This document provides information about an information security course being taught in 2011. The instructor's contact information is provided. Prerequisites for the course include at least one course in computer networks, network programming, wireless networks, or mobile communications, as well as at least one course in network security, cryptography, data structures, or computer algorithms. Attendance policies state absences over 8 will result in failing the course. The course grading breakdown is provided, with exams, assignments, projects, and class participation accounting for grades. Required textbooks are not listed, as all materials will be provided. References on network security are also recommended.
This document provides information about an information security course being taught in 2011. The instructor's contact information is provided. Prerequisites for the course include at least one course in computer networks, network programming, wireless networks, or mobile communications, as well as at least one course in network security, cryptography, data structures, or computer algorithms. Attendance policies state absences over 8 will result in failing the course. The course grading breakdown is provided, with exams, assignments, projects, and class participation accounting for grades. Required textbooks are not listed, as all materials will be provided. References on network security are also recommended.
13. (Network Address Translation) 于仍 Proxy
亶仆勵仍亢仆亟仂仍弍仂亞亟仂舒舒亟仍舒亞舒亞勵亶弍仂仍仂于 IP
仗仂仂从仂仍舒舒亟仍舒亞舒舒亶亰舒亳仄唏唏唏唏仄亢亳仆亟仄唏仆于亳亶仆 IP 舒磪亳亶亞仂仍亞仂亟仂亞.
丐唏唏唏唏仄亢勵勵亟亟 IP 舒磪亳亶亞 2 仍弍仂仍亞仂亟仂亞: 舒亳从弍舒亟亳仆舒仄亳从.
弌舒亳从舒磪仍舒仍仆勵亠亟唏唏唏唏仄亢弍勵亟亟亞亳亶仆 IP
舒磪亳亶亞仂亳仍亢唏亞亟唏亞.亅仆仂亳仂仍亟仂仍亟舒仄亞亳亶仆舒仍舒仆舒舒舒亰勵亶仍仆 2,
勵勵仆亟仂仂仆唏唏唏唏仄亢勵勵亟亟 1 亳亢亳仍 IP 舒磪仂仍亞仂亢弍仂仍仂亞勵亶.Windows 9x/NT
勵亶仍亟仍亳亶仆亳亠仄勵勵亟 TCP/IP 仗仂仂从仂仍亞亳仆亳亳仍亳亰舒亳亶亳亶仆唏仄仆唏 ARP
勵仍亳亶亞勵仍亢亞亳仍亞亢 IP 舒磪亟舒于舒亢弍舒亶亞舒舒亳亶亞舒仍亞舒亟舒亞.丱于亳亢亳仍 IP
舒磪舒亶唏唏唏唏仄亢勵仍亢仆亟弍舒亶亞舒舒仆仂亞仂仂亞亟于仂仍 TCP/IP
亳仆舒仄亳从舒磪仍舒仍仆于亟唏唏唏唏仄亢勵勵亟亰唏于唏仆 TCP/IP 仗仂仂从仂仍亞舒亳亞仍舒勵亠亟 IP
舒磪舒亶弍仂仍亟仂亞.亳仆从仂仄仗ム亠仆舒舒仍舒亶弍舒亶舒亟礆舒仆亞 IP
舒磪勵勵仆亟仂仍亞仂亞亟仂亞勵亶弍舒舒亳仆舒舒舒舒仆勵亠亟勵勵仆亟 IP 仂仍亞仂亞亟亟仂亞.丐唏唏唏唏仄亢勵勵亟亟 IP
舒磪亳亶亞亟亳仆舒仄亳从舒舒 3 舒亞舒舒仂仍亞仂亟仂亞: RARP, BOOTP, DHCP