The document contains lessons learned from Bayram Annakov's experience as an entrepreneur and CEO. It discusses the importance of teams over solitude, taking a systems view with feedback loops rather than isolated challenges, and questioning assumptions rather than just reading business books. Key recommendations include reading works by Drucker, Meadows, Christensen, and Horowitz to gain strategic insights about management, systems thinking, disruption, and leading change. Feedback and changing motivations over time are also highlighted as important lessons.
2. Entrepreneur & geek
Banking Information
Systems - BMSTU
General & Strategic
Management - MSU
Singularity University
14 years in software
product development
CEO & Founder
Empatika, App in the Air
28. Must read
Drucker - everything
Meadows - Thinking in systems
Christensen - Seeing whats next
Gartner - Idea factory
Horowitz - Hard thing about hard