Each student contributes one sentence each to a story. The first sentence must begin with the first letter of the alphabet, and each subsequent sentence must begin with the next letter of the alphabet.
Assessment Feedback - Gerald & Sheila Jeremy TangThe document provides assessment feedback on improving writing skills related to analyzing a relationship in a story. It includes tips on embedding quotes with context, using different word classes, writing more in-depth analysis, and analyzing a specific quote about a character telling another it will be unpleasant and disturbing to go through an interrogation. Students are instructed to write down areas for improvement and discuss a quote in pairs before writing an improved paragraph using the feedback.
Creating a constructed responseKaren SteppThe document provides tips for writing a successful constructed response for the South Carolina High School Assessment Program (HSAP) exam. It recommends answering all parts of the question, demonstrating clear logical reasoning using specific examples from the text, and making interpretations that go beyond just restating the text. Successful responses will use quotes from the text to support their analysis, explain the relevance of the quotes, and connect the text to other works, personal experiences, or current events to show a deeper understanding. Responses should be organized, complete, and directly address the question being asked.
Pre AP 2/22asterbenzThis document contains instructions for an English class, including prompts for student journals about Ender's Game and a discussion on whether the ends justify the means. Students are asked to write responses to the prompts in their journals and take out their copy of Ender's Game to read chapter 4. The document also lists upcoming homework assignments - a reading quiz on Wednesday and a vocabulary quiz on Friday.
Constructed response practiceDebra StephenThe document provides examples and tips for answering constructed response questions. It explains that constructed response questions ask for a short written answer and are scored on a 0-4 point scale, with one point awarded for each part of the question answered correctly. It emphasizes identifying the key parts of the question and providing specific details in the answer to fully explain and support the response. Sample questions and answers are given to demonstrate answering all parts of the question for full points. Readers are advised to never leave an answer blank.
Phonics 2 a and e soundpantiluckThis document contains instructions and content for an English vocabulary learning activity. It includes a list of words to check understanding of and rewrite. There are also directions to match words with pictures by drawing lines and to look at pictures and answer questions about word locations using prepositions like "on", "next to", etc. The final part gives a passage to read and draw a picture described in the text.
School Play ReviewmrkellytrmsThis document appears to be a book review template that asks readers questions about various elements of the story they read such as an alternative title, their opinion on the ending, whether they would recommend it to a friend and why, symbols that represent the novel, their favorite part, and the most moving part. The reviewer is prompted to answer each question in complete sentences with proper punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.
EW1/002 class reviewhanseojungWe divided into 4 groups to choose the best sentence from their assignments. Each group wrote their selected sentence on the board. The sentences were then evaluated for interestingness and grammar. Through this exercise, students learned how to write clearly and identify errors. They also practiced adding sentences to given prompts involving descriptions of people and choosing between locations.
Scout's Honor ReviewmrkellytrmsThis document appears to be a book review template that asks readers questions about various elements of the story they read such as an alternative title, their opinion on characters and the ending, whether they would recommend the story to a friend and why, symbols that represent the novel, their favorite part of the story and why, and the most moving part. The reviewer is prompted to answer each question in complete sentences with proper punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.
Funny dogsDavid BerkemeierThe document requests funny dog pictures be emailed to a specific address so that 5 of the pictures can be included in a presentation about funny dogs. It thanks the reader for watching a presentation about funny dogs.
How to Use Exercise CentralProf. Vicki LagueExercise Central is a free online grammar and punctuation resource provided by Bedford/St. Martin's publishing. It contains various exercises that students can access by creating a login and password. Exercises include multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, and unscored writing questions. Students receive feedback on their answers, including scores on multiple choice quizzes and suggested answers for unscored writing exercises.
L080602ppt lady or_tigerpppoteatThe document provides an introduction and overview of the short story "The Lady, or the Tiger?" by Frank R. Stockton. It discusses how the story involves a decision with life-or-death consequences. It also gives guidance on analyzing the tone of the story and using paraphrasing as a reading strategy. Key vocabulary words from the story are defined and an example sentence is provided for each.
