The video tells the story of an elderly woman reminiscing about her past love through flashbacks to happy memories they shared, as she is now married to someone she does not feel connected to. In the flashbacks, the man drives off a cliff, and later in the video she sees his ghost after driving his old car. The document discusses how this narrative is similar to what the author has chosen for their own music video, and how it provided ideas for locations, actions, and that Katy Perry's video has a more natural, casual style compared to her usual glamorous videos.
Este documento describe un proyecto escolar llamado "NO + BULLYING" implementado en la escuela secundaria n属 104 para combatir el acoso escolar. El proyecto identifica v鱈ctimas y agresores de bullying y ofrece terapia y asesoramiento. Incluye testimonios positivos de una v鱈ctima, un agresor y un miembro del equipo sobre c坦mo el proyecto los ha ayudado, as鱈 como el testimonio de un padre que ahora se siente m叩s tranquilo sabiendo que su hija recibe apoyo.
The cloud has been around for a while and is really starting to take off! Here are some thoughts on security that may be useful and help you get your head around your security exposure.
Veroca started behaving politely after visiting Willy Wonka's factory. Her parents thought she was ill and took her to the hospital. She told them she became educated at the factory because squirrels threw her in the dumping area when she was misbehaving. After 30 years, Veroca became a kind person.
The document describes revisions made to a magazine cover design based on feedback. The main image was replaced with a less pixelated photo of a different person. Additional changes included cropping the new image, changing the masthead color to white for better contrast, replacing the pull quote with a smaller white version, and adding common magazine design elements like "EXCLUSIVE!" banners and more band names. The goal of the revisions was to make the cover look more professional, suit the genre better, and improve readability.
El documento proporciona informaci坦n sobre el g辿nero musical soul. Se define el soul como un g辿nero que surge de la combinaci坦n de estilos como el gospel y el R&B de los a単os 50 en Estados Unidos. Tambi辿n resume brevemente la historia del soul desde sus comienzos tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial hasta las nuevas tendencias de los a単os 80. Adem叩s, describe las caracter鱈sticas del estilo soul y resume la historia musical y discograf鱈a m叩s importante del cantante pionero del g辿nero James Brown.
Este documento describe varias amenazas a la seguridad inform叩tica como pharming, phishing, virus, troyanos, gusanos y spam. Tambi辿n explica dos tipos de seguridad: pasiva que usa hardware para proteger de accidentes, y activa que emplea contrase単as, encriptaci坦n y antivirus para proteger de software malicioso e intrusos.
MULTIC merupakan salah satu sistem operasi pertama yang mendukung time sharing. Sistem ini dirancang untuk mendukung multiuser, multiprosesor, dan filesystem hierarki, namun akhirnya dihentikan karena banyak bug. Beberapa desain awal MULTIC seperti model cincin perlindungan dan segmentasi memengaruhi pengembangan sistem operasi seperti UNIX.
This document discusses web applications and their structure. It begins by defining what a web application is - a single directory or file that bundles together related files like servlets, JSP pages, HTML files, and configuration files. It then discusses the standard structure of web applications, including where different file types like Java code, web content, and configuration files are typically located. The document provides an example of a typical deployment structure.
Los blogs tienen dos partes principales: la vista de usuario y el panel de administraci坦n. La vista de usuario muestra elementos como la cabecera, la columna principal con las entradas, y una barra lateral con navegaci坦n y widgets. El panel de administraci坦n, accesible s坦lo a usuarios autorizados, permite crear, editar y moderar entradas, configurar par叩metros y personalizar el dise単o.
Los instrumentos de evaluaci坦n incluyen un cuaderno con un valor del 20%, un blog con un 10%, un portafolio con un 10%, ejercicios o pr叩cticas con un 20%, participaci坦n con un 10%, tareas con un 10% y una evaluaci坦n central con un 20%. Todos los instrumentos est叩n sujetos a la disciplina del estudiante y pueden afectar la calificaci坦n final.
