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Learning targets:
In this lesson, you should be able to:
1. Understand that at Holy Mass, we remember the Last Supper of Jesus, the importance
of the Mass and the Parts of the Mass.
2. Be familiar with the responses during the Mass.
3. Develop a full conscious and active participation during the Mass.
Learn about it:
At Holy Mass, we remember the Last Supper of Jesus with His apostles. During the Last Supper,
Jesus gave His friends bread and wine which he said were His body and blood.
Today, Jesus also invites us to share this special food in the Eucharist. The Eucharist is our meal around
Jesus. When we receive the Bread of Life, we become closer more and more like Him. We also offer the
Eucharist to remember and thank Jesus for His great love for us. We ask him to always stay in our
Id been to Jerusalem and Ive seen the place called Coenaculum. This place is believed to be
the site of the Last Supper where Christ celebrated the rite of the Eucharist. In the same place, seven
weeks later, the Holy Spirit appeared to many and to the apostles at the Pentecost.
This site of the Eucharist is called The upper room. When I saw this room, there was nothing
in it anymore. Though it was devoid of anything, Christians have much respect to this place. How do we
know that this was the site of the Last Supper? The early Christians put an image of pelican bird into
one of the posts at the right side of the site. The pelican symbolizes Christ Himself. When theres no
food and the nestling got hungry, the mother pelican wounds herself and lets her body and blood be
the food for her little ones. This was what Jesus did during the Last Supper. He gave His body and blood
to be the food for everlasting life.
I remembered a story of a newspaper photographer who was sent to Ecuador in 1987 to cover
for the earthquake that destroyed much of the country in the midst of such catastrophic sufferings, he
witnessed a simple scene of compassion that moved him so deeply to write a story about it. Here is the
The line was long but moving briskly. And in that line, at the very end was a young girl about
twelve years of age. She waited patiently like those in the front of that long line who received rice,
some canned goods and a little fruit. Slowly but surely, she was getting close to the front of the line,
closer to the food that was being distributed. The young girl didnt notice the stress on the faces of
those who were distributing the food. The food was running out. Instead, the young girls attention
seemed riveted on the three younger children who were standing across the street under the tree.
At long last, she stepped forward to get her share of food. All that was left was a banana.
Quietly, she took the precious gift and smiled in her gratitude. Then she ran across the street to the
three younger children. Very deliberately, she peeled the banana and carefully divided it into three
equal parts. She placed one section of the precious food into each childs hand. Then she sat down and
licked inside of the banana peel.
At that moment, the photographer knelt down with tears on his eyes, gazed into heaven and
concluded; I swear, I saw the face of God!
The Last Supper scenario is very much like the story of the young girl. In the Last Supper, Jesus
gave His very self. The young girl did the same! This is a challenge for us all
To be like the pelican bird, to be like the young girl, to be like Christ who gave His life so that we may
Answer briefly the questions below:
1. Each one must bring a piece of bread. Share the piece of bread to as many as you could.
Write down what you feel after sharing. Share your reflection afterwards.
2. Write your reflection about these passages:
A. Sharing is giving of something, not something extra.
B. Blessed are those who give than those who receive.
C. There is no greater love than this: To lay down ones life for ones friends. (Jn. 15:13)
3. What is the most precious gifts thing that you have given to anyone? What did you feel after
youve given the thing?
When the hour came, Jesus took His place at the table with the Apostles. He said to them, I
wanted so much to teach this Passover meal with you before I suffer. For I tell you, I will never eat it
until it is given its full meaning in the Kingdom of God.
Then Jesus took a cup, gave thanks to God, and said, Take this and share it among yourselves. I tell
you that from now on, I will not drink this wine until the Kingdom fo god comes.
Then he took a piece of bread, gave thanks to God, broke it, and gave it to them, saying, This is My
body, which is given for you. Do this in memory of me. In the same way, He gave them the cup after
the supper, saying, This cup is Gods new covenant sealed with my blood, which is poured out of you.
But, look! The one who betrays Me is here at the table with me! The Son of man will die as God has
decided, but how terrible for that man who betrays Him!