VocabularyJose Radin GarduqueThis document provides vocabulary terms and definitions for a Civil Service Exam reviewer. It covers 10 parts:
1. Nouns - Defines nouns and their types (person, place, event, etc.).
2. Pronouns - Defines pronouns and their types (person, number, case).
3. Adjectives - Defines adjectives and their types (size, shape, color, degrees of comparison, etc.).
4. Verbs - Defines verbs and their types (tense, regular/irregular).
5. Adverbs - Defines adverbs and their types (manner, time, place, frequency).
6. Prepositions - Defines
The Gift Of The Magi Live Textguest3a61841The document provides a lesson plan for teaching the short story "The Gift of the Magi" by O. Henry. The objectives are for students to identify characters, compare historical issues in the story to contemporary situations, define characters' objectives and relationships. The lesson includes discussing the background, reading the story, vocabulary worksheets, character analyses of Della and Jim comparing socio-economic conditions, and a test. Accommodations are provided for ESE and ELL students, such as dual language books, tutoring, and partner work.
Wex book 3Paul SolarzThe document provides lessons and exercises for students to develop characters and stories. It includes instructions for creating characters through observations of photos and imagining their thoughts, developing mundane situations for characters, using dialogue and strong verbs, and creating problems and rising action. The lessons guide students to experiment with two characters and use details, dialogue and more to show how characters act in different situations.
Language test taking strategiesBarbara McQueenA summary of the different strategies to use for the different types of questions meant to assess your language competency
Drama GCSE Component 2: Some plays and extractsGareth HillY9 GCSE Drama Home learning task - read and learn an extract from one of a selection of contemporary plays
Data Mining with Background Knowledge from the Web - Introducing the RapidMin...Heiko PaulheimMany data mining problems can be solved better if more background knowledge is added: predictive models can become more accurate, and descriptive models can reveal more interesting findings. However, collecting and integrating background knowledge is tedious manual work. In this paper, we introduce the RapidMiner Linked Open Data Extension, which can extend a dataset at hand with additional attributes drawn from the Linked Open Data (LOD) cloud, a large collection of publicly available datasets on various topics. The extension contains operators for linking local data to open data in the LOD cloud, and for augmenting it with additional attributes. In a case study, we show that the prediction error of car fuel consumption can be reduced by 50% by adding additional attributes, e.g., describing the automobile layout and the car body configuration, from Linked Open Data.
SOL REPUBLIC x Steve Aoki headphones FINALPippa EdelenSol Republic introduced new headphones called the Sol Republic x Steve Aoki Tracks HD headphones, designed in collaboration with DJ and producer Steve Aoki. The headphones were built to withstand Aoki's high-energy performances and incorporate his signature style. They feature interchangeable designs, powerful audio, and were made to enhance the listening experience for Aoki's electronic dance music. The headphones are now available for $149.99.
Email profissional a baixo custoGeraldo Majella GuimarãesProfissionais liberais podem usar um e-mail profissional tipo nome.sobrenome@suaempresa.com.br sem precisar contratar hospedagem ou provedor de e-mail, pagando apenas a manutenção do registro.
Debt ceiling & shutdownrattnerfamilyThe document discusses government cash levels running low and includes charts showing proposed spending increases and the rising costs to insure U.S. debt. It presents data on spending proposals, cash levels, and debt insurance costs in billions and thousands of euros while citing sources for the information.
Gita in 16 beautiful slidesjajisarmaThe Bhagavad Gita Simplified document provides guidance on overcoming worry and fear through understanding of life and death. It advises that one should not worry about the past or future, as the present moment is all that exists. It explains that the soul is eternal while the physical body is temporary and will pass away. It encourages dedicating all actions to God and finding freedom from fear through trusting in God's support.