Este documento describe los virus inform叩ticos y antivirus. Explica que un virus es un programa malicioso que se replica a s鱈 mismo para infectar otros archivos sin el conocimiento del usuario. Describe varios tipos de virus como troyanos, bombas de tiempo, lombrices y virus de boot o programa. Tambi辿n explica que los antivirus detectan y eliminan los virus, y han evolucionado para bloquear otras amenazas adem叩s de virus. Menciona algunos de los antivirus m叩s conocidos como Avast, McAfee, Norton, Kaspersky y Panda.
The document is a student's portfolio for their AS Media Studies foundation project. It includes sections on their preliminary research and planning, a draft cover page and contents page for their music magazine, photographs they took and edited for the project, example layouts they researched, and their draft and final versions of the cover page, contents page, and double-page spread interview for their magazine on the rap music genre titled "Rapster". It reflects on the feedback received and modifications made between drafts.
1. Dokumen tersebut memberikan informasi tentang Microsoft PowerPoint 2007, meliputi pengertian, cara pengaktifan, fungsi tools, cara penyimpanan dan penutupan presentasi.
2. Terdapat penjelasan tentang menu-menu utama PowerPoint seperti home, insert, design, animations, slide show, review, view.
3. Diberikan contoh soal uji kompetensi dan remidi untuk mengetahui pemahaman pengguna terhadap program presentasi PowerPoint.
Program ini membuat browser sederhana menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Java yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk memilih antara membuka URL, mencari di Google, mencari gambar di Google, menerjemahkan kata, mencari berita, dan keluar dari program. Program ini menggunakan fitur Desktop.browse untuk membuka halaman web yang diinginkan pengguna sesuai dengan pilihan yang dipilih.
This document describes a multi-client chat client-server application created using Java socket programming. It includes the code for the and classes. The ChatServer class handles multiple client connections and broadcasts messages to all connected clients. The ChatClient class represents the graphical client interface that connects to the server and allows users to send and receive chat messages. The application allows for multiple clients to simultaneously chat by connecting to a central chat server.
The video tells the story of an elderly woman reminiscing about her past love through flashbacks to happy memories they shared, as she is now married to someone she does not feel connected to. In the flashbacks, the man drives off a cliff, and later in the video she sees his ghost after driving his old car. The document discusses how this narrative is similar to what the author has chosen for their own music video, and how it provided ideas for locations, actions, and that Katy Perry's video has a more natural, casual style compared to her usual glamorous videos.
Este documento describe un proyecto escolar llamado "NO + BULLYING" implementado en la escuela secundaria n属 104 para combatir el acoso escolar. El proyecto identifica v鱈ctimas y agresores de bullying y ofrece terapia y asesoramiento. Incluye testimonios positivos de una v鱈ctima, un agresor y un miembro del equipo sobre c坦mo el proyecto los ha ayudado, as鱈 como el testimonio de un padre que ahora se siente m叩s tranquilo sabiendo que su hija recibe apoyo.
The cloud has been around for a while and is really starting to take off! Here are some thoughts on security that may be useful and help you get your head around your security exposure.
Veroca started behaving politely after visiting Willy Wonka's factory. Her parents thought she was ill and took her to the hospital. She told them she became educated at the factory because squirrels threw her in the dumping area when she was misbehaving. After 30 years, Veroca became a kind person.
The document describes revisions made to a magazine cover design based on feedback. The main image was replaced with a less pixelated photo of a different person. Additional changes included cropping the new image, changing the masthead color to white for better contrast, replacing the pull quote with a smaller white version, and adding common magazine design elements like "EXCLUSIVE!" banners and more band names. The goal of the revisions was to make the cover look more professional, suit the genre better, and improve readability.