Then they began to ask among themselves which one of them it could be, who was going to do
Luke 22: 14-20
The Church was founded. As the new community of the people of God, in the Apostolic
community of those twelve who, at the last supper, became of the body and blood of the lord under
the species of bread and wine. Christ had said to them: Take and eat. take and drink. And carrying
out this command of His, they entered for the first time into sacramental communion with the Son of
God. A communion that is a pledged of eternal life. From that moment until the end of time, the
Church is being built up through the same communion with the Son of God, a communion which is a
pledge of the eternal Passover. (VAT II, Vol. II, p. 68)
Christ gave His life in that unbloody manner for us to know how much God loves us till the end.
His love which Christ had shared unto us in the very depth of our Christian life. This love was revealed
to us by Christ in its fullest degree in His own sacrifice. From these also springs up within us a lively
response of love. We only love, we ourselves begin to love. We enter, so to speak, upon the path of
love. To love to give ones life for others, is the automatic and deepest characteristics of the Christian
In the Eucharist, Christ taught us the school of active love for neighbour. The Eucharist educates us
to this over in a deeper way; it shows us, in fact, what value each person has in Gods eyes. If Christ
offers Himself equally to each one, under the species of bread and wine, this makes us aware of the
dignity of human person. For each one, Christ gives His own body and Blood. He shows and gives us the
depth of His love. (VAT. II, VOlL. II, pp. 69-70)
The last Supper is the unbloody manner of Christs giving Himself for the salvation of mankind.
This giving is the ultimate sign of Gods love for us. Jesus gave the supreme expression of His offering
of Himself at the meal share with the twelve Apostles on the night He was betrayed. On the eve of His
passion, while still free, Jesus transformed this last supper with the Apostles into the memories of His
voluntary offering to the Father for the salvation of man. This is my body which is given for you. This is
my Blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. ( Luke 22:19)
It is Christs self-giving that made salvation possible for us. Our acceptance of Christ and giving
ourselves to others without counting the cost is the test of our faith in god.
At the Last Supper, our Savior instituted the Eucharistic sacrifice of the cross throughout the
ages until His resurrection. He entrusted the Church the memories of His death and resurrection.
Every Eucharistic celebration, therefore, becomes a celebration for us of the Last Supper. In the
celebration of the Eucharist, we are nourished at the table of the Lords body. We give thanks to God.
God is with us, truly present in the Eucharist. In celebrating the Holy Communion, we are uniting
ourselves to God and with each other and God lives in us.
The Holy Eucharist is the sacrament of the New Law, which our Lord Jesus Christ instituted
permanently. His Body and blood, soul and divinity are contained, offered and received under the
appearance of Bread and Wine.
Missa - dismissal; go and do your mission
- the central act of worship in the Catholic Church
Descriptions of the Holy Eucharist
a. The heart and the summit of the Churchs life
b. A prayer
c. A sacrifice
Matter: Bread and Wine
Form: Take this all of you and eat it; this is my body which will be given up for you. Take this all of you
and drink from it; this is the cup of my blood the blood of the new and everlasting covenant. It will be
shed for all men so that sins may be forgiven. Do this in memory of me.
Minister: Bishop, priest
Why does Christ give us His body and blood in the Holy Eucharist?
1. To be offered as a sacrifice commemorating and renewing the sacrifice of the cross.
2. To be received in Holy Communion.
3. To remain ever on our altars as a proof of His love, and to be worshipped by us.
Holy Mass - is the sacrifice of the New Law in which Christ, through the ministry of the
priest, offers Himself to God in unbloody manner under the appearance of
bread and wine.
What are the purposes for which the mass is offered?
1. To ADORE GOD as our Creator.
2. To THANK GOD for His many favors.
3. To ASK GOD to bestow His blessings on all men.
A. At Mass, we particularly obtain:
1. GRACE to repent of mortal sin.
2. FORGIVENESS of venial sins for those who are in the state of grace.
3. REMISSION of the temporal penalty due to sin.
Effects of the Sacrament
1. Unites us with Christ
2. Building up the Christian community
3. Separates us from our sins
4. Takes away social or racial differences
5. To reconcile and be reconciled to and with the church
Alb- long white robe which symbolizes purity of heart
Cape  cloak-like robe used at benediction
Chasuble  real sacerdotal dress which symbolizes the royal virtue of charity
Cincture- cord with which the alb is bound around the waist symbolizing purity
Humeral veil  vestment placed over the cape of a priest during benediction, procession, etc.