Partidos de la selección colombia en la eliminatoriaAngela QuinteroLa selección de Colombia jugó varios partidos como local y visitante en la eliminatoria a Brasil 2014. Empató con Venezuela 1-1, derrotó a Bolivia 2-1, perdió con Argentina 1-2, derrotó a Perú 1-0 y perdió con Ecuador 1-0. Más adelante, derrotó a Uruguay 4-0, a Chile 1-3 y a Paraguay 2-0, pero perdió con Venezuela 1-0. Terminó empatando con Argentina 0-0, y derrotando a Perú 2-0 y Ecuador 1-0, aunque per
Plano local 2013 - 2014 jagbraEste documento apresenta o Plano Local de Promoção e Proteção de Crianças e Jovens do concelho de Arouca para 2013-2015. [1] Apresenta dados demográficos nacionais e locais sobre a população entre 0-21 anos. [2] Detalha as atividades da Comissão de Proteção de Crianças e Jovens de Arouca, incluindo as respostas existentes no concelho para a prevenção de situações de risco. [3] Apoia-se em estatísticas e gráficos para analis
Lambeth college removable partial denturescheesesaladbaguetteThe document discusses cast surveying and partial denture design, explaining that casts must be surveyed using an instrument to analyze undercut areas in relation to the path of insertion and removal, with survey lines identifying areas that can support clasps and retention. Survey lines divide teeth into sections that do or do not possess undercuts relative to the path being surveyed. Paths of displacement refer to possible paths a denture may take during function, with the common path being perpendicular to occlusal surfaces when the jaws are opened.
Los periquitos Elia11032003Este documento describe las características físicas, diferencias entre machos y hembras, funciones de nutrición y reproducción del periquito común. El periquito es un ave originaria de Australia que se caracteriza por tener plumas generalmente azules, amarillas o verdes y huesos huecos. Se alimenta de grano, frutas y verduras. Los machos se distinguen de las hembras por tener la parte superior del pico de color azul, rosa o morado en tanto que las hembras la tienen de color variable. Son ovíparos y la he
Funny dogsDavid BerkemeierThe document requests funny dog pictures be emailed to a specific address so that 5 of the pictures can be included in a presentation about funny dogs. It thanks the reader for watching a presentation about funny dogs.
How to Use Exercise CentralProf. Vicki LagueExercise Central is a free online grammar and punctuation resource provided by Bedford/St. Martin's publishing. It contains various exercises that students can access by creating a login and password. Exercises include multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, and unscored writing questions. Students receive feedback on their answers, including scores on multiple choice quizzes and suggested answers for unscored writing exercises.
L080602ppt lady or_tigerpppoteatThe document provides an introduction and overview of the short story "The Lady, or the Tiger?" by Frank R. Stockton. It discusses how the story involves a decision with life-or-death consequences. It also gives guidance on analyzing the tone of the story and using paraphrasing as a reading strategy. Key vocabulary words from the story are defined and an example sentence is provided for each.
VocabularyJose Radin GarduqueThis document provides vocabulary terms and definitions for a Civil Service Exam reviewer. It covers 10 parts:
1. Nouns - Defines nouns and their types (person, place, event, etc.).
2. Pronouns - Defines pronouns and their types (person, number, case).
3. Adjectives - Defines adjectives and their types (size, shape, color, degrees of comparison, etc.).
4. Verbs - Defines verbs and their types (tense, regular/irregular).
5. Adverbs - Defines adverbs and their types (manner, time, place, frequency).
6. Prepositions - Defines
The Gift Of The Magi Live Textguest3a61841The document provides a lesson plan for teaching the short story "The Gift of the Magi" by O. Henry. The objectives are for students to identify characters, compare historical issues in the story to contemporary situations, define characters' objectives and relationships. The lesson includes discussing the background, reading the story, vocabulary worksheets, character analyses of Della and Jim comparing socio-economic conditions, and a test. Accommodations are provided for ESE and ELL students, such as dual language books, tutoring, and partner work.
