Apuntes para unha biograf鱈a de Ricardo Carvalho Calero para presentar en asamblea aberta aos colectivos sociais de Ferrolterra xunto coa petici坦n de que o d鱈a das letras galegas de 2015 sexa dedicado 叩 s炭a figura.
This document lists several brilliant minds throughout history such as Galileo, Einstein, Newton, and Bill Gates, contrasted with a mention of George Bush whose mind is described as one to "never mind". The document focuses on recognizing notable scientists and innovators while making a brief comparison to a single political figure. Overall it highlights some of the most influential thinkers in fields like science and technology.
This document discusses seasonal fruits and which fruits the author prefers to eat during different seasons of the year. However, the chart is incomplete as it does not list any specific fruits for spring, summer, autumn or winter.
Apuntes para unha biograf鱈a de Ricardo Carvalho Calero para presentar en asamblea aberta aos colectivos sociais de Ferrolterra xunto coa petici坦n de que o d鱈a das letras galegas de 2015 sexa dedicado 叩 s炭a figura.
This document lists several brilliant minds throughout history such as Galileo, Einstein, Newton, and Bill Gates, contrasted with a mention of George Bush whose mind is described as one to "never mind". The document focuses on recognizing notable scientists and innovators while making a brief comparison to a single political figure. Overall it highlights some of the most influential thinkers in fields like science and technology.
This document discusses seasonal fruits and which fruits the author prefers to eat during different seasons of the year. However, the chart is incomplete as it does not list any specific fruits for spring, summer, autumn or winter.
This document lists and provides contact information for several paralegal schools in Texas. It notes that paralegal programs can be found at universities, colleges, and specialized schools and can range from 2 to 4 years. The list then provides details on 14 specific paralegal programs in Texas, including information on location, degrees offered, program length, internship requirements, and contact details.
This document provides a summary of events from local military family news sources and the local area for the week of April 12th, 2012. It lists events such as boat shows, autism awareness celebrations, health seminars, dances, parades, walks, and more. It encourages readers to research any applicable restrictions or guidelines for the events listed.
The document outlines the key steps in the order to cash cycle in an ERP system. It includes entering a sales order, booking the order, picking and shipping the order, invoicing, receiving payment, and transferring transactions to the general ledger. Details are provided on the underlying tables affected and navigation for each step.
Exposici坦n sobre as Irmandades da Fala elaborada polo alumnado de 4尊 da ESO e coordinada por Ana Mart鱈ns do Departamento de Lingua Galega do CPI As Revoltas dentro do proxecto das Etapas Hist坦ricas no curso 2016-2017
A Comisi坦n Irm叩ns Su叩rez Picallo nace en Sada no ano 2007 co fin de organizar un programa de actos para todo o ano 2008, logo de ser declarado institucionalmente polo Concello de Sada como Ano dos Irm叩ns Su叩rez Picallo. Ao longo deste tempo, promov辿ronse dous ciclos de xornadas en torno a Ram坦n e Xoh叩n Ant坦n Su叩rez Picallo, as鱈 como varias publicaci坦ns e unha exposici坦n.
A partires do 2009 dec鱈dese ampliar os obxectivos e redefinir a Comisi坦n, transform叩ndoa nunha Asociaci坦n Cultural con vocaci坦n de permanencia e estabilidade. Desde ent坦n v辿単ense realizando actos, homenaxes e charlas sobre diversos temas, e t辿単ense editado distintas publicaci坦ns. Ademais, p炭xose en marcha un blogue en internet para a difusi坦n das nosas actividades e de textos de autores locais.
A A. C. Irm叩ns Su叩rez Picallo est叩 aberta a incorporaci坦n de todos aqueles interesados en asociarse, e, de feito, entre as s炭as prioridades est叩 a de ampliar constantemente a s炭a base social para atopar novos colaboradores e novos p炭blicos.
Se desexa facerse socio, non ten m叩is que cubrir o formulario que poder叩 atopar no noso blogue e fac辿rnolo chegar. Se o que quere 辿 recibir a programaci坦n das nosas actividades, pode enviarnos a s炭a direcci坦n de correo electr坦nico a comisionsuarezpicallo@gmail.com ou contactar connosco a trav辿s do noso grupo de Facebook.
A Asociaci坦n tam辿n 辿 receptiva a todas as aportaci坦ns (artigos, documentos, materiais gr叩ficos...), comentarios e cr鱈ticas que o lector nos queira transmitir.