North Shore, Erin Chavez
  • 9. P a g e | 9 Make it FUN! Are you concerned you wont get enough activity? Set up a challenge with your spouse, child, or friend to see who exercises the most! The winner gets to choose a chore for the less fortunate (ahem the loser) to do, like cutting the grass for a month! Have fun with this and it just might take the place of outdoor walking in a few months when the cold wind is whipping through your bones. Exercise of the Month Move Your Body! Weve all heard it efore walk to get healthy. And that is definitely not new news for this area! We are always out walking these hills! As the months get hotter though, we are out there walking earlier and earlier. The hottest day of the year is August 5th , and the high temperature averages 97 degrees that day. That is simply too hot to e outside! And, as we all know, it doesnt cool down much at night, so the morning temps are pretty nasty as well. Which brings us to the exercise of the month Move your body inside your home! Pick every opportunity to move! Do side-steps while doing dishes, march during commercials, walk your hallway for 5 minutes, DANCE, walk on your tippy-toes, do leg lifts and pushups while watching TV, etc.! The point is to simply find ways to stay physically active, in your home, throughout the day. You will get more exercise than you realize if you set a timer to go off every 60 minutes. When it goes off, set it for another 5-10 minutes and MOVE YOUR BODY! Go to LagoVistaLife.com & check out EXPERT TIPS to learn how to prevent weekend warrior injuries!
  • 10. This ad space is available! Contact Erin at 512-243-8586 or erinjchavez@gmail.com for more information! To read info at your leisure, go to LagoVistaLife.com/advertise. Makes 6 Servings from AllRecipes.com 6 fresh jalapeno peppers, halved lengthwise and seeded 1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese 12 slices bacon 1. Preheat an outdoor grill for high heat. 2. Spread cream cheese to fill jalapeno halves. Wrap with bacon. Secure with a toothpick. 3. Place on the grill, and cook until bacon is crispy.
  • 11. P a g e | 11 Recipe of the Month Lemonade Iced Tea Received5outof5starsonmyrecipes.com! AnOUTSTANDIGrating!OriginallyfromSouthernLiving2009 Do you enjoy on ol Arnold Palmer? If so, you will really dig this refreshing summer beverage. Turn it into a cocktail when you add some bourbon or spiced dark rum! Ingredients Makes 9 cups. 3 cups water 2 family-size tea bags 1 (1-oz.) package fresh mint leaves (about 1 cup loosely packed) 1/2 cup sugar 4 cups cold water 1 (6-oz.) can frozen lemonade concentrate, thawed Garnish: fresh citrus slices Preparation 1. Bring 3 cups water to a boil in a 2-qt. saucepan. Remove from heat, add tea bags, and stir in fresh mint. Cover and steep 10 minutes. 2. Remove and discard tea bags and mint. Stir in sugar until dissolved. 3. Pour tea into a 3-qt. container, and stir in 4 cups cold water and lemonade concentrate. Serve over ice. Garnish, if desired. Bourbon-Lemonade Iced Tea: Prepare recipe as directed, and stir in 1 cup bourbon. Makes 9 cups. Spiced Dark Rum-Lemonade Iced Tea: Prepare recipe as directed, and stir in 1 cup spiced dark rum.
  • 13. P a g e | 13 Top 10 Ways to Beat the August Heat 1. Go to the Lago Vista Library! Thursday: 6 - 7:45 p.m. NORTH SHORE WRITERS GROUP Thursday: 10 - 11:30 a.m. BOOK CLUB (every 3rd Thursday) Friday: 2 - 4 p.m. ART and CRAFT Group (2nd and 4th Friday) Saturday: 1 - 2 SCIENCE with David (every 3rd Saturday) 2. Go to the gym to workout, go swimming, or set up an obstacle course in your house! 3. Take up an indoor hobby hand quilting, make a rug, model cars 4. Check out the two consignment stores in Lago! One is in Suns Hardware and the other one is right across Lohmans Ford. 5. Summer Cleaning. Dont do it in the fall the weather is too beautiful! 6. Start a lifetime goal. There is no time like the present! 7. Get outdoor work done early in the morning and watch movies in your living room in the heat of the day. 8. Get some coloring books and crayons Its therapeutic! 9. Have an indoor picnic by yourself or with your friends. 10. Throw a summer dessert party and assign your friends to bring a yummy treat to make at your house (like gelato, smoothies, sundaes, and Italian ice) and have a tasting party! August is so hot; you can fry an egg on an ice cube! Check out Expert Tips on LagoVistaLife.com for a great article from an expert on how to keep heat out of your house!