Burse  serves as the keeper of the corporal
Corporal- a linen placed over the altar where the chalice and paten are placed
Purificator  linen placed over the chalice which is used to clean the chalice before and after putting
the wine
Chalice  vessel for the precious blood of Christ
Ciborium- vessel which contains the sacred host for Holy Communion
Cruets  containers of wine and water
Monstrance  vessel for sacred host during benediction
Pyx  small hosts are kept to be carried to sick persons
Paten  small round plate placed over the chalice which holds the big host
Reliquary  sacred remains are kept or material things connected with a particular saint are exposed
for veneration
Tabernacle  sacred host are preserved for Holy Communion
Parts of the Mass
I. Introductory Rites
A. Entrance- Sing the Entrance song as the Priest march in procession to the altar
B. Veneration of the Altar and Greeting- The priest opens the Mass with the sign of the Cross and greets
the people.
C. Penitential Rite- We ask Gods forgiveness
1. We pray the Confiteor where we admit that we have sinned and we pray for the mercy of God.
2. Kyrie- We beg Christ for His mercy
D. Glory to God- We pray or sing the hymn of praise that early Christians prayed
E. Opening Prayer (collect)- the priest says Let us pray
II. Liturgy of the Word
A. Readings
1. First Reading- from OT (old testament)
2. Responsorial Psalm
Psalm- a prayer/ song to God found in the OT
3. Second Readings- usually taken from the NT (Pauline letters during solemn and Sunday)
B. Gospel- the 2nd
proclamation of the Word of God
- Means Good News/Message
C. Homily- the explanation of the Gospel Message and the readings
D. Proclamation of Faith
- Apostles Creed- prayer that summarizes our beliefs in God
E. Prayers of the Faithful (General Intercessions)
- We ask Gods help for everyone who needs His blessings
III. Liturgy of the EUCHARIST
A. Preparation and Offering of gifts
- Offertory
1. Preface  the priest leads the people in offering thanks to God
2. (Sanctus) We sing say the Holy, Holy, Holy
3. Consecration  Where the bread and wine become the true body and blood of Christ
a. Epiclesis  the priest extends his hands over the gifts and ask the Holy Spirit to Change them into
the Body and Blood of Christ
b. Narrative of Institution  supreme moment of the mass
c. Elevation  the priest shows us the Host and the Chalice, and we adore our Lord
4. Acclamation  We proclaim the mystery of Faith
Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again
5. Commemoration (Anamnesis)  we remember the saving death and resurrection of our Lord
6. Offering  the priest expresses what is happening, that we offer Christ the victim to the Father, that
we offer ourselves in Him the true Priest, that we become one in Christ
7. Intercession -
8. Doxology  praise of God, the priest raises the Chalice and paten, the Body and Blood of Christ
(We reply Amen)
C. Communion Rites
1. The Lords Prayer
2. Prayer for deliverance
3. Prayer for peace (lamb of God)
4. Breaking of bread and communion
5. Prayer after Holy communion
IV. Concluding Rite
A. Solemn Blessing - the priest tells us to bow our heads and pray for Gods blessings
B. Dismissal  the priest challenges us to go in peace to love and serve the Lord.
Liturgy- a public worship of the Church
- Means a collection of Prescribed forms or ritual of worship
Through Christ our Lord  reminds us that Christ is the one who speaks to the Father for us. Christ is our
mediator and our High Priest
2 Main Parts of the Mass
1. Liturgy of the Word
2. Liturgy of the Eucharist
Missa/Mass  our special meal with Jesus
Jesus  the bread of Life
Transubstantiation  the change from bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ at the Consecration
Eucharistic Celebration - another name for the mass
Last Supper- the special meal of Jesus with His apostles
Communion- receiving the body and blood of Christ in the form of bread and wine
Amen- yes
4 types of listeners (parable of the sower)
1. Seeds fell on path- Non-believers
2. Seeds fell on a rocky ground- listeners who only remember the message of God for a while
3. Seeds among thorn bushes-listeners with many material things in mind
4. Seeds on good soil  listener who speaks Gods message

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Lesson 3 missa.pdf

  • 1. LESSON 3: THE HOLY MASS Learning targets: In this lesson, you should be able to: 1. Understand that at Holy Mass, we remember the Last Supper of Jesus, the importance of the Mass and the Parts of the Mass. 2. Be familiar with the responses during the Mass. 3. Develop a full conscious and active participation during the Mass. Learn about it: INTRODUCTION: At Holy Mass, we remember the Last Supper of Jesus with His apostles. During the Last Supper, Jesus gave His friends bread and wine which he said were His body and blood. Today, Jesus also invites us to share this special food in the Eucharist. The Eucharist is our meal around Jesus. When we receive the Bread of Life, we become closer more and more like Him. We also offer the Eucharist to remember and thank Jesus for His great love for us. We ask him to always stay in our hearts. LIFE EXPERIENCE: THE TRIP Id been to Jerusalem and Ive seen the place called Coenaculum. This place is believed to be the site of the Last Supper where Christ celebrated the rite of the Eucharist. In the same place, seven weeks later, the Holy Spirit appeared to many and to the apostles at the Pentecost. This site of the Eucharist is called The upper room. When I saw this room, there was nothing in it anymore. Though it was devoid of anything, Christians have much respect to this place. How do we know that this was the site of the Last Supper? The early Christians put an image of pelican bird into one of the posts at the right side of the site. The pelican symbolizes Christ Himself. When theres no food and the nestling got hungry, the mother pelican wounds herself and lets her body and blood be the food for her little ones. This was what Jesus did during the Last Supper. He gave His body and blood to be the food for everlasting life. I remembered a story of a newspaper photographer who was sent to Ecuador in 1987 to cover for the earthquake that destroyed much of the country in the midst of such catastrophic sufferings, he witnessed a simple scene of compassion that moved him so deeply to write a story about it. Here is the account: The line was long but moving briskly. And in that line, at the very end was a young girl about twelve years of age. She waited patiently like those in the front of that long line who received rice, some canned goods and a little fruit. Slowly but surely, she was getting close to the front of the line, closer to the food that was being distributed. The young girl didnt notice the stress on the faces of those who were distributing the food. The food was running out. Instead, the young girls attention seemed riveted on the three younger children who were standing across the street under the tree. At long last, she stepped forward to get her share of food. All that was left was a banana. Quietly, she took the precious gift and smiled in her gratitude. Then she ran across the street to the three younger children. Very deliberately, she peeled the banana and carefully divided it into three equal parts. She placed one section of the precious food into each childs hand. Then she sat down and licked inside of the banana peel. At that moment, the photographer knelt down with tears on his eyes, gazed into heaven and concluded; I swear, I saw the face of God! The Last Supper scenario is very much like the story of the young girl. In the Last Supper, Jesus gave His very self. The young girl did the same! This is a challenge for us all To be like the pelican bird, to be like the young girl, to be like Christ who gave His life so that we may live.