El documento proporciona informaci坦n sobre el g辿nero musical soul. Se define el soul como un g辿nero que surge de la combinaci坦n de estilos como el gospel y el R&B de los a単os 50 en Estados Unidos. Tambi辿n resume brevemente la historia del soul desde sus comienzos tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial hasta las nuevas tendencias de los a単os 80. Adem叩s, describe las caracter鱈sticas del estilo soul y resume la historia musical y discograf鱈a m叩s importante del cantante pionero del g辿nero James Brown.
Este documento describe varias amenazas a la seguridad inform叩tica como pharming, phishing, virus, troyanos, gusanos y spam. Tambi辿n explica dos tipos de seguridad: pasiva que usa hardware para proteger de accidentes, y activa que emplea contrase単as, encriptaci坦n y antivirus para proteger de software malicioso e intrusos.
MULTIC merupakan salah satu sistem operasi pertama yang mendukung time sharing. Sistem ini dirancang untuk mendukung multiuser, multiprosesor, dan filesystem hierarki, namun akhirnya dihentikan karena banyak bug. Beberapa desain awal MULTIC seperti model cincin perlindungan dan segmentasi memengaruhi pengembangan sistem operasi seperti UNIX.
This document discusses web applications and their structure. It begins by defining what a web application is - a single directory or file that bundles together related files like servlets, JSP pages, HTML files, and configuration files. It then discusses the standard structure of web applications, including where different file types like Java code, web content, and configuration files are typically located. The document provides an example of a typical deployment structure.
Los blogs tienen dos partes principales: la vista de usuario y el panel de administraci坦n. La vista de usuario muestra elementos como la cabecera, la columna principal con las entradas, y una barra lateral con navegaci坦n y widgets. El panel de administraci坦n, accesible s坦lo a usuarios autorizados, permite crear, editar y moderar entradas, configurar par叩metros y personalizar el dise単o.
Los instrumentos de evaluaci坦n incluyen un cuaderno con un valor del 20%, un blog con un 10%, un portafolio con un 10%, ejercicios o pr叩cticas con un 20%, participaci坦n con un 10%, tareas con un 10% y una evaluaci坦n central con un 20%. Todos los instrumentos est叩n sujetos a la disciplina del estudiante y pueden afectar la calificaci坦n final.
Este documento describe los virus inform叩ticos y antivirus. Explica que un virus es un programa malicioso que se replica a s鱈 mismo para infectar otros archivos sin el conocimiento del usuario. Describe varios tipos de virus como troyanos, bombas de tiempo, lombrices y virus de boot o programa. Tambi辿n explica que los antivirus detectan y eliminan los virus, y han evolucionado para bloquear otras amenazas adem叩s de virus. Menciona algunos de los antivirus m叩s conocidos como Avast, McAfee, Norton, Kaspersky y Panda.
The document is a student's portfolio for their AS Media Studies foundation project. It includes sections on their preliminary research and planning, a draft cover page and contents page for their music magazine, photographs they took and edited for the project, example layouts they researched, and their draft and final versions of the cover page, contents page, and double-page spread interview for their magazine on the rap music genre titled "Rapster". It reflects on the feedback received and modifications made between drafts.
1. Dokumen tersebut memberikan informasi tentang Microsoft PowerPoint 2007, meliputi pengertian, cara pengaktifan, fungsi tools, cara penyimpanan dan penutupan presentasi.
2. Terdapat penjelasan tentang menu-menu utama PowerPoint seperti home, insert, design, animations, slide show, review, view.
3. Diberikan contoh soal uji kompetensi dan remidi untuk mengetahui pemahaman pengguna terhadap program presentasi PowerPoint.
Program ini membuat browser sederhana menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Java yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk memilih antara membuka URL, mencari di Google, mencari gambar di Google, menerjemahkan kata, mencari berita, dan keluar dari program. Program ini menggunakan fitur Desktop.browse untuk membuka halaman web yang diinginkan pengguna sesuai dengan pilihan yang dipilih.