  • 14. Product Review The other day, I walked into a store that welcomed me with a warm rush of glorious scent. It was as if I was walking into my Moms house to a big embrace. I had to know what that wonderful smell was. I asked the owner of the store, Shelley Harding, and she told me about the candles she is selling... Shelley had just about the same experience when she found the candles herself. The aroma wafted against her nose and she, too, knew she had to have them. She loved them so much that made them available in her store. The candles are called the Morenci Candle. They are highly scented and long lasting. Shelley is selling them for a bargain of $18. It doesnt matter if you have a special occasion coming up, or if you simply want to indulge yourself in aromatic delight. You have to have one of these candles in your home. You can find the Morenci Candle at BratFace, 20811 Dawn Drive, Ste. 300A, right here in Lago. Full disclosure Shelley does have an ad in this booklet; but this product would have received the same review regardless. Do YOU have a product youd like to know more about? Let me know! The best smelling candle ever Photo By: Ellie Chavez
  • 15. P a g e | 15 Natural Remedies Magic Elixir If you Google honey, apple cider vinegar, garlic, and cayenne pepper, you will find a ton of information on this wonderful concoction that I call my Magic Elixir. Since I started taking one tablespoon, two times a day, I no longer feel my pulse in my head, my cholesterol has dropped, and illnesses/colds are in my rearview mirror. While I cannot suggest that everybody take this elixir, I can tell you that I hope you would consider it and let your doctors know you are taking it. It works so well in our bodies that if you are on prescription medication, you should be monitored so you can reduce your dosage of the RX. Here is the lowdown: 8 oz. apple cider vinegar (with The Mother in it) 8 cloves garlic (peeled) 8 ounces raw honey 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper (this adds to the quickness of the elixir working!) Put it all in a blender, and make sure the garlic gets all ground up you dont want to e surprised with a garlic chunk! (Yuck!) Put the elixir in a glass jar and allow it to sit in your fridge for 5 days before consuming. Give it a shake every now and then to help it along in its maturation. Feel free to make larger batches just use the same ratio!
  • 16. Hell, there are no rules here - we're trying to accomplish something. ~ Thomas A. Edison 3 Marvelous Tips When Starting Your Own Business Believe in what Youre Doing If you dont feel the passion for it, your customers wont either. Be Persistent! Just pull your oot straps up and keep goin. Let Your Personality Shine When you put yourself out there, there will e some people that dont like you, or what youre doing. Stay strong to who you are and what your mission is you will find the right people & the right people will find you. This ad space is available! Contact Erin at 512-243-8586 or erinjchavez@gmail.com for more information! To read info at your leisure, go to LagoVistaLife.com/advertise.
  • 17. P a g e | 17 Spare Money: Turn Your Hobby into Money What could be better than doing something that you love to do AND getting paid for it? Ideally, this is how we all would go through life. Honestly, what other way would you prefer? Some people think that they simply have a ho y and thats it it could not possi ly go any further. However, if you are good at it (youll know ecause people will comment on what youve done), there is no reason why you shouldnt or couldnt be reaping monetary benefits from your skills. What ho ies do you have? Dont limit your thinking to what people typically see as a ho y. A ho y is something you do for fun in your spare time. Write that down: ___________________________________________________________ If you were to pay somebody to do or make whatever your hobby is, how much would you expect to pay? Write that down: ___________________________________________________________ What kind of people are looking for the end result of your hobby? For example, if you create stained glass pieces, who would typically be in the market for stained glass? Think about who wants what you know how to do, and write that down: ___________________________________________________________ There you have it you have your product (or service), your price point, and the type of people you will approach. Simplistic? Yes. But no matter, you now have a starting point. Get out there and make some spare money! Find more detailed books (for only $2.99!) on this su ject at ErinHugar.com & click on ooks.
