Es soc studies tech integration Fewer Notes on 際際滷sstrifman
For EdTech541 class at Boise State University. This is the same presentation but without the notes on the slides (for oral presentations)
Deber de aplicaciones sistemas de informacion vaneyoli
Este documento describe los sistemas de informaci坦n y sus componentes. Explica que un sistema de informaci坦n es un conjunto de ideas para manejar informaci坦n con un fin espec鱈fico. Luego enumera los componentes clave de un sistema de informaci坦n, incluyendo el equipo, los programas, los datos, los procedimientos, la gente y la comunicaci坦n. Finalmente, proporciona ejemplos de estos componentes para un banco.
This short document recommends copying a link provided in the description and pasting it into a browser to obtain a CTR theme. It does not provide the actual link or any other details about the theme. The document is promoting obtaining an unspecified CTR theme by copying and pasting a link.
1. O documento discute a crise das ideologias da modernidade como o capitalismo avan巽ado, o socialismo e o progresso, que falharam em resolver problemas sociais. Isso levou a um ceticismo em rela巽達o modernidade.
2. Apesar da previs達o de seculariza巽達o, houve um "surto do sagrado" com mais pessoas buscando experi棚ncias espirituais para aliviar o estresse da sociedade moderna.
3. Os sistemas tradicionais de valores religiosos perderam influ棚ncia para experi棚ncias pessoais, com diferentes grupos
Galer鱈a fotogr叩fica de una actividad de cuentacuentos desarrollada para el alumnado de Infantil en el CEIP Hoya Andrea (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) en el curso 2014-2015.
The document appears to be a listing of topics related to image processing, communication, embedded systems, and VLSI from 2013. Some of the topics included are 2-D wavelet packet spectrum for texture analysis, automatic license plate recognition, interactive segmentation for change detection in remote sensing images, dual band helix antenna for cardiac pacemakers, and energy-efficient wireless MAC protocols for railway monitoring applications. The document contains over 100 topics within those four areas of research from that year.
El documento presenta informaci坦n sobre la evaluaci坦n neurol坦gica y neuropsicol坦gica de un ni単o de 8 a単os llamado Juan que tiene dificultades en el aprendizaje y la conducta. Se describe el caso cl鱈nico de Juan, los pasos de la evaluaci坦n neurol坦gica que incluyen anamnesis, observaci坦n, estudios complementarios y diagn坦stico. El diagn坦stico es una disfunci坦n del l坦bulo frontal y el tratamiento propuesto es medicaci坦n y terapia psiqui叩trica familiar.
This criminal complaint alleges that Hassan Saied Keshari and Traian Bujduveanu conspired to export defense articles and U.S. goods to Iran without obtaining required licenses, in violation of federal export laws. Specifically, it alleges that from 2006 to present in Florida and elsewhere, the defendants agreed to (1) export defense articles without State Department licenses, and (2) export U.S. goods to Iran without Treasury Department authorization, violating federal statutes on arms exports and trade embargoes. An affidavit from an ICE agent provides further details in support of these allegations.
A Escola de Educa巽達o B叩sica Professor Djalma Bento, sob a dire巽達o do Sr: Claudiomir Nurnberg, situada 叩 rua: Djalma Bento, munic鱈pio de Rio Rufino, atrav辿s da professora Claudia Adriana Della Justina, regente do 4尊 ano/2014 desenvolveu o projeto: Defensores da Natureza em SUPERECOLGICO E OS DEFENSORES DA GUA.
Program ini membuat browser sederhana menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Java yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk memilih antara membuka URL, mencari di Google, mencari gambar di Google, menerjemahkan kata, mencari berita, dan keluar dari program. Program ini menggunakan fitur Desktop.browse untuk membuka halaman web yang diinginkan pengguna sesuai dengan pilihan yang dipilih.
This document describes a multi-client chat client-server application created using Java socket programming. It includes the code for the and classes. The ChatServer class handles multiple client connections and broadcasts messages to all connected clients. The ChatClient class represents the graphical client interface that connects to the server and allows users to send and receive chat messages. The application allows for multiple clients to simultaneously chat by connecting to a central chat server.