This document describes a multi-client chat client-server application created using Java socket programming. It includes the code for the and classes. The ChatServer class handles multiple client connections and broadcasts messages to all connected clients. The ChatClient class represents the graphical client interface that connects to the server and allows users to send and receive chat messages. The application allows for multiple clients to simultaneously chat by connecting to a central chat server.
This document describes a Java program that implements an information server and client. The server program listens for connections on port 50000 and responds to client commands with information like the current time or network details. The client program connects to the server and allows the user to enter commands like TIME, NET, or QUIT to retrieve data from the server and then closes the connection. Code snippets are provided for both the server and client programs along with descriptions of how they work and example outputs.
Program Java sederhana untuk mengambil nama komputer berdasarkan alamat IP dengan menggunakan package dan method getLocalHost() dan getHostName(). Program mencetak nama komputer yang dijalankan.
This document describes a Java program called that is used to retrieve the IP address of the local computer. The program imports the necessary Java networking classes, gets the local host InetAddress, and then retrieves and prints out the byte array representation of the IP address, separating each byte value with a period. When run, the program outputs the IP address of the local computer.
1. Program Info Server dan info
client dengan menggunakan
bahasa Pemrograman Java
Oleh :
import java.util.*;
public class InfoServer{
private final int INFO_PORT=50000;
private String datafromClient;
public infoserver() {
BufferedReader inFromClient;
DataOutputStream outToClient;
Socket serverSocket;
try {
ServerSocket infoserver =
new ServerSocket(INFO_PORT);
System.out.println("Server siap...");
while (true){
serverSocket = infoserver.accept();
System.out.println("Ada client" +
"yang terkoneksi!");
inFromClient =
new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(
3. serverSocket.getInputStream()));
outToClient =
new DataOutputStream(
outToClient.writeBytes("InfoServer versi 0.1n"+
"hanya untuk testing..n"+
"Silahkan berikan perintah TIME|NET|QUITn");
boolean isQUIT = false;
while (!isQUIT) {
datafromClient = inFromClient.readLine();
if (datafromClient.startsWith("TIME")){
Date().toString() + "n");
} else if (datafromClient.startsWith("NET")){
} else if (datafromClient.startsWith("QUIT"))
isQUIT = true;
System.out.println("Koneksi client sudah
catch (IOException ioe) {
4. System.out.print("error:" + ioe);
catch (Exception e) {
System.out.print("error:" + e);
public static void main(String[]args) {
new infoserver();
Setelah di compile, maka hasilnya dapat dilihat seperti dibawah ini:
import java.util.*;
public class InfoClient {
private final int INFO_PORT=50000;
private final String TargetHost = "localhost";
private final String QUIT = "QUIT";
5. public InfoClient() {
try {
BufferedReader inFromUser =
new BufferedReader(new
Socket clientSocket = new
Socket(TargetHost, INFO_PORT);
DataOutputStream outToServer =
new DataOutputStream(
BufferedReader inFromServer =
new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(
boolean isQuit = false;
while (!isQuit) {
System.out.print("Ketikkan Perintah Anda : ");
String cmd = inFromUser.readLine();
cmd = cmd.toUpperCase();
if (cmd.equals(QUIT)) {
isQuit = true;
outToServer.writeBytes(cmd + "n");
String result = inFromServer.readLine();
System.out.println("Dari Server: " + result);
6. inFromServer.close();
catch (IOException ioe) {
System.out.println("Error:" + ioe);
catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Error:" + e);
public static void main(String[]args) {
new InfoClient();
Setelah di compile, maka hasilnya dapat dilihat seperti dibawah ini:
7. Ketika Client telah terkoneksi dengan server, maka tampilan akan seperti berikut:
Lalu kembali ke jendela Client untuk memilih perintah. Masukkan perintah
yang anda ingin, seperti ini untuk melihat waktu, dan jaringan yang terdapat di
PC/Laptop anda.