  • 18. This ad space is available! Contact Erin at 512-243-8586 or erinjchavez@gmail.com for more information! To read info at your leisure, go to LagoVistaLife.com/advertise. I wish I could sell my thingy-ma-jig. Thats all I ever hear about. Sell it already!
  • 19. P a g e | 19 Make a Difference The Emergency Fund YOU can help change a survivors life y giving them the a ility to make it on their own after leaving their abusive relationship. About The Emergency Fund For Survivors Of Domestic Abuse will support payments to counselors specializing in post-abuse therapy and the cost of living expenses for up to 6 months after leaving a Domestic Violence situation. Company Overview Founded by DV survivor Kellie Jo Holly, who turned her experiences in an abusive marriage into a blog, "Verbal Abuse Journals." The blogs were later published in Kellie's book, "My Abusive Marriage...And What I'm Doing In It." Along with Kellie, all board members are survivors of domestic violence and verbally abusive relationships and know how difficult and frightening it can be to exist without financial help-- even if that help comes in the form of an abusive partner. The Emergency Fund For Survivors Of Domestic Abuse (The Emergency Fund) will support payments to counselors specializing in post-abuse therapy so that the victim has a better chance of not staying in the victim mindset and can survive... and then thrive. The Emergency Fund will also assist in living expenses for up to 6 months after leaving an abusive situation. To support this cause, search for The Emergency Fund on face ook, or directly email the founder, Kellie Jo Holly, at verbalabusejournals@gmail.com.
  • 21. P a g e | 21 Word PuzzleLago Vista Life Answers: deer, hill country, fox, lake travis, friendly people, we need rain, beautiful, simple life. Final answer: Lago Vista Life Want a text only ad here? Its only $10 a month! Do you like what you see and want more? Youll get more free information and great deals from LOCAL businesses! FREE local classifieds * FREE eBook series Create Your Luck THIS booklet in COLOR * Local Event Dates
  • 22. August 5th is national underwear day! Did you know that married men change their underwear twice as often as single men?
  • 23. P a g e | 23 Ask Erin Dear Erin, I have a problem I have a husband and three teenagers. Excuse, me two teenagers and one young adult. A stupid dog that climbs the fence. One of my real problems is, that I have so much to do and there are so many things in my head and sometimes they come out in different ways, It's like I'm 43 years old and I haven't done the things that I really want to do. I don't want to be like everyone else, boring! It might seem a little crazy but it is the truth. CRAZY, YES But then I can say this is one more thing that I have done in my life that I really wanted to do. ~Patrice J. Dear Patrice, It reads as if you are at a pivotal point in your life. One of new beginnings. One of a new way of life. A kind of "screw it - I'm here and I'm gonna live!" You are feeling like the typical responsibilities of being a Mom are drawing to a close and it's time to focus on YOU for a change. Possibly a tad bit irritated by how much you still need to "mother" your husband too? You said, "I haven't done things that I really want to do..." This is imperative in the way you are feeling. When you look back, I am sure that you will see that you have, in fact, done what you wanted to do. You just have been doing the things you wanted to do based on motherhood, and different phases in your life. You are now about to totally enter a different time in your life when you can invite the real Patrice back out to play. Don't allow yourself to say that you haven't done things that you've wanted to do. Instead, acknowledge that you haven't done ALL of the things that you want to do; but now, the time is upon you to cut loose and be the true woman/spirit you are destined to be! Ask Erin is a segment where you can write in and Erin will pinpoint specific words that you are saying to yourself that are holding you back from reaching a goal, or being the person you want to be. Email erinjchavez@gmail.com with Ask Erin in the subject line.