This document describes a Java program that implements an information server and client. The server program listens for connections on port 50000 and responds to client commands with information like the current time or network details. The client program connects to the server and allows the user to enter commands like TIME, NET, or QUIT to retrieve data from the server and then closes the connection. Code snippets are provided for both the server and client programs along with descriptions of how they work and example outputs.
Es soc studies tech integration Fewer Notes on 際際滷sstrifman
For EdTech541 class at Boise State University. This is the same presentation but without the notes on the slides (for oral presentations)
Deber de aplicaciones sistemas de informacion vaneyoli
Este documento describe los sistemas de informaci坦n y sus componentes. Explica que un sistema de informaci坦n es un conjunto de ideas para manejar informaci坦n con un fin espec鱈fico. Luego enumera los componentes clave de un sistema de informaci坦n, incluyendo el equipo, los programas, los datos, los procedimientos, la gente y la comunicaci坦n. Finalmente, proporciona ejemplos de estos componentes para un banco.
This short document recommends copying a link provided in the description and pasting it into a browser to obtain a CTR theme. It does not provide the actual link or any other details about the theme. The document is promoting obtaining an unspecified CTR theme by copying and pasting a link.
1. O documento discute a crise das ideologias da modernidade como o capitalismo avan巽ado, o socialismo e o progresso, que falharam em resolver problemas sociais. Isso levou a um ceticismo em rela巽達o modernidade.
2. Apesar da previs達o de seculariza巽達o, houve um "surto do sagrado" com mais pessoas buscando experi棚ncias espirituais para aliviar o estresse da sociedade moderna.
3. Os sistemas tradicionais de valores religiosos perderam influ棚ncia para experi棚ncias pessoais, com diferentes grupos
Galer鱈a fotogr叩fica de una actividad de cuentacuentos desarrollada para el alumnado de Infantil en el CEIP Hoya Andrea (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) en el curso 2014-2015.
The document appears to be a listing of topics related to image processing, communication, embedded systems, and VLSI from 2013. Some of the topics included are 2-D wavelet packet spectrum for texture analysis, automatic license plate recognition, interactive segmentation for change detection in remote sensing images, dual band helix antenna for cardiac pacemakers, and energy-efficient wireless MAC protocols for railway monitoring applications. The document contains over 100 topics within those four areas of research from that year.
El documento presenta informaci坦n sobre la evaluaci坦n neurol坦gica y neuropsicol坦gica de un ni単o de 8 a単os llamado Juan que tiene dificultades en el aprendizaje y la conducta. Se describe el caso cl鱈nico de Juan, los pasos de la evaluaci坦n neurol坦gica que incluyen anamnesis, observaci坦n, estudios complementarios y diagn坦stico. El diagn坦stico es una disfunci坦n del l坦bulo frontal y el tratamiento propuesto es medicaci坦n y terapia psiqui叩trica familiar.
This criminal complaint alleges that Hassan Saied Keshari and Traian Bujduveanu conspired to export defense articles and U.S. goods to Iran without obtaining required licenses, in violation of federal export laws. Specifically, it alleges that from 2006 to present in Florida and elsewhere, the defendants agreed to (1) export defense articles without State Department licenses, and (2) export U.S. goods to Iran without Treasury Department authorization, violating federal statutes on arms exports and trade embargoes. An affidavit from an ICE agent provides further details in support of these allegations.
A Escola de Educa巽達o B叩sica Professor Djalma Bento, sob a dire巽達o do Sr: Claudiomir Nurnberg, situada 叩 rua: Djalma Bento, munic鱈pio de Rio Rufino, atrav辿s da professora Claudia Adriana Della Justina, regente do 4尊 ano/2014 desenvolveu o projeto: Defensores da Natureza em SUPERECOLGICO E OS DEFENSORES DA GUA.
Program ini membuat browser sederhana menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Java yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk memilih antara membuka URL, mencari di Google, mencari gambar di Google, menerjemahkan kata, mencari berita, dan keluar dari program. Program ini menggunakan fitur Desktop.browse untuk membuka halaman web yang diinginkan pengguna sesuai dengan pilihan yang dipilih.