Wex book 3Paul SolarzThe document provides lessons and exercises for students to develop characters and stories. It includes instructions for creating characters through observations of photos and imagining their thoughts, developing mundane situations for characters, using dialogue and strong verbs, and creating problems and rising action. The lessons guide students to experiment with two characters and use details, dialogue and more to show how characters act in different situations.
Language test taking strategiesBarbara McQueenA summary of the different strategies to use for the different types of questions meant to assess your language competency
Drama GCSE Component 2: Some plays and extractsGareth HillY9 GCSE Drama Home learning task - read and learn an extract from one of a selection of contemporary plays
Data Mining with Background Knowledge from the Web - Introducing the RapidMin...Heiko PaulheimMany data mining problems can be solved better if more background knowledge is added: predictive models can become more accurate, and descriptive models can reveal more interesting findings. However, collecting and integrating background knowledge is tedious manual work. In this paper, we introduce the RapidMiner Linked Open Data Extension, which can extend a dataset at hand with additional attributes drawn from the Linked Open Data (LOD) cloud, a large collection of publicly available datasets on various topics. The extension contains operators for linking local data to open data in the LOD cloud, and for augmenting it with additional attributes. In a case study, we show that the prediction error of car fuel consumption can be reduced by 50% by adding additional attributes, e.g., describing the automobile layout and the car body configuration, from Linked Open Data.
SOL REPUBLIC x Steve Aoki headphones FINALPippa EdelenSol Republic introduced new headphones called the Sol Republic x Steve Aoki Tracks HD headphones, designed in collaboration with DJ and producer Steve Aoki. The headphones were built to withstand Aoki's high-energy performances and incorporate his signature style. They feature interchangeable designs, powerful audio, and were made to enhance the listening experience for Aoki's electronic dance music. The headphones are now available for $149.99.
Email profissional a baixo custoGeraldo Majella GuimarãesProfissionais liberais podem usar um e-mail profissional tipo nome.sobrenome@suaempresa.com.br sem precisar contratar hospedagem ou provedor de e-mail, pagando apenas a manutenção do registro.
Debt ceiling & shutdownrattnerfamilyThe document discusses government cash levels running low and includes charts showing proposed spending increases and the rising costs to insure U.S. debt. It presents data on spending proposals, cash levels, and debt insurance costs in billions and thousands of euros while citing sources for the information.
Gita in 16 beautiful slidesjajisarmaThe Bhagavad Gita Simplified document provides guidance on overcoming worry and fear through understanding of life and death. It advises that one should not worry about the past or future, as the present moment is all that exists. It explains that the soul is eternal while the physical body is temporary and will pass away. It encourages dedicating all actions to God and finding freedom from fear through trusting in God's support.
Partidos de la selección colombia en la eliminatoriaAngela QuinteroLa selección de Colombia jugó varios partidos como local y visitante en la eliminatoria a Brasil 2014. Empató con Venezuela 1-1, derrotó a Bolivia 2-1, perdió con Argentina 1-2, derrotó a Perú 1-0 y perdió con Ecuador 1-0. Más adelante, derrotó a Uruguay 4-0, a Chile 1-3 y a Paraguay 2-0, pero perdió con Venezuela 1-0. Terminó empatando con Argentina 0-0, y derrotando a Perú 2-0 y Ecuador 1-0, aunque per
Plano local 2013 - 2014 jagbraEste documento apresenta o Plano Local de Promoção e Proteção de Crianças e Jovens do concelho de Arouca para 2013-2015. [1] Apresenta dados demográficos nacionais e locais sobre a população entre 0-21 anos. [2] Detalha as atividades da Comissão de Proteção de Crianças e Jovens de Arouca, incluindo as respostas existentes no concelho para a prevenção de situações de risco. [3] Apoia-se em estatísticas e gráficos para analis
Lambeth college removable partial denturescheesesaladbaguetteThe document discusses cast surveying and partial denture design, explaining that casts must be surveyed using an instrument to analyze undercut areas in relation to the path of insertion and removal, with survey lines identifying areas that can support clasps and retention. Survey lines divide teeth into sections that do or do not possess undercuts relative to the path being surveyed. Paths of displacement refer to possible paths a denture may take during function, with the common path being perpendicular to occlusal surfaces when the jaws are opened.