  • 2. Activity: Answer briefly the questions below: 1. Each one must bring a piece of bread. Share the piece of bread to as many as you could. Write down what you feel after sharing. Share your reflection afterwards. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 2. Write your reflection about these passages: A. Sharing is giving of something, not something extra. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ B. Blessed are those who give than those who receive. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ C. There is no greater love than this: To lay down ones life for ones friends. (Jn. 15:13) _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 3. What is the most precious gifts thing that you have given to anyone? What did you feel after youve given the thing? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ THE BIBLE SAYS: THE LORDS SUPPER When the hour came, Jesus took His place at the table with the Apostles. He said to them, I wanted so much to teach this Passover meal with you before I suffer. For I tell you, I will never eat it until it is given its full meaning in the Kingdom of God. Then Jesus took a cup, gave thanks to God, and said, Take this and share it among yourselves. I tell you that from now on, I will not drink this wine until the Kingdom fo god comes. Then he took a piece of bread, gave thanks to God, broke it, and gave it to them, saying, This is My body, which is given for you. Do this in memory of me. In the same way, He gave them the cup after the supper, saying, This cup is Gods new covenant sealed with my blood, which is poured out of you. But, look! The one who betrays Me is here at the table with me! The Son of man will die as God has decided, but how terrible for that man who betrays Him! Then they began to ask among themselves which one of them it could be, who was going to do this. Luke 22: 14-20
  • 3. THE CHURCH SAYS: The Church was founded. As the new community of the people of God, in the Apostolic community of those twelve who, at the last supper, became of the body and blood of the lord under the species of bread and wine. Christ had said to them: Take and eat. take and drink. And carrying out this command of His, they entered for the first time into sacramental communion with the Son of God. A communion that is a pledged of eternal life. From that moment until the end of time, the Church is being built up through the same communion with the Son of God, a communion which is a pledge of the eternal Passover. (VAT II, Vol. II, p. 68) Christ gave His life in that unbloody manner for us to know how much God loves us till the end. His love which Christ had shared unto us in the very depth of our Christian life. This love was revealed to us by Christ in its fullest degree in His own sacrifice. From these also springs up within us a lively response of love. We only love, we ourselves begin to love. We enter, so to speak, upon the path of love. To love to give ones life for others, is the automatic and deepest characteristics of the Christian vocation. In the Eucharist, Christ taught us the school of active love for neighbour. The Eucharist educates us to this over in a deeper way; it shows us, in fact, what value each person has in Gods eyes. If Christ offers Himself equally to each one, under the species of bread and wine, this makes us aware of the dignity of human person. For each one, Christ gives His own body and Blood. He shows and gives us the depth of His love. (VAT. II, VOlL. II, pp. 69-70) LEARNING THE MESSAGE OF FAITH: The last Supper is the unbloody manner of Christs giving Himself for the salvation of mankind. This giving is the ultimate sign of Gods love for us. Jesus gave the supreme expression of His offering of Himself at the meal share with the twelve Apostles on the night He was betrayed. On the eve of His passion, while still free, Jesus transformed this last supper with the Apostles into the memories of His voluntary offering to the Father for the salvation of man. This is my body which is given for you. This is my Blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. ( Luke 22:19) It is Christs self-giving that made salvation possible for us. Our acceptance of Christ and giving ourselves to others without counting the cost is the test of our faith in god. At the Last Supper, our Savior instituted the Eucharistic sacrifice of the cross throughout the ages until His resurrection. He entrusted the Church the memories of His death and resurrection. Every Eucharistic celebration, therefore, becomes a celebration for us of the Last Supper. In the celebration of the Eucharist, we are nourished at the table of the Lords body. We give thanks to God. God is with us, truly present in the Eucharist. In celebrating the Holy Communion, we are uniting ourselves to God and with each other and God lives in us. THE HOLY MASS The Holy Eucharist is the sacrament of the New Law, which our Lord Jesus Christ instituted permanently. His Body and blood, soul and divinity are contained, offered and received under the appearance of Bread and Wine. Missa - dismissal; go and do your mission - the central act of worship in the Catholic Church Descriptions of the Holy Eucharist a. The heart and the summit of the Churchs life b. A prayer c. A sacrifice
  • 4. Matter: Bread and Wine Form: Take this all of you and eat it; this is my body which will be given up for you. Take this all of you and drink from it; this is the cup of my blood the blood of the new and everlasting covenant. It will be shed for all men so that sins may be forgiven. Do this in memory of me. Minister: Bishop, priest Why does Christ give us His body and blood in the Holy Eucharist? 1. To be offered as a sacrifice commemorating and renewing the sacrifice of the cross. 2. To be received in Holy Communion. 3. To remain ever on our altars as a proof of His love, and to be worshipped by us. Holy Mass - is the sacrifice of the New Law in which Christ, through the ministry of the priest, offers Himself to God in unbloody manner under the appearance of bread and wine. What are the purposes for which the mass is offered? 1. To ADORE GOD as our Creator. 2. To THANK GOD for His many favors. 3. To ASK GOD to bestow His blessings on all men. A. At Mass, we particularly obtain: 1. GRACE to repent of mortal sin. 2. FORGIVENESS of venial sins for those who are in the state of grace. 3. REMISSION of the temporal penalty due to sin. Effects of the Sacrament 1. Unites us with Christ 2. Building up the Christian community 3. Separates us from our sins 4. Takes away social or racial differences 5. To reconcile and be reconciled to and with the church Vestments Alb- long white robe which symbolizes purity of heart Cape cloak-like robe used at benediction Chasuble real sacerdotal dress which symbolizes the royal virtue of charity Cincture- cord with which the alb is bound around the waist symbolizing purity Humeral veil vestment placed over the cape of a priest during benediction, procession, etc. Linens Burse serves as the keeper of the corporal Corporal- a linen placed over the altar where the chalice and paten are placed Purificator linen placed over the chalice which is used to clean the chalice before and after putting the wine Vessels Chalice vessel for the precious blood of Christ Ciborium- vessel which contains the sacred host for Holy Communion Cruets containers of wine and water Monstrance vessel for sacred host during benediction Pyx small hosts are kept to be carried to sick persons Paten small round plate placed over the chalice which holds the big host Reliquary sacred remains are kept or material things connected with a particular saint are exposed for veneration Tabernacle sacred host are preserved for Holy Communion
  • 5. Parts of the Mass I. Introductory Rites A. Entrance- Sing the Entrance song as the Priest march in procession to the altar B. Veneration of the Altar and Greeting- The priest opens the Mass with the sign of the Cross and greets the people. C. Penitential Rite- We ask Gods forgiveness 1. We pray the Confiteor where we admit that we have sinned and we pray for the mercy of God. 2. Kyrie- We beg Christ for His mercy D. Glory to God- We pray or sing the hymn of praise that early Christians prayed E. Opening Prayer (collect)- the priest says Let us pray II. Liturgy of the Word A. Readings 1. First Reading- from OT (old testament) 2. Responsorial Psalm Psalm- a prayer/ song to God found in the OT 3. Second Readings- usually taken from the NT (Pauline letters during solemn and Sunday) B. Gospel- the 2nd proclamation of the Word of God - Means Good News/Message C. Homily- the explanation of the Gospel Message and the readings D. Proclamation of Faith - Apostles Creed- prayer that summarizes our beliefs in God E. Prayers of the Faithful (General Intercessions) - We ask Gods help for everyone who needs His blessings III. Liturgy of the EUCHARIST A. Preparation and Offering of gifts - Offertory B. EUCHARISTIC Prayer 1. Preface the priest leads the people in offering thanks to God 2. (Sanctus) We sing say the Holy, Holy, Holy 3. Consecration Where the bread and wine become the true body and blood of Christ a. Epiclesis the priest extends his hands over the gifts and ask the Holy Spirit to Change them into the Body and Blood of Christ b. Narrative of Institution supreme moment of the mass c. Elevation the priest shows us the Host and the Chalice, and we adore our Lord 4. Acclamation We proclaim the mystery of Faith Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again 5. Commemoration (Anamnesis) we remember the saving death and resurrection of our Lord 6. Offering the priest expresses what is happening, that we offer Christ the victim to the Father, that we offer ourselves in Him the true Priest, that we become one in Christ 7. Intercession - 8. Doxology praise of God, the priest raises the Chalice and paten, the Body and Blood of Christ (We reply Amen) C. Communion Rites 1. The Lords Prayer 2. Prayer for deliverance 3. Prayer for peace (lamb of God) 4. Breaking of bread and communion 5. Prayer after Holy communion IV. Concluding Rite A. Solemn Blessing - the priest tells us to bow our heads and pray for Gods blessings B. Dismissal the priest challenges us to go in peace to love and serve the Lord.
  • 6. Liturgy- a public worship of the Church - Means a collection of Prescribed forms or ritual of worship Through Christ our Lord reminds us that Christ is the one who speaks to the Father for us. Christ is our mediator and our High Priest 2 Main Parts of the Mass 1. Liturgy of the Word 2. Liturgy of the Eucharist Missa/Mass our special meal with Jesus Jesus the bread of Life Transubstantiation the change from bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ at the Consecration Eucharistic Celebration - another name for the mass Last Supper- the special meal of Jesus with His apostles Communion- receiving the body and blood of Christ in the form of bread and wine Amen- yes 4 types of listeners (parable of the sower) 1. Seeds fell on path- Non-believers 2. Seeds fell on a rocky ground- listeners who only remember the message of God for a while 3. Seeds among thorn bushes-listeners with many material things in mind 4. Seeds on good soil listener who speaks Gods message