This document describes a multi-client chat client-server application created using Java socket programming. It includes the code for the and classes. The ChatServer class handles multiple client connections and broadcasts messages to all connected clients. The ChatClient class represents the graphical client interface that connects to the server and allows users to send and receive chat messages. The application allows for multiple clients to simultaneously chat by connecting to a central chat server.
This document describes a Java program that implements an information server and client. The server program listens for connections on port 50000 and responds to client commands with information like the current time or network details. The client program connects to the server and allows the user to enter commands like TIME, NET, or QUIT to retrieve data from the server and then closes the connection. Code snippets are provided for both the server and client programs along with descriptions of how they work and example outputs.
Program Java sederhana untuk mengambil nama komputer berdasarkan alamat IP dengan menggunakan package dan method getLocalHost() dan getHostName(). Program mencetak nama komputer yang dijalankan.
This document describes a Java program called that is used to retrieve the IP address of the local computer. The program imports the necessary Java networking classes, gets the local host InetAddress, and then retrieves and prints out the byte array representation of the IP address, separating each byte value with a period. When run, the program outputs the IP address of the local computer.
1. Program Server dan Client
Dengan Menggunakan Bahasa
Pemrograman Java
Oleh :
import java.util.*;
public class Server{
private final int INFO_PORT=50000;
private String datafromClient;
public infoserver() {
BufferedReader inFromClient;
DataOutputStream outToClient;
Socket serverSocket;
try {
ServerSocket infoserver =
new ServerSocket(INFO_PORT);
System.out.println("Server siap...");
while (true){
serverSocket = infoserver.accept();
System.out.println("Ada client" +
"yang terkoneksi!");
inFromClient =
new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(
3. serverSocket.getInputStream()));
outToClient =
new DataOutputStream(
outToClient.writeBytes("InfoServer versi 0.1n"+
"hanya untuk testing..n"+
"Silahkan berikan perintah TIME|NET|QUITn");
boolean isQUIT = false;
while (!isQUIT) {
datafromClient = inFromClient.readLine();
if (datafromClient.startsWith("TIME")){
Date().toString() + "n");
} else if (datafromClient.startsWith("NET")){
} else if (datafromClient.startsWith("QUIT"))
isQUIT = true;
System.out.println("Koneksi client sudah
catch (IOException ioe) {
4. System.out.print("error:" + ioe);
catch (Exception e) {
System.out.print("error:" + e);
public static void main(String[]args) {
new infoserver();
Setelah di compile, maka hasilnya dapat dilihat seperti dibawah ini:
import java.util.*;
public class MultiEchoClient {
private final int INFO_PORT=50000;
private final String TargetHost = "localhost";
private final String QUIT = "QUIT";
5. public InfoClient() {
try {
BufferedReader inFromUser =
new BufferedReader(new
Socket clientSocket = new
Socket(TargetHost, INFO_PORT);
DataOutputStream outToServer =
new DataOutputStream(
BufferedReader inFromServer =
new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(
boolean isQuit = false;
while (!isQuit) {
System.out.print("Ketikkan Perintah Anda : ");
String cmd = inFromUser.readLine();
cmd = cmd.toUpperCase();
if (cmd.equals(QUIT)) {
isQuit = true;
outToServer.writeBytes(cmd + "n");
String result = inFromServer.readLine();
System.out.println("Dari Server: " + result);
6. inFromServer.close();
catch (IOException ioe) {
System.out.println("Error:" + ioe);
catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Error:" + e);
public static void main(String[]args) {
new InfoClient();
Setelah di compile, maka hasilnya dapat dilihat seperti dibawah ini:
7. Ketika Client telah terkoneksi dengan server, maka tampilan akan seperti berikut:
Lalu kembali ke jendela Client untuk memilih perintah. Masukkan perintah
yang anda ingin, seperti ini untuk melihat waktu, dan jaringan yang terdapat di
PC/Laptop anda.