Los periquitos Elia11032003Este documento describe las características físicas, diferencias entre machos y hembras, funciones de nutrición y reproducción del periquito común. El periquito es un ave originaria de Australia que se caracteriza por tener plumas generalmente azules, amarillas o verdes y huesos huecos. Se alimenta de grano, frutas y verduras. Los machos se distinguen de las hembras por tener la parte superior del pico de color azul, rosa o morado en tanto que las hembras la tienen de color variable. Son ovíparos y la he
Hatchery technology on tilapiaRodney PeñafielTilapia is a common name for cichlid fish from Africa and the Middle East that are farmed globally. They are the third most important aquaculture species after carp and salmon. This document discusses tilapia taxonomy, history of use in aquaculture, farming methods, environmental requirements, breeding processes, and sex reversal techniques. It provides detailed information on farming practices and protocols for tilapia production.
Revisiones periódicas y raparacionesCabaneroValeraEl documento describe los procesos de mantenimiento preventivo y correctivo para equipos de laboratorio. Explica que el mantenimiento preventivo incluye revisiones periódicas programadas para prevenir fallas a través de tareas autónomas o no autónomas, mientras que el mantenimiento correctivo corrige fallas existentes. También presenta un plan de mantenimiento de ejemplo que especifica actividades y frecuencias para diferentes tipos de equipos como incubadoras, congeladores, baños maría y centrífugas.
Flores Do Cactus 1ª Parte Textos Pietro UbaldijmeirellesO documento discute a mensagem da vida através da natureza, como as flores de um cactus. A vida verdadeira não é apenas substância física, mas o princípio imaterial que guia a evolução das formas e do pensamento. A vida é uma jornada de evolução para nos aproximarmos de Deus, tanto através dos momentos de dor quanto de alegria.
C:\fakepath\programaUHEste documento presenta el cronograma y reglas de un curso de Programación I. Contiene las fechas importantes como exámenes parciales y final, entrega de proyecto. La evaluación consta de dos parciales, un examen final y trabajos extraclase. Se especifican las reglas sobre ausencias, entrega de trabajos y reposición de exámenes. También incluye información sobre el material del curso y la atención a estudiantes.
Aula De Mestreguestd59813O professor Weber Figueiredo deu uma última aula para seus ex-alunos da UERJ, onde discutiu a importância dos engenheiros para o desenvolvimento do Brasil através da adição de tecnologia e geração de empregos. Ele argumentou que o Brasil precisa investir mais em ciência e tecnologia para produzir riquezas e não depender tanto da tecnologia estrangeira.
Internet y educacionanamaria4Internet se ha convertido en un medio de enseñanza de calidad que permite a las comunidades acceder a más aprendizaje. El Internet interconecta redes de computadoras entre sí, permitiendo que los estudiantes aprendan más y mejor en menos tiempo. Sin embargo, si no se usa correctamente, Internet podría causar daños al hacer que los estudiantes se enfoquen menos en el conocimiento.
scrabblegame-150801042018-lva1-app6891.pptxfernandopajar1Alfred Butts created Scrabble by translating his love of crossword puzzles into a board game. He analyzed letter frequencies in the New York Times to determine how many of each letter to include. Butts initially called the game 'Lexiko' but later sold the rights to James Brunot who renamed it Scrabble. Scrabble is played on a board with 100 letter tiles by forming words across and down. Players take turns drawing tiles, making words, and scoring based on letters and premium squares until all tiles are played to determine a winner.
Scrabble_Board_Game_PPT.pptx.pdfDianLegaspi5Alfred Butts created Scrabble by translating his love of crossword puzzles into a board game. He analyzed letter frequencies in the New York Times to determine how many of each letter to include. Butts initially called the game Lexiko but later sold the rights to James Brunot, who renamed it Scrabble. The game involves forming words on a board using letter tiles, with the goal of scoring points based on premium letter and word squares. The player with the highest score at the end of the game wins.
scrabblegame-150801042018-lva1-app6891.pptxfernandopajar1This document summarizes the history and rules of the board game Scrabble. It explains that Alfred Butts created Scrabble in 1931 by analyzing letter frequencies in the New York Times to develop a crossword puzzle board game. Butts sold the rights to James Brunot who made minor adjustments and renamed it Scrabble. The summary then provides an overview of how to set up and play the game, including forming words, scoring turns, bonus squares, and ending the game.
Scrabble gameGigantzAlfred Butts created the board game Scrabble in 1931 by analyzing letter frequencies in the New York Times to determine the letter distribution for the game. He initially called the game "Lexiko" but it was later renamed Scrabble. The game involves forming words on a board with letter tiles and can be played by two or more people. Players take turns drawing tiles, forming words to score points determined by the letters and their position on the board, with the goal of having the highest score at the end of the game.
OC Briefing slides (SBS).pptxRubenManuel10This document outlines 6 station games that can be played at a MAE OC event. It provides the rules and an example for each game: 1) Complete the Sentence, 2) Folded (origami instructions), 3) Logic Puzzles, 4) Match-Making, 5) Jumbled (rearranging letters), 6) Watch Me (answering questions in increasing number of words). The games involve teamwork, problem-solving skills, and communication without directly stating the answers.
10 games to use in ESL and EFL classesMeysam Gholamithis is the list of our 10 suggested games to use in teaching English in your classes, thanks to Mr.Hashemi for his help.
30 learning games list by:vicky gomezvickyvianethgomezThis document provides instructions for 30 learning games that can be used in an English language classroom. It includes games that can be used to practice vocabulary, spelling, listening skills, speaking skills, and reviewing grammar structures. Some of the games described are Bad Fruit (a shopping vocabulary game), What's the Question? (a listening game to review question forms), and Taboo (a speaking game where students try to get their partner to guess a word without using related words). The games vary in their level from easy to difficult and provide options to make most of the games adaptable to different student ability levels.
Lesson 1- scrabble.grade 8 - 3rd quarterjocelmaytaborada3Scrabble is a word game where players score points by placing tiles onto a game board to form words. It was created in 1931 by Alfred Butts, who studied letter frequencies to determine the number of each letter tile. There are 100 tiles total, including two blank tiles. Players take turns drawing tiles and adding them to the board to form new words crosswise or downward. The game aims to improve vocabulary and strategy skills and is enjoyed by families and friends.
peunit3-1scrabble-170107051854.pptxJocelMayTaborada1Scrabble is a word game played on a 15x15 grid board with 100 letter tiles. Players score points by placing tiles to form words. The game was invented in 1931 and later sold to James Brunot who renamed it Scrabble. Players take turns drawing 7 tiles to add to existing words on the board or form new words using various strategies like playing through letters, hooking, or parallel plays.
Scrabble_Board_Game_PPT.pptx (1).pptxDianLegaspi5Alfred Butts created the word game Scrabble in 1931 based on his analysis of letter frequencies in the English language. He calculated how often each letter appeared in the New York Times and used those frequencies to determine how many of each letter to include. Butts initially called the game Lexiko and Criss Cross Words before selling it to James Brunot, who renamed it Scrabble. Scrabble is played on a board with letter tiles, with the objective of spelling words for points. Players take turns adding letters to the board to form interconnecting words, using premium squares to double or triple scores. The game ends when all tiles have been used, and the player with the highest score wins.
Scrabble (ms4 ed)Lea LorillaScrabble is a word game where 2-4 players score points by placing letter tiles on a board to form words. It was invented in the 1930s by Alfred Mosher Butts and later published by James Brunot. The game consists of a board with a grid layout, letter tiles with different point values, and racks for holding letters. Players take turns drawing new letters and using them to form interlocking words across the board for points. The game challenges players' vocabulary and strategy as they aim to make words with their letters for the highest score.
All about ScrabbleLealheiScrabble is a word game where 2-4 players score points by placing letter tiles on a board to form words. It was invented in the 1930s by Alfred Mosher Butts and later published by James Brunot. The game consists of a board with a grid layout, letter tiles with different point values, and racks for holding letters. Players take turns drawing new letters and using them to form interlocking words across the board for points. The game encourages strategy and builds vocabulary.
Lesson 1-Scrabble.pptxRodolfo LaycanoThe class will be divided into two groups with two representatives from each group collecting letters from the board to solve riddles. Students must collect eight letters to form a hidden word. After collecting all the letters, they must arrange them to reveal the word. The document then provides instructions on how to play the word game Scrabble, including forming words, scoring points, and ending the game.
vdocuments.mx_mapeh-8-physical-education-3rd-quarter-scrabble.pptxkevinjaymagboo2Scrabble is an internationally popular word game played by 2-4 players on a board divided into a 15x15 grid. Players score points by placing letter tiles to form words, with higher scoring letters and premium squares that double or triple scores. The game was invented in the 1930s and commercialized in the 1940s, using letter frequencies to determine point values. It improves vocabulary, analytical skills, and math ability through strategic word placement and calculating scores.
practising first conditionalNoelia ContrerasThis document provides instructions for a board game to help students practice forming first conditional sentences. The game involves students moving their tokens around a board by rolling dice. When a token lands on a square, the student must make a grammatically correct first conditional sentence using the words on the square. The first student to reach the "Finish" square wins. Playing the game provides interactive practice forming conditional sentences based on different scenarios.
Computer Application in Business (commerce)Sudar SudarThe main objectives
1. To introduce the concept of computer and its various parts. 2. To explain the concept of data base management system and Management information system.
3. To provide insight about networking and basics of internet
Recall various terms of computer and its part
Understand the meaning of software, operating system, programming language and its features
Comparing Data Vs Information and its management system Understanding about various concepts of management information system
Explain about networking and elements based on internet
1. Recall the various concepts relating to computer and its various parts
2 Understand the meaning of software’s, operating system etc
3 Understanding the meaning and utility of database management system
4 Evaluate the various aspects of management information system
5 Generating more ideas regarding the use of internet for business purpose
Useful environment methods in Odoo 18 - Odoo ݺߣsCeline GeorgeIn this slide we’ll discuss on the useful environment methods in Odoo 18. In Odoo 18, environment methods play a crucial role in simplifying model interactions and enhancing data processing within the ORM framework.
SOCIAL CHANGE(a change in the institutional and normative structure of societ...DrNidhiAgarwalThis PPT is showing the effect of social changes in human life and it is very understandable to the students with easy language.in this contents are Itroduction, definition,Factors affecting social changes ,Main technological factors, Social change and stress , what is eustress and how social changes give impact of the human's life.
APM People Interest Network Conference - Oliver Randall & David Bovis - Own Y...Association for Project Management APM People Interest Network Conference 2025
- Autonomy, Teams and Tension
- Oliver Randall & David Bovis
- Own Your Autonomy
Oliver Randall
Consultant, Tribe365
Oliver is a career project professional since 2011 and started volunteering with APM in 2016 and has since chaired the People Interest Network and the North East Regional Network. Oliver has been consulting in culture, leadership and behaviours since 2019 and co-developed HPTM® an off the shelf high performance framework for teams and organisations and is currently working with SAS (Stellenbosch Academy for Sport) developing the culture, leadership and behaviours framework for future elite sportspeople whilst also holding down work as a project manager in the NHS at North Tees and Hartlepool Foundation Trust.
David Bovis
Consultant, Duxinaroe
A Leadership and Culture Change expert, David is the originator of BTFA™ and The Dux Model.
With a Masters in Applied Neuroscience from the Institute of Organisational Neuroscience, he is widely regarded as the ‘Go-To’ expert in the field, recognised as an inspiring keynote speaker and change strategist.
He has an industrial engineering background, majoring in TPS / Lean. David worked his way up from his apprenticeship to earn his seat at the C-suite table. His career spans several industries, including Automotive, Aerospace, Defence, Space, Heavy Industries and Elec-Mech / polymer contract manufacture.
Published in London’s Evening Standard quarterly business supplement, James Caan’s ‘Your business’ Magazine, ‘Quality World’, the Lean Management Journal and Cambridge Universities ‘PMA’, he works as comfortably with leaders from FTSE and Fortune 100 companies as he does owner-managers in SME’s. He is passionate about helping leaders understand the neurological root cause of a high-performance culture and sustainable change, in business.
Session | Own Your Autonomy – The Importance of Autonomy in Project Management
#OwnYourAutonomy is aiming to be a global APM initiative to position everyone to take a more conscious role in their decision making process leading to increased outcomes for everyone and contribute to “a world in which all projects succeed”.
We want everyone to join the journey.
#OwnYourAutonomy is the culmination of 3 years of collaborative exploration within the Leadership Focus Group which is part of the APM People Interest Network. The work has been pulled together using the 5 HPTM® Systems and the BTFA neuroscience leadership programme.
How to attach file using upload button Odoo 18Celine GeorgeIn this slide, we’ll discuss on how to attach file using upload button Odoo 18. Odoo features a dedicated model, 'ir.attachments,' designed for storing attachments submitted by end users. We can see the process of utilizing the 'ir.attachments' model to enable file uploads through web forms in this slide.
How to Configure Restaurants in Odoo 17 Point of SaleCeline GeorgeOdoo, a versatile and integrated business management software, excels with its robust Point of Sale (POS) module. This guide delves into the intricacies of configuring restaurants in Odoo 17 POS, unlocking numerous possibilities for streamlined operations and enhanced customer experiences.
How to Configure Flexible Working Schedule in Odoo 18 EmployeeCeline GeorgeIn this slide, we’ll discuss on how to configure flexible working schedule in Odoo 18 Employee module. In Odoo 18, the Employee module offers powerful tools to configure and manage flexible working schedules tailored to your organization's needs.
Blind spots in AI and Formulation Science, IFPAC 2025.pdfAjaz HussainThe intersection of AI and pharmaceutical formulation science highlights significant blind spots—systemic gaps in pharmaceutical development, regulatory oversight, quality assurance, and the ethical use of AI—that could jeopardize patient safety and undermine public trust. To move forward effectively, we must address these normalized blind spots, which may arise from outdated assumptions, errors, gaps in previous knowledge, and biases in language or regulatory inertia. This is essential to ensure that AI and formulation science are developed as tools for patient-centered and ethical healthcare.
The Constitution, Government and Law making bodies .saanidhyapatel09This PowerPoint presentation provides an insightful overview of the Constitution, covering its key principles, features, and significance. It explains the fundamental rights, duties, structure of government, and the importance of constitutional law in governance. Ideal for students, educators, and anyone interested in understanding the foundation of a nation’s legal framework.
Rass MELAI : an Internet MELA Quiz Finals - El Dorado 2025Conquiztadors- the Quiz Society of Sri Venkateswara CollegeFinals of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Mate, a short story by Kate Grenvile.pptxLiny JeniferA powerpoint presentation on the short story Mate by Kate Greenville. This presentation provides information on Kate Greenville, a character list, plot summary and critical analysis of